Exploiting Plant Functional Diversity in Durum Wheat–Lentil Relay Intercropping to Stabilize Crop Yields under Contrasting Climatic Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Site, Soil, and Climate
2.2. Cropping and Field Design
2.3. Plant Measurements, Processing, and Calculations
2.4. Statistical Analyses
3. Results
3.1. Effect of Crop Stand Density Type on Durum Wheat Tillering Index (TI)
3.2. Effect of Relay Intercropping on Aboveground Crop Biomass at Harvest
3.3. Effect of Relay Intercropping on the Total Grain Yield
3.4. Effect of Relay Intercropping on Crop Harvest Index (HI) and Durum Wheat Spike Productivity
3.5. Effect of Relay Intercropping on Shoot P Concentration at Flowering
3.6. Effect of Crop Density Variation in Intercropping on Land Equivalent Ratio, Aggressivity (A), and Competition Ratio (CR)
3.7. Effect of Relay Intercropping on Weed Biomass at Crop Harvest
3.8. PCA-Variation among Productivity Components in Sole and Intercropped Systems
4. Discussion
4.1. Intercrop Productivity under Contrasting Climatic Conditions
4.2. Intercropping Densities and Competition
4.3. Intercrops’ Functional Trait Complementarity: P Uptake and Weed Control
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Intercropping System | Tillering Index (TI) | Aboveground Crop Biomass (t ha−1) at Harvest | ||
Lentil | Wheat | Total Intercrop | |||
2019 | Weeded sole crop | - | - | - | - |
Sole crop | 1.64 (0.11) bA | 4.26 (0.53) aA | 12.87 (0.67) aA | - | |
100% Mix | 1.86 (0.22) bA | 1.93 (0.24) bB | 11.62 (0.38) abA | 13.55 (0.47) aA | |
33% Mix | 2.69 (0.40) aA | 2.97 (0.28) abA | 11.06 (0.45) bA | 14.03 (0.23) aA | |
2020 | Weeded sole crop | - | 3.59 (0.25) aA | - | - |
Sole crop | 0.89 (0.06) bB | 2.27 (0.31) bB | 7.30 (0.33) aB | - | |
100% Mix | 0.76 (0.03) bB | 3.04 (0.33) abA | 5.07 (0.44) bB | 8.12 (0.19) aB | |
33% Mix | 1.26 (0.09) aB | 3.03 (0.25) abA | 4.56 (0.29) bB | 7.59 (0.73) aB | |
2021 | Weeded sole crop | - | 2.85 (0.17) bA | - | - |
Sole crop | 1.61 (0.23) bA | 4.25 (0.34) aA | 5.30 (0.32) aC | - | |
100% Mix | 1.16 (0.09) bA | 3.37 (0.25) abA | 5.14 (0.38) aB | 8.50 (0.39) aB | |
33% Mix | 2.32 (0.29) aA | 3.49 (0.18) abA | 5.03 (0.32) aB | 8.52 (0.37) aB | |
p-values | Intercropping | <0.0001 | 0.047 | <0.0001 | 0.718 |
Year | <0.0001 | 0.004 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | |
Int. × Year | 0.45 | <0.0001 | 0.016 | 0.345 |
Year | Intercropping System | Crop Grain Yield (t ha−1) | Harvest Index (HI) | |||
Lentil | Wheat | Total Intercrop | Lentil HI | Wheat HI | ||
2019 | Weeded sole crop | - | - | - | - | - |
Sole crop | 1.04 (0.12) aA | 5.20 (0.26) aA | - | 0.253 (0.031) bA | 0.404 (0.005) aB | |
100% Mix | 0.77 (0.11) aA | 4.49 (0.15) abA | 5.26 (0.24) aA | 0.396 (0.018) aA | 0.386 (0.003) aB | |
33% Mix | 1.24 (0.14) aA | 4.33 (0.15) bA | 5.57 (0.11) aA | 0.414 (0.015) aA | 0.392 (0.007) aB | |
2020 | Weeded sole crop | 0.79 (0.07) aA | - | - | 0.220 (0.010) bB | - |
Sole crop | 0.28 (0.08) bB | 2.82 (0.13) aB | - | 0.115 (0.018) cB | 0.386 (0.002) aB | |
100% Mix | 1.20 (0.14) aA | 1.95 (0.17) bB | 3.15 (0.10) aB | 0.391 (0.013) aA | 0.383 (0.001) aB | |
33% Mix | 1.05 (0.10) aA | 1.68 (0.11) bB | 2.73 (0.28) aC | 0.342 (0.011) aB | 0.368 (0.003) aB | |
