Effects of Eutrophication on Plankton Abundance and Composition in the Gulf of Gabès (Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia)
- A total of 42 phytoplankton and 24 Copepoda taxa were identified in the coastal environment of Gabès (Tunisia).
- Bacillariophyta were the most abundant group (67.7–89.2% of total phytoplankton abundance).
- Shannon–Weaver diversity index of phytoplankton and Copepoda showed negative correlations with Eutrophication Index.
- Opportunistic and r strategist species (Chaetoceros costatus, Euglena acusformis, and Thalassiosira sp.) showed a positive correlation with Eutrophication Index.
- Among Copepoda, Oithona similis and Euterpina acutifrons were indifferent to eutrophication.
1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Field Sampling
2.2. Physico-Chemical and Chl-a Analysis
- 1.
- (High ecological water quality, E.I. < 0.04),
- 2.
- (Good E.I. = 0.04–0.38),
- 3.
- (Moderate, E.I. = 0.38–0.85),
- 4.
- (Poor, E.I. = 0.85–1.51),
- 5.
- (Bad, E.I. > 1.51).
2.3. Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Abundance
2.4. Statistics
3. Results
3.1. Seawater Analysis and Trophic State
3.2. Chl-a and Phytoplankton Community Structure
3.3. Copepoda Community Structure
3.4. Copepods and Phytoplankton Relationship with Environmental Conditions
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | F-Values (d.f) | p-Values | |
Physical parameters | |||||||
Temperature | 17.63 (±0.98) a | 18.30 (±0.17) a | 18.10 (±1.08) a | 18.63 (±0.06) a | 19.20 (±0.62) a | 2.022(14) | 0.167 |
Salinity | 37.67 (±1.53) a | 39.33 (±1.15) a | 39.67 (±0.58) a | 38.00 (±0.00) a | 39.33 (±1.15) a | 2.281(14) | 0.132 |
pH | 7.71 (±0.04) a | 7.78 (±0.01) b | 7.77 (±0.02) ab | 7.79 (±0.01) b | 7.80 (±0.02) b | 7.861(14) | 0.004 ** |
Chemical parameters | |||||||
Nitrites | 0.67 (±0.06) a | 0.63 (±0.06) ab | 0.53 (±0.06) abc | 0.50 (±0.00) bc | 0.43 (±0.06) c | 10.375(14) | 0.001 ** |
Nitrates | 5.47 (±0.55) a | 4.90 (±0.30) ab | 4.53 (±0.32) ab | 3.93 (±0.32) bc | 3.43 (±0.29) c | 13.959(14) | 0.000 *** |
Ammonium | 17.07 (±3.60) a | 10.63 (±4.59) ab | 6.63 (±0.98) b | 4.43 (±0.95) b | 4.90 (±1.84) b | 0.001 ** | |
Phosphates | 6.17 (±0.61) a | 4.73 (±0.75) b | 3.33 (±0.38) c | 2.67 (±0.21) cd | 1.80 (±0.17) d | 38.876(14) | <0.0001 *** |
Silicates | 4.63 (±1.89) a | 4.70 (±1.65) a | 5.03 (±1.50) a | 4.23 (±1.14) a | 4.60 (±1.37) a | 0.104(14) | 0.979 |
E.I. | 7.85 (±0.63) ab | 5.71 (±1.66) ab | 4.32 (±0.74) b | 3.33 (±0.29) b | 3.32 (±0.60) b | 13.333(14) | 0.001 ** |
Biological parameters | |||||||
Total-copepods | 40.22 (±9.43) a | 59.17 (±7.82) ab | 95.56 (±15.27) bc | 144.75 (±8.07) c | 265.82 (±32.81) d | 79.984(14) | <0.0001 *** |
Adults | 11.32 (±6.75) a | 15.26 (±1.16) a | 30.90 (±6.43) b | 38.05 (±2.43) b | 37.63 (±1.25) b | 24.808(14) | <0.0001 *** |
Copepodids | 4.84 (±1.12) a | 14.31 (±5.87) ab | 28.05 (±4.83) bc | 40.12 (±7.30) c | 57.67 (±6.06) d | 43.923(14) | <0.0001 *** |
Nauplii | 24.06 (±2.80) a | 29.60 (±3.43) a | 36.61 (±5.60) a | 66.58 (±6.77) a | 170.52 (±37.63) b | 36.866(14) | <0.0001 *** |
H’ copepoda | 2.15 (±0.42) a | 2.55 (±0.05) ab | 2.63 (±0.18) ab | 2.74 (±0.12) ab | 2.91 (±0.16) b | 4.838(14) | 0.020 * |
Total-Phytoplankton | 117.67 (±41.70) a | 58.63 (±26.80) ab | 27.17 (±6.44) b | 23.60 (±6.15) b | 36.60 (±3.91) b | 8.839(14) | 0.003 ** |
Bacillariophyta | 48.30 (±17.53) a | 24.50 (±9.73) ab | 14.23 (±2.65) b | 14.37 (±4.46) b | 23.87 (±2.36) ab | 6.677(14) | 0.007 ** |
Dinophyta | 5.33 (±2.29) a | 2.00 ± (0.61) ab | 1.77 (±0.15) b | 1.57 (±0.55) b | 3.57 (±0.81) ab | 5.824(14) | 0.011 * |
Euglenophyceae | 11.87 (±7.08) a | 4.23 (±1.91) ab | 1.47 (±0.42) b | 1.13 (±0.25) b | 0.53 (±0.35) b | 6.130(14) | 0.009 ** |
