Flood Risk Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities
:1. Introduction
2. Challenges of FRM in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
2.1. Regional Features and Flood Characteristics
- (a)
- Climatic and geographical characteristics
- (b)
- Precipitation characteristics
- (c)
- Flood response characteristics
- (d)
- High debris flow and sediment transport
2.2. Operational Challenges
- (a)
- Drought-based reservoir management
- (b)
- Drought-based water infrastructures
- (c)
- Sediment deposition in hydraulic structures
2.3. Technical Challenges
- (a)
- Data challenges
- (b)
- Flood modeling challenges
- (c)
- Flood warning challenges
2.4. Management/Organizational Challenges
- (a)
- Weak institutional frameworks for flood management
- (b)
- Poor awareness of flooding
- (c)
- Lack of public training
- (d)
- Lack of risk communication, social engagement, and social preparedness
- (e)
- Uncontrolled urbanization
- (f)
- Crisis-based management and lack of flood national action plans
3. Needs and Opportunities of FRM in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
- (1)
- Shifting flood modeling from a single-driver event to a compound event
- (2)
- Establishing rainfall-runoff models for arid and semi-arid areas
- (3)
- Coupling debris assessment and hydraulic modeling
- (4)
- Addressing reservoir operational conflicts in reservoir management strategies
- (5)
- Setting up an institutional framework for flood management
- (6)
- Developing flood hazard and risk maps
- (7)
- Communicating with the public
- (8)
- Building capacity through participation
- (9)
- Strengthening community capacity through digital platforms
- (10)
- Involving the community in FRM activities
- (11)
- Including private flood adaptive behaviors in flood modeling
- (12)
- Changing the flood modeling perspective from macro- to micro-level
- (13)
- Establishing an integrated early warning system
- (14)
- Monitoring and observing flood events regularly, using earth observation
- (15)
- Using remote sensing technologies for data acquisition
- (16)
- Adopting sustainable land use practices
- (17)
- Changing to integrated water resource management
- (18)
- Establishing a systematic flood national action plan
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Climatic Characteristics | Geographical Characteristics | Precipitation Characteristics | Flood Response Characteristics | Debris Flow and Sediment Transport |
Spatial and temporal distribution | Sparse vegetation | Spatio-temporal variability of rainfall | Scale-dependent flood response | excessive erosion and large debris flow |
High temperatures in summer | Low soil moisture | Short, high-intensity rainfall over small area extends | Spatio-temporal variability of floods | water and soil pollution |
High level of evaporation | Shallow soil and loosely structured soil | Sudden, irregular, and infrequent rainfall with a low amount | Infrequent, sudden, and quick flooding | amplification of destructive flow power |
High solar radiation | Weak profile diversity | Snowfall in mountains | Short concentration time | - |
Low air humidity | Low organic matter in soil | - | Sharp rising limbs, high peaks, and steep recession limbs of the flood hydrograph | - |
Long-lasting drought and water scarcity | Rarely saturated soil | - | - | - |
Operational Challenges | Components |
Drought-based reservoir management | Drought as the main natural hazard to be paid attention |
Shifting the main focus of multi-purpose dam to water saving policies | |
Drought management as the main concern | |
Operational rules conditioned for long regular drought periods (water storage in wet periods, water release in dry seasons) | |
Insufficient available capacity after sudden and heavy rainfall | |
Operational conflicts after heavy rainfall | |
Lack of clear operational policies for a sudden flood potential | |
Lack of emergency operational rules | |
High uncertainty about releasing water or storing that after sudden rainfall | |
Drought-based water infrastructures | Design of critical infrastructure for drought conditions |
Lack of knowledge about suitable design for dealing with sudden flood | |
Lack of well-defined flood structural measures | |
Sediment deposition in hydraulic structures | Sediment trapping |
Loss of capacities | |
Influencing downstream flow regime | |
Increasing water levels at bridges | |
Increasing water levels in inundated areas | |
Lack of regular maintenance | |
Lack of regular sediment dredging activities |
Technical Challenges | Components |
Data challenges | Lack of appropriate data |
Poorly gauged catchments | |
insufficient hydro-meteorological data | |
