1. Introduction
There has long been a consensus that the direct reuse of treated wastewater for agricultural purposes offers a realistic supply alternative in many Mediterranean regions faced with water scarcity. According to the European Wastewater Directive [
1], all wastewater must be treated before it can be disposed of in natural water bodies. However, before treated wastewater can be directly used in agriculture, it requires an additional disinfection treatment to convert it to reclaimed wastewater. In Europe, reclaimed wastewater is used for agricultural irrigation, landscape irrigation, industry, groundwater recharge, and non-potable urban uses. Although technological progress ensures that recycling is safe, the total volume of treated wastewater reuse is only 2.4% of the treated effluent [
Wastewater treatment is expected both to increase water availability and enhance the environment, as recognized by the European Water Framework Directive [
3]. The main advantage of improved treatment is that it reduces the amount of pollutants released, especially into surface water bodies [
4]. Nevertheless, round the coastlines of many Mediterranean countries, groundwater salt intrusion is also a prominent threat and the quality of irrigation water is declining. Wastewater reuse might play a key role in those regions affected by groundwater over-exploitation. Indeed, treated wastewater can be used as an artificial aquifer to recharge groundwater [
5] as well as an alternative water resource for irrigation where agricultural demand has led to the over-abstraction of groundwater [
Nevertheless, water reuse projects may fail for various reasons. One is the lack of popular support, because the perceived risk of poor water quality leads to problems with acceptance [
9]. The local capacity to develop suitable technologies can also be a problem in developing countries [
10]. On top of these issues, the main driver of the implementation of wastewater reuse is the economic feasibility of treatments along with the economic impact of water scarcity. To ensure long-term economic, environmental, and social sustainability, a comprehensive economic analysis of the associated costs and benefits derived from wastewater treatment is a pre-condition. This is also consistent with the approach outlined in the European Union Water Framework Directive [
There is vast literature dealing with wastewater reuse in agriculture. The potential for effluent reuse in Europe, and in Italy specifically, has generally been evaluated from an agronomic [
12] and technical point of view [
15]. However, less attention has been paid to economic assessment. The economic feasibility of wastewater treatment has usually been assessed by comparing the costs (at source) of the additional treatment of effluent for final polishing with the tariff (on site) of the water currently used [
17]. Papa et al. [
18] recently considered the costs of a hydraulic system for conveying reclaimed wastewater to irrigation networks. However, a rigorous economic assessment should compare, at the same stance, the costs and benefits derived from wastewater treatment while simultaneously considering the real economic value of water as a productive factor (i.e., its use value) and as an environmental public good (its non-use value).
Nevertheless, while market-based information is needed to assess the benefits associated with treatment to enable wastewater irrigation, indirect methods must be applied to assess the non-use benefits (e.g., recreational and environmental) derived from wastewater reuse. For instance Alcon et al. [
19], estimated the non-market (i.e., environmental) benefits that society attaches to the use of reclaimed wastewater for irrigation in the Segura River Basin in southeastern Spain, using the contingent evaluation method (see [
20] for a review). Birol, et al. [
21] estimated the total costs and benefits of using treated wastewater to artificially recharge the Akrotiri aquifer in Cyprus. Indeed, an assessment of the use and non-use economic benefits that may arise as a result of the proposed aquifer management plan is carried out using choice experiments (The contingent valuation and choice experiments are both survey-based stated preference techniques in which respondents are asked to express their preferences directly). Alternatively, Molinos-Senante, et al. [
22] used the concept of shadow price to quantify the environmental benefits derived from wastewater treatment. The value of these represents the environmental damage avoided, or environmental benefit derived, from the removal of pollutants during wastewater treatment). Although a comprehensive assessment of the benefits, including environmental benefits, would be a more policy-relevant approach, the lack of market-based information for environmental benefits might lead to inaccurate estimation [
In this context, this research aims to improve the economic evaluation of directly treated wastewater reuse. First, we draw up a methodological framework for the application of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to wastewater project plants. We investigate two hypothetical scenarios for the irrigation usage of reclaimed wastewater: (i) for newly irrigated land; and (ii) as a complementary source to current irrigation groundwater resource. The direct value and the option use value of preserving the groundwater water quality (i.e., salinity) for irrigation are estimated according to the tested hypotheses. Contrary to the studies mentioned above, in this research, we assess the real economic benefits of reclaimed wastewater as a productive factor for irrigation. These estimated benefits are aggregated over the population of the relevant farms and weighed against the costs of providing the reclaimed water at the plant gate. The treatment costs are analyzed in relation to the incoming effluent quality standard, with or without oxidation and sediment filtration in addition to the treatment of coagulation and disinfection. The scale effect of plant size on treatment costs is analyzed, which represents an innovative approach. A case study is carried out in the Puglia region Southern Italy, where two thirds of irrigation water comes from groundwater.