Cyanobacteria | 3.00 (±0.52) a | 4.20 (±3.82) a | 0.40 (±0.69) a | 0.00 (0.00) a | 0.00 (0.00) a | 3.735(14) | 0.041 * |
H’ Phytoplankton | 2.87 (±0.10) a | 2.92 (±0.19) a | 3.34 (±0.30) ab | 3.52 (±0.23) b | 3.24 (±0.11) ab | 5.816(14) | 0.011 * |
Class | Order | Species |
Bacillariophyta | Centric | Coscinodiscus sp. |
Skeletonema costatum | ||
Thalassiosira sp. | ||
Rhizosolenia styliformis | ||
Leptocylindrus sp. | ||
Hemiaulus sp. | ||
Chaetoceros costatus | ||
Pennates | Grammatophora sp. | |
Licmophora sp. | ||
Thalassionema nitzchoides | ||
Rhabdonema sp. | ||
Navicula sp. | ||
Pinnularia sp. | ||
Pleurosigma simonsenii | ||
Amphiprora sp. | ||
Coccneis sp. | ||
Nitzchia sp. | ||
Pseudonitzchia sp.* | ||
Dinophyta | Gymnodiniales | Gymnodinium sp |
Dinophysiales | Amphidinium carterae * | |
Dinophysis caudata * | ||
Prorocentrales | Prorocentrum compressum | |
Prorocentrum gracile | ||
Prorocentrum lima * | ||
Prorocentrum micans | ||
Prorocentrum minimum * | ||
Prorocentrum triestinum | ||
Peridiniales | Neocerartium candelabrum | |
Neocerartium furca | ||
Neocerartium lineatum | ||
Neocerartium tripos | ||
Neocerartium setaceum | ||
Ostreopsis ovata | ||
Scrippsiella trochoidae | ||
Peredinium sp. | ||
Protoperedinium minatum | ||
Protoperedinium depressum | ||
Protoperedinium ovum | ||
Euglenophyceae | Euglenales | Euglena acusformis |
Cyanobacteria | Nostocales | Anabena flosaquae |
Hormogonales | Tichodesmium erythraeum | |
Dictyochophyceae | Dictyochales | Dictyocha fibula |
Order | Family | Species |
Calanoida | Acartiidae | Acartia clausi |
Acartia italica | ||
Acartia longiremis | ||
Acartia discaudata | ||
Acartia danae | ||
Acartia bifilosa | ||
Paracartia latisetosa | ||
Centropagidae | Centropages typicus | |
Centropages kroyeri | ||
Centropages chierchiae | ||
Temoridae | Temora longicornis | |
Temora stylifera | ||
Paracalanidae | Paracalanus parvus | |
Paracalanus aculeatus | ||
Cyclopoida | Oithonidae | Oithona nana |
Oithona similis | ||
Oithona plumifera | ||
Oithona helgolandica | ||
Corycaeidae | Corycaeus ovalis | |
Corycaeus specious | ||
Corycaeus lotus | ||
Oncaeidae | Oncaea conifera | |
Harpacticoida | Euterpinidae | Euterpina acutifrons |
Clytemnestridae | Clytemnestra scutellata |
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© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Annabi-Trabelsi, N.; Guermazi, W.; Leignel, V.; Al-Enezi, Y.; Karam, Q.; Ali, M.; Ayadi, H.; Belmonte, G. Effects of Eutrophication on Plankton Abundance and Composition in the Gulf of Gabès (Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia). Water 2022, 14, 2230. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14142230
Annabi-Trabelsi N, Guermazi W, Leignel V, Al-Enezi Y, Karam Q, Ali M, Ayadi H, Belmonte G. Effects of Eutrophication on Plankton Abundance and Composition in the Gulf of Gabès (Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia). Water. 2022; 14(14):2230. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14142230
Chicago/Turabian StyleAnnabi-Trabelsi, Neila, Wassim Guermazi, Vincent Leignel, Yousef Al-Enezi, Qusaie Karam, Mohammad Ali, Habib Ayadi, and Genuario Belmonte. 2022. "Effects of Eutrophication on Plankton Abundance and Composition in the Gulf of Gabès (Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia)" Water 14, no. 14: 2230. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14142230
APA StyleAnnabi-Trabelsi, N., Guermazi, W., Leignel, V., Al-Enezi, Y., Karam, Q., Ali, M., Ayadi, H., & Belmonte, G. (2022). Effects of Eutrophication on Plankton Abundance and Composition in the Gulf of Gabès (Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia). Water, 14(14), 2230. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14142230