Trinodal Self-Penetrating Nets from Reactions of 1,4-Bis(alkoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene Ligands with Cobalt(II) Thiocyanate
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. General
2.2. 1,4-Dibromo-2,5-bis(2-ethylbutoxy)benzene
2.3. 2,5-Bis(2-ethylbutoxy)benzene-1,4-dicarbaldehyde
2.4. 2,5-Bis(3-methylbutoxy)benzene-1,4-dicarbaldehyde
2.5. Synthesis of 1,4-Bis(2-ethylbutoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene (1)
2.6. Synthesis of 1,4-Bis(3-methylbutoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene (2)
2.7. Synthesis of [{Co(1)(NCS)2}·MeOH·3CHCl3]n
2.8. Synthesis of [{Co(2)(NCS)2}·0.8MeOH·1.8CHCl3]n
2.9. Crystallography
2.10. [{Co(1)(NCS)2}·MeOH.3CHCl3]n
2.11. [{Co(2)(NCS)2}·0.8MeOH·1.8CHCl3]n
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Synthesis and Characterization of Ligands 1 and 2
3.2. Crystal Growth and Powder X-ray Diffraction
3.3. Single Crystal Structures
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Bond a | [{Co(1)(NCS)2}.MeOH.3CHCl3]n | Corresponding Bond Lengths in [{Co(2)(NCS)2}.0.8MeOH.1.8CHCl3]n |
Bond Length/Å | Bond Length/Å | |
Co1–N1 | 2.171(6) | 2.175(6) |
Co1–N6 ii | 2.229(6) | 2.244(6) |
Co1–N8 | 2.065(6) | 2.091(5) |
Co2–N3 | 2.136(6) | 2.138(6) |
Co2–N4 | 2.145(6) | 2.134(6) |
Co2–N7 | 2.074(6) | 2.107(7) |
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Manfroni, G.; Prescimone, A.; Batten, S.R.; Klein, Y.M.; Gawryluk, D.J.; Constable, E.C.; Housecroft, C.E. Trinodal Self-Penetrating Nets from Reactions of 1,4-Bis(alkoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene Ligands with Cobalt(II) Thiocyanate. Crystals 2019, 9, 529.
Manfroni G, Prescimone A, Batten SR, Klein YM, Gawryluk DJ, Constable EC, Housecroft CE. Trinodal Self-Penetrating Nets from Reactions of 1,4-Bis(alkoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene Ligands with Cobalt(II) Thiocyanate. Crystals. 2019; 9(10):529.
Chicago/Turabian StyleManfroni, Giacomo, Alessandro Prescimone, Stuart R. Batten, Y. Maximilian Klein, Dariusz J. Gawryluk, Edwin C. Constable, and Catherine E. Housecroft. 2019. "Trinodal Self-Penetrating Nets from Reactions of 1,4-Bis(alkoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene Ligands with Cobalt(II) Thiocyanate" Crystals 9, no. 10: 529.
APA StyleManfroni, G., Prescimone, A., Batten, S. R., Klein, Y. M., Gawryluk, D. J., Constable, E. C., & Housecroft, C. E. (2019). Trinodal Self-Penetrating Nets from Reactions of 1,4-Bis(alkoxy)-2,5-bis(3,2’:6’,3’’-terpyridin-4’-yl)benzene Ligands with Cobalt(II) Thiocyanate. Crystals, 9(10), 529.