Evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Regulations: The Case of Thermoelectric Power Plants
:1. Introduction
1.1. Impact and Environmental Regulation
- Area of influence: The geographic area or space, whose attributes, namely natural or sociocultural elements, must be considered to define if the project or activity generates or presents any of the effects, characteristics, or circumstances of article 11 of Law 19.300, or to justify the non-existence of effects, characteristics, or circumstances;
- Emission: Release or transmission to the environment of any pollutant by a project or activity;
- Environmental impact: Alteration of the environment, caused directly or indirectly by a project or activity in an area;
- Baseline: Detailed description of the elements within the area of influence in which the effects or impacts of project implementation will be generated.
1.2. Power Generation and Atmospheric Emissions
- (i)
- It presents for the first time the crossing of information between the quality of records documented in the EIS and EIA, and the representativeness of air quality monitoring stations.
- (ii)
- It highlights the shortcomings and loopholes found in the current air quality regulations regarding the representativeness of atmospheric records.
- (iii)
- It shows the importance of the location of air quality monitoring stations in the representativeness of their records.
- (iv)
- It reveals Chile’s lack of awareness regarding the emission of atmospheric pollutants and, therefore, their consequences for health.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Environmental Regulations
- D.S. No. 38/2011, Noise Standard;
- D.S. No. 43/2013, Light Pollution Standard;
- D.S. No. 28/2013, Foundry Standard;
- D.S. No. 13/2011, Standard for Thermoelectric Power Plants;
- D.S. No. 37/2013, TRS Compound Standard;
- D.S. No. 29/2013, Establishes Emission Standard for incineration, co-incineration and co-processing and repeals Decree No. 45, of 2007, of the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency.
3.2. Thermal Emitting Complexes
3.3. Station Registration
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pollutant | Period | Level | Concentration (µg/m3N) | Reference |
PM 2.5 | 24 h | Alert | 80–109 | [31] |
Pre-emergency | 110–169 | |||
Emergency | 170 or + | |||
PM10 | 24 h | Alert | 195–239 | [32] |
Pre-emergency | 240–329 | |||
Emergency | 330 or + | |||
SO2 | 1 h | Alert | 500–649 | [33] |
Pre-emergency | 650–949 | |||
Emergency | 950 or + | |||
NO2 | 1 h | Alert | 1130–2259 | [34] |
Pre-emergency | 2260–2999 | |||
Emergency | 3000 or + | |||
CO | 8 h | Alert | 17–33 | [35] |
Pre-emergency | 34–39 | |||
Emergency | 40 or + | |||
O3 | 1 h | Alert | 400–799 | [37] |
Pre-emergency | 800–999 | |||
Emergency | 1000 or + |
Pollutant | Period | Concentration Northern Zone (µg/m3N) | Concentration Southern Zone (µg/m3N) | Reference |
SO2 | Annual | 80 | 60 | Art 4 [38] |
24 h | 365 | 260 | Art 5 [38] | |
1 h | 1000 | 700 | Art 6 [38] |
Year | Central | Project Name | Type | Commune | Latitude | Longitude |
1999 | Coloso | Central Termoeléctrica de Ciclo Combinado Coloso | EIA | Tocopilla | −23.77279 | −70.482385 |
1993 | Nueva Tocopilla | Central Termoeléctrica Nueva Tocopilla 1 | EIA | Tocopilla | −22.09617 | −70.210518 |
1993 | Nueva Tocopilla | Central Termoeléctrica Nueva Tocopilla 2 1 | EIA | Tocopilla | −22.09573 | −70.209923 |
1996 | Nueva Tocopilla | Sistema de Transmisión Central Termoeléctrica Nueva Tocopilla 1 | EIA | Tocopilla | −22.09625 | −70.211992 |
1999 | Nueva Tocopilla | Aumento de potencia de generación y uso de mezclas de petcoke y carbón central termoeléctrica nueva Tocopilla 1 | EIA | Tocopilla | −22.09774 | −70.213217 |
1998 | Tocopilla | Central Termoeléctrica de Ciclo Combinado Tocopilla 1 | EIA | Tocopilla | −22.09779 | −70.212732 |
