1. Introduction
The influence of time delay becomes a very important factor in scientific research to achieve more accurate and more objective results. Since TÈl’sgol’c’sT work [
1] in 1964, the dynamical equations in the framework of difference and differential have been investigated with delayed arguments extensively and the results proved to be effective in reflecting a better essence of things and development law [
7]. Nonetheless, in reality, discrepancies still remain, sometimes even essential differences. Therefore, it’s important and difficult to study the delayed dynamical equations in a time scales version.
A time scale
is an arbitrary nonempty closed subset of the real numbers. The differential calculus, difference calculus, and quantum calculus are three most popular examples of calculus on time scales, i.e., the time scales
, where
. The theory of time scales, which unifies and extends continuous and discrete analysis, has been proved to be more accurate in modelling dynamic process, for example, the simulation of the current change rates of a simple electric circuit with resistance, inductance, and capacitance when discharging the capacitor periodically every time unit [
8]. It not only reveals the discrepancies between the results concerning differential equations and difference equations, but also helps avoid proving results twice. Up to now, tremendous applications have been found in different dynamical models, such as population models, geometric models, and economic models [
10]. Bohner and Hilscher [
11] studied the calculus of variations in a time scales version. The method of symmetry plays an important role in finding an invariant solution or the first integral of dynamical equations. The famous Noether theorem which reveals a relation between symmetries and conserved quantities achieved some results in a time scales version [
13]. Corresponding applications about constrained mechanical systems [
14], Hamiltonian systems [
15], Birkhoffian systems [
16], and control problems [
17] were discussed in a time scales version.
Until now, preliminary results in delayed optimal control systems on time scales [
18], delayed neural networks on time scales [
19], oscillation, and stability of delayed equations on time scales [
21] have been carried out. The Noether symmetry theory has been applied to the delayed non-conservative mechanical systems in a version of time scales [
22] successfully. However, the Noether symmetry theory for a delayed Hamiltonian system has not been investigated in version of time scales yet. It is very important to study this new problem.
2. Preliminaries on Time Scales
In this section, we remind some basic definitions and properties about calculus on time scales. For further discussion and proof, readers can refer to [
10] and references therein.
A time scale is an arbitrary nonempty closed subset of the real numbers . For all , the following operators are used:
- (i)
The forward jump operator ;
- (ii)
The backward jump operator ;
- (iii)
The graininess function .
A point is called right-dense, right-scattered, left-dense, and left-scattered if , , and , respectively. If has a left-scattered maximum , then we define , otherwise .
Definition 1. Letand.
Then the delta derivativeis the number with the poverty that given any, there exists a neighborhoodoffor somesuch that For delta differentiable and , the next formulae hold:
- (i)
- (ii)
- (iii)
where we denote by .
Definition 2. A functionis called rd-continuous if it is continuous at right-dense points inand its left-sided limits exist (finite) at left-dense points in. The set of rd-continuous functions can be denoted by. The set of differentiable functions with rd-continuous derivative is denoted by.
Assume that is strictly increasing and is a time scale, then the following results hold:
- (i)
. If
exist for
, then
- (ii)
is a
function and
is a
function, then for
Lemma 1. (Dubois-Reymond) Let,,for allwith, then=holds if and only ifonfor some.
3. Main Results
3.1. Time-Scale Canonical Equations
can be called the time-scale Hamilton action with delayed arguments. The integrand
is the Lagrangian of the delayed system, where
is a constant time delay,
, the generalized coordinates
are assumed to be
The isochronous variational principle
with relationship [
and boundary conditions
can be called the time-scale Hamilton principle with delayed arguments, where
are piecewise smooth functions.
We define the time-scale Hamiltonian of the delayed system as
are generalized momentum.
We obtain the time-scale canonical equations of the delayed Hamiltonian system,
Actually, from Formula (2), we have
According to Formula (6) and Dubois-Reymond Lemma 1, we can derive the Equation (9).
Remark 1. If the delay is not exist, Equation (9) becomes [16] Furthermore, if
, functional (1) becomes the classical Hamilton action [
23], and Equation (9) becomes the classical Hamilton canonical equations
3.2. Invariance under the Infinitesimal Transformations
The Noether symmetry under the one-parameter infinitesimal transformations for the delayed Hamiltonian system in a time scales version can be described as follows:
Definition 3. A time-scale Hamilton action (8) is said to be invariant under the infinitesimal transformationsif and only ifholds. Here, the map is considered as a strictly increasing function. The new time scale is the image of the map. We also assume , where is the new forward jump operator.
