2.1. Site Characterization and Description of the Experiments
Field experiments were developed during the soybean cropping seasons of 2009–2010 to 2012–2013 in an Experimental Station at Paysandú, western Uruguay (32°22′ S, 58°4′ W, and 50 m elevation). Data for 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 were incomplete, lacking adequate soil water observations that could be used for models testing or validation; nevertheless, data were appropriate for soybean yield assessments. The average annual temperature during the period 1993–2014 was 18.3 °C and the average annual precipitation was 1327 mm, but with large inter-annual variability due to impacts of the El Niño Southern Oscillation [
28] and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation [
29]. Local climate is warm temperate, with humid and hot summers: Cfa according to the Köppen-Geiger classification [
30]. Weather daily data including maximum and minimum air temperature (°C), solar radiation (MJ·m
−1), air relative humidity (%), wind speed (m·s
−1), and precipitation (mm) were collected by an automatic meteorological station (Vantage Pro 2TM, Davis Instruments, Hayward, CA, USA) located near the experimental fields. These data were used to compute daily reference evapotranspiration (ET
o) with the FAO Penman Monteith (FAO-PM) equation [
31]. The variability of daily rainfall and ET
o during the soybean crop seasons is given in
Figure A1.
The soil in the experimental fields is a Eutric Cambisol, loamy in the top layer and clay loamy underneath. The total available water (TAW), which represents the difference between the water storage in the root zone at field capacity (33 kPa) and permanent wilting point (1500 kPa), is 176 mm and 144 mm for soils 1 and 2, respectively. The respective main soil hydraulic properties are presented in
Table A1. The soil water content (SWC) was measured with a calibrated neutron probe (503DR HYDROPROBE, InstroTek Inc., Martinez, CA, USA). Measurements were performed every 0.10 m until a maximum depth of 1.00 m. Soil sampling was used for the upper 0.10 m layer. Plots were cropped with the soybean variety “Don Mario 5.1i RR” (maturity group V) that is of indeterminate growth and has high yield potential. Each plot was 5 m × 2 m, with five rows spaced 0.4 m. The plant density was 30 plants m
−2. Cropping practices were those recommended locally by the extension services. The irrigation system consisted of pressure compensating in-line drippers spaced 0.20 m and discharging 1.5 L·h
−1. Irrigations were scheduled by performing a simple daily soil water balance applied to a depth of 1.0 m using the computed ET
o and the measured SWC data. The irrigation trigger was a depletion of 60% of TAW during periods when water stress was induced, and a depletion of 40% of TAW otherwise. Irrigation depths were set to refill SWC up to 90% of θ
FC in the periods when water stress was not allowed and up to 60% of θ
FC otherwise.
The following treatments were adopted:
- (a)
FI, full irrigation, aimed at fully satisfying crop water requirements, thus to avoid water stress in all crop growth stages;
- (b)
DIGFill, deficit irrigation during the flowering to grain filling periods;
- (c)
DIVeg, deficit irrigation during the vegetative period;
- (d)
DIVeg-GFill, deficit irrigation during the vegetative to the grain filling periods;
- (e)
Water deficits were induced by withholding irrigation or precipitation using rain shelters to allow for water deficits to be induced at desired timings in the crop season. Three replications of the referred five irrigation treatments were adopted. Completely random blocks were used. To assure good crop establishment, no stress was allowed during emergence. The irrigation depths applied during both crop seasons and all irrigation treatments are presented in
Table A2.
The dates of each crop growth stage as defined in FAO56 [
31] and the respective cumulated growing degree days (CGDD, °C) are presented in
Table A3. Measurements of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were performed in the treatment FI using a ceptometer (Decagon AccuPar LP 80). Following Farahani et al. [
32], these measurements were converted into canopy cover (CC) and fraction of ground cover (f
c) for use with AquaCrop and SIMDualKc, respectively. The crop height (
h, m) and rooting depths (Z
r, m) were randomly measured, and the maximum root depth observed was 1 m. The final above ground biomass and soybean grain yield were obtained from harvesting all experimental plots, thus, three samples per irrigation treatment were used; samples were oven dried to a constant weight at 65 ± 5 °C.
