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Evidence and Explanation for the 2023 Global Warming Anomaly

Institute of Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, Victoria University Melbourne, Footscray, VIC 3011, Australia
Atmosphere 2024, 15(12), 1507;
Submission received: 12 September 2024 / Revised: 24 November 2024 / Accepted: 12 December 2024 / Published: 17 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Climatology)


In 2023, the rapid increase in global temperature of around 0.25 °C caught the scientific community by surprise. Its cause has been investigated largely by exploring variations on a long-term trend, with little success. Building on previous work, this paper proposes an alternative explanation—on decadal timescales, observed temperature shows a complex, nonlinear response to forcing, stepping through a series of steady-state regimes. The 2023 event is nominated as the latest in the sequence. Step changes in historical and modeled global mean surface temperatures (GMSTs) were detected using the bivariate test. Each time series was then separated into gradual (trends) and rapid components (shifts) and tested using probative criteria. For sea surface, global and land surface temperatures from the NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset V6.0 1880–2022, the rapid component of total warming was 94% of 0.72 °C, 78% of 1.16 °C and 74% of 1.93 °C, respectively. These changes are too large to support the gradual warming hypothesis. The recent warming was initiated in March 2023 by sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the southern hemisphere, followed by an El Niño signal further north. Global temperatures followed, then land. A preceding regime shift in 2014 and subsequent steady-state 2015–2022 was also initiated and sustained by SSTs. Analysis of the top 100 m annual average ocean temperature from 1955 shows that it forms distinct regimes, providing a substantial ‘heat bank’ that sustains the changes overhead. Regime shifts are also produced by climate models. Archived data show these shifts emerged with coupling of the ocean and atmosphere. Comparing shifts and trends with equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) in an ensemble of 94 CMIP5 RCP4.5 models 2006–2095 showed that shifts had 2.9 times the influence on ECS than trends. Factors affecting this relationship include ocean structure, initialization times, physical parameters and model skill. Single model runs with skill ≥75 showed that shifts were 6.0 times more influential than trends. These findings show that the dominant warming mechanism is the sudden release of heat from the ocean rather than gradual warming in the atmosphere. The model ensemble predicted all regime changes since the 1970s within ±1 year, including 2023. The next shift is projected for 2036, but current emissions are tracking higher than projected by RCP4.5. Understanding what these changes mean for the estimation of current and future climate risks is an urgent task.

1. Introduction

The sudden 2023 increase in global mean surface temperature (GMST) has prompted widespread debate as to whether it is a temporary perturbation, a sign of accelerated global warming or a symptom of greater instability [1,2,3]. Prominent climate scientists are on record stating that it came as a surprise and its cause remains unclear [1,3].
The underlying temperature response to increasing greenhouse gases (the signal) is considered to be gradual [4,5]. If 2023 was a temporary perturbation due to climate variability, this underlying response would rely solely on changing radiative forcing. Future projections are based around ensemble mean trends representing this signal. If how the climate system responds to a given forcing is changing, there is limited indication of what the future may hold. These alternatives pit known unknowns against unknown unknowns. The latter carries potential downside risks, possibly catastrophic.
This paper proposes a third alternative. It builds on previous work that identifies the climate response on decadal timescales as being a nonlinear process [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. Under this model, radiative transfer theory remains unchanged, but the heat accruing due to increasing greenhouse gases follows a different warming pathway. Instead of gradually warming the atmosphere and shallow ocean, additional heat is absorbed by the ocean while the coupled upper ocean and atmosphere maintain steady-state conditions. When the heat buildup in the shallow ocean becomes unstable, sea surface temperatures undergo a regime shift emitting heat into the atmosphere, causing rapid warming [7,8].
Using NOAA v6.0 global temperatures [13,14], I show how the 2023 warming spike evolved, comparing it to the pre-existing climate regime that had been in place since 2015. Further analysis follows the evolution of surface temperature since the 19th century, separating each record into gradual and rapid warming components. Upper ocean temperature is similarly analyzed.
The gradual and rapid warming components from a climate model ensemble from the CMIP5 archive are then compared with equilibrium climate sensitivity to assess which reflects the stronger response to forcing. The historical record is then compared with regime shifts from that ensemble, showing they are closely aligned since 1970. The results show the potential for being able to predict future shifts.

2. Materials and Methods

The main historical data set used was the NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset (NOAAGlobalTemp) Version 6.0 [14], updated to July 2024. This is a blend of the extended reconstructed sea surface temperature and land surface air temperature that uses the Global Historical Climatology Network—Monthly (GHCN-M) temperature database. Upper ocean temperatures for the top 100 m from the US National Oceanographic Data Center [15] were also analyzed for regime shifts. Climate model GMST from a 107-member ensemble of the CMIP5 RCP4.5 archive was also used. Details of the latter are described in Jones and Ricketts [7].
The methodology applied in this paper is the detection and attribution of nonlinear behavior in global climate using severe testing. Severe testing, developed by Mayo [16,17] and Mayo and Spanos [18,19] uses statistical inference with probative criteria, where a hypothesis passes tests that it would have most likely failed if it were false. This is a two-stage procedure:
  • Error-testing, where a statistical model is tested for its suitability in assessing a specific outcome given a range of input data;
  • Probative testing, where using the results of error testing, rival scientific hypotheses are subject to tests capable of distinguishing between them.
The primary statistical measure used in this analysis is the detection of abrupt changes in mean temperature signaling a regime shift. Detection was carried out using Maronna and Yohai’s bivariate test [20]. This test is designed to detect change points in mean of serially independent data. It is also robust in the presence of red noise that produces random walks around the mean (Brownian bridges) [20]. The bivariate test has been applied to climatic data since 1981 [21], detecting natural and artificial inhomogeneities, but is not widely known or understood. Subsequent work in the development of an objective test for multiple shifts in a time series produced the multi-step bivariate test (MSBV) [7,22].
Severe testing was applied to both historical and model data using the MSBV in Jones and Ricketts [7]. Six tests were used to show that the response of climate to increasing radiative forcing is nonlinear on decadal timescales, not gradual, as is still generally assumed. Two of those tests are updated in this paper to place the 2023 temperature anomaly within a broader context of nonlinear change. The methodology used here is outlined in Appendix A, with examples of how key uncertainties have been managed.
For this paper, shifts in observed climate were detected manually. Results were averaged from 100 iterations comparing the test data to a time series of randomly selected (0–1) reference data. Shifts in annual data were detected with p < 0.01 of there being no shift. The timing of each was then pinpointed using monthly data.
The identification of stable regimes punctuated by steps was used to separate each time series into periods of slow change, alternating with brief periods of rapid change. These were added, producing slow and fast components of total warming. A period of 12 months was allocated to each rapid warming event. This allows the two components to be compared to each other and to independent variables. Key terms used are steps, the change identified by the bivariate test; trends, the internal trends between change points; and shifts, the gap between the tail of one trend and beginning of the next.
The conventional approach to identifying a climate signal is to use least-squares trend analysis or similar technique, where the null statistical hypothesis is p < 0.05 of there being no trend [23,24,25,26,27]. However, trend analysis by itself does not identify whether an underlying change is gradual or not, so it cannot distinguish between a simple or complex response to incremental forcing.
Separating out the gradual and rapid components of total change allows each to be tested against probative criteria. The severe tests from Jones and Ricketts [7] updated here are as follows:
  • The proportion of each component (slow and fast) making up total historical warming and how they account for the forced response. For a perfect staircase, warming will be made up of 100% shifts with no internal trends. A perfectly monotonic trend will be the opposite.
  • The relationship between each component and ECS in climate models. ECS measures the model-specific atmospheric feedback from double pre-industrial CO2 at equilibrium. While the conversion of solar radiation to heat would be the same in both cases, the subsequent warming will follow a separate pathway, depending on whether it is gradual or abrupt. Gradual warming in the atmosphere will result in almost immediate feedback, producing a strong relationship between the trend component and ECS. If additional heat is absorbed by the ocean, then stored and released, feedback will be delayed until after release, producing a stronger relationship between shifts and ECS. If both processes are present, they will be roughly equal.
To illustrate the first test, the historical analyses for GMST, SST and land surface temperatures (LST) are presented before focusing on the 2023 event and its relationship to the period 2015–2022 and the previous period, 1998–2013. The role of upper ocean temperature (0–100 m depth) as a heat store is then described.
For the second test, the relationship between shifts, trends, total warming and ECS is explored for the 94 models with available estimates, looking at the effect of model structure, different realizations and model skill. The capacity of the whole ensemble to predict historical shifts is shown before addressing their ability to forecast the 2023 and future events.
Appendix A summarizes the application of the bivariate test to climate (A1), error testing description and results (A2), additional details for the severe testing of historical data (A3), the relationship between model skill and severe testing for climate models and regional influences on global shifts (A5).