1999 | Tocopilla | Uso de Mezclas de Carbón y Coque de Petróleo como Combustible Central Tocopilla (2° presentación) 1 | EIA | Tocopilla | −22.09625 | −70.211992 |
2007 | Tocopilla | Operación permanente con petróleo diésel en la Unidad 16 1 | EIS | Tocopilla | −22.09754 | −70.212488 |
2013 | Tocopilla | Uso de Cal Hidratada, Central Termoeléctrica Tocopilla para Cumplimiento de Norma de Emisión para Centrales Térmicas 1 | EIS | Tocopilla | −22.10077 | −70.213572 |
2006 | Andina | Central Térmica Andina1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.08942 | −70.412632 |
2007 | Andina | Embarcadero, Uso de Biomasa y Depósito de Cenizas Central Térmica Andino 1 | EIS | Mejillones | −23.12666 | −70.30776 |
2006 | Angamos | Central Termoeléctrica Angamos 1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.07049 | −70.365255 |
2008 | Angamos | Modificación del Punto de Toma y Descarga Central Termoeléctrica Angamos 1 | EIS | Mejillones | −23.05782 | −70.373805 |
1997 | Atacama | Central Térmica Atacama 1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.08787 | −70.414243 |
2002 | Atacama | Inclusión de By Pass de Gases y un Sistema de Aeroenfriadores en los Equipos Accesorios de una de las Turbinas a Gas de la Central Térmica Atacama Comuna de Mejillones II Región 1 | EIS | Mejillones | −23.09159 | −70.417532 |
2007 | Atacama | Obras Complementarias Central Atacama 1 | EIS | Mejillones | −23.08788 | −70.414613 |
2008 | Cochrane | Central Termoeléctrica Cochrane | EIA | Mejillones | −23.07314 | −70.36746 |
1996 | Mejillones | Central Termoeléctrica Mejillones Unidad 2 1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.08612 | −70.409343 |
1998 | Mejillones | Central Termoeléctrica Ciclo Combinado Mejillones CTM3 1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.08613 | −70.408367 |
2001 | Mejillones | Uso de un Combustible Alternativo en las Unidades 1 y 2 de la Central térmica Mejillones 1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.09015 | −70.41291 |
2009 | Mejillones | Infraestructura Energética Mejillones 1 | EIA | Mejillones | −23.08640 | −70.405139 |
2014 | Mejillones | Uso de Cal Hidratada, Central Térmica Mejillones para Cumplimiento de Norma de Emisión para Centrales Termoeléctricas 1 | EIS | Mejillones | −23.08877 | −70.412309 |
2015 | Mejillones | Actualización Infraestructura Energética Mejillones 1 | EIS | Mejillones | −23.08640 | −70.405139 |
2013 | Ttanti | Central Termoeléctrica Ttanti | EIA | Mejillones | −23.09290 | −70.424595 |
1994 | Guacolda | Central Termoeléctrica Guacolda y Vertedero 1 | EIA | Huasco | −28.46511 | −71.255619 |
1999 | Guacolda | Usos de Mezclas de Carbón y Petcoke en Central Termoeléctrica Guacolda 1 | EIA | Huasco | −28.46511 | −71.255619 |
2004 | Guacolda | Flexibilización de la Operación en la Central Termoeléctrica Guacolda 1 | EIS | Huasco | −28.46397 | −71.257178 |
2005 | Guacolda | Central Guacolda Unidad N°3 1 | EIA | Huasco | −28.46511 | −71.255619 |
2006 | Guacolda | Flexibilización Unidad N°3 1 | EIS | Huasco | −28.46475 | −71.256245 |
2007 | Guacolda | Incremento de Generación y Control de Emisiones del Complejo Generador Central Térmica Guacolda 1 | EIA | Huasco | −28.46511 | −71.255619 |
2006 | Guacolda | Ampliación de la capacidad de almacenamiento de combustibles sólidos en la Central Térmica Guacolda 1 | EIS | Huasco | −28.46511 | −71.255619 |
2009 | Guacolda | Unidad 5 Central Térmica Guacolda S.A. 1 | EIA | Huasco | −28.46511 | −71.255619 |
2016 | Guacolda | Eliminación del uso de petcoke en central Guacolda y Ajuste de la Capacidad de Generación Eléctrica 1 | EIS | Huasco | −28.46496 | −71.256566 |
2009 | Maitencillo | Central Termoeléctrica Maitencillo | EIS | Huasco | −28.50853 | −70.91914 |
2012 | Punta Alcalde | Central Termoeléctrica Punta Alcalde | EIA | Huasco | −28.57843 | −71.2874 |
2012 | Campiche | Central Termoeléctrica Campiche 1 | EIA | Puchuncavi | −32.75278 | −71.478981 |