A wider goal of this research is to provide local policy makers with a comprehensive economic analysis of treated wastewater reuse in agriculture. The results are nevertheless expected to be of broader relevance, particularly to other water scarce regions facing similar water management issues.
The outcome of this study can be directly applied to other Italian regions, while the proposed methodology could also be applied in the overall European context, given that the Italian National regulations derive from the application of European Directives [
3]. Environmental Protection Agencies in many other countries around the world, including the U.S., have also developed wastewater treatment standards to be applied at the country or state level.
2. Background
2.1. Irrigation Water and Groundwater Over-Exploitation in Puglia
Puglia exhibits a Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. Irrigation is important to the overall economy of the region, to especially agriculture. In 2009/2010, the total irrigated land amounted to 238,546.02 ha [
23] (
Figure 1). Permanent crops such as olive and grape are widespread, followed by fresh-cut vegetables (broccoli, carrot, spinach, artichoke, asparagus, etc.) and processing tomatoes. Overall, these crops account for 80% of the region’s irrigated land.
The irrigation volume data are based on indirect estimation. A few attempts have been made to estimate the irrigation volume (see, for instance, [
24]). The most recent is the MARSALa model [
25], which reports 655.29 million m
3 in 2009/2010. The average farm size for irrigated land is less than 5 ha, with 87,463 farms applying irrigation (32.2% of all farms). Moreover, half of farms that use irrigation have on-farm wells, while less than 30% are connected to collective infrastructures.
Groundwater supplies about 55% of the region’s total water consumption of about 1500 million m
3 [
24]. More than 60% of exploited groundwater is used for irrigation, and abstraction increases considerably in severe drought periods, as was the case in 1982, 1988,1989, and 2002 [
24]. In many areas where groundwater is the main freshwater source, pumping rates exceed the natural recharge rate and cause continuous water-table drawdown, well depletion, increased pumping costs, and severe seawater intrusion in coastal areas.
Contrary to what has occurred in large surface water development projects (i.e., implemented by public agencies under the direct control of central authorities), groundwater resources have been exploited almost everywhere by a large number of public and private small users, thus creating a situation that is difficult to monitor and regulate. In this case, groundwater resources can be considered as typical common pools that are exploited with the use of increasingly simple and low-cost technologies. The lack of an adequate institutional framework and an effective monitoring and control system create the conditions for potential over-exploitation and quality degradation of aquifers. Although drilling private wells is subject to public authorization or licensing, in many cases, the monitoring and control system is fragmented and the cost might be prohibitively expensive for public authorities. Additionally, as in the case of Puglia, many regions face inconsistency because surface and groundwater are managed by different institutions.
2.2. Treated Wastewater Reuse in Puglia: Potential Availability
The reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture, as well as in other sectors such as industrial, recreational, and environmental, can help to protect surface water bodies and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Wastewater treatment for reuse is also a critical step in the so-called “integrated cycle” of water resources management, and allows the achievement of important environmental objectives in terms of both water quality and quantity.
From a quantitative point of view, effluent reuse leads to the closure of the water cycle, which increases the water supply from unconventional sources and theoretically reduces the exploitation of surface and groundwater.
A state-of-the-art study in Puglia is reported in the Water Protection Plan [
24], which provides an updated census of all wastewater treatment plants for which effluent reuse in agriculture could be implemented immediately (all plant upgrading works have already been carried out) or in a short time (minimal plant upgrading is required). Based on these data, we estimated, at the regional scale, the volume of reclaimed water potentially available at the plant gate through existing facilities (“current scenario” in
Figure 2) as well as the expected volume available after the upgrading of a number of plants (“future scenario”). The results for all provinces of Puglia are reported in
Figure 2.
The potential current amount of reclaimed wastewater available at the plant gate is 100 million m
3 across the region. Plant upgrading could increase this to 160 million m
3 [
26]. Despite such availability, direct reuse of treated wastewater remains little more than a promising policy. In fact, the up-to-date figure (2010/2011) shows that the actual amount of reused treated wastewater is only 5 million m
3 per year [
A real example of reuse in agriculture is provided by a medium-sized plant located in the municipality of Fasano, a town with 35 thousand inhabitants not far from the Adriatic coast. The economic costs associated with treating, stocking, and delivering reclaimed water have been assessed [
28]. In 2007, the costs of treatment in accordance with the law for reuse in agriculture amounted to 0.15 €/m
3 for 600 thousand m
3 of reclaimed wastewater (60% of operational capacity). The average cost of treatment is greatly affected by the annual volume of reclaimed wastewater.