3. Results

3.1. Observations

3.1.1. 1880–2023

This first section presents GMST (ocean–land), sea surface temperatures (SST, ocean) and land surface temperatures (LST, land) for the calendar years 1880–2023, analyzed for regime shifts and separated into shifts and internal trends.
In Figure 1, GMST 1880–2023 from the NOAA data is shown with internal trends, total gradual and rapid warming in °C and percent, and warming rate. Note that 2023 is not included in this breakdown. Regime shifts were registered in June 1936 (0.26 °C), May 1979 (0.28 °C), May 1997 (0.30 °C) and June 2014 (0.32 °C). These changes represent the full regime shifts, omitting any influence of internal trends, whereas those in Figure 1 incorporate them. Additional uncertainties associated with the step model, the shift and trend model and the contribution of the gradual component over time are shown in Figure A1a–c. Figure A1c shows visually that the gradual component is too small to represent forced warming.
SST shows a different history to GMST in the early part of the record (Figure 2). A downward shift in February 1903 (−0.24 °C) was followed by a partial recovery in September 1913 (0.14 °C). The rest of the sequence is similar to GMST, with shifts in January1937 (0.22 °C), October 1976 (0.24 °C), February 1997 (0.18 °C) and March 2014 (0.23 °C). Compared to GMST, this record is very step-like, comprised of 6% gradual warming and 94% rapid warming. Note that cooling was subtracted from both totals.
LST has warmed by a much greater amount, undergoing early shifts in June 1896 (0.19 °C) and October 1923 (0.29 °C) (Figure 3). These were followed by shifts in September 1979 (0.40 °C), September 1997 (0.57 °C) and September 2015 (0.55 °C). This sequence is about one-quarter gradual warming and three-quarters rapid.
This sequence matches earlier results, where regional and global shifts were clustered around 1976–1979 and 1996–1998 [7] with 2014–2016 ending the so-called hiatus period. All these dates are associated in the general literature with changes in decadal variability. The Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) changed modes in 1976, 1998 and 2014 [28,29,30,31]. The latter may have been be temporary; the PDO turned positive in 2014 and has been negative since 2017. The PDO also showed similar timing to LST in 1896 and 1923–1924 and the Atlantic meridional oscillation (AMO) to SST in 1902–1903. More regional shifts also affected the SH in 1968–1972 and 2010 and the NH in 1986–1987.
When perturbations in climate coincide with changes in decadal variability, the routine conclusion is that they are due to internal variability. This type of reasoning applies statistical induction based on timing. However, these changes involve large net changes in heat, whereas internal variability would be expected to redistribute heat. If these regime shifts were not present in the data, the bivariate test would not have detected them.
The magnitude of gradual change in each time series is also too small to explain the changes attributed to radiative forcing based on trend analysis. The likely change from 1850–1899 to 2010–2019 is 0.8 °C to 1.3 °C, with a best estimate of 1.07 °C [32]. For the NOAA data, it is 0.99 °C, whereas the gradual component for 1880–2022 is 0.26 °C. Even though these two periods are offset and measured differently, when 1850–2019 is calculated the same way, gradual warming totals 0.24 °C and rapid warming 0.79 °C for a total of 1.03 °C.

3.1.2. 2015–2024

This section reports on the period January 2015–July 2024, the most recent regime following the regime shift centered on 2014.
The events of 2023 began with a spike in SST in March 2023 that was reported globally. In June 2023, the recent El Niño was announced by the World Meteorological Organization [33]. June also broke the previous monthly temperature record for global mean surface temperature (GMST) set in January 2016.
Figure 4 compares monthly SST and GMST (Figure 4a) and SST and LST (Figure 4b) from 2015 to June 2024. From January 2015 to February 2023, the month before SST started to spike, trends for all three were negligible and slightly negative. The peak temperature for the 2016 El Niño was January 2016 for SST (0.93 °C from the 1850–1899 baseline) and February 2016 for GMST and LST (1.47 °C and 2.83 °C, respectively). These levels are shown by the horizontal lines in each chart.
Every month since June 2023 has been above the previous record for SST. GMST broached the limit from September 2023 to March 2024 with the exception of January 2024. LST broached the 2016 peak in November 2023 only.
Differences between the March 2023 and July 2024 period and January 2015 and February 2023 were 0.27 °C, 0.31 °C and 0.39 °C for SST, GMST and LST, respectively. As of June 2024, the World Meteorological Organization had declared the El Niño as ending and a 50% chance of neutral or La Niña conditions in the coming months [34]. LST shows a clear peak and decline over the 2023–2024 period, followed by GMST, but SST preceded the event and is persisting at levels exceeding the 2016 peak.
Further insight can be gained by looking at northern and southern hemisphere SSTs separately (Figure 5). The spike in SST began in the SH in March 2023, shifting up by 0.25 °C from the previous period. The NH SST shifted up by 0.40 °C in June 2023. It has since declined from its peak, but both have exceeded the 2016 El Niño peak throughout 2024. The SH SST began to shift first; the NH SST was more strongly affected by El Niño, but both are contributing to the continuing warm conditions.
This analysis is very different from the standard approach exemplified by Forster et al. [4]. They assessed trend-like change in multiple publicly available temperature records, concluding that warming in 2023 was 1.43 °C (1.32 to 1.53 °C) compared to the simple mean here of 1.36 ± 0.28 °C. The equivalent WMO estimate was 1.45 ± 0.12 °C [35]. Forster et al. [4] undertook an attribution test applying the three methods used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), estimating the anthropogenic component of the 2023 mean as 1.31 °C (1.1 to 1.7 °C). They conclude that the difference of 0.12 °C (central estimate) indicates “a substantial contribution of internal variability in the 2023 record” [4].

3.1.3. 1998–2015

Repeating the above analysis for the so-called hiatus period shows a similar sequence. In this case, the regime does contain a trend. SST 1998–2013 gradually warmed by 0.07 °C at p = 0.21, GMST 1998–2013 by 0.18 at p = 0.01 and LST 1998–2014 by 0.40 at p = 0.002. The trend in GMST was therefore largely driven by warming over land. This is the most trend-like regime of those shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3.
At the end of this period, SST showed a similar pattern to the more recent one (Figure 6). SSTs began to increase in March 2014, on which the El Niño of 2015–2016 was superimposed. The emerging regime was in place just before that El Niño began, and the temperature remained at constant levels until early 2023. The mean difference between the two periods was 0.25 °C for SST, 0.33 °C for GMST and 0.52 °C for LST.
When NH and SH SST were analyzed separately, the warming in 2014 was driven by the SST from both hemispheres, shifting in May that year (0.36 °C, 0.17 °C, respectively). These changes preceded those on land (Figure 7). Based on this earlier pattern, current temperatures are likely to stabilize following the El Niño for some years until the next regime shift. If a La Niña develops, temperatures may cool slightly but would still be expected to be warmer than the 2015–2022 regime.
This tells a different story to that provided by Forster et al. [4]. They estimate the underlying response to anthropogenic forcing as being 0.26 °C [0.2–0.4] per decade over 2014–2023. According to the above analysis, most of this occurred in 2014. Taking the previous decade 2013–2022, prior to the 2023 increase, Forster et al. [36] estimate a rate of over 0.2 °C per decade. Changes in data and methods used mean the two are not directly comparable.

