2.2.1. Hydrological Model: HEC-HMS
The semi-distributed model HEC-HMS [
41] was used to process the main hydrological features of the area under scope. This modelling system, which is one of the most used for hydrological procedures, offers accurate results in locations close to the area under scope [
33]. The designed methodology only requires the input of a few variables to resolve the hydrologic processes—curve number (CN), lag time (Tl), baseflow linear reservoir (BLR), and the routing coefficients along the river channel, as described below.
Rainfall infiltration is determined using the SCS-CN [
43]. This procedure only requires the knowledge of the CN parameter. The standard CN (intermediate or average conditions) for each sub-basin under scope was firstly calculated following [
S is the potential maximum watershed site storage after runoff begins that is computed using:
Q is the runoff depth and
P is the rainfall depth, both obtained from SIMPA (stands for integrated precipitation-contribution modelling system) model [
46]. Equation (2) is also dependent of initial abstraction, which was simplified as
following Stewart et al. [
45], resulting in the equation presented above.
The theoretical CN value obtained at Lugo was calibrated using river flow data provided by the Confederacion Hidrografica del Miño-Sil (CHMS,
https://www.chminosil.es). The Lugo location was selected for calibration purposes because the Miño River exists there under natural condition and is not affected by river structures like dams. This procedure was carried out in order to completely adjust the CNs characterizing the area under study. The Nelder–Mead algorithm [
47] was used to obtain the optimum value with the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency index (NSE) as an objective function, which has reported accurate results in surrounding areas [
8]. The results obtained show a close relation between the theoretical CN value obtained from Equation (1) and the calibrated value (81 and 84, respectively), which suppose differences of less than 5%. The correction in CN value detected in calibration process was extrapolated to the rest of the sub-basins. First, theoretical values were calculated by means of Equation (1), and then, the correction (in percentage) was applied. In all cases, obtained CNs were rounded to the upper value (
Table 1). CN values are similar to the ones obtained in other studies developed in close areas [
In addition, it is a well-known fact that this standard CN should be modified attending to the different moisture content of the soil [
49]. This means that the antecedent moisture content (AMC) plays a key role in the rain-runoff processes. The criterion to determine the different conditions is based on [
50], which defines three possible CN classes (dry, average, and moist), whose inter-connections are specified in the equations defined in [
The thresholds delimiting the corresponding CN class are also based on the SCS criterion [
50], establishing two different annual seasons (non-humid and humid) and a dependence of the cumulative rainfall occurred in the antecedent days. The SCS approach only takes into account the antecedent five days for AMC calculations, however, some studies reveal that the rainfall of a larger number of antecedent days has also an important impact [
52]. This was also tested in locations close to the area under scope, where [
31] detected the important role of the previous 30 days in the moisture content. Slightly better results were obtained in the study area when the AMC of the previous 30 days was considered during the non-humid season and the AMC of the previous 5 days during the humid season (
Table 2). In the present work, the non-humid season was calculated to last from April to November and the humid season from December to March. However, some false peaks of river discharge can be obtained in December under the first intense precipitations. To correct this issue, the transition from the non-humid to the humid season starts only when the 30-day AMC surpasses 216 mm (that corresponds with the dry conditions threshold for the non-humid season). Taking into account the considerations commented above, it can be concluded that the conditions that better represent the AMC of the area under scope are those described in
Table 2. The obtained thresholds are in accordance with Cea and Fraga [
The SCS unit hydrograph was selected to model the transformation of rainfall excess into surface runoff [
50]. This approach only requires the input of the Lag Time and has shown accurate results for nearby areas [
33]. First, time of concentration was calculated following the equation proposed by spanish development ministry [
53], which provides a good approximation for Spanish basins,
Tc is the time of concentration in hours,
Lc is the length of the longest flow path in kilometers, and
Jc is the slope of the longest flow path in m/m.
Then, Lag Time was estimated by means of the approximation proposed by the SCS,
Tl was calibrated at Lugo station following the procedure explained above, obtaining larger values than the theoretical ones for our case of study. After the calibration process, the
Tl equation which best represent the area under scope was
This equation was used for all the sub-basins of the study. Lag time values were rounded at hourly scale according to the available time data resolution (
Table 1).
Baseflow dynamics was also calibrated at the Lugo station. For that, periods of diminishing flow after precipitation events were evaluated in order to know the constants associated to baseflow routing. These periods were selected several days after the precipitation to ensure that most of the river flow is due to baseflow dynamics. According to previous studies analyzing nearby areas [
8], the scheme, which better represents the baseflow dynamics of the area under study, was a linear reservoir with two layers, one of them with a faster response (180 h) than the other (600 h). The results obtained were used for the rest of the sub-basins. Also, it was observed that the baseflow response during the non-humid season was significantly attenuated compared with the humid season. This fact caused false peak values associated to precipitation events during dry season. To overcome this issue, a number between one and three sequential reservoirs was used depending on the average river flow in the previous 30 days. This approach achieves an attenuation in the baseflow response in concordance with the observed river flow.
Regarding the channel routing, the Muskingum–Cunge method [
54] was selected, which has provided accurate results in previous studies in close areas [
33]. The variables required (river length, slope, width, etc.) were determined according to data obtained from digital terrain models.
Finally, it is important to take into account that the most important tributary of Miño River, the Sil River, is not simulated. This simulation of Sil River flow is not straightforward since the river is highly regulated by a network of connections among dams. However, the Sil River debouches into the Miño River upstream from the city of Ourense, which makes it mandatory to forecast its contribution at that location. To overcome this limitation, the river flow predicted by the hydrological system in Ourense is reconstructed. For that, the system analyzes the relation between simulated river flow (which considers only Miño catchment) and the real flow observed at that location (which also includes the contributions of Sil River) during the period preceding the day under study (24 h and 5 h for the non-humid and humid seasons, respectively). A scale factor between the observed and forecasted flow at Ourense is obtained for the previous day. Then, this factor is applied to the hydrological forecast for the day of interest to take into account the influence of Sil river at this location.