2.3. Research Question
Despite the high water demand, the wastewater reuse of 160 million m3 does not takeoff.
In the literature, the principal open policy question that remains is which strategies could be pursued at an institutional level (European, national and regional) to improve the acceptance and diffusion of wastewater reuse? Within this framework, our study deals with the following two issues. (i) The development of a regional CBA to promote and orient local studies, for instance through a downscaling process, to facilitate the assessment of improved implementation strategies; (ii) How multidisciplinary investigations, between, for instance, engineering and economics, can be enhanced to merge the issues relating to treatment with the economic aspects of reclaimed wastewater reuse.
4. Results
4.1. Treatment Costs
In this section, we report the cost evaluation results for a few of the analyzed cases and compare the additional costs of upgrading a facility that meets T1 quality requirements with those of a facility that meets T2 quality requirements. For each of the four cases, the cost results are plotted as a function of the plant’s potential, expressed as the PE, to account for economies of scale.
Costs of upgrading were estimated for:
Alternative 1 (Alt 1): Wastewater treatments that comply with “T1” requirements and provide primary sedimentation at temperature of 15 °C;
Alternative 2 (Alt 2): Wastewater treatments that comply with “T1” requirements and provide primary sedimentation at temperature of 20 °C;
Alternative 3 (Alt 3): Wastewater treatments that comply with “T2” requirements and apply a filtration process; and
Alternative 4 (Alt 4): Wastewater treatments that comply with “T2” requirements and do not apply a filtration process.
Figure 3 shows the results in terms of cost per m
3, as a function of plant capacity (PE), under each hypothesis (Hypothesis I (blue line) and Hypothesis II (black line)).
The additional cost of upgrading Alt 1, accounting for UV disinfection using high-dosage reagents, is shown in
Figure 3a. For both lines, the costs are high for small plants (under 20,000 PE), whereas larger plants show the effects of economies of scale.
The additional cost of upgrading Alt 2, accounting for UV disinfection using high-dosage reagents, is shown in
Figure 3b. The average cost decreases overall. The scale effect is also shown.
The additional cost of upgrading Alt 3, accounting for UV disinfection, filtration, and high-dosage reagents, is shown in
Figure 3c. There is a huge decrease in the average cost of treatment when the incoming effluent quality is higher, namely at T2 standard. Scale effects are less obvious.
The additional cost of upgrading Alt 4, accounting for UV disinfection, using high-dosage reagents but without filtration, is shown in
Figure 3d. This case shows the lowest average cost of treatment, below 0.20 €/m
3 at 10,000 PE plant capacity. There are no scale effects from a plant capacity of 30,000 PE.
Specific details about the procedure and the amounts used for the cost evaluations in
Figure 3 are provided in a separate
Supplementary Materials. The most important outcome of the study is summarized by the significant scale dependence of costs on the plant size; that is, on the population equivalent. Such evidence was obtained by an extensive cost accounting analysis performed on real design cases.
4.2. Benefits
The first result refers to the economic value of irrigation water.
Table 6 reports the monetary values for irrigation water according to the crop and altitude in the province of Foggia. The values range from 0.15 to 0.23 €/m
3 on plain arable and permanent land, respectively.
Using the values in
Table 6 to infer the values for all irrigated land across the province, the average estimated value is 0.19 €/m
3 while guaranteeing the water supply is estimated at 0.02 €/m
3 for a steady annual volume of 2,475 m
3/ha [
36]. Considering a steady supply of wastewater over the years, the average benefit derived from irrigation wastewater amounts to 0.21 €/m
3 with an annual average volume of 2475 m
The second finding refers to the benefits of maintaining a good level of salinity in the groundwater. The lower the salinity, the higher the value of irrigation water. If reclaimed wastewater were to reduce groundwater usage, there would be an additional benefit from improving the groundwater quality, provided that on-farm groundwater use decreased.
The analysis starts with the current salinity status (1.7–2.2 dS/m). The findings under the different groundwater use constraints, over a 25-year period, are reported in
Table 7. If the current level of groundwater abstraction is reduced to preserve its status, an annual reduction of 2080 m
3 should be applied to the level of current groundwater extraction (25,000 m
3), which is replaced by reclaimed wastewater. The average monetary benefit is estimated at 0.22 €/m
3 and 0.02 €/m
3 is the proportional (8.3% of 0.21 €/m
3) direct use value.
To restore the natural salinity level, greater groundwater reduction would be necessary (3900 m3) and the benefit would amount to 0.19 €/m3. The direct use value is estimated as 0.03 €/m3.
The discount rate of 5% reflects the private point of view, in line with other research work [
43], which in turn means that preserving rather than restoring is the most convenient means of saving groundwater.