3.1.4. Upper Ocean Temperature

Upper ocean temperatures for the top 100 m from the US National Oceanographic Data Center [15] was also analyzed for regime shifts. Due to the thermal capacity of seawater, the upper 2.5 m of ocean holds as much heat as the entire atmosphere [37]. Under circulation, the ocean surface has strong negative feedback over most of its extent, allowing anomalies to be returned to mean conditions within a matter of months [38,39]. Ocean waters are well mixed to a depth of 70 m, adjusting fairly quickly to changes in surface wind and temperature [40], so there is adequate capacity for the ocean to absorb any additional heat in the atmosphere in order to maintain a steady state.
Figure 8 shows regime shifts in the upper ocean for 1955–2023, with shift years occurring in 1977, 1987, 2002, 2015 and most recently in 2023. They coincide with SST except for 2002. The annual temperature increases between 2014 and 2015, and 2022 to 2023 mark the largest and fourth largest in the record, while those of 1977 and 1987 are the second and third largest. The 1987 shift affected mainly the northern hemisphere but was widespread; its global impacts are documented by Reid et al. [10].
The period 1997–2002 was more complex. The inception of a triple La Niña event in 1998 [41] produced the largest annual decrease in the record when measured from the 1997 peak. Inception of the new regime mean was delayed until 2002, whereas SST shifted in 1997. This record closely resembles the upper 1 m ocean temperature record illustrated by Cheng et al. [42].
The regime-like nature of the upper water column constitutes a dynamic heat bank coupled to the atmosphere. It acts as a wholesale heat distributor, having many times the heat capacity of the “retail” atmosphere. Utilizing a hypsographic curve of the upper 100 m [43] and a 2 °C difference between a 2.5 m and 100 m depth, this part of the water column holds roughly 34 times total atmospheric heat. With increasing depth, especially below 700 m, warming becomes more gradual as heat percolates downward. The declining internal trends between shifts reflect this transfer of heat. As a result, the shift to total warming ratio in the upper 100 m (not counting 2023) is 142%.
The atmosphere is estimated to hold about 1% of the additional heat due to increasing greenhouse gases [44]; therefore, according to the above analysis, over three-quarters of that heat buildup is strongly regime-like (i.e., to a 700 m depth). Under this scenario, the ocean warms the land, consistent with Chadwick et al. [45] and Byrne and O’Gorman [46], but episodically through regimes shifts rather than gradually as trends.
These changes in heat capacity are too large to be due to internal variability, generally considered to be an internal reorganization of the climate system. Instead, following a shift in mean, a new steady state is maintained by the negative surface feedback of the ocean, which returns subsequent perturbations to the new mean. Once established, these warmer temperatures allow higher rates of heat dissipation in the atmosphere.

3.2. Climate Models

3.2.1. Testing Model Responses to Forcing

Having shown that observed warming is dominated by rapid, episodic change, this section investigates similar behavior in climate models.
Step changes, shifts and trends in GMST from a CMIP5 RCP4.5 ensemble were analyzed and presented in Jones and Ricketts [7]. This ensemble incorporated 38 model types from 20 groups. Those results are revisited here with particular reference to the probative criteria used to test the influence of forcing on gradual and rapid change. The key statistic is how well total shifts and internal trends predict ECS compared to total steps (equivalent to total warming). As ECS is a measure of forcing multiplied by atmospheric feedback, the ability of each to estimate ECS will show the relative strength of their forced response.
Under the currently understood forcing-feedback model, a net injection of heat into the atmosphere will result in a rapid feedback response [47]. The causal process for gradual warming is that as heat is trapped by increasing greenhouse gases, the atmosphere gradually warms. For rapid warming to occur, that trapped heat is readily absorbed by the ocean and stored there until it reaches a critical limit. Upon its release into the atmosphere, a rapid increase in cloud feedback will occur. Aerosol effects differ in that they directly modify incoming shortwave radiation fluxes, so regime shifts may be delayed if aerosols increase or hastened if they decrease.
For historical forcing (1861–2005), the relationship between positive and negative forcing representing emissions, volcanic eruptions and aerosols canceled each other out with a correlation of −0.04 for total steps with ECS. Similar results were seen for the gradual (−0.12) and rapid (0.04) components of warming. On a decadal timescale, mean shift size in decades with volcanic eruptions and/or strong anthropogenic sulfate aerosol emissions were negatively correlated with ECS, and decades with strong net emissions were positively correlated [7].
For the RCP4.5 pathway (2006–2095), the correlation between total steps and ECS increased to 0.81. Correlation for the rapid component was 0.73 and the gradual component was 0.43. All are statistically meaningful (p < <0.01), so they carry the change signal.
Regressions between each component and ECS were calculated for total steps, resulting in an r2 of 0.66 with a standard error (SE) of 0.48 °C (Figure 9a); for rapid warming, an r2 of 0.53 with SE 0.56 °C (Figure 9b); and for gradual warming, an r2 of 0.18 with an SE of 0.74 °C (Figure 9c). For the inputs of both gradual and rapid warming to ECS in a multiple regression, the result was an r2 of 0.72 with an SE of 0.43 °C (Figure 9d).
For the whole series (n = 94), the proportion of results falling within each confidence interval were steps 72/94, shifts 54/94, trends 42/94, and shifts and trends 66/94. Steps, shifts and trends (Figure 9a–c) all fell within their respective confidence interval in 21 of the 94 runs. Twenty of these had ECS values of 2.4–4.0 °C (20 from 47). This indicates that as a group, models with mid-range estimates of ECS were more consistent.
Based on the ratio of r2 results between rapid and gradual warming, rapid warming has 2.9 times the capacity to reproduce ECS than gradual warming. From an analysis of variance (ANOVA), the difference between the step and shift regression was p = 0.0004; between the step and trend regression, p = 2.03 × 1014; and between the shift and trend regression, p = 5.04 × 1010. Based on these results, the shift regression is clearly superior to the trend regression. Combining both shifts and trends in a multiple regression (Figure 9d compared to Figure 9a), the difference was p = 0.08, noticeable but not dramatic.
These results assume that each model is independent, but they are not. Some physical schemes are shared between models run by different groups; for others, one group may apply difference schemes. Multiple runs made with the same model also have different initializations and physical parameters.
All of these factors influenced the results. For example, the two largest groups were the GISS-E2-R (17 members, ECS 2.11 °C) and GISS-E2-H (15 members, ECS 2.3 °C). The two have different dynamic ocean models, the Russell and HYCOM schemes [48]. The Russell group had 3 × 6 physics parameterizations (missing one of the second) and the HYCOM 3 × 5. The Russell scheme was higher resolution than the HYCOM but contained an error that led to the eddy-related diffusion being more horizontal than intended [48].
The two groups had distinct shift/trend ratios as a proportion of total steps. The Russell scheme was slightly cooler, with shifts slightly outweighing trends as a proportion of total warming (0.52/0.48). For the slightly warmer HYCOM scheme, the ratio favored trends (0.33/0.67).
Table 1 shows how steps, shifts and trends fell within the 95% CI for each group. Steps (total warming) fell within the confidence interval (CI) for the first two physics parameterizations for both the Russell and HYCOM schemes, but the third did not. The only success the third physics parameterization had was to register 4/5 shifts within the 95% CI for the HYCOM scheme. Here, shifts actually performed better than total warming. The Russell scheme fared better for trends, with 4/6 and 4/5 results within the CI, for the first two physics parameterizations, whereas shifts only registered 3/5 for the first physics parameterization. The third physics parameterization runs (n = 11) were temporarily omitted from the regression, but this made little difference to the overall result.
The HYCOM/Russell example is counterintuitive. One might expect that for the model version with a larger shift component than trends, shifts would correlate more highly with ECS, but the opposite was the case. This shows the importance of ocean dynamics in determining each model’s thermodynamic response to forcing. Another factor affecting the results was that different initialization times produced substantial variations in shift/trend ratios. This is due to stochastic influences on the internal variability that can trigger regime shifts when the accumulation of heat is close to a critical limit.
Although combining shifts and trends into a multiple regression (Figure 9d) narrowed the standard error (±0.43 °C vs. ±0.48 °C), it did not improve predictability within the confidence intervals produced using total warming (Figure 9a). This is mostly due to structural differences between the different models across the ensemble.
The influence of model skill in predicting satellite and reanalysis patterns from Fasullo [49] on the shift/trend ratio is outlined in Appendix A.4. Results were influenced by how the ensemble was sampled. Model groups with skill scores varied in size from single runs up to 15 members. When all models with skill scores were assessed (n = 61), the result favored shifts (21.2 shift/trend ratio), but those below a skill score of 75 preferenced shifts more than those above (88.0 vs. 5.3). Those with no skill scores available (n = 33) favored trends in predicting ECS (0.4, Table A2).
When only single runs were sampled for each model (n = 20), the shift/trend ratio was higher for those ≥75 than those with less (6.0 vs. 1.4). Therefore, when a quasi-independent sample was tested, those with higher skill preferenced shifts at twice the strength of the 94-member ensemble.
Shifts are clearly more dominant than trends in contributing to ECS within coupled climate models. However, where multiple factors are influencing the results (parameterizations, model structure, stochastic behavior and model skill), quantifying their relative importance will require further research.

