Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers
:1. Introduction
2. Flow Resistance
3. Grain Contribution to Flow Resistance
4. Sand Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance
Empirical Coefficient for Bed Form Drag
5. Model Validation and Sensitivity Analysis to the Bed Form Geometry and Skin Roughness
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
C′ | dimensionless conveyance Chezy coefficient related to the skin roughness |
ds | representative sediment diameter |
F | Froude number |
g | gravity acceleration |
G | mass force vector acting on the control volume of streamflow |
k | Von Karman’s constant |
ks’ | equivalent grain roughness |
L | river reach length |
m | fitting parameter of empirical correction function κ |
M1, M2 | momentum flux in stream wise direction |
M | momentum flux vector trough the surface of the control volume of the streamflow |
n | fitting parameter of empirical correction function |
n′ | Manning coefficient related to grain roughness |
u | local flow velocity |
shear velocity related to the skin roughness | |
U | mean flow velocity |
P1, P2,PL | pressure force acting on the upstream, downstream cross section, and on the lee side of the dune, with respect to the control volume of the streamflow |
P | pressure vector acting on the boundary surface of the control volume of streamflow |
q | water discharge per unit with of the channel |
Re | Reynolds’ number |
S | friction slope |
S′ | friction slope due to the grain resistance |
S″ | friction slope due to the dune drag |
TL | shear stress on the lee side of the dune |
y | mean flow depth |
local water depth | |
z | vertical elevation above the river bed |
Z | relative submergence |
αi | Coriolis coefficient |
β | momentum coefficient |
γs | specific weight of immersed sediment |
ΓΔ/y and Γ PΔ/y | dune geometric correction function |
δ | dune steepness |
Δ | dune height |
ΔH | total head loss |
ΔH′ | head loss due to the grain resistance |
ΔH″ | head loss due to the dune drag |
ΔHP″ | head loss due to the dune drag according to pressure pipe flow approach |
κ | empirical correction coefficient |
Λ | dune length |
ν | kinematic viscosity of water |
ρ | density of water |
σ | average river bedslope |
τ | total bed shear stress |
τ’ | grain shear stress contribution to the total bed shear stress |
τ″ | bedform shear stress contribution to the total bed shear stress |
ω | angle between the lee dune side and the horizontal |
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Code | River | N | Q (m3/s) | Y (m) | U (m/s) | S (m/km) | F (-) | d50 (mm) | d90 (mm) | Δ (m) | Λ (m) |
A | Fiumi Uniti | 22 | 358.40–21.17 | 4.72–1.31 | 1.66–0.20 | 0.139–0.002 | 0.24–0.04 | 0.655–0.390 | 2.100–0.630 | 0.28–0.10 | 17.53–13.1 |
B | Savio | 9 | 132.06–7.04 | 3.58–1.77 | 1.50–0.21 | 0.354–0.012 | 0.28–0.05 | 0.548–0.412 | 1.702–0.694 | 0.16–0.12 | 7.16–6.14 |
C | Calamus | 18 | 1.73–0.82 | 0.61–0.34 | 0.77–0.61 | 1.100–0.680 | 0.34–0.29 | 0.410–0.310 | - | 0.20–0.10 | 4.05–2.02 |
D | Missouri | 25 | 1817.20–179.20 | 4.99–2.77 | 1.76–1.28 | 0.185–0.125 | 0.32–0.22 | 0.266–0.190 | 0.311–0.217 | 2.07–0.58 | 735.18–57.91 |
E | Jamuna | 33 | 10000–5000 | 19.50–8.20 | 1.50–1.30 | 0.070 | 0.17–0.09 | 0.200 | - | 5.10–0.80 | 251.00–8.00 |
F | Parana | 13 | 25000 | 26.00–22.00 | 1.50–1.00 | 0.050 | 0.10–0.07 | 0.370 | - | 7.50–3.00 | 450.00–100.00 |
G | Zaire | 29 | 28490–284 | 17.60–6.80 | 1.69–0.32 | 0.345–0.042 | 0.16–0.03 | 0.545–0.430 | 1.900–0.430 | 1.90–1.20 | 450.00–90.00 |
H | Bergsche Maas | 20 | 2160 | 10.50–5.80 | 1.70–1.30 | 0.125 | 0.20–0.13 | 0.520–0.210 | - | 2.50–0.40 | 50.00–6.00 |
Code | River | N | Q (m3/s) | Y (m) | U (m/s) | S (m/km) | F (-) | d50 (mm) | d90 (mm) | Δ (m) | Λ (m) |
I | Meuse | 44 | 1743.0–1731.0 | 9.52–8.22 | 1.57–0.87 | 0.141–0.138 | 0.17–0.09 | 0.650–0.500 | 2.500–1.030 | 0.85–0.58 | 13.42–7.03 |
L | ACP–ACOP | 151 | 528.68–27.50 | 4.30–0.76 | 1.29–0.35 | 0.271–0.016 | 0.23–0.12 | 0.364–0.083 | 0.466–0.105 | - | - |
M | Niobrara | 40 | 16.06–5.86 | 0.59–0.40 | 1.27–0.65 | 1.799–1.136 | 0.54–0.30 | 0.359–0.212 | 0.849–0.326 | - | - |
N | Rio Grande | 33 | 42.19–1.67 | 1.51–0.39 | 1–69–0.10 | 0.800–0.450 | 0.49–0.04 | 0.280–0.160 | 0.417–0.198 | - | - |
O | AMC | 11 | 29.42–1.22 | 2.53–0.80 | 0.79–0.42 | 0.3300.058 | 0.25–0.10 | 7.000–0.096 | 1.440–0.331 | - | - |
P | MID | 38 | 13.62–9.03 | 0.41–0.25 | 1.12–0.59 | 1.572–0.929 | 0.72–0.32 | 0.436–0.215 | 1.264–0.346 | - | - |
Q | ATC | 55 | 14186.31–1449.78 | 14.75–6.92 | 2.03–0.64 | 0.051–0.014 | 0.17–0.06 | 0.303–0.085 | 0.708–0.169 | - | - |
Dataset | Λ/y | S′ | Validated Data within Error Band | |
30% | 20% | |||
model | 7.30 | Equation (11) ks’ = 2.0·d50 | 93.5% | 68.4% |
test | 6.28 | 93.1% | 69.4% | |
test | 5.00 | 91.3% | 68.6% | |
test | 7.30 | Equation (11) ks’ = 1.0·d50 | 90.7% | 62.5% |
test | Equation (38) | 88.2% | 63.9% |
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Schippa, L.; Cilli, S.; Ciavola, P.; Billi, P. Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers. Water 2019, 11, 2094. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11102094
Schippa L, Cilli S, Ciavola P, Billi P. Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers. Water. 2019; 11(10):2094. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11102094
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchippa, Leonardo, Silvia Cilli, Paolo Ciavola, and Paolo Billi. 2019. "Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers" Water 11, no. 10: 2094. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11102094
APA StyleSchippa, L., Cilli, S., Ciavola, P., & Billi, P. (2019). Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers. Water, 11(10), 2094. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11102094