According to Definition 3, we can obtain the necessary condition of the invariance:
Theorem 1. If the time-scale Hamilton action (8) is invariant under the infinitesimal transformations (13), thenwhere,
Proof. We yield the Formula (15) by taking derivative of Formula (17) with respect to and setting . □
The Formula (15) can be called the time-scale Noether identity for the delayed Hamiltonian system.
3.3. Time-Scale Noether Theorem
The time-scale Noether theorem for the delayed Hamiltonian system can be described as follows:
Theorem 2. If the time-scale Hamilton action (8) is invariant under Definition 3, thenis a conserved quantity.
Remark 2. If, then.
For the delayed Hamiltonian system, Formula (15) becomesand Formula (18) gives Remark 3. If, then.
For the discrete delayed Hamiltonian system, Formula (15) becomesand Formula (18) gives Remark 4. If, then.
For the quantum delayed Hamiltonian system, Formula (15) becomesand Formula (18) gives 4. Proof of the Time-Scale Noether Theorem
We prove the Theorem 2 by using the method of reparameterization with time. The proof is divided into two steps.
First, we give the time-scale Noether theorem in terms of the special transformations
where the time variable is not changing. Therefore, in terms of the transformations (25), the invariance of the action (8) is presented as
Theorem 3. If the time-scale Hamilton action (8) is invariant under transformations (25), that is, the conditionholds, thenis a conserved quantity. Proof. With noting Formula (27), we have
with considering Equation(9) and Formula (27), we obtain the conserved quantity (28). □
Now, by using a reparameterization with time, the Lagrangian becomes
For the invariance of
in terms of the transformations (13), with setting
we get the equality
Noting that for (30),
Formula (32) shows that corresponds to the invariance in the sense of (26).
By a linear change of time, Formula (31) becomes
Applying Theorem 3, we have the conserved quantity
For (30), we obtain
hence the conserved quantity (18) are obtained. The proof is complete.
5. Example of a Delayed Emden-Fowler Equation on Time Scales
We assume that the time-scale Lagrangian of a delayed system is
Formulae (6) and (7) give
Thus, we obtain the time-scale canonical equations of the system,
Equation (36) can also be presented as
Equation (37) is a kind of delayed Emden-Fowler equations on time scales.
If the delay is not exist, Equation (36) turns to be
This kind of delayed Emden-Fowler damped dynamic equations has been widely discussed, see [
20] and the references therein.
For Equation (35), the Noether identity (15) gives
Equation (39) has the solution
Thus, a conserved quantity can be generate from Theorem 2,
The time-scale Emden model not only contains both continuous case and discrete case, but also more general case.
, then
, Formula (41) becomes
, then
, Formula (41) becomes
More potential applications for the Emden model on time scales in the fields of mechanics, symmetries, oscillations and control, stabilities, astrophysics etc. are worth looking forward to.
6. Conclusions
This paper gives a delayed Hamiltonian system in version of time scales and the Noether-type theorem. Our formulation not only allows the discrete result and the continuous result into a single model, but also achieves the more general model. We derived the time-scale canonical Equation (9) and by using the method of reparameterization with time, we discussed the Noether symmetries for the system and obtained a Noether-type conserved quantity (18). Because of the universality of the time scales, our results are more suitable in describing complex processing and also avoid some repetitive works between difference equations and differential equations.
The classical Hamilton canonical equations turn to be a kind of general dynamic equation in the sense of a non-canonical transformation, that is, Birkhoff’s equation which is richer in content than Hamilton canonical equations. Thus, it’s desirable to discuss the delayed Birkhoffian system [
7] on time scales.
The symmetry theory is really important in scientific research. It’s also a fertile area to study not only the famous Noether-type symmetry but also Lie symmetry and Mei symmetry in a time scales version. Some geometric notions are trying to research on the time scales [
26]. From a geometrical point of view, further works about finding the integral of dynamical equations on time scales are still worth doing, for example, the Poisson theory on time scales and the Hamilton-Jacobi theory on time scales.
Recent work about the fractional calculus on time scales [
27] potentiates research not only in the fractional calculus but also in solving fractional dynamical equations. The fractional action-like variational approach [
28] was proposed to model nonconservative dynamical systems. This important approach is also worth to discuss in a time scales version. What’s more, because of the freshness and difficulty, it needs efficient numerical methods to solve the equations on time scales and those important problems.