2.2. Modelling
Two modelling approaches were used: (a) the SIMDualKc [
33] soil water balance model that uses the FAO56 dual crop coefficient approach for partitioning crop ET and was combined with the modified Stewart’s global water-yield model [
17] for yield predictions; and (b) the crop growth and yield model AquaCrop, that partitions ET based upon the canopy cover (CC).
As revised previously [
35], the FAO56 dual crop coefficient approach (dual-K
c, [
36]) accurately models and partitions ET as described in several studies (e.g., [
38]) and when compared with the dual-source Shuttleworth-Wallace model [
39]. The SIMDualKc model has been positively tested for actual transpiration using sap-flow measurements [
41] and for soil evaporation using micro-lysimeters [
43] including soybeans [
26]. The SIMDualKc model computes crop evapotranspiration (ET
c) under standard/potential, non-limiting conditions as
where ET
o (mm) is the reference evapotranspiration, K
cb (dimensionless) is the potential basal crop coefficient that describes transpiration (T
c), and K
e (dimensionless) is the soil water evaporation coefficient that describes soil evaporation (E
s). The model provides for separately computing potential transpiration T
c = K
cb ET
o (mm) and soil evaporation E
s = K
e ET
o (mm). The actual crop ET (ET
c act, mm) is computed by the model as a function of the available soil water in the root zone (ASW): when soil water extraction is smaller than the depletion fraction for no stress (p) then ET
c act = ET
c, otherwise ET
c act < ET
c and decreases with decreasing ASW. The ET
c act and the T
c act are, therefore, defined as
where K
s (dimensionless) is the water stress coefficient (0–1). K
s is computed through a soil water balance applied to the entire root zone (SWB). Soil evaporation is given as
with K
e depending on the fraction of ground cover by vegetation (f
c) and the SWC in the soil layer with depth Z
e of 10–15 cm. K
e is computed daily through an SWB of the evaporation layer, which is characterized by the readily and total evaporable water (REW, TEW, mm); REW and TEW may be computed from the soil textural and water holding characteristics of the top-layer [
36]. K
e is adjusted for mulches and for the fraction of soil wetted by irrigation and exposed to radiation.
The SWB of the root zone is performed by computing the soil water depletion D
r,i at the end of every day i:
where the depletion D
r,i−1 of the precedent day is i − 1 and the precipitation P, runoff RO, net irrigation depth I, capillary rise CR, deep percolation DP, and crop ET
c act are in mm and refer to day i. CR was not considered because the water table was deep. RO was computed using the curve number (CN) approach [
44]. DP was computed with a parametric equation [
45] requiring two parameters, a
D characterizing storage and b
D referring to the velocity of vertical drainage, both estimated from soil physical characteristics [
The SIMDualKc model calibration consists of searching the model crop parameters—basal crop coefficients K
cb and depletion fraction for no stress p, soil evaporation parameters Z
e, TEW and REW, runoff curve number CN, and DP parameters a
D and b
D—that minimize the deviations between the simulated and observed SWC values. The calibration is performed through an iterative procedure of searching the best parameter values within a reasonable range until SWC errors stabilize, as discussed by Pereira et al. [
21]. This procedure is first applied to the crop parameters and, after, to the remaining parameters and, finally, to all parameters together. Validation consists of testing the model using the calibrated set of parameters with one or more sets of independent field data collected in the same or different years. However, if validation is performed in a soil with different characteristics, then parameters Z
e, TEW, REW, a
D, and b
D have to be adjusted as described by Giménez et al. [
46] for maize in Paysandú. Model calibration was performed using SWC values observed in the FI treatment in 2011–2012. The validation used all other datasets of 2011–2012 and 2012–2013.