Limited number of rain gauges and their widespread nature | |
Deteriorated existing gauges | |
Lack of a central database | |
Insufficient financial budget | |
Weak documentation of past flood events | |
Insufficient surveys about past floods | |
Inconsistent and missing values in the available data | |
Flood modeling challenges | Difficulties in the prediction of flood characteristics |
Demanding rich observed and monitored data | |
Difficulties in the calibration and validation of models | |
Uncertainties and errors in radar-related data | |
Challenges in rainfall forecasting, flood modeling, and early warning | |
Demanding real-time high-resolution flood models | |
Lack of characterized rainfall-runoff models for arid and semi-arid conditions | |
Compound nature of floods in arid and semi-arid areas | |
Flood warning challenges | Short lead time for warning and evacuation |
Imprecise flood forecasting models | |
Errors and uncertainties for further warnings | |
Lack of easily understandable warnings | |
Multi-dimensional meanings of flood alerts and different interpretations | |
Difficulties in reaching the public | |
Lack of adequate access for the public to communication technologies | |
Problems in the dissemination of warnings due to the failure of telecommunication systems |
Management and Organizational Challenges | Components |
Weak institutional framework for flood management | Lack of proper institutional framework |
Overlapping responsibilities | |
Unclear level of involvement in flood emergency responses | |
Cross-collaboration | |
Lack of coordination | |
Conflict of interests | |
Limited collaboration and data exchange across borders | |
Conflicts in the implementation of flood management strategies for basins located in different provinces | |
Poor awareness of flooding | Considering drought as the only threatening water-related hazard |
Flooding as a contradiction to the public | |
Overlooking flood occurrence | |
Infrequent flood signals | |
Periodic drought signals | |
Historical development of catchments based on regular drought | |
Lasting imprint of drought on the society’s collective memory | |
Low flood experience among the public | |
False sense of security against flooding | |
Lack of public training | Lack of defined programs for educating people about flooding and risk reduction actions |
Absence of flood-informing symbols | |
Absence of flood warning symbols | |
Emerging high-risk behaviors | |
Centering coping strategies on the basis of drought events | |
Presence of drought experience | |
Path dependency of the responses to drought | |
Lack of risk communication, social engagement, and social preparedness | Lack of appropriate communication due to the “top-down” governance arrangement in some regions |
Inaccurate risk communications that destroy trust in warnings of future flood risks | |
Lack of active involvement of the society in taking private loss reduction measures | |
poor/lack of knowledge of the public about private flood risk reduction measures | |
Lack of training programs to empower people with the knowledge of loss reduction measures | |
Lack of promoting mechanisms to encourage people to be actively involved in flood management programs | |
Uncontrolled urbanization | rapid uncontrolled urbanization |
Shift in residence of the population to urban areas | |
Increase in flood peaks and volumes | |
Traditional adaptation of buildings (design, typology, and construction materials) to dry climates | |
lack of laws and regulations | |
Lack of sustainable urban development | |
Crisis-based management and a lack of flood national action plans | Difficulties for public authorities in broadening flood knowledge due to rare flood occurrences |
Low flood experience among public authorities | |
Lack of specific flood management strategies | |
Lack of/inaccurate flood hazard and risk maps | |
Lack of/insufficient preparedness measures | |
Lack of evacuation routes and safe locations | |
Reliance of governments on crisis-based management |
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Nabinejad, S.; Schüttrumpf, H. Flood Risk Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities. Water 2023, 15, 3113. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15173113
Nabinejad S, Schüttrumpf H. Flood Risk Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities. Water. 2023; 15(17):3113. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15173113
Chicago/Turabian StyleNabinejad, Shima, and Holger Schüttrumpf. 2023. "Flood Risk Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities" Water 15, no. 17: 3113. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15173113