The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Land Use Map
2.3. Sample Collection
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Seasonal Effects on the Phytoplankton Communities and Environmental Variables
3.2. Phytoplankton Species
3.3. Physical-Chemical Variables
3.4. Hiararchical Cluster Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter |
Min-Max Median | Min-Max Median | Min-Max Median | Min-Max Median | |
BOD5 (mg L−1) | 0.06–1.85 0.3 | 0.7–2.2 1.6 | 0.5–2.5 1.9 | 1.5–2.7 2 |
Chlorophyll-a (mg L−1) | 0.21–0.65 0.4 | 0.1–0.5 0.1 | 0.5–1.5 0.8 | 0.2–0.8 0.4 |
Chloride (mg L−1) | 28–40 33 | 30.5–41.9 38 | 38.1–40 38 | 14.5–29.1 22 |
CODsMn (mg L−1) | 1.9–7.8 2.7 | 2.6–4.4 3.6 ± 0.4 | 2.4–6.1 3.1 | 2.8–4.7 3.5 |
DO (mg L−1) | 3.4–5.9 4.2 | 0–2 0.0 | 4.2–12 5.6 | 4.5–9.8 6.9 |
H-CO3- (mg L−1) | 172–246 222 | 170.8–195.2 171 | 195.2–244 220 | 110.9–244 155 |
NH4-N (mg L−1) | 0–0.056 0.009 | 0–0.055 0.012 | 0.017–0.059 0.026 | 0.002–0.011 0.005 |
NO2-N (mg L−1) | 0.004–0.018 0.006 | 0–0.0022 0.0 | 0–0.0065 0.002 | 0–0.0042 0.002 |
NO3-N (mg L−1) | 0.5–1.4 0.69 | 0.55–0.69 0.65 | 0.68–1.29 0.94 | 0.17–0.42 0.27 |
pH | 8.1–8.1 8.1 | 7.8–8 7.8 | 7.8–8.2 8 | 8.3–8.4 8.4 |
PO4-P (mg L−1) | 0.001–0.06 0.0014 | 0.004–0.026 0.009 | 0–0.003 0.0 | 0.001–0.007 0.0043 |
TDS (mg L−1) | 334–357 346 | 280–330 295 | 295–338 325 | 340–369 350 |
TSS (mg L−1) | 3–25 5.5 | 12.5–29 16.5 | 11.4–43 17.5 | 8.3–45 20.4 |
Turbidity (NTU) | 5–32 16.5 | 1–23 5 | 8–31 15 | 4–25 11 |
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Yaqoob, M.M.; Somlyai, I.; Berta, C.; Bácsi, I.; Al-Tayawi, A.N.; Al-Ahmady, K.K.; Mohammed, R.H.; Alalami, O.; Grigorszky, I. The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul. Water 2023, 15, 1062.
Yaqoob MM, Somlyai I, Berta C, Bácsi I, Al-Tayawi AN, Al-Ahmady KK, Mohammed RH, Alalami O, Grigorszky I. The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul. Water. 2023; 15(6):1062.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYaqoob, Majd Muwafaq, Imre Somlyai, Csaba Berta, István Bácsi, Aws N. Al-Tayawi, Kossay K. Al-Ahmady, Ramadhan Hamza Mohammed, Omar Alalami, and István Grigorszky. 2023. "The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul" Water 15, no. 6: 1062.
APA StyleYaqoob, M. M., Somlyai, I., Berta, C., Bácsi, I., Al-Tayawi, A. N., Al-Ahmady, K. K., Mohammed, R. H., Alalami, O., & Grigorszky, I. (2023). The Impacts of Land Use and Seasonal Effects on Phytoplankton Taxa and Physical-Chemical Variables in the Tigris River within the City of Mosul. Water, 15(6), 1062.