3.2.2. Model Hindcasts and Forecasts

No single model from the ensemble showed skill in hindcasting the timing of historical shifts, but collectively the whole ensemble did. The correlation between a historical series of 44 regional and global records from five groups and the model ensemble for 1880–2005 is 0.36 (p = 0.00003). Further details of the historical records used are in Jones and Ricketts [7].
Figure 10 shows a histogram of regime shifts in the model ensemble driven by historical emissions to 2005 and RCP4.5 thereafter. Two eruptions, Krakatoa and Mt Agung, produced negative shifts. The second half of the 20th century record shows higher skill than the earlier period. From the 1970s, the peaks coincide with the regime shifts in GMST to 2005, as shown Section 3.1.1, with the addition of 1986, which affected mainly the NH. From 2006, Figure 10 shows a peak in 2012–2013 of 13%; a subsequent peak in 2023–2025 of 13%, 15% and 12%; followed by a peak in 2036 of 13%, with 10% of models shifting in the two years either side. The ensemble predicted the 2014 shift a year or two early, although some tropical records registered a shift in 2013. It also predicted the most recent event. A total of 14 models in the ensemble registered a shift in 2023, 16 in 2024 and 13 in 2025.
The regime shift from the 14 models in 2023 was measured by the change in mean temperature in two ways: (1) 2023–2030 minus 2015–2022 and (2) 2023 minus 2015–2022. The second calculation reproduced the timing addressed in Section 3.1.2. The average increase for (1) was 0.21 ± 0.05 °C and for (2) was 0.20 ± 0.07 °C. The observed difference for (2), using the NOAA data, was 0.25 °C. This lies within the model range, with 5/14 models being warmer. Note that the 2023 warming was not predicted by statistical models that assumed gradual change [1].
Table 2 lists the timing of peaks in GMST from 1977 to 2046 with a precision of ±1 year. The peaks range from 34% (one-third) to 55% in 1997, the single largest peak being 23% in 1998.
The next regime shift is projected for 2036 ± 1 year by 34% of models. In 2021, total CO2-equivalent forcing, including cooling influences, was estimated to be 472 ppm [50]. The equivalent estimate in RCP4.5 [51] for 2020 was 423 ppm, a difference of about 50 ppm. Greenhouse gases only in that scenario were 472 ppm. A difference of 50 ppm between observations and the projection may hasten the next regime shift, so anticipating it sooner than 2036 is prudent risk management.

4. Discussion

4.1. Recent Rapid Assessments

In addition to the estimates of attribution provided by Forster et al. [4], summarized in Section 3.1.2, other approaches to measuring the 2023 event have become available.
Min [52] investigated the spatial growth of extreme heat for 2023 in the ERA5 reanalysis, comparing it with previous El Niño patterns (baseline 1981–2010 average). For 2023 and 2016, 42% compared to 32% of the globe was above two standard deviations (SDs) and 13% compared to 7% was above three SDs. The 2023 patterns did not match El Niño anomaly patterns very well. The growth of two-SD and three-SD anomalies also followed the trend from a 12-member model ensemble driven by historical emissions to 2015, then SSP2-4.5 emission thereafter, showing they were the result of forcing.
This analysis is consistent with the sudden shift in temperatures documented in Section 3.1.2. According to Figure 1 in Min [52], compared to 2021–2022, the area above two SDs in 2023 doubled and above three SDs almost tripled.
Rantanen and Laaksonen [2] also investigated the ERA5 reanalysis, identifying an increase in September 2023 of 0.5 °C, which was unprecedented within ERA5 and rare (<1%) within a large cohort of climate models. They rejected internal variability as the cause, speculating on the potential for unidentified forcing elements. Note, however, that September 2023 was not overly exceptional in the NOAA v6 data, but the jump in monthly SST to March 2023 of 0.12 °C (shown in Figure 4), the increase that set the alarm, is the largest since 1950 (earlier data were not included due to quality concerns).
Monteiro [53] also looked at ERA5, comparing surface temperature and vertically integrated atmospheric warmth, with her Figure 2 showing the latter to be more regime-like than surface (2 m) temperature [53].
A potential source of forcing involves a rapid reduction in shipping aerosol releases from 2020. Yuan et al. [54] estimated the additional warming to be 0.024 °C per year compared to 0.046 ± 10 from Jordan and Henry [55]. Another potential source is the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai eruption in 2022, which has been attributed to both potential warming [56] and to slight cooling [57]. However, when the warming estimates from both sources were combined, they could not account for the 2023 anomaly [55].
These assessments apply two different approaches. The Forster et al. [4] approach is derived from the methodology used in IPCC AR6. It combines known emission sources and calculates the underlying anthropogenic warming trend from model consensus as the signal. The difference between a specific year and that trend is then attributed to variability.
The above assessments first calculated the 2023 anomaly, then measured whether anomalous sources of forcing and variability could explain the observed deviation. Each concluded that the 2023 anomaly was dominated by forcing but driven by processes and interactions that have yet to be identified. The inability of these methods to reconcile with the observed change is considered an urgent need [2,52,53].

