Can Traditional Authority Improve the Governance of Forestland and Sustainability? Case Study from the Congo (DRC)
:1. Introduction
2. Conceptual and Methodological Approach
2.1. Presentation and Justification of the Case Study
2.2. Data Collection
- (a)
- A production of the multi-spectral land sat image from the mono-spectral bands of the image of 2001 and 2017.
- (b)
- A breakdown of the image into boundaries of Yawalo Village.
- (c)
- From a calculation algorithm (KMeans) of the QGIS remote sensing software (Monteverdi extension), we produced a satellite image with 50 spectral classes grouped into two thematic classes based on field observations on the one hand, and on images available on Google Earth at high spectral resolution on the other hand.
- (d)
- The last phase consisted of the incorporation of the geometry shapes in the two classes of each image to highlight the areas occupied by the forestland cover and the anthropic areas in 2001 and 2017. The results obtained made it possible to evaluate, through the formula of the annual rate of forestland-use change, the gain and/or the loss in surface area for the two spectral classes. Below is the formula used to determine the annual rate of deforestation in our research area:
2.3. An Analytical Approach Guided by the Logic of Induction
3. Findings and Discussion
3.1. On the Erratic Governability of Forestland in Yawalo
3.1.1. A Local Governance Weakened by Inter-Clan Conflicts
3.1.2. Violation of Borders by Neighbouring Villages
3.1.3. The Crisis of Traditional Authority
3.1.4. “Practical Norms“ and Biodiversity Conservation
- -
- Regulate local access to forestland for logging and exploitation of other forest resources, as well as for the conversion of these areas into agricultural plantations. Under this law, the felling of trees, those of high sociocultural and commercial value in particular, is subject to the authorisation of the chief of the village.
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- Prohibit the exploitation of certain tree species that are of special utility for the indigenous community. These are caterpillar trees such as Petersianthus macrocarpus for example.
- -
- Ban or denounce hunting techniques that are ecologically unsustainable and have little regard for animal ethics. For example, hunting strategies that consist of mimicking the sounds of animals, to attract them to a more favourable distance to the hunter.
3.1.5. Why Individual Interests Prevail over the Community Interest
3.2. When Chiefs’ Decay Favours Deforestation and Compromises Sustainability
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Categories | Surface Area in 2001 (ha) | Surface Area in 2017 (ha) | Annual Change Rate (%) | Observation |
Forest cover | 1005.69 | 741.14 | −1.9 | Loss |
Anthropic area | 762.48 | 1027.03 | 1.9 | Gain |
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Majambu, E.; Mampeta Wabasa, S.; Welepele Elatre, C.; Boutinot, L.; Ongolo, S. Can Traditional Authority Improve the Governance of Forestland and Sustainability? Case Study from the Congo (DRC). Land 2019, 8, 74.
Majambu E, Mampeta Wabasa S, Welepele Elatre C, Boutinot L, Ongolo S. Can Traditional Authority Improve the Governance of Forestland and Sustainability? Case Study from the Congo (DRC). Land. 2019; 8(5):74.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMajambu, Eliezer, Salomon Mampeta Wabasa, Camille Welepele Elatre, Laurence Boutinot, and Symphorien Ongolo. 2019. "Can Traditional Authority Improve the Governance of Forestland and Sustainability? Case Study from the Congo (DRC)" Land 8, no. 5: 74.
APA StyleMajambu, E., Mampeta Wabasa, S., Welepele Elatre, C., Boutinot, L., & Ongolo, S. (2019). Can Traditional Authority Improve the Governance of Forestland and Sustainability? Case Study from the Congo (DRC). Land, 8(5), 74.