Exploring the Barriers to and Potential for Sustainable Transitions in Urban–Rural Systems through Participatory Causal Loop Diagramming of the Food–Energy–Water Nexus
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Case Study
2.2. Purpose
2.3. Partnerships
2.4. Process
2.4.1. Preparation for Workshops
2.4.2. Small Domain-Focused Workshops
2.4.3. Large Synthesis Workshop
2.4.4. Finalizing the Diagrams
3. Results
3.1. Modeling Products
3.2. Social Outcomes
3.3. Policy and Management Outcomes
3.3.1. Food Domain
3.3.2. Water Domain
3.3.3. Energy Domain
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Geographic Focus | Area of Expertise | Sector | Years of Experience |
Rural | Energy | Academia | 20–30 |
Rural | Energy | Local government | 30–40 |
Rural | Food | Academia | 10–20 |
Rural | Agriculture/Food | Academia | 20–30 |
Rural | Water | Public agency | 20–30 |
Urban | Economics/FEW Nexus | Academia | 10–20 |
Urban | Food | Academia | 10–20 |
Urban | Food | Non-profit/private | 20–30 |
Urban | Government | Academia | 0–10 |
Urban | Water/Energy | Academia | 20–30 |
Number of External Participants | Type of Workshop | Topics: FEW Domain | |
Workshop 1 | 2 | Domain-focused | Water |
Workshop 2 | 2 | Domain-focused | Food |
Workshop 3 | 1 | Follow-up | Water |
Workshop 4 | 2 | Domain-focused | Food |
Workshop 5 | 2 | Domain-focused | Energy |
Workshop 6 | 2 | Follow-up | Food |
Workshop 7 | 7 | Synthesis workshop | Food, energy, and water |
Group A | Group B | In Common | ||
Energy | Connections |
Levers |
| ||
New variables |
| |||
Water | Connections |
Levers |
| ||
New variables |
| ||
Other issues |
| |||
Food | Connections |
Levers |
| ||
New variables |
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Share and Cite
Zellner, M.; Massey, D.; Rozhkov, A.; Murphy, J.T. Exploring the Barriers to and Potential for Sustainable Transitions in Urban–Rural Systems through Participatory Causal Loop Diagramming of the Food–Energy–Water Nexus. Land 2023, 12, 551. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12030551
Zellner M, Massey D, Rozhkov A, Murphy JT. Exploring the Barriers to and Potential for Sustainable Transitions in Urban–Rural Systems through Participatory Causal Loop Diagramming of the Food–Energy–Water Nexus. Land. 2023; 12(3):551. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12030551
Chicago/Turabian StyleZellner, Moira, Dean Massey, Anton Rozhkov, and John T. Murphy. 2023. "Exploring the Barriers to and Potential for Sustainable Transitions in Urban–Rural Systems through Participatory Causal Loop Diagramming of the Food–Energy–Water Nexus" Land 12, no. 3: 551. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12030551
APA StyleZellner, M., Massey, D., Rozhkov, A., & Murphy, J. T. (2023). Exploring the Barriers to and Potential for Sustainable Transitions in Urban–Rural Systems through Participatory Causal Loop Diagramming of the Food–Energy–Water Nexus. Land, 12(3), 551. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12030551