Implementing a Statewide Deficit Analysis for Inland Surface Waters According to the Water Framework Directive—An Exemplary Application on Phosphorus Pollution in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany)
:1. Introduction
- Absolute and area-specific phosphorus loads for each subcatchment;
- Maximum and second-highest input path from a comparison of all paths;
- Percentage shares of point and diffuse sources for each subcatchment;
- Expected phosphorus concentration in each subcatchment;
- Absolute and relative required reduction in mg/L, t/yr or % for each subcatchment in order to meet the orientation values according to OGewV;
- Number of subcatchments which do not achieve good ecological status, statewide and for each river basin district;
- Required reduction statewide and for each river basin district. Results of the deficit analysis are also available for more detailed units such as planning units (Planungseinheiten) and subbasin areas (Bearbeitungsgebiete). In order to keep this paper short and easily readable, these results will not be included but can be provided if necessary.
2. Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methods of the Deficit Analysis
2.3. Input Data for the Deficit Analysis
2.3.1. The German Catchment Coding System and the Hydrological Area Register Schleswig-Holstein
2.3.2. Average Annual Discharge Modeled with GROWA
2.3.3. Phosphorus Emission Modeled with MEPhos
2.3.4. Phosphorus Orientation Values for Surface Waters
3. Results
4. Validation of Results and Discussion
4.1. Validation Based on Phosphorus Concentrations Measured in Rivers (at Least 50 Measurements per Measuring Station)
4.2. Validation Based on Phosphorus Concentrations Measured in Lakes
5. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Input Data | Data Source | Processing Method |
hierarchy between subcatchments | hydrological area register Schleswig-Holstein (GFV) | decoding based on [11] |
total and agricultural area of subcatchments | GFV, Integrated Administration and Control System (InVeKoS 2011) | derivation in GIS |
information relating to river basin districts | State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Schleswig-Holstein (LLUR) | transfer to subcatchments |
lake information | expert information system for water management: lakes | transfer to lake subcatchments |
average annual discharge | water balance model GROWA [6] | spatially intersecting in GIS |
phosphorus emission | phosphorus emission model MEPhos [6] | spatially intersecting in GIS |
type of surface water body | GFV, database of surface water body characteristics | link column SH_CD_WB from GFV to surface water body database |
orientation value | OGewV 2016, LLUR (Table 2) | transfer to subcatchments based on the type of surface water body |
Type | Explanation | Phosphorus Orientation Value [mg/L] | |
Rivers | 14 | Small sand-dominated lowland rivers | 0.1 |
15 | Mid-sized and large sand and loam-dominated lowland rivers | 0.1 | |
16 | Small gravel-dominated lowland rivers | 0.1 | |
17 | Mid-sized and large gravel-dominated lowland rivers | 0.1 | |
19 | Small streams in riverine floodplains | 0.15 | |
20 | Very large sand-dominated rivers | 0.1 | |
21_N | Lake outflows in the North German lowlands | 0.1 | |
22.1 | Marshland streams with catchments almost completely inside the marshes, which flow directly into the North Sea or lower reaches of large rivers | 0.3 | |
22.2 | Marshland streams with catchments in ground moraines of young and old moraine landscapes | 0.3 | |
22.3 | Very large marshland rivers (only Elbe and Weser) | 0.3 | |
77 | Kiel Canal | 0.15 (in agreement with LLUR) | |
Lakes | 10.1 | Lowland layered lakes with relatively large catchment area | 0.0325 |
10.2 | Lowland layered lakes with relatively large catchment area | 0.037 | |
11.1 | Lowland polymictic lakes with relatively large catchment area | 0.04 | |
11.2 | Lowland polymictic lakes with relatively large catchment area | 0.045 | |
12 | Lowland river-like lakes | 0.075 | |
13 | Lowland layered lakes with relatively small catchment area | 0.03 | |
14 | Lowland polymictic lakes with relatively small catchment area | 0.037 | |
99 | Artificial lakes located along the North Sea Coast | Not considered as in good condition |
River Basin District | Number of Subcatchments | Number of Subcatchments Exceeding Orientation Values | Phosphorus Loads [t/yr] | Required Reductions [t/yr] |
Elbe | 2815 | 1609 (57%) | 313 | 101 (32%) |
Eider | 1170 | 718 (61%) | 359 | 100 (28%) |
Schlei/Trave | 2422 | 1542 (64%) | 208 | 68 (33%) |
Schleswig-Holstein | 6407 | 3869 (60%) | 880 | 269 (31%) |
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Share and Cite
Ta, P.; Tetzlaff, B.; Trepel, M.; Wendland, F. Implementing a Statewide Deficit Analysis for Inland Surface Waters According to the Water Framework Directive—An Exemplary Application on Phosphorus Pollution in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany). Water 2020, 12, 1365.
Ta P, Tetzlaff B, Trepel M, Wendland F. Implementing a Statewide Deficit Analysis for Inland Surface Waters According to the Water Framework Directive—An Exemplary Application on Phosphorus Pollution in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany). Water. 2020; 12(5):1365.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTa, Phuong, Björn Tetzlaff, Michael Trepel, and Frank Wendland. 2020. "Implementing a Statewide Deficit Analysis for Inland Surface Waters According to the Water Framework Directive—An Exemplary Application on Phosphorus Pollution in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany)" Water 12, no. 5: 1365.
APA StyleTa, P., Tetzlaff, B., Trepel, M., & Wendland, F. (2020). Implementing a Statewide Deficit Analysis for Inland Surface Waters According to the Water Framework Directive—An Exemplary Application on Phosphorus Pollution in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany). Water, 12(5), 1365.