4.2. Comparing Approaches

A measure of success for any theory and the models representing it is their capacity to make verifiable predictions. According to the standard theory of a gradual, deterministic climate response to incremental forcing, the 2023 warming was unexpected, coming out of the blue. For example, climate scientist Gavin Schmidt wrote in Nature ‘Climate models can’t explain 2023’s huge heat anomaly’ [1].
Schmidt was referring to statistical models, but the previous section shows that when analyzed for regime shifts, coupled ocean–atmosphere climate models can explain a heat anomaly of that size. Section 3.1 shows the 2023 event to be the most recent of similar events occurring throughout the historical record.
The ratios for slow to fast warming for 1880–2022 of 22:78 (GMST), 6:94 (SST) and 26:74 (LST) in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 are too small to justify gradual change as the dominant warming process over the historical record. The ratio for the shallow ocean in Figure 8 is −42:142, even more lopsided. For climate models, the rapid component of warming is much more closely aligned with ECS than the gradual component (Section 3.2.1). This relationship is influenced by model-to-model differences in ocean dynamics. This relationship strengthens with model skill, with shifts being six times stronger than trends in estimating ECS for models with skill scores ≥75.
The greenhouse effect can be considered as two separate processes: the radiative transfer of solar radiation to heat, followed by its dissipation [58]. The radiative transfer process is additive and linear, whereas the dissipative system is multiplicative and nonlinear [58]. Under the standard explanation, the relationship between the two is strictly deterministic. Increasing greenhouse gases alter Earth’s energy imbalance, which forces the dissipative system to respond proportionally, subject to delays in response, such as ocean buffering.
The standard model of heat transfer and a model consistent with the evidence presented above are compared in Figure 11. Figure 11a summarizes the gradual warming model. A small proportion of heat (1%) warms the atmosphere, adding to land and snow-ice sinks, and the remainder is absorbed by the ocean, limited by ocean heat uptake efficiency. In Figure 11b, heat not taken up by sinks, such as the ground surface and snow-ice melt, is absorbed by the upper ocean, which maintains strong steady-state regimes, as shown in Section 3.1.4. Under sustained forcing, this heat is then episodically emitted into the atmosphere in a series of regime shifts.
In the first model, the atmosphere warms in place and ocean heat uptake is limited in capacity. In the second, there is no limit to the capacity of ocean heat uptake—all available additional heat in the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean under general circulation as it maintains steady state. The thermal conductivity of water at 20 °C is 0.58 W m−1 K−1 and air is 0.024 m−1 K−1, a factor of 24. When an airmass is transported across a water surface, the two reach equilibrium within a 300 m distance [59]. This negative feedback is reflected in an average return from perturbations of 3–6 months across the global oceans [37].
Ocean heat uptake efficiency was originally used to explore the substantial intermodel uncertainties in how much heat was transferred from the shallow to deep ocean as climate models were being developed [60,61]. It has since become an important part of understanding the transient climate response to forcing; i.e., how fast the atmosphere warms given the rate of heat being transferred to the deep ocean sink [62,63,64,65]. Variations in ocean heat uptake are also used to attribute variations in the rate of warming; e.g., during the period 1998–2013 (Section 3.1.3) [66,67,68].
The major difference between the two models is that the first has an ongoing net downward flux of heat into the ocean and the second has a downward flux during steady-state regimes and an upward flux during regime shifts. In the first model, gradual warming occurs both in the atmosphere and in the ocean, with the latter buffering the former.
The second model is consistent with climate operating as a self-regulating system, where available additional heat is absorbed by the ocean, then released when it reaches a critical limit, producing step-like warming in both the upper ocean and atmosphere. While variations in ocean heat uptake between climate models remains important, it does not limit the absorption of heat by the ocean. It does mediate the balance between heat in the upper and deeper ocean, affecting the rate at which heat is returned to the atmosphere.
The climatic response to gradually increasing forcing is more complex than represented by the standard signal-to-noise model. While monotonic trends provide a simplified representation of long-term change, they do not provide a picture of emerging climate risks over decadal timescales [69,70,71,72]. Instead, historical warming resembles a staircase; steady-state regimes that offer relative stability are punctuated by rapid changes (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 8).
For historical data, residual trends between breakpoints are mainly due to (1) regional and spatial variations in shift dates and amounts, including some hemisphere-scale shifts between large global events (e.g., 1968–1969, 1987–1988 and 2009–2010); and (2) surface feedbacks following shifts, such as drying out of the land surface due to abrupt reduction in relative humidity (globally in 2002 and 2012 [71]), resulting in regime shifts in fire danger [70]. Further detail is provided in Appendix A.5. Figure A2 shows zonal and global changes in surface, ocean and land temperatures from 1880. Figure A3 shows that warming in most regions in dominated by shifts and that shift/warming ratios tend to be lower over land.
For climate models, internal trends become more prominent with forcing, with low forcing pathways being very step-like and high forcing pathways becoming dominated by trends later this century [7] (Figure 10 in that paper). As forcing increases, a few widespread regime shifts transition into many smaller, more frequent shifts, much like a boiling pot. Current sea level rise has similar characteristics, where individual tide gauge records are very step-like, but averaged globally, they produce a relatively smooth trend [7].
When comparing the standard and complex models, the additive nature of the radiative transfer relationship will produce similar long-run indicators irrespective of whether the thermodynamic response to forcing is simple or complex. Total warming is similar in each case. The simple case is strictly deterministic, whereas for the complex case, effective radiative forcing acts as a guardrail for step-like changes.
Such indicators will diverge on decadal timescales. For example, Forster et al. [4] estimated the contribution of variability in 2023 to be 0.12 °C, but this is additional to an implied trend that was not present in the 2015–2022 data. For the NOAA v6 data set, the 2023 increase from 2015–2022 was 0.25 °C and for the March 2023–July 2024 period was 0.31 °C. If 2015–2022 is considered to represent a steady state, most of the warming in 2023 would qualify as a forced response, with a small additional measure due to El Niño. This reasoning is similar to that of Min [52], who used an area-based metric to suggest that anthropogenic warming had a dominant role in the exceptional widespread heat, with El Niño playing a restricted role. He described it as an abrupt expansion of unusual heat into both land and ocean in line with global warming [52].

4.3. Historical Legacies

When global warming theory was being consolidated in the 1960s to the early 1990s, climate models (mixed-layer models with a simple ocean) did produce gradual warming [73]. At that time, observations were too brief and of insufficient quality to reliably detect nonlinear behavior. Note also, that the greenhouse effect has long been presented as a terrestrial phenomenon, with Arrhenius referring to the effect of carbonic acid in the air on the temperature of the ground [74].
Regime-like behavior emerged with the development of coupled climate models. Active coupling of the ocean and atmosphere produced a variety of phenomena that were crudely represented or absent in mixed-layer models. These included a dynamic ocean, ocean boundary layers such as thermoclines, oscillation such as ENSO, active coupling of 2-D and 3-D flow systems linking inverse energy flows and turbulence, and deep ocean overturning [75,76,77].
Figure 12 shows the emergence of regime-like behavior in GMST in early coupled models. Figure 12a shows a purely monotonic response to forcing, Figure 12b shows the emergence of regime shifts while trend-like change is also represented, and Figure 12c shows distinct regime changes. Coupled GCMs have consistently produced steady-state regimes since that time.
From around 1990, high-quality observations were becoming available, and a climate signal was emerging from the noise. Both trends and regime shifts became detectable with respect to their null hypotheses of no trend and no shift. As the hiatus period following the 1997–1998 regime shift and accompanying El Niño event progressed, denialists claimed that warming had stopped, leading to a comprehensive and sustained response to defend the trend as part of the so-called climate wars [78]. This led to literally hundreds of papers and cross-chapter summaries in both the Fifth and Sixth IPCC Assessment Reports explaining why the trend had slowed but not stopped [32,79,80,81,82].
Warming recommenced in 2013–2014, which was supposed to have settled the matter [81], but the period 1915–1922 experienced no trend (Section 3.1.2). While the recent series of La Niña events (2020–2022) can be nominated as contributing to the lack of warming, given the 2023 anomaly that followed, the period requiring an explanation for exceptional circumstances now exceeds 25 years.
In the AR6, IPCC Working Group I stated “Every tonne of CO2 emissions adds to global warming [83]”. They were referring to surface warming, endorsing the hypothesis that the thermodynamic response of climate to radiative forcing is deterministic. The AR6 also presented a methodology for estimating changes in key climate indicators that span emissions through to climate impact drivers [84]. These indicators include those for emissions, concentrations, forcing, Earth’s energy imbalance and warming observations, rates and attribution.
These conclusions involve both scientific and model consensus, the former through the IPCC, international and national scientific bodies and the latter through the linking of data and model ensembles to determine central limits and ranges of uncertainty. The annual updates conducted by Forster et al. [4,36] use a modified version of the AR6 methodology incorporating more recent data. Variations or fluctuations in a trend will continue to be used to explain anomalies, such as the sudden 2023 warming.
The current situation describes a stalemate. Those aligning with the standard approach are unable to explain the anomalous warming of 2023 without invoking a large contribution from variability. These are being sought within the realms of decadal variability, including changing ocean heat uptake, along with anomalous forcing, climate destabilization or a combination [1,2,3,52,53]. Those who identify a distinct anthropogenic component in the rapid warming of 2023 are also seeking answers and seem willing to look beyond the same set of possibilities that have been offered in the past.
The thesis being pursued in this paper is that the presence of steady-state regimes punctuated by regime shifts illustrates a self-regulating, complex thermodynamic response to forcing. Under normal circumstances, climate forms a series of non-equilibrium steady states, which themselves maintain the global climate in a steady state that conserves energy, mass and angular momentum. Under forcing, these states are persistent, with additional heat being taken up by the ocean. If that heat reaches critical limits, SST will undergo a regime shift, often using mode changes in climate variability as a catalyst. Further work is continuing to develop this theme.
Linearizing complex system behavior is a common strategy in many areas of science. However, in making projections or attributing change, this should not be performed in situations where the result can lead to the underestimation of risk that social-ecological systems may be exposed to [72,85,86].

