Anomalous Positron Lifetime in Single Crystal of Weyl Semimetal CoSi
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Ps | positronium |
PAL | positron annihilation lifetime |
PALS | positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy |
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Material | , ps (in This Work) | , ps (According to Literature) |
Si | 218(1) (with V) | 218(1) (single crystal) [43] |
CoSi | 168(1) (with V), 166(2) (with Na) | 115(2) (polycrystal) [28] |
FeSi | 114(1) (with V) | 130(3) (polycrystal) [31] |
MnSi | 111(1) (with V) | 119(3) (single crystal) [29] |
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Salamatin, D.A.; Bokov, A.V.; Kozin, M.G.; Romashkina, I.L.; Salamatin, A.V.; Mikhin, M.V.; Petrova, A.E.; Sidorov, V.A.; Nikolaev, A.V.; Fisk, Z.; et al. Anomalous Positron Lifetime in Single Crystal of Weyl Semimetal CoSi. Crystals 2023, 13, 509.
Salamatin DA, Bokov AV, Kozin MG, Romashkina IL, Salamatin AV, Mikhin MV, Petrova AE, Sidorov VA, Nikolaev AV, Fisk Z, et al. Anomalous Positron Lifetime in Single Crystal of Weyl Semimetal CoSi. Crystals. 2023; 13(3):509.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSalamatin, D. A., A. V. Bokov, M. G. Kozin, I. L. Romashkina, A. V. Salamatin, M. V. Mikhin, A. E. Petrova, V. A. Sidorov, A. V. Nikolaev, Z. Fisk, and et al. 2023. "Anomalous Positron Lifetime in Single Crystal of Weyl Semimetal CoSi" Crystals 13, no. 3: 509.
APA StyleSalamatin, D. A., Bokov, A. V., Kozin, M. G., Romashkina, I. L., Salamatin, A. V., Mikhin, M. V., Petrova, A. E., Sidorov, V. A., Nikolaev, A. V., Fisk, Z., & Tsvyashchenko, A. V. (2023). Anomalous Positron Lifetime in Single Crystal of Weyl Semimetal CoSi. Crystals, 13(3), 509.