Design, Control, and Performance Aspects of Semi-Closed Greenhouses
:1. Introduction
2. Principles, Design, and Control of a Semi-Closed Greenhouse
2.1. Degree of Coupling of Semi-Closed Greenhouses to Outside Climate
2.2. Main Design and Control Variations of Semi-Closed Greenhouse
2.2.1. Air Treatment Corridor and Air Distribution System
- the friction of the air with the tube wall, which causes a decrease of pressure to the direction of flow and is characterized by the friction factor;
- the reduction of the air momentum in the tube as the air is discharged at the openings, which results in an increase of pressure in the tube across each opening. This has been named the ‘diffusion’, ‘inertia’, and ‘static regain’ effect, and is characterized by the static regain coefficient, which is the change in static pressure expressed as a decimal part of the velocity pressure change.
2.2.2. Decentralized Air Treatment Units
2.3. Measurements and Control of a Semi-Closed Greenhouse
3. Performance Evaluation of Semi-Closed Greenhouses
3.1. Climatic Conditions
3.1.1. Air Temperature, Humidity, and Velocity
3.1.2. CO2 Concentration
3.2. Energy Consumption and Saving
3.3. Irrigation and Water Saving
3.4. Pest Control
3.5. Crop Growth and Yield
4. General Discussion and Conclusions
- Improve the design and operation of the air treatment corridor (e.g., reduce the pressure loss, optimize the air flow via the pad and heat exchangers, use fans with high efficiency at wide range of ventilation rates, etc.).
- Improve the design and operation of the air distribution system (e.g., by using better perforated tubes, by using sensors to identify the spatial climate distribution and its correlation to the operation of the fans, etc.).
- Integrate different technologies and systems mainly in air treatment corridor in order to change the properties of the air distributed in the greenhouse such as use of desiccant materials for dehumidification or misting for humidification, capture, and reuse water from transpiration or water condensed at the cold surface of heat exchangers, integrate systems based on use of sustainable energy or on district heating and cooling systems, etc.
- Develop greenhouse concepts for different areas in the world in order to address challenges related to extreme climatic conditions such as those occurring in tropical areas, in deserts, or water scarcity areas, etc.
- Develop the semi-closed concept for agroparks or greenhouse clusters by decoupling the air treatment corridor from the air distribution system and developing systems where one air treatment area serves more than one air distribution system with different requirements and priorities.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Greenhouse | Summer 2015 | Autumn 2014 | ||
Gas | Electricity | Gas | Electricity | |
kWh m−2 | ||||
Conventional | 253 | 3.5 | 322 | 5.2 |
Semi-closed | 217 | 11.3 | 307 | 31.9 |
Process | Conventional | Closed | Semi-Closed |
Heating (MJ m−2 y−1) | 1182 | 557 | 620 |
Cooling (MJ m−2 y−1) | 0 | 530 | 134 |
Treatment | Early Production | Final Production | Supplied CO2 |
Conventional | 24 | 55 | 55 |
Semi-closed (cooling 150 W m−2) | 26 | 59 | 46 |
Semi-closed (cooling 350 W m−2) | 27 | 61 | 30 |
Semi-closed (cooling 700 W m−2) | 28 | 57 | 14 |
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Sapounas, A.; Katsoulas, N.; Slager, B.; Bezemer, R.; Lelieveld, C. Design, Control, and Performance Aspects of Semi-Closed Greenhouses. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1739.
Sapounas A, Katsoulas N, Slager B, Bezemer R, Lelieveld C. Design, Control, and Performance Aspects of Semi-Closed Greenhouses. Agronomy. 2020; 10(11):1739.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSapounas, Athanasios, Nikolaos Katsoulas, Bart Slager, Robert Bezemer, and Charlotte Lelieveld. 2020. "Design, Control, and Performance Aspects of Semi-Closed Greenhouses" Agronomy 10, no. 11: 1739.
APA StyleSapounas, A., Katsoulas, N., Slager, B., Bezemer, R., & Lelieveld, C. (2020). Design, Control, and Performance Aspects of Semi-Closed Greenhouses. Agronomy, 10(11), 1739.