5. Conclusions

This paper presents an alternative explanation for the anomalous warming of 2023, based on the complex response of climate to gradually increasing forcing. That warming, which first became evident in March 2023, was driven by the SH SST and was followed three months later by the NH SST. It is interpreted as a regime shift from a stable period from 2015 to 2022, upon which the recent El Niño is superimposed. The 2023 warming of 0.25 °C on the previous period is consistent with an average increase of 0.20 ± 0.07 °C in 14/107 climate models from the CMIP5 archive that registered regime shifts in the same year. As the El Niño decays, perhaps making the transition into La Niña, warmer SSTs are expected to persist, maintaining a new steady state at elevated global temperatures.
Both observations and models show that regime shifts are the dominant form of response to radiative forcing. Previous shift sequences include 1977–1979, 1996–1998 and 2014–2015. This history suggests that climate will occupy this new regime for at least several years. Thirty-four percent of a 107-member model ensemble will undergo a shift in 2036 ± 1 year. However, with total forcing currently being about 50 ppm CO2 equivalent above that driving those models, the next regime shift may come sooner.
A complex thermodynamic response to forcing is an emergent property of coupled ocean–atmosphere models (Figure 12). However, this has gone unrecognized, with the increased variability only being recognized as a dynamic response dominated by internal variability. The ability of a coupled-model ensemble to collectively reproduce historical patterns of regime change (e.g., Figure 10) should be recognized as one of the greatest achievements of modern experimental science. Acknowledgement of that achievement would go a long way to understanding why observations, especially 2023, do not fit well with standard theory. If climate change continues to be regarded as a gradual, trend-like process surrounded by variability, the likelihood that future climate-related risks will continue to be underestimated is almost certain.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at, manuscript-supplementary.xlsx.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset (NOAAGlobalTemp) Version, last modified 6 August 2024 (, accessed on 15 August 2024). Upper ocean temperatures top 100 m from the US National Oceanographic Data Center, downloaded from the KNMI data explorer, modified May 22 2024 (original source:, accessed on 27 May 2024). CMIP5 model data and analyses, including metadata, can be sourced from Jones and Ricketts [7].


The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is acknowledged for the provision of observed temperature data. The author acknowledges the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling. For CMIP5, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led the development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. The author thanks Jim Ricketts, who engaged in helpful discussions.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Appendix A.1. Applying the Bivariate Test to Climate

The bivariate test was introduced into climatological practice by Potter [21], addressing both artificial and naturally occurring inhomogeneities for rainfall. Bücher and Dessens [87] showed its applicability to temperature records. I subsequently applied it to both variables, using it to successfully identify undocumented artificial inhomogeneities in climate station data, natural regime changes in rainfall and in constructing a long-term record of temperature for SE Australia [88]. That record was later independently validated [89].
Continued use of the test on historical climate data that was increasingly being quality controlled revealed multiple shifts in regional and global temperature records [72]. Similar shifts were identified in climate model data. This highlighted the need to provide an objective rule-based procedure for analyzing such changes in large data sets, prompting the development of the multi-step bivariate test (MSBV) [22,90]. This test automated the iterative process of identifying any shifts in climate, if present, then determined the most stable configuration of the minimum number of shifts in a time series. Accompanying the test was an array of auxiliary tests to verify the results.
These developments were occurring in the midst of the climate wars. Nonlinear variations in temperature were being used to claim that climate had stopped warming [91]. The counterargument was that the underlying forced trend was present but obscured by variability, with incomplete spatial representation of observations and negative forcing not represented in climate models [32,92,93,94]. Our claim that the response to forcing was nonlinear on decadal timescales resembled the unscientific claim that warming had stopped, which had no underlying statistical rationale. This has been a barrier to its acceptance.
These competing claims make up two hypotheses: the standard model, where the response to forcing is gradual and deterministic (H1), and where it is nonlinear on decadal timescales (H2) [7]. H1 was being (and still is) largely justified using statistical induction. However, when two rival theories are being proposed, the challenger has a greater burden of proof than the incumbent, so the straightforward identification of step changes in climate time series was insufficient.
To address this, we turned to severe testing, introduced by Mayo [16]. Severe testing moves beyond straightforward statistical induction (i.e., using statistical test results to justify a scientific hypothesis) to using probative criteria, where a conjecture passes tests that it would have most likely failed if it were false [16,17,18]. This occurs in two stages:
  • Error testing, which tests the performance of a statistical test given the data provided. An important part of this is model specification, whether the model selected is suited to the task;
  • Probative testing, where the results are tested against the rival hypotheses using scientific criteria. Tests where both hypotheses remain viable do not qualify as severe, whereas those where both are tested equally and one preferences the other, count as severe [17,95].

Appendix A.2. Error Testing the Bivariate Test

Much has been written about the error testing of trend analysis in climate time series, but comparatively little has been written about the testing of methods for detecting nonlinear change. Exceptions include Vivès and Jones [96], Rodionov [97], Rodionov [98], Overland et al. [99], Tsonis et al. [100], Tsonis and Swanson [101], Belolipetsky et al. [12], Reid et al. [10] and Beaugrand et al. [102]. Of these, the first addresses the bivariate test. That paper surveyed several other methods for detecting inhomogeneities in annual climate time series but rejected them.
The bivariate test compares changes in a test series with those in a reference time series (hence the name bivariate). For testing inhomogeneities, the reference data are homogeneous (e.g., a regional average climate), against which individual records are tested. For climatological purposes, random data are used as a reference. Each segment is run 100 times to produce the test outputs. The main uncertainties of interest are the value of Ti0, the test statistic Ti at its maximum, the estimated change and the year Ti0 is reached, i.e., the last year before the shift in mean. The test statistics for Ti0 are shown in Table A1.
Table A1. Test statistics for the Ti0 values of the bivariate test for different segments [21].
Table A1. Test statistics for the Ti0 values of the bivariate test for different segments [21].
np Values
Addressing multiple shifts in a time series created additional challenges. An important guiding principle was that because climate is a complex system, no prior assumptions about what was signal and what was noise could be made. All data contain potentially salient information unless shown otherwise.
With the construction of the MSBV, a number of additional tests were added for error testing [22,103]. They included the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on the pre- and post-trend data to detect any accompanying trends, a heteroscedasticity test to detect deviations from the mean and three unit-root tests for autocorrelation. Five change-point indices were developed from these [22]:
  • Single shift, stationary residuals;
  • Single shift, non-stationary residuals;
  • Single shift, not further assessable (usually due to a short segment);
  • Multiple shifts, stationary—detection of an undetected shift in the segment;
  • Non-stationary due to unit-root behavior in the data segment and residuals and/or multiple shifts being present.
Data containing step-like behavior as in a staircase will favor lower numbered indices, whereas those due to noisy processes superimposed on gradual change will favor the higher classifications. Indices 4 and 5 do not rule out a shift but point to a possible alternative explanation.
Ricketts [22] tested the global and regional land–ocean records analyzed in Jones and Ricketts [7], 32 in all, finding a total of 218 shifts. All but nine of those were accepted on the basis of this index, with over 80% of the global change points being single stationary (five records) and all tropical shifts (seven records) being single stationary. The records that fared least well were composite records (e.g., the extratropics 20°–90°). However, only a few percent of the total shifts detected in those records were deemed non-stationary.
For the year of the shift (Ti0), single shifts usually have a high hit rate; e.g., the four shifts in GMST used in this study all register >75%. Sometimes a test can oscillate between two or more shifts and then may register as No. 4 on the above index. This can occur if there are two annual events of similar magnitude close to the underlying regime shift (e.g., two El Niño events of similar magnitude). Repeated testing as records are improved over time, comparing multiple records and pinpointing shift timing using monthly data can help narrow down a noisy result.
These tests and results confirm that the bivariate test is suitable for detecting shifts in climate data when they are present. It has a slight bias towards false negatives (overlooking shifts) compared to false positives (detecting shifts when none are present) [22,103]. The use of a p < 0.01 threshold for detection is stricter than usually applied.

