The Finnic Peoples of Russia: Genetic Structure Inferred from Genome-Wide and Y-Chromosome Data
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Historical Background of the Finnic Peoples and Their Migrations
1.2. Earlier Genetic Studies on Eastern Finnic Peoples
1.3. Hypotheses of This Study
- (1)
- A relative genetic proximity between Karelians (especially Northern Karelians), Ingrian Finns, and Ingrians because these three groups have split into several ethnicities much later than the general split of the Proto-Finnic unity happened;
- (2)
- Votes would be genetically further from all other Finnic groups under discussion because Votes have split from the Proto-Finnic unity earlier than many of the other Finnic groups and because they are the only “sedentary” Finnic group in our sample, while all other Finnic groups are “migratory”;
- (3)
- Some genetic proximity between Veps and at least some of the groups of Russian Pomors because both have been linked to the historical group of Zavoloch Chud;
- (4)
- Some genetic proximity between Votes and at least some of the groups of Novgorod Russians because Votes have been an integral part of the Novgorod Republic from very early on;
- (5)
- The southern migratory groups of Livvi, Ludic, and Tver Karelians might genetically be closer to Veps than Northern Karelians would be to Veps because these southern groups are a result of contacts between the ancestors of Karelians and Veps.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Samples
2.2. Molecular Genetic Analysis
2.3. Statistical and Bioinformatic Analyses
2.4. Cartographic Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Genetic Diversity of Russia’s Finnic Groups by Y-Chromosome
3.2. Four Y-Chromosomal Genetic Patterns in the Context of Northern Europe
3.3. Phylogeography of the Haplogroup N3a4 in Northeastern Europe
3.4. Autosomal Gene Pool Structure for Russia’s Finnic Populations
3.5. Ancestral Component Modeling
4. Discussion
4.1. The Genetic Diversity of Finnic Populations
4.2. The Origins of the Haplogroup N3a4 for Finnic and Neighboring Populations
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Agdzhoyan, A.; Ponomarev, G.; Pylev, V.; Autleva, Z.; Gorin, I.; Evsyukov, I.; Pocheshkhova, E.; Koshel, S.; Kuleshov, V.; Adamov, D.; et al. The Finnic Peoples of Russia: Genetic Structure Inferred from Genome-Wide and Y-Chromosome Data. Genes 2024, 15, 1610.
Agdzhoyan A, Ponomarev G, Pylev V, Autleva Z, Gorin I, Evsyukov I, Pocheshkhova E, Koshel S, Kuleshov V, Adamov D, et al. The Finnic Peoples of Russia: Genetic Structure Inferred from Genome-Wide and Y-Chromosome Data. Genes. 2024; 15(12):1610.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAgdzhoyan, Anastasia, Georgy Ponomarev, Vladimir Pylev, Zhaneta Autleva (Kagazezheva), Igor Gorin, Igor Evsyukov, Elvira Pocheshkhova, Sergey Koshel, Viacheslav Kuleshov, Dmitry Adamov, and et al. 2024. "The Finnic Peoples of Russia: Genetic Structure Inferred from Genome-Wide and Y-Chromosome Data" Genes 15, no. 12: 1610.
APA StyleAgdzhoyan, A., Ponomarev, G., Pylev, V., Autleva, Z., Gorin, I., Evsyukov, I., Pocheshkhova, E., Koshel, S., Kuleshov, V., Adamov, D., & Kuznetsova, N. (2024). The Finnic Peoples of Russia: Genetic Structure Inferred from Genome-Wide and Y-Chromosome Data. Genes, 15(12), 1610.