Contractual Reciprocity and the Re-Making of Community Hydrosocial Territories: The Case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos
:1. Introduction
2. Social Capital, Cultural Politics, and Contractual Reciprocity as a Tool to Understand the Consolidation of the Community Hydrosocial Territory in the Andes
”the contested imaginary and socio-environmental materialization of a spatially bound multi-scalar network in which humans, water flows, ecological relations, hydraulic infrastructure, financial means, legal-administrative arrangements and cultural institutions and practices are interactively defined, aligned, and mobilized through epistemological belief systems, political hierarchies, and naturalizing discourses”.[23] (p. 2)
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results
4.1. History of a Resilient Community: La Chimba
4.2. Re-Creation of Social Capital and Community Territory
Contractual Reciprocity within the Indigenous Community La Chimba
- The community government
- Communitarian productive and credit cooperatives
“Why should we ask the bank of the mishus [white/mestizo people in kichwa], if we can lend to each other?”
- Mingas: norms that sustain the bonds of reciprocity and solidarity within the community
- The minga and the external relations of the community
- Indigenous community territory management
- Water ceremonies and rituals as a symbolic recreation of the community ancestral territory
- The consolidation of communitarian hydrosocial territory
5. Conclusions
“The territory has a purpose, it is not just a physical space. We build it with our memory and our persistence, it is the accumulation of all that we have been and what we are.”Cecilia Gianella, Peruvian geographer (, 2019).
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Manosalvas, R.; Hoogesteger, J.; Boelens, R. Contractual Reciprocity and the Re-Making of Community Hydrosocial Territories: The Case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos. Water 2021, 13, 1600.
Manosalvas R, Hoogesteger J, Boelens R. Contractual Reciprocity and the Re-Making of Community Hydrosocial Territories: The Case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos. Water. 2021; 13(11):1600.
Chicago/Turabian StyleManosalvas, Rossana, Jaime Hoogesteger, and Rutgerd Boelens. 2021. "Contractual Reciprocity and the Re-Making of Community Hydrosocial Territories: The Case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos" Water 13, no. 11: 1600.
APA StyleManosalvas, R., Hoogesteger, J., & Boelens, R. (2021). Contractual Reciprocity and the Re-Making of Community Hydrosocial Territories: The Case of La Chimba in the Ecuadorian páramos. Water, 13(11), 1600.