Appendix A.3. Severe Testing

The next step was to develop probative criteria for severe testing. In Jones and Ricketts [7], six tests were applied, with two being updated in this paper. Both separated each time series into internal least-squares trends between shifts, summing those trends as a measure of gradual warming in each time series. The difference between the tail of one trend and the head of the next measures a shift. The sum of these measures rapid warming. Each time series was divided into slow and rapid warming components. Fitting trends first gives them priority, with shifts being a residual result.
These two components were then tested against probative criteria. The first was the attribution of historical warming. The most recent estimate from the IPCC is that the likely range of total human-caused global surface temperature increase from 1850–1900 to 2010–2019 is 0.8 °C to 1.3 °C [83]. The second is the contribution of each to ECS in climate models. That test identifies the relative importance of gradual and episodic (rapid) warming in producing the atmospheric feedback effects that define ECS.
If either measure dominates in each test at the expense of the other, the results can be considered as having passed a severe test. In moving from error testing to probative testing, the models move from being purely statistical to physically based.
The uncertainties for each segment (95% confidence limits) for GMST based on the change in mean detected by the bivariate test are shown in Figure A1a. Those for the fitted internal trends are shown in Figure A1b. Graphically, each successive regime is beyond the previous 95% confidence limit. Figure A1c shows the internal trends only, with the steps removed. It shows a gradual warming of only 0.26 °C compared to the mean temperature increase to 2023 from 1880–1899 of 1.35 °C. Even for land, shown in Figure 3, the gradual component is 0.51 °C (allowing 12 months for shifts to take place) for a total warming of 2.24 °C in 2023. This is well below the levels attributed by the IPCC.
These examples show that historical temperature changes are dominated by rapid warming when the attendant uncertainties are taken into account. Shifts are followed by periods of relative stability. The associated error testing also confirms the shifts in mean are realistic representations of systematic changes in upper ocean, surface and atmospheric warming, not just stochastic behavior superimposed on a trend.
Figure A1. Uncertainty analyses of the results informing Figure 3 for GMST showing (a) the uncertainties associated with the results of the bivariate test on step changes, (b) the uncertainties associated with internal trends between changes points detected by the bivariate test and (c) cumulative trend-like warming as in (b) as a series of segmented trends with shifts removed.
Figure A1. Uncertainty analyses of the results informing Figure 3 for GMST showing (a) the uncertainties associated with the results of the bivariate test on step changes, (b) the uncertainties associated with internal trends between changes points detected by the bivariate test and (c) cumulative trend-like warming as in (b) as a series of segmented trends with shifts removed.
Atmosphere 15 01507 g0a1aAtmosphere 15 01507 g0a1b

Appendix A.4. Attribution and Climate Model Skill

Section 3.2.1 addressed the relative attribution of gradual and rapid warming to forcing by regressing each against ECS 2006–2095 from an ensemble of climate models from CMIP5. That analysis showed that model structure influenced the results. The individual model groups also showed varying amounts of stochasticity. The question was raised as to whether model skill influenced the results. Model skill measured against satellite and reanalysis data sets by Fasullo [49] was available for 20 of the 25 model versions used in the attribution assessment.
There was no relationship between ECS and overall model skill for those 20 models (0.08). When all models with skill scores were tested against ECS, the shift/trend preference was 21.2 based on r2 results. This was higher for skill scores <75 (88.0) compared to ≥75 (5.3). The models without skill scores were biased towards trends, with a shift/trend ratio of 0.4 (Table A2). The latter were omitted from Fasullo [49] because of insufficient available data.
Table A2. Regression results between steps, shifts and trends with equilibrium climate sensitivity for CMIP5 RCP4.5 models with skill scores from Fasullo [49] showing the unadjusted r2 values and shift/trend ratios measuring the relative influence of each on ECS from those regressions.
Table A2. Regression results between steps, shifts and trends with equilibrium climate sensitivity for CMIP5 RCP4.5 models with skill scores from Fasullo [49] showing the unadjusted r2 values and shift/trend ratios measuring the relative influence of each on ECS from those regressions.
All model runs scored (n = 61)0.610.640.0321.2
Model runs <75 (n = 25)0.610.720.0188.0
Models runs ≥75 (n = 36)0.640.450.095.3
Models unscored (n = 33)0.520.140.360.4
Single models (r1i1p1, n = 20)0.710.620.341.8
Models <75 (r1i1p1, n = 8)0.740.770.561.4
Models ≥75 (r1i1p1, n = 12)0.700.600.106.0
These results involved a widely varying number of runs from each model version, so they are not independent samples. When a single run for each model version was tested (n = 20), a shift/trend ratio of 1.8 registered. For models with a skill score of <75, the ratio was 1.4 (n = 8). For those models with a skill score of ≥75, the shift/trend ratio was 6.0, stronger than the whole ensemble but from a relatively small sample (n = 12). This sample covers the lower half of the range for overall skill scores from CMIP6 models [49], so the above result might not change dramatically if the more recent models were to be analyzed.

Appendix A.5. Regional Regime Shifts

Although this paper addresses global shifts in temperature as part of investigating the cause of the 2023 warming, regional factors can also influence global results. The main influences summarized here are forcing strength, feedbacks and regionality.
Figure 2 in Jones and Ricketts [7] showed shifts for 1880–2014 from 45 zonal and global records from five sources. This figure has been updated here using 39 zonal and global records from the NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset V6.0 for November 2024 (Figure A2). It shows the 2014–2015 event and emphasizes how definitive the 1996–1998 event was. The other global events featured in GMST were in 1977–1979 and the late 1930s.
Figure A2. Regime shifts (p < 0.01) for the NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset V6.0 to 2023, where red denotes warming and blue cooling, not showing the 2023 shift. The tropics (Trop) are 20° S–20° S, the extratropics (ExTr) 20–90°, and the other zonal bands are all at 30° intervals.
Figure A2. Regime shifts (p < 0.01) for the NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset V6.0 to 2023, where red denotes warming and blue cooling, not showing the 2023 shift. The tropics (Trop) are 20° S–20° S, the extratropics (ExTr) 20–90°, and the other zonal bands are all at 30° intervals.
Atmosphere 15 01507 g0a2
The first half of the record was subject to relatively weak forcing, as reflected in the scattered results. Cooling in the early 1880s followed the Krakatoa eruption, and in 1900–1903, it followed the phase change in the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and cooling in the northern and southern mid-latitude oceans. Warming in LST in 1896, dominated by NH land (p < 0.05), coincided with an earlier change in the PDO that saw widespread continental drying [104], so was largely internal. A cluster of increases subsequently occurred around 1920 to 1925. These depend on location; the 1920 shift was initiated over high-latitude land due to solar forcing but in some regions became entangled with the 1925/1926 mode change in the PDO.
The late 1930s’ shift was a global event, representing a recovery from the previous cooling. It was initiated in 1936, but some regional records were affected by interruptions due to WWII (e.g., SST in the Pacific). Increasing sulphate aerosols and another negative phase in the AMO in 1963 saw the climate enter the long pause, as coined by Broecker [105]. Minor cooling events occurred during that period.
The evolution from largely regional influences in the first part of the record to large-scale regime shifts as forcing increases is clear. Strong forcing produces much greater global coordination between shifts. If regional shifts occur at a large enough scale (i.e., influencing much of a hemisphere), they will register at p < 0.01 for that region but may not globally. The 1987–1988 shift is one such, as are 1968–1969 and 2009–2010 in the southern hemisphere. They contribute to the trend on the global scale.
Work on shifts in relative humidity and other measures of moisture availability shows that delayed land surface feedbacks can affect temperature records, as the land dries out [70,71]. Temperature feedbacks are associated with drying, with shifts to lower relative humidity around the year 2000, leading to higher daily maximum temperatures and increased fire risk [70]. Another feedback is due to decreased albedo from loss of snow and ice. Anthropogenic land use and land cover change are also factors.
When applied to the temperature record in Figure A2 and plotted as the ratio of shifts to global warming against global surface area, land surface temperatures have lower ratios than the other two surfaces (Figure A3). This is in part due to the feedback effects mentioned and to greater spatial heterogeneity. Averaging these over larger domains can have a statistical affect. Localized shifts will be subsumed and more widespread shifts smoothed over. Despite this, shifts clearly dominate warming over the most regions. The regions with shift/warming ratios >1 are those losing heat on an ongoing basis, either to higher latitudes and/or the deeper ocean.
Figure A3. Shift/total warming ratios for regions in Figure A2 as a proportion of global surface area, where GMST is red, LST is green, and SST is blue.
Figure A3. Shift/total warming ratios for regions in Figure A2 as a proportion of global surface area, where GMST is red, LST is green, and SST is blue.
Atmosphere 15 01507 g0a3