As stated above, the SIMDualKc model was combined with a modified version of the water-yield model proposed by Stewart et al. [
17] to assess the impacts of water deficits on yields. The version used in the present study assumes a linear variation of the relative yield loss with the relative crop transpiration deficit [
where Y
a and Y
m are the actual and maximum yields (kg·ha
−1) corresponding, respectively, to the seasonal T
c act and T
c (mm), and K
y is the water-yield response factor. The Y
a values consist of observed dry grain. Values for Y
m were obtained from maximum yields observed, further using the Wageningen method [
18] and checking results against maximal yields achieved by best farmers. The resulting Y
m are 6.15 and 5.22 t·ha
−1, respectively, for 2011–2012 and 2012–2013. The value K
y = 1.25 was adopted from solving Equation (6) relative to K
y using all experimental data available. After knowing K
y and Y
m, yield predictions were performed by solving Equation (6) in relation to Y
a for all T
c act results of SIMDualKc.
The AquaCrop model is a crop growth and yield model used for a variety of field crops, including soybean, mainly aiming at yield prediction. The model is described by Raes et al. [
14] and Vanuytrecht et al. [
47], and its open source is described by Foster et al. [
48], as well as in various papers quoted there. T
c is computed as
where CC* is the crop canopy cover (%) adjusted for micro-advective effects, and K
cTr,x is the maximum standard crop transpiration coefficient (dimensionless) that corresponds to the K
cb mid parameter in FAO56 [
31]. T
c act is obtained by adjusting T
c using the water stress coefficient K
s (0–1), as
s in AquaCrop is, however, more complex than in FAO56 because it describes the effects of the soil water stress on various processes and the depletion fractions p are inputs of the model that, contrary to SIMDualKc, do not require calibration [
Soil evaporation is also obtained from CC* as
where K
ex is the maximum soil evaporation coefficient (non-dimensional) and K
r is the evaporation reduction coefficient (0–1), with K
r < 1 when insufficient water is available in the top soil to respond to the evaporative demand of the atmosphere [
14]. The product K
r (1 − CC*) K
ex corresponds to K
e as defined in FAO56 as described above. The canopy cover (CC) is similar to f
c in FAO56 but while SIMDualKc uses observed f
c for adjusting K
e, in AquaCrop the CC observations are used to parameterize a CC* curve which is performed in three phases and focuses on four parameters that describe the curve: canopy cover at 90% emergence (cc
o), maximum canopy cover (CC
x), canopy growth coefficient (CGC), and canopy decline coefficient (CDC) [
The above ground dry biomass (B, t·ha
−1) is estimated by the model using the water transpired by the crop throughout the season and the normalized biomass water productivity (BWP*, g·m
−2). BWP* represents B produced per unit of area considering the cumulative transpiration and ET
o [
14]. The crop yield (Y, t·ha
−1) is computed from B as
where HI
o is the reference harvest index, describing the harvestable proportion of B, and f
HI is an adjustment factor integrating five water stress factors [
The model parameterization was initialized using the parameter values proposed by Raes et al. [
14]. The parameterizations of the CC curves were first performed using a trial and error procedure. Once these curves were properly parameterized, the trial and error procedure was applied to search the K
cTr,x value that leads to a better fit of SWC. In this search, the CN and REW values found for SIMDualKc were used. Growth and yield parameters of AquaCrop were obtained using the above-ground biomass observations. The parameters retained after parameterization using FI data of 2011–2012 were used for model testing using all data sets.
“Goodness-of-fit” indicators were used to assess the accuracy of model simulations at calibration and validation of SIMDualKc and parameterization and testing of AquaCrop. Indicators, following Legates and McCabe Jr. [
49], Moriasi et al. [
50], and described by Pereira et al. [
21], were computed from the pairs of observed and predicted values, respectively, O
i and P
i (i = 1, 2, ...,
n) with means
. The regression coefficient b
0 of a regression forced to the origin relating O
i and P
i was used to verify the similarity between the simulated and observed values. The determination coefficient R
2 of the ordinary least squares regression of the same variables was used to assess the dispersion of pairs of O
i and P
i values along the regression line, with large R
2 indicating that a large fraction of the variance of observations was explained by the model. The root mean square error (RMSE) and the normalized root mean square error relative to the mean of observations (NRMSE) were adopted to assess modelling errors. In addition, the Nash and Sutcliff [
51] modelling efficiency (EF) was adopted to express the relative magnitude of the mean square error (MSE = RMSE
2) in relation to the variance of the observed data [