2005 | Nueva Ventanas | Central Termoeléctrica Nueva Ventanas (LFC) 1 | EIA | Puchuncavi | −32.7517 | −71.479378 |
2006 | Nueva Ventanas | Cambio de Combustible de la Central Termoeléctrica Nueva Ventanas 1 | EIS | Puchuncavi | −32.75029 | −71.483487 |
2007 | Nueva Ventanas | Ajuste de la disposición general de las instalaciones de la central nueva ventanas 1 | EIS | Puchuncavi | −32.75265 | −71.480044 |
Commune | Station | E | N | PM10 | PM2.5 | SO2 | NO2 | NOx | NO | CO | O3 | CH4 | HCNM | HTC |
Mejillones | Jardín Infantil Integra | 352,064 | 7,444,407 | x | x | x | x | |||||||
Mejillones | Juan Jose Latorre | 352,346 | 7,444,100 | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Mejillones | Compañía de Bomberos | 351,468 | 7,444,654 | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Mejillones | Ferrocarriles | 350,205 | 7,444,908 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
Tocopilla | Bomberos | 375,319 | 7,554,741 | x | ||||||||||
Tocopilla | Gobernación | 376,284 | 7,556,725 | x | x | |||||||||
Tocopilla | Super Site | 377,404 | 7,557,193 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
Tocopilla | Tres Marias | 377,485 | 7,560,029 | x | x | |||||||||
Tocopilla | Escuela E10 | 377,352 | 7,557,219 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
Tocopilla | Centro | 376,516 | 7,556,334 | x | ||||||||||
Tocopilla | Escuela E12 | 376,731 | 7,556,849 | x | x | |||||||||
Tocopilla | Escuela Gabriela Mistral | 376,518 | 7,556,323 | x | ||||||||||
Tocopilla | Sur | 374,794 | 7,554,836 | x | x | |||||||||
Huasco | Huasco Sivica | 282,682 | 6,848,727 | x | ||||||||||
Huasco | 21 de Mayo | 281,938 | 6,848,939 | x | x | |||||||||
Huasco | EME F | 282,486 | 6,849,125 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Huasco | EME M | 282,763 | 6,848,691 | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||
Huasco | EME ME | 279,008 | 6,849,199 | x | ||||||||||
Huasco | Huasco II | 281,581 | 6,849,067 | x | x | x | x | |||||||
Huasco | SM1 | 279,357 | 6,845,277 | x | ||||||||||
Huasco | SM2 | 286,412 | 6,849,717 | x | ||||||||||
Huasco | SM3 | 286,750 | 6,848,592 | x | ||||||||||
Huasco | SM4 | 287,841 | 6,847,562 | x | ||||||||||
Huasco | SM5 | 289,916 | 6,847,254 | x | ||||||||||
Puchuncavi | Puchuncaví | 274,379 | 6,377,331 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Puchuncavi | Campiche | 270,343 | 6,375,300 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Puchuncavi | La Greda | 268,185 | 6,373,910 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Puchuncavi | Los Maitenes | 270,073 | 6,372,171 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Puchuncavi | Ventanas | 267,547 | 6,374,609 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
Puchuncavi | Concentrados | 267,640 | 6,373,585 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
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Concha, M.; Ruz, G.A. Evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Regulations: The Case of Thermoelectric Power Plants. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 358. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020358
Concha M, Ruz GA. Evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Regulations: The Case of Thermoelectric Power Plants. Atmosphere. 2023; 14(2):358. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020358
Chicago/Turabian StyleConcha, Mateo, and Gonzalo A. Ruz. 2023. "Evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Regulations: The Case of Thermoelectric Power Plants" Atmosphere 14, no. 2: 358. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020358
APA StyleConcha, M., & Ruz, G. A. (2023). Evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Regulations: The Case of Thermoelectric Power Plants. Atmosphere, 14(2), 358. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020358