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Figure 1. GMST 1880–2023 from NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01). Gradual change is a measure of total internal trends and rapid change total shifts measured between the end of one trend and start of the next. Also shown are the proportions of gradual and rapid change making up total warming to 2022 in °C and percent, and the rate of change for each in °C/yr.
Figure 1. GMST 1880–2023 from NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01). Gradual change is a measure of total internal trends and rapid change total shifts measured between the end of one trend and start of the next. Also shown are the proportions of gradual and rapid change making up total warming to 2022 in °C and percent, and the rate of change for each in °C/yr.
Atmosphere 15 01507 g001
Figure 2. SST 1880–2023 from NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01). Gradual change is a measure of total internal trends and rapid change total shifts measured between the end of one trend and start of the next. Also shown are the proportions of gradual and rapid change making up total warming to 2022 in °C and percent, and the rate of change for each in °C/yr.
Figure 2. SST 1880–2023 from NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01). Gradual change is a measure of total internal trends and rapid change total shifts measured between the end of one trend and start of the next. Also shown are the proportions of gradual and rapid change making up total warming to 2022 in °C and percent, and the rate of change for each in °C/yr.
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Figure 3. LST 1880–2023 from NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01). Gradual change is a measure of total internal trends and rapid change total shifts measured between the end of one trend and start of the next. Also shown are the proportions of gradual and rapid change making up total warming to 2022 in °C and percent, and the rate of change for each in °C/yr.
Figure 3. LST 1880–2023 from NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01). Gradual change is a measure of total internal trends and rapid change total shifts measured between the end of one trend and start of the next. Also shown are the proportions of gradual and rapid change making up total warming to 2022 in °C and percent, and the rate of change for each in °C/yr.
Atmosphere 15 01507 g003
Figure 4. Monthly anomalies January 2015 to July 2024 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, comparing (a) SST and GMST and (b) SST and LST. Horizontal lines mark the 2016 El Niño peak.
Figure 4. Monthly anomalies January 2015 to July 2024 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6.0, comparing (a) SST and GMST and (b) SST and LST. Horizontal lines mark the 2016 El Niño peak.
Atmosphere 15 01507 g004aAtmosphere 15 01507 g004b
Figure 5. Monthly anomalies January 2015 to July 2024 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6, comparing NH and SH SST.
Figure 5. Monthly anomalies January 2015 to July 2024 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6, comparing NH and SH SST.
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Figure 6. Monthly anomalies January 1998 to January 2016 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6, comparing (a) SST and GMST and (b) SST and LST.
Figure 6. Monthly anomalies January 1998 to January 2016 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6, comparing (a) SST and GMST and (b) SST and LST.
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Figure 7. Monthly anomalies January 1998 to January 2016 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6, comparing NH and SH SST.
Figure 7. Monthly anomalies January 1998 to January 2016 from a 1850–1899 baseline of NOAA Global Surface Temperature v6, comparing NH and SH SST.
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Figure 8. Upper ocean temperatures for the top 100 m from the US National Oceanographic Data Center showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01).
Figure 8. Upper ocean temperatures for the top 100 m from the US National Oceanographic Data Center showing internal trends between shifts detected by the bivariate test (p < 0.01).
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Figure 9. Regression relationships between equilibrium climate sensitivity in 94 models of a CMIP5 4.5 model ensemble and (a) total steps (equivalent to total warming), (b) total shifts, (c) total internal trends and (d) total shift and trends in a multiple regression for the period 2006–2095. Also shown are the 95% confidence intervals for the mean (black dots) and individual members (black dashes).
Figure 9. Regression relationships between equilibrium climate sensitivity in 94 models of a CMIP5 4.5 model ensemble and (a) total steps (equivalent to total warming), (b) total shifts, (c) total internal trends and (d) total shift and trends in a multiple regression for the period 2006–2095. Also shown are the 95% confidence intervals for the mean (black dots) and individual members (black dashes).
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Figure 10. Shifts from a CMIP5 climate model ensemble (n = 107), driven by historical emissions 1861–2005 and RCP4.5 emissions 2006–2100.
Figure 10. Shifts from a CMIP5 climate model ensemble (n = 107), driven by historical emissions 1861–2005 and RCP4.5 emissions 2006–2100.
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Figure 11. Schematic outline of heat flows as a result of forcing from anthropogenic greenhouse gases under the (a) model of gradual warming, where some heat warms the atmosphere, adds to land and snow-ice sinks and subsequently the ocean, limited by ocean heat uptake efficiency; and (b) model of rapid warming, where all heat not taken up by land and snow-ice sinks heats the upper ocean, which gradually warms the deep ocean while the upper ocean–atmosphere maintains steady-state regimes that warm episodically. Note that the ocean–land distribution is to scale.
Figure 11. Schematic outline of heat flows as a result of forcing from anthropogenic greenhouse gases under the (a) model of gradual warming, where some heat warms the atmosphere, adds to land and snow-ice sinks and subsequently the ocean, limited by ocean heat uptake efficiency; and (b) model of rapid warming, where all heat not taken up by land and snow-ice sinks heats the upper ocean, which gradually warms the deep ocean while the upper ocean–atmosphere maintains steady-state regimes that warm episodically. Note that the ocean–land distribution is to scale.
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Figure 12. GMST from three GCM runs from the late 1990s; (a) CCMA CGCM1, (b) MPI ECHAM3 and (c) HadCM3. Calculated from data archived by the author (see Supplementary Materials).
Figure 12. GMST from three GCM runs from the late 1990s; (a) CCMA CGCM1, (b) MPI ECHAM3 and (c) HadCM3. Calculated from data archived by the author (see Supplementary Materials).
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Table 1. Tally of model runs within the 95% confidence interval of regressions between steps, shifts and internal trends with ECS between two configurations of the GISS-E2 model using the Russell and HYCOM schemes.
Table 1. Tally of model runs within the 95% confidence interval of regressions between steps, shifts and internal trends with ECS between two configurations of the GISS-E2 model using the Russell and HYCOM schemes.
ModelPhysics SchemeNo. of RunsSteps Within CIShifts Within CITrends Within CI
Table 2. Number of models (in percent) from the CMIP5 climate model ensemble (n = 107), driven by historical emissions 1861–2005 and RCP4.5 emissions 2006–2100.
Table 2. Number of models (in percent) from the CMIP5 climate model ensemble (n = 107), driven by historical emissions 1861–2005 and RCP4.5 emissions 2006–2100.
Year1977 ± 11997 ± 12013 ± 12024 ± 12036 ± 12046 ± 1
No of models (%)40%55%34%41%34%35%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Jones, R.N. Evidence and Explanation for the 2023 Global Warming Anomaly. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 1507.

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Jones RN. Evidence and Explanation for the 2023 Global Warming Anomaly. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(12):1507.

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Jones, Roger N. 2024. "Evidence and Explanation for the 2023 Global Warming Anomaly" Atmosphere 15, no. 12: 1507.

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Jones, R. N. (2024). Evidence and Explanation for the 2023 Global Warming Anomaly. Atmosphere, 15(12), 1507.

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