2.2.2. Hydraulic Model: Iber+
Iber [
36] is a numerical tool that solves the 2D depth-averaged shallow water equations using the finite volume method. Iber+ [
35] is a new implementation of the model in C++ and CUDA [
55] to improve the efficiency of the simulations. The new code is able to achieve a two-order of magnitude speed-up while attaining the same precision by using graphical processing unit (GPU) computing high performance computing (HPC) techniques. These optimizations bring the possibility to employ the model in applications with large spatio-temporal domains [
56] or time constrained applications [
33]. The software package is freely available and can be downloaded from its official website (
https://iberaula.es). It also includes a graphical user interface (GUI) with preprocessing and post-processing tools.
In the present study, Iber+ was applied to analyze flood events in the test area of the city of Ourense.
Figure 1c shows the numerical domain at Ourense, where more than 50 land uses were defined to model the characteristics of the terrain (
Figure 1e). Manning’s coefficients were computed accordingly to Gonzalez-Cao et al. [
57]. The inlet condition was defined by means of the input hydrograph (critical–subcritical), and the outlet condition was defined using a supercritical–critical outflow. Turbulence was not taken into account as suggested by [
58] and in accordance with similar works [
61]. The digital elevation model (DEM) that describes the topography of the area of study has a resolution of 5 m. The DEM data files were obtained from the Instituto Geográfico Nacional website (
https://www.ign.es/web/ign/portal). The computational domain was discretized using a mesh with 91,216 unstructured triangular elements, with an average area of 5 m
2.2.3. Automatic Early Warning System
The early warning system is governed by a set of Python scripts. Basically, the system is triggered automatically once the precipitation forecasts are published by the local meteorological agency MeteoGalicia (
https://www.meteogalicia.gal). MeteoGalicia provides precipitation information with a 72 h forecast window under a temporal and spatial resolution of 1 h and 4 km, respectively, providing an adequately representation of rainy situations for the area under scope [
33]. Then, the hydrological simulation is run with the HEC-HMS model, followed by the hydraulic simulations of Iber+ for each area of interest. The computational step and the results of HEC-HMS are on an hourly scale according to the precipitation data. The Iber+ model results are also on hourly scale, while the computational step is adaptive, using a Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition [
62] value of 0.45. A 24-h forecast horizon is considered. If any hazard is detected, an alert is issued to the corresponding decision makers. The general architecture of the system is shown in
Figure 2.
The data necessary to perform the simulations is automatically retrieved by the system. This is the precipitation forecast and rain gauge data for the basins analyzed (from MeteoGalicia) and the current river flow (from CHMS) to determine the initial baseflow of the reach. The separation of the baseflow from the total flow is performed with the Eckhardt method [
63], which is applied recursively from an instant where all the flow could be considered as baseflow. It is also important to note that the existing dams were not considered in the present work. However, this is a reasonable approach since, under extreme events, dams have low potential of regulation.
The hydrological simulations are performed with HEC-HMS using an SCS-CN runoff model. Although it was meant for single event simulations, the proposed method was designed to overcome its limitations. For this, the simulation of each sub-basin is separated from the simulation of the river reach. Each sub-basin is simulated for several fixed precipitation events of 24 h (See
Figure 3). Each simulated event will have an independent curve number based on the precedent conditions as described above. Additionally, if the simulated event is under the CN
moist class, precipitation of the previous 6 h before the event is also analyzed, and if precipitation exceeds a threshold (8 mm), the CN will be increased to 97 in order to not interrupt the rain-runoff process. The number of forecasted events depends on the period that will be predicted and will take data from the precipitation forecast. The number of hindcast events depend on the characteristics of the basin, for the case of study we found that events prior to five days before the forecast do not have a significant influence on the flow. In the present analysis, the precipitation corresponding to the previous days was estimated from rain gauges, although the system can also run with forecasted precipitation. The second approach is especially useful for poorly sampled areas or in case of malfunction in the rain gauges. The simulations run with precipitation data of a single event (24 h), but the simulation period finishes at the end of the prediction period. Then, the outflow series of the sub-basin is reconstructed with data from each simulation. Starting from the flow series of the forecast simulations, we sum the run-off coming from the previous events and the increments in the baseflow. The resulting flow series represent the flow caused by the forecast events and also the previous ones. The outflow of each sub-basin is then used as input data for the simulation of the river reach. Although this method makes the simulation process more complex, the number of parameters needed is the same as for the regular SCS-CN method, making it especially suitable for those cases were the data needed to parametrize other methods is not available. The proposed method can be applied to simulate longer periods of time than SCS-CN without losing infiltration capacity and adjusting the best CN for each event of that period.
After the hydrological simulation, the hydraulic simulations with Iber+ are triggered for each zone of interest. Simulations can be launched on every EWS execution or only when a certain safety threshold is exceeded in the input flow. This second approach can be especially suitable when the computation resources are limited. Each of the simulations performed with Iber+ are executed in a GPU Nvidia RTX 2080ti and require a computational time in the order of 3–5 min for each 24 h of simulated time for meshes of the order of 70–200 k elements. If the modelled reach contains a high number of zones that require hydraulic simulations, these could be launched in parallel in different GPUs to maintain execution times in reasonable values. These simulations produce water depth and hazard maps for maximum values and hourly values. When some hazard is detected in the hydraulic simulations, an alert is issued to the corresponding decision makers.