Understanding Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Innovations: A Systematic Literature Review
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review on Agricultural Innovation Adoption Models
3. Methods
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Bibliometric Analysis
4.2. Vote-Count Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Models Classification Criteria | Description | Dimensions | Examples | Knowledge and Subject Area | Source |
Nature of the concept | Focused on adopter’s characteristics | Individual decision-making process models | Bass-like models, | Marketing | Bass [40] |
Information flow models | Lindner et al. [41] | ||||
Dynamic risk/economic model | Economics | Abadi Ghandim and Pannell [42] | |||
Utility maximization model | Economics | Rahm M. Huffman [43] | |||
Extended behavioral models | TPB | Psychology | Ajzen [19] | ||
Adopt model | Multidisciplinary | Kuehne et al. [44] | |||
Goal-directed behavior | Psychology | Perugini and Bagozzi [45] | |||
Focused on technology | Individual decision-making process models | Task–technology fitness model | Information Systems | Goodhue and Thompson [46] | |
Economic constraint theory | Economics | Aikens et al. [47] | |||
Extended behavioral models | Technology acceptance model | Multidisciplinary | Davis and Venkatesh [48] | ||
Satisfaction models | Marketing | Meyer and Allen [49] | |||
Analysis unit | Singular adopter | - | Social cognitive theory | Sociology | Venkatesh et al. [50] |
Population adopter | - | Diffusion models | Sociology | Rogers E. [18] |
Phases | Procedure | Criteria | Output |
Step 1 | Search with key words in databases | “agricult* AND sustainable innovation AND adoption AND models OR theory OR adopt OR transtheoretical AND model OR bass-like AND model OR step-hazard OR diffusion OR goal-directed AND behavior AND attitude OR tpb OR task-technology AND fit AND model OR technology AND acceptance AND model OR desire OR intention OR adoption AND behavior” | n = 1069 (578 WoS + 491 SCOPUS) |
Step 2 | Automatic screening with filters | Scientific Field: agricultural and biological sciences, business, management and accounting, economics, and social sciences Time period: 2000–2021 Type of document: scientific articles in English | n = 1052 documents |
Step 3 | Construction of unified database | 186 duplicate documents were removed using R Studio. A unified database was created. | n = 866 documents |
Step 4 | Bibliometric analysis | Bibliometric analysis with R Studio. Data analysis, visualization, and interpretation | n = 866 documents |
Step 5 | Selection of articles from database created in step 3 | At least one of the models investigated the adoption of sustainable agricultural innovation adoption as a dependent variable | n = 62 documents |
Step 6 | Vote-count of construct and models | Independent variables: constructs of models with positive or negative effect on adoption with critical level of 10% significant | n = 62 documents |
Proposed Future Lines of Research | Author | Cluster |
| Feder et al. [7] | Agricultural economics |
| Feder et al. [8] | |
| Sunding and Zilberman [2] | |
| Doss [72] | |
| Klerkx et al. [69] | Agricultural extension |
| Pannell et al. [73] | |
| Andersson and Souza [74] | |
| Rogers [18] | Farmer Behavior |
| Liu et al. [55] |
Construct | Frequency of the Constructs | Sig. (+) | Sig.(−) | Models with Overlapped Constructs |
Attitude | 28 | 28 | TPB, UTAU, TAM, TRA, MM | |
PBC | 22 | 22 | TPB, VBNT, TRA | |
Subjective norms | 21 | 21 | TAM, UTAU, TPB, VBNT, TOE, PMT | |
Perceived usefulness | 18 | 18 | TAM, UTAU, TPB, TTM, TOE, PMT | |
Perceived ease of use | 17 | 17 | TAM, UTAUT, TOE | |
Perceived risk | 7 | 7 | PMT, UTAUT, TPB, MOM | |
Intention | 5 | 5 | TPB, TRA | |
Knowledge | 4 | 4 | TAM, TBP, MM | |
Motivation | 4 | 4 | MOA, MM, SCT | |
Relative advantage | 3 | 3 | DOI | |
Believes | 2 | 2 | PMT, MOM | |
Mitigation behaviour | 2 | 2 | VBNT | |
Awarness | 2 | 2 | MM, TRA | |
Environmental responsability | 2 | 2 | VBNT | |
Triability | 2 | 2 | DOI | |
Efficacy | 2 | 2 | SCT | |
Trust | 1 | 1 | UTAUT | |
Customer’s readness to use | 1 | 1 | TOE | |
Adoption oportunity | 1 | 1 | MOA |
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Share and Cite
Rosário, J.; Madureira, L.; Marques, C.; Silva, R. Understanding Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Innovations: A Systematic Literature Review. Agronomy 2022, 12, 2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112879
Rosário J, Madureira L, Marques C, Silva R. Understanding Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Innovations: A Systematic Literature Review. Agronomy. 2022; 12(11):2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112879
Chicago/Turabian StyleRosário, José, Lívia Madureira, Carlos Marques, and Rui Silva. 2022. "Understanding Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Innovations: A Systematic Literature Review" Agronomy 12, no. 11: 2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112879
APA StyleRosário, J., Madureira, L., Marques, C., & Silva, R. (2022). Understanding Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Innovations: A Systematic Literature Review. Agronomy, 12(11), 2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112879