A Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, Taiwan
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.2 Artificial Neural Networks
2.3. Management Model Formulation
2.4. Differential Evolution
3. Study Area
3.1. General Background
3.2. Hydrogeology
3.3. Seawater Intrusion in Pingtung Plain
3.4. Regional Groundwater Flow Model
4. Results
4.1. Development of the SWI Model
4.1.1. Refinement of Regional Groundwater Flow Model
4.1.2. SWI Model of Pingtung Plain
4.1.3. Calibration of SWI Model
4.2. The Surrogate Model of ANNs
4.2.1. Management Scenario #1
4.2.2. Management Scenario #2
4.3. Results of SWI Management
4.3.1. The Setting of DE Algorithm
4.3.2. The Results of Status Quo
4.3.3. The Management Results of Scenario #1
4.3.4. The Management Results of Scenario #2
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Model Parameter | Regional Flow Model (Calibrated by Chang [2]) | SWI Model(Calibrate Based on Historical TDS Data) | ||||
Aquifer F1 | Aquifer F2 | Aquifer F3-1 | Aquifer F1 | Aquifer F2 | Aquifer F3-1 | |
Grid cell size in x and y-directions (m) | 1000 × 1000 | 333 × 333 | ||||
Grid cell size in z-direction (m) | 9–85 | 4–93 | 5–100 | 4.3–17.67 | 1.6–20 | 10.3–27.7 |
Horizontal hydraulic conductivity (m·day−1) | 0.15–231.55 | 0.03–200.30 | 0.61–230.00 | 0.15–100.00 | 17.12–200.30 | 1.98–230.00 |
Vertical hydraulic conductivity (m·day−1) | 0.003–4.63 | 0.0006–4.00 | 0.01–4.60 | 0.003–2.00 | 0.34–4.00 | 0.04–4.60 |
Specific storage (m−1) | 6 × 10−6–6 × 10−5 | 6.8 × 10−6–5 × 10−5 | 6 × 10−6–4 × 10−5 | 6 × 10−6–4 × 10−5 | 1 × 10−5–2 × 10−5 | 6.75 × 10−6–1.8 × 10−5 |
Specific yield (-) | 0.06–0.30 | --- | --- | 0.06–0.21 | --- | --- |
Dispersivity (m) | --- | --- | --- | 0.01–400.00 | 0.01–300.00 | 0.001–500.00 |
Number of Neurons | Mean Square Error (MSE) |
3 | 4.6813 |
5 | 0.72893 |
7 | 0.2347 |
9 | 0.14783 |
Data Set | Correlation Coefficient (R) | |
Scenario #1 | Scenario #2 | |
Training | 0.99785 | 0.96787 |
Validation | 0.99787 | 0.96741 |
Testing | 0.99779 | 0.96516 |
All | 0.99784 | 0.9674 |
Mechanism of Vector Selection | Random (Uniform Distribution) |
Number of decision variables | 4 in Scenario #1 and 5 in Scenario #2 |
Lower bound of decision variables | 0 |
Upper bound of decision variables | 1000 |
Population size | 30, 50, 100 |
Max iterations | 200 |
Scale factor F | 0.85 |
Crossover probability | 1 |
Cases | Objective Function | Injection Rate #1 | Injection Rate #2 | Injection Rate #3 | Injection Rate #4 | Injection Rate #5 |
Scenario #1 | ||||||
Case 1-1 | 4840.15 | 944.85 | 1193.85 | 893.45 | 1808.00 | --- |
Case 1-2 | 6415.30 | 1429.75 | 1619.85 | 1178.00 | 2187.70 | --- |
Case 1-3 | 9825.00 | 2633.50 | 2436.65 | 1991.65 | 2763.20 | --- |
Scenario #2 | ||||||
Case 2-1 | 5446.64 | 2505.50 | 0.64 | 0.028 | 1833.60 | 1106.88 |
Case 2-2 | 12964.55 | 2694.70 | 1069.84 | 1040.41 | 5010.80 | 3148.80 |
Case 2-3 | 26076.50 | 6766.50 | 7253.52 | 1277.22 | 5341.10 | 5438.16 |
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Share and Cite
Huang, P.-S.; Chiu, Y.-C. A Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, Taiwan. Water 2018, 10, 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10030251
Huang P-S, Chiu Y-C. A Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, Taiwan. Water. 2018; 10(3):251. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10030251
Chicago/Turabian StyleHuang, Po-Syun, and Yung-Chia Chiu. 2018. "A Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, Taiwan" Water 10, no. 3: 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10030251
APA StyleHuang, P.-S., & Chiu, Y.-C. (2018). A Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, Taiwan. Water, 10(3), 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10030251