Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Revealed the Maturation Mechanism of White-Fleshed Strawberry
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Materials
2.2. Metabolomic Analysis of SW Fruits
2.3. Transcriptomic Analysis of SW Fruits
2.4. Physiological Indices of SW Fruits
2.5. Correlation Analysis and Gene Interaction Network Construction
2.6. Quantitative Fluorescence Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) Validation
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Physiological Differences Among Maturity Stages of SW Fruits
3.2. Metabolite Differences Among Maturity Stages of SW Fruits
3.3. Transcriptional Profile Differences Among Maturity Stages of SW Fruits
3.4. De Novo Biosynthesis of Key Metabolites Among Maturity Stages of SW Fruits
3.5. Co-Expression Network Construction of Sucrose, Citric Acid, and Epicatechin
3.6. Validation of RNA-Seq Data by qRT-PCR
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Xu, L.; Chen, X.; Wang, Q.; Zhao, M.; Qiao, Y.; Xie, Z.; Sun, C.; Sun, M.; Cai, W. Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Revealed the Maturation Mechanism of White-Fleshed Strawberry. Agronomy 2024, 14, 2860.
Xu L, Chen X, Wang Q, Zhao M, Qiao Y, Xie Z, Sun C, Sun M, Cai W. Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Revealed the Maturation Mechanism of White-Fleshed Strawberry. Agronomy. 2024; 14(12):2860.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Linlin, Xiaodong Chen, Qinglian Wang, Mizhen Zhao, Yushan Qiao, Zhaobiao Xie, Chuanwen Sun, Miao Sun, and Weijian Cai. 2024. "Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Revealed the Maturation Mechanism of White-Fleshed Strawberry" Agronomy 14, no. 12: 2860.
APA StyleXu, L., Chen, X., Wang, Q., Zhao, M., Qiao, Y., Xie, Z., Sun, C., Sun, M., & Cai, W. (2024). Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Revealed the Maturation Mechanism of White-Fleshed Strawberry. Agronomy, 14(12), 2860.