4.3. Cost-Benefit Comparison
The break-even point for each hypothesis of the analysis is estimated by comparing the costs and benefits, including scale effects. In other words, we show that the PE capacity can be used to determine the size at which, according to the treatment features, it is economically convenient to reuse wastewater for agriculture.
Table 8 shows the economic feasibility of wastewater reuse in Puglia.
The economic feasibility of reusing wastewater is primarily affected by the quality of the incoming effluent, with higher costs for lower quality effluent. The sedimentation temperature has less of an effect on the treatment cost. However, Puglia’s climate could be beneficial because irrigation occurs during the summer, and higher temperatures are more convenient for wastewater reuse in agriculture. While the filtration process seems to be highly relevant in the case of Hypothesis I, it has less influence when reclaimed wastewater is complementary to groundwater (i.e., Hypothesis II). Nevertheless, to provide farmers with on-farm pressurized irrigation water services, filtration could turn out to be more costly than advised. Although the benefits are quite steady, ranging from 0.20 to 0.22 €/m3, the results for Hypothesis II show much lower costs than those for Hypothesis I. This is primarily due to the scale effects and the higher usability coefficient, which in turn reduce the unit operational cost of treatment.
5. Discussion and Concluding Remarks
The average treatment cost for agricultural wastewater reuse in Puglia is in line with that recorded in [
19] for the case study of the Segura River Basin in southeastern Spain, which ranges from 0.16 to 0.26 €/m
3. However, both analyses only calculate the treatment cost at the plant gate, excluding the necessary costs for delivering the reclaimed water. Assuming that the irrigation service characteristics, performance and costs (financial, running and maintenance costs) of directly treated wastewater reuse for irrigation are similar to those of CBC, operating in the province of Foggia, the running costs of supply (i.e., transport and on-demand water delivery at the farm gate) would be at least 0.14 €/m
3. Where necessary, the financial cost of new infrastructure for direct wastewater reuse should also be considered.
Nevertheless, Alcon et al. [
19] did not account for the cost of policy enforcement, assuming that wastewater suitable for use in agriculture is an efficient way to reduce the pressure on the resource. Moreover, instead of assessing the value of irrigation water usage per farmer, they actually estimated the non-use economic benefits of reclaimed wastewater per household (on average 0.31 €/m
3), i.e., the willingness to pay for increasing the quality of treated wastewater used in the replenishment of rivers.
Birol et al. [
21] carried out a more rigorous assessment of the use and non-use economic benefits that may arise from wastewater treatment. According to their framework, farmers derive mainly direct use and option value from reclaimed wastewater, while the non-use value arising from conservation of the local environment benefits residents. Although they reported the monetary value in Cyprus pounds, the main finding indicates that residents derive significantly more benefits from wastewater treatment than farmers.
In this research, the use and option value that farmers may derive from reclaimed wastewater reuse ranges from 0.20 to 0.22 €/m
3, which is in line with the figures reported by Birol et al. [
21], and thus less than those reported by Alcon et al. [
19] for the non-use economic benefits of households.
With reference to Hypothesis II, the option value may heavily depend on the location and the characteristics of the farm considered. Generally, salt intrusion occurs close to the shoreline where the option value is expected to be higher. Thus, Hypothesis II should be evaluated against the local context, taking the coastal municipalities as the target. In fact, the share of reclaimed wastewater potentially available from coastal municipalities ranges from 14% in the province of Foggia to 88% in the province of Taranto, with an average value of about 55% in Puglia.
This work represents a first attempt to introduce an improved economic analysis to enhance both the community acceptance of wastewater reuse and the regional planning of public investment [
44]. It should be noted that other important long-term environmental benefits, such as the expected increase in the quality of coastal sea water, were not included in the economic evaluation. The preservation of the aquatic marine environment and the beneficial impact on the regional economy (i.e., the tourist sector) is strictly related to the quality of bathing water.
With respect to the research questions, we have shown that the development of a regional case study is feasible, based on the fact that large areas such as Puglia already provide a homogenous background in terms of technological capacity and the possibility of upgrading to reuse requirements. Moreover, the comparison of costs and benefits proposed in this study could be considered as a reference methodological framework, which could be applied in different areas of the world characterized by a similar homogeneity of wastewater treatment standards and significant irrigation water demand.
We believe that this study’s regional perspective provides a scientific contribution that should facilitate the comprehensive evaluation of costs and benefits. The evaluation can be extended to specific areas (and specific plant sizes, starting with those close to the identified break-even points) of the region, with the aim to find the optimal match between the capability of waste water plants and potential agricultural exploitation of this important unconventional water resource.