2021 | Weeded sole crop | 0.96 (0.08) aA | - | - | 0.331 (0.014) aA | - |
Sole crop | 1.29 (0.10) aA | 2.32 (0.15) bB | - | 0.308 (0.016) aA | 0.438 (0.011) aA | |
100% Mix | 1.17 (0.11) aA | 2.23 (0.18) aB | 3.40 (0.24) aB | 0.338 (0.012) aB | 0.433 (0.011) aA | |
33% Mix | 1.24 (0.07) aA | 2.21 (0.15) aB | 3.45 (0.18) aB | 0.357 (0.010) aAB | 0.438 (0.011) aA | |
p-values | Intercropping | 0.01 | <0.0001 | 0.579 | <0.0001 | 0.351 |
Year | 0.0002 | 0.001 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | |
Int. × Year | <0.0001 | 0.708 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | 0.604 |
Year | Intercropping System | Phosphorus (P) Concentration (%) | |
Lentil | Durum Wheat | ||
2019 | Weeded sole crop | - | - |
Sole control | 0.349 (0.029) aA | 0.199 (0.012) bA | |
100% Mix | 0.294 (0.005) bA | 0.216 (0.012) abA | |
33% Mix | 0.333 (0.005) bA | 0.229 (0.003) aA | |
2020 | Weeded sole crop | 0.266 (0.010) bA | - |
Sole control | 0.344 (0.007) aA | 0.136 (0.007) bB | |
100% Mix | 0.284 (0.012) bA | 0.146 (0.013) abB | |
33% Mix | 0.284 (0.014) bA | 0.164 (0.004) aB | |
p-values | Intercropping | <0.0001 | 0.002 |
Year | 0.06 | <0.0001 | |
Int. × Year | 0.143 | 0.906 |
Year | Intercropping System | Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) | Aggressivity (A) | Competition Ratio (CR) | |||
LERwheat | LERlentil | Total LER | Awheat | CRwheat | CRlentil | ||
2019 | 100% Mix | 0.86 (0.01) aAB | 0.78 (0.18) aB | 1.64 (0.18) aB | 0.04 (0.09) aA | 1.29 (0.27) bA | 0.91 (0.21) aA |
33% Mix | 0.83 (0.03) aAB | 1.19 (0.09) aB | 2.02 (0.09) aB | −0.69 (0.06) aA | 2.15 (0.17) aA | 0.47 (0.04) bA | |
2020 | 100% Mix | 0.70 (0.06) aB | 5.35 (1.58) aA | 6.05 (1.61) aA | −2.32 (0.78) aB | 0.16 (0.03) bB | 7.51 (1.90) aB |
33% Mix | 0.61 (0.07) aB | 5.87 (2.20) aA | 6.48 (2.25) aA | −4.26 (1.64) aB | 0.53 (0.16) aB | 2.98 (0.94) bB | |
2021 | 100% Mix | 0.97 (0.09) aA | 0.91 (0.14) aB | 1.88 (0.14) aB | 0.03 (0.09) aA | 1.21 (0.26) bA | 0.99 (0.19) aA |
33% Mix | 0.99 (0.13) aA | 0.99 (0.11) aB | 1.98 (0.08) aB | −0.50 (0.11) aA | 3.41 (0.89) aA | 0.38 (0.09) bA | |
p-values | Intercropping | 0.593 | 0.050 | 0.163 | 0.067 | 0.002 | <0.0001 |
Year | 0.0001 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | <0.0001 | |
Int. × Year | 0.736 | 0.971 | 0.983 | 0.499 | 0.07 | 0.969 |
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Koskey, G.; Leoni, F.; Carlesi, S.; Avio, L.; Bàrberi, P. Exploiting Plant Functional Diversity in Durum Wheat–Lentil Relay Intercropping to Stabilize Crop Yields under Contrasting Climatic Conditions. Agronomy 2022, 12, 210. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010210
Koskey G, Leoni F, Carlesi S, Avio L, Bàrberi P. Exploiting Plant Functional Diversity in Durum Wheat–Lentil Relay Intercropping to Stabilize Crop Yields under Contrasting Climatic Conditions. Agronomy. 2022; 12(1):210. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010210
Chicago/Turabian StyleKoskey, Gilbert, Federico Leoni, Stefano Carlesi, Luciano Avio, and Paolo Bàrberi. 2022. "Exploiting Plant Functional Diversity in Durum Wheat–Lentil Relay Intercropping to Stabilize Crop Yields under Contrasting Climatic Conditions" Agronomy 12, no. 1: 210. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010210