Climate Change Impacts and Water Management Adaptation in Two Mediterranean-Climate Watersheds: Learning from the Durance and Sacramento Rivers
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The Durance Basin
2.2. The Sacramento River
3. Results
3.1. Common Characteristics of Mediterranean-Climate Rivers and Streams
3.2. Durance River Basin
3.2.1. Physical Description
Turbidus hic truncis saxisque Druentia laetum ductoris uastauit iter. Namque Alpibus ortus.(Here, tree trunks and rocks debris attest to the fury of the Durance River and its ravages in the floodplain that Hannibal crosses. This river, coming down from the Alps.)—Silius Italicus
3.2.2. Water Infrastructure
3.2.3. Water Management and Regulatory Framework
3.2.4. Climate Change Impacts
3.2.5. Territorial Foresight and Its Impact on Water Management
3.2.6. Adaptation Strategies
- A synthesis on the current state-of-knowledge on the scientific research related to the impact of climate change;
- An analysis of the vulnerability in different water-related sectors (water resources, soil-moisture levels, biodiversity, nutrient water quality) within the hydrographic district to climate change;
- A program of actions, which provides necessary means (including financial aid) for local decision makers to limit soil sealing, to reduce water waste, to preserve or recover expanding flood areas and wetlands.
- To change the current arbitrage of the rules for water allocation and priorities given to water uses,
- To discuss the methods carried out to prioritize water uses before making decisions,
- To search for local water resources,
- To create an institution in charge of monitoring water resources availability and water demands at the scale of the Durance and Verdon Valley.
3.3. Sacramento River Basin
3.3.1. Physical Description
3.3.2. Institutions
3.3.3. Water Infrastructure
The cost of controlling or rearranging the Sacramento [River], which is to say the ‘reclamation’ of the Sacramento Valley, was largely borne, like the cost of controlling or rearranging many other inconvenient features of California life, by the federal government.—Joan Didion
3.3.4. Climate Change Impacts
3.3.5. Adaptation Strategies
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
CLSM | Catchment Land Surface Model |
CVP | Central Valley Project |
DCR | crisis flow (“Débit de Crise” in French) |
DWR | Department of Water Resources |
CEQUEAU | Centre Québecois de l’EAU |
EDF | Électricité de France |
GCM | General Circulation Model |
GICC | Management and Impacts of Climate Change ("Gestion et Impacts du Changement Climatique" in French) |
GR5J | modèle du Génie Rural à 5 paramètres Journalier |
IRWM | Integrated Regional Water Management |
km | kilometer |
kWh | kilowatt-hour |
m.a.s.l. | meters above sea level |
MW | megawatt |
PET | potential evapotranspiration |
PNACC | French National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (Plan National d’Adaptation au Changement Climatique in French) |
R2D2-2050 | Risk, water Resources and sustainable Development within the Durance River basin in 2050 |
RBMP | River Basin Management Plans (Schéma Directeur d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux in French) |
RMC | Rhone, Mediterranean and Corsica |
SGMA | Sustainable Groundwater Management Act |
SWP | State Water Project |
SWRCB | State Water Resources Control Board |
TWA | total water abstraction |
$US | United States Dollars |
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Drivers | Business-as-Usual | Trend-Based | Specialization | Investment | Crisis | Sustainable Growth |
Residential population | = | + | + | + | − | + |
Touristic population | = | + | + | + | − | + |
Demand/person for domestic water | = | − | = | + | − | − |
Use of local resources (e.g., groundwater) | = | = | − | − | + | + |
Performance of the distribution network for domestic water | = | + | + | + | − | + |
Irrigated areas | = | − | + | − | − | + |
Watering of public gardens | = | + | = | + | + | = |
Conveyance efficiencies of irrigation systems | = | + | + | + | = | + |
Proportion of spray irrigation | = | = | + | = | = | + |
Parameter | Durance Basin | Sacramento River |
Watershed area (km2) | 14,342 | 71,432 |
River length (km) | 321 | 719 |
Highest river elevation (m) | 4102 | 1120 |
Mean annual precipitation (cm) | 104 | 96 |
Mean annual discharge (km3) | 5 | 27 |
Range of flow (m3/s) | 25–5200 1 | 28–18,406 2 |
Population (millions) | 0.5 (2.7 3) | 3.3 |
Total reservoir capacity (km3) | 2.3 | 19 |
Total water use (km3) | 1.9 | 11 |
Irrigated hectares | 80,000 | 800,000 |
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Andrew, J.T.; Sauquet, E. Climate Change Impacts and Water Management Adaptation in Two Mediterranean-Climate Watersheds: Learning from the Durance and Sacramento Rivers. Water 2017, 9, 126.
Andrew JT, Sauquet E. Climate Change Impacts and Water Management Adaptation in Two Mediterranean-Climate Watersheds: Learning from the Durance and Sacramento Rivers. Water. 2017; 9(2):126.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAndrew, John T., and Eric Sauquet. 2017. "Climate Change Impacts and Water Management Adaptation in Two Mediterranean-Climate Watersheds: Learning from the Durance and Sacramento Rivers" Water 9, no. 2: 126.
APA StyleAndrew, J. T., & Sauquet, E. (2017). Climate Change Impacts and Water Management Adaptation in Two Mediterranean-Climate Watersheds: Learning from the Durance and Sacramento Rivers. Water, 9(2), 126.