Impurity Oxygen-Triggered α- → β-Si3N4 Phase Transformation at 1900 °C
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Procedures
2.1. Starting Powders and Heat Treatment Condition
2.2. Characterizations
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. α- → β -Si3N4 Phase Transformation Behaviors
3.1.1. β-Phase Content and Morphological Changes
3.1.2. Relation between Chemical Composition and β-Phase Content
3.2. Nanostructure Characterization by HAADF-STEM and STEM-EDS Analyses
3.2.1. Phase Identification
- (a)
- Sample 1 with β-phase content of 53.5%
- (b)
- Sample 2 with β-phase content of 96.5%
3.2.2. Oxygen Impurity Contents within Si3N4 Crystal Grains and at Two-Grain Boundaries
3.3. Role of Impurity Oxygen in α- → β-Si3N4 Phase Transformation
[3Si + 2N2 + 1/2xO2] → β-Si3N4 crystal + 1/2xO2 ↑
4. Conclusions
- (1)
- The α- → β-Si3N4 phase transformation was found to proceed mainly at 1900 °C, and the extensive heat treatment for up to 20 h achieved full transformation to afford rod-like β-Si3N4 polycrystallites. This transformation temperature was found to be 33 °C lower than the theoretical α-Si3N4 dissociation temperature.
- (2)
- The impurity O contents of the powder samples after the 1900 °C heat treatment for 5 h and 20 h were measured to be 0.64 and 0.12 wt%, respectively. At such lower oxygen contents, the silicon oxynitride liquid phase formation at 1900 °C was excluded according to the phase diagram reported for the binary Si3N4-SiO2 system.
- (3)
- The HAADF-STEM, as well as the STEM-EDS analyses performed on the 1900 °C heat-treated powder samples, also revealed no evidence for the formation of the secondary crystalline or glassy phases at the Si3N4 two-grain boundaries.
- (4)
- The HAADF-STEM/STEM-EDS analyses performed on the area near the two-grain boundary clarified that, at the β-phase content of 53. 5%, regardless of the phase combination, the impurity oxygen content at the two-grain boundary was higher than those within the two Si3N4 crystal grains.
- (5)
- As a possible dominant mechanism, the oxide additive-free α- → β-Si3N4 phase transformation at 1900 °C was suggested to be governed by the formation of metastable solid solution between the α-Si3N4 and the impurity oxygen remained at approximately 0.6 wt%, which promoted the dissociation below the theoretical α-Si3N4 dissociation temperature to afford thermodynamically favorable β-Si3N4. Along with the β-Si3N4 formation, the impurity oxygen was concentrated at the Si3N4 crystal grain boundaries and subsequently released from the sample via the grain boundary diffusion.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Imamura, H.; Kura, K.; Kawata, T.; Honda, S.; Asaka, T.; Iwamoto, Y. Impurity Oxygen-Triggered α- → β-Si3N4 Phase Transformation at 1900 °C. Crystals 2023, 13, 1572.
Imamura H, Kura K, Kawata T, Honda S, Asaka T, Iwamoto Y. Impurity Oxygen-Triggered α- → β-Si3N4 Phase Transformation at 1900 °C. Crystals. 2023; 13(11):1572.
Chicago/Turabian StyleImamura, Hisayuki, Kazuhiro Kura, Tsunehiro Kawata, Sawao Honda, Toru Asaka, and Yuji Iwamoto. 2023. "Impurity Oxygen-Triggered α- → β-Si3N4 Phase Transformation at 1900 °C" Crystals 13, no. 11: 1572.
APA StyleImamura, H., Kura, K., Kawata, T., Honda, S., Asaka, T., & Iwamoto, Y. (2023). Impurity Oxygen-Triggered α- → β-Si3N4 Phase Transformation at 1900 °C. Crystals, 13(11), 1572.