Investigation of Dielectric, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites Embedded with Quartz Fibers
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.2. Composite Property Estimation
2.3. Composite Sample Preparation
2.4. Characterization
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Chemical Structure by FTIR
3.2. SEM Morphology
3.3. Electrical Properties
3.4. Mechanical Properties
3.5. Thermal Degradation (Weight Loss)
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Phase | Density | Dielectric Constant | Dielectric Loss | Epoxy Content | EEW | Tensile Strength | Tg |
(g/cc) | Ɛ | δ | % | g/g.eq | MPa | °C | |
Liquid | 1.25 | 3.9–4.3 | 0.02 | 23 | 185 | 300 | 215 |
Weave | Density | SiO2 | Dielectric Constant | Dielectric Loss | Tensile Strength | Softening Point |
Type | (g/cc) | % | Ɛ | δ | GPa | °C |
Plain | 2.20 | 99.99 | 3.78 | 0.002 | 1.75 | 1600 |
Sample ID | EQ-20 | EQ-25 | EQ-30 | EQ-35 |
Epoxy resin | 0.80 | 0.75 | 0.70 | 0.65 |
Quartz fiber | 0.20 | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.35 |
Estimated Ɛr | 4.03 | 4.02 | 4.00 | 3.98 |
Estimated δ | 0.046 | 0.045 | 0.044 | 0.042 |
Resin | Fiber | Impregnation | Pressing | Curing Conditions | |
Fraction | Fraction | min | bar | Cure | Post Cure |
0.80 to 0.65 | 0.20 to 0.35 | 30 | 10 | 140 °C and 12 h | 140 °C & 3 h |
Test | Equipment Used |
Functional groups | FTIR- Perkin Elmar Spectrum 100 (Waltham, MA, USA) 400–4000 cm−1 |
Dielectric constant | PNA Network Analyzer 8326 Agilent Frequency used 2 GHz (Santa Clara, CA, USA) |
Dielectric loss | |
Tensile strength | Trapezium, AGX-Plus, Tokyo, Japan Test speed 2 mm/min, 50 KN |
Bending strength | |
Interlaminar shear strength | |
Morphology | SEM-JSM 6490 A, EOL Tokyo, Japan Accelerating voltage 20 KV |
Thermal degradation Weight loss (%) | TGA Q600 SDT, TA Instruments, SHIMADZU, Tokyo, Japan Heating rate = 20° C/min (N2 flow) |
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Haider, I.; Gul, I.H.; Faraz, M.I.; Aziz, S.; Jaffery, S.H.I.; Khan, M.A.; Jung, D.-W. Investigation of Dielectric, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites Embedded with Quartz Fibers. Polymers 2023, 15, 4133.
Haider I, Gul IH, Faraz MI, Aziz S, Jaffery SHI, Khan MA, Jung D-W. Investigation of Dielectric, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites Embedded with Quartz Fibers. Polymers. 2023; 15(20):4133.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHaider, Imran, Iftikhar Hussain Gul, Muhammad Iftikhar Faraz, Shahid Aziz, Syed Husain Imran Jaffery, Muhammad Ali Khan, and Dong-Won Jung. 2023. "Investigation of Dielectric, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites Embedded with Quartz Fibers" Polymers 15, no. 20: 4133.
APA StyleHaider, I., Gul, I. H., Faraz, M. I., Aziz, S., Jaffery, S. H. I., Khan, M. A., & Jung, D.-W. (2023). Investigation of Dielectric, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites Embedded with Quartz Fibers. Polymers, 15(20), 4133.