Spotlight on Alkali Metals: The Structural Chemistry of Alkali Metal Thallides
:1. Introduction
2. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl Approximately 1:3
3. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl Approximately 1:2
3.1. Rb17Tl41 and K49Tl108
3.2. A15Tl27 (A = Rb, Cs)
4. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl Approximately 3:4
4.1. A8Tl11 (A = K, Rb, Cs)
4.2. Na4A6Tl13 (A = K, Rb, Cs) and Na3K8Tl13
5. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl Approximately 1:1
5.1. ATl (A = Li, Na, K, Cs)
5.2. Na9K16Tl25.25
5.3. Na2K21Tl19
6. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl Approximately 3:2
7. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl Approximately 2:1
7.1. A2Tl (A = Li, Na)
7.2. Na23K9Tl15.3
8. Atomic Ratio MI:Tl > 2:1
9. Comparison of Binary and Ternary Compounds Including Sodium and Potassium
10. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Symmetry Inequivalent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 8l | 10 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<4.6 Å) |
K2 | 8l | 9 (<4.3 Å) | 6 (<4.7 Å) |
K3 | 8l | 14 (<4.3 Å) | 3 (<4.4 Å) |
K4 | 16m | 11 (<4.8 Å) | 5 (<4.7 Å) |
K5 | 8g | 11 (<4.8 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 12k | 10 (<4.2 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) |
K2 | 12j | 12 (<4.4 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) |
K3 | 6g | 10 (<4.4 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) +1 (<4.7 Å) |
K4 | 8i | 12 (<4.2 Å) | 4 (<4.0 Å) |
K5 | 8i | 12 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<4.0 Å) |
K6 | 3c | 14 (<4.4 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) +2 (<4.7 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Rb Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Rb1 | 96g | 12 (<4.2 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) |
Rb2 | 32e | 12 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) |
Rb3 | 8a | 12 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<4.3 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Rb Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Rb1 | 6i | 5 (<4.0 Å) +3 (<4.4 Å) | 3 (<4.4 Å) +2 (<4.6 Å) |
Rb2 | 2c | 9 (<4.4 Å) | 6 (<4.6 Å) |
Rb3 | 6i | 9 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<4.4) +1 (<4.9 Å) |
Rb4 | 1b | 12 (<4.4 Å) | 6 (<4.4 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Rb Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Rb1 | 36f | 7 (<4.3 Å) | 5 (<4.6 Å) |
Rb2 | 12c | 9 (<4.3 Å) | 6 (<4.6 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 6f | 8 (<3.6 Å) | 5 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<4.0 Å) |
Na1 | 8i | 6 (<3.2 Å) | 6 (<4.2 Å) | - |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 6c | 6 (<3.9 Å) | 3 (<4.1 Å) +3 (<4.8 Å) | 3 (<4.1 Å) |
K2 | 18h | 7 (<3.9 Å) | 2 (<4.1 Å) +5 (<4.8 Å) | 2 (<4.1 Å) |
Na1 | 9d | 6 (<3.9 Å) | 6 (<4.1 Å) | - |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Li Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Li1 | 1a | 8 (<3 Å) | 6 (<3.5 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Na1 | 8a (Fd−3m) 4a (I41/acd) | 4 (<3.3 Å) +6 (<3.8 Å) | 4 (<3.3 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 8e | 4 (<3.8 Å) +2 (<4.7 Å) | 6 (<4.3 Å) +4 (<4.8 Å) |
K2 | 8d | 6 (<4 Å) +2 (<5.0 Å) | 4 (<4.2 Å) +4 (<4.8 Å) |
K3 | 8f | 7 (<4.1 Å) | 6 (<4.4 Å) +2 (<4.7 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Cs neighbors (Distances Below) |
Cs1 | 16e | 4 (<4.3 Å) +2 (<4.7 Å) | 2 (<4.4 Å) +6 (<5.2 Å) |
Cs2 | 16e | 6 (<4.3 Å) | 2 (<4.2 Å) +6 (<5 Å) |
Cs3 | 16f | 5 (<4 Å) +2 (<4.7 Å) | 5 (<4.4 Å) +2 (<5.2 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Na1 | 12i | - | 5 (<4.2 Å) | 7 (<3.5 Å) |
Na2 | 6g | - | 6 (<4.2 Å) | 6 (<3.5 Å) |
K1 | 2d | - | 3 (<4 Å) +6 (<4.5 Å) | 6 (<3.8 Å) |
K2 | 6h | 4 (<4.1 Å) | 6 (<4.3 Å) | 6 (<4.3 Å) |
K3 | 6h | 4 (<4.3 Å) | 5 (<4.3 Å) | 8 (<4.2 Å) |
K4 | 12i | 2 (<3.8 Å) | 7 (<4.5 Å) | 5 (<3.8 Å) |
K5 | 6h | 4 (<4.2 Å) | 2 (<4.3 Å) | 10 (<4.2 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 8g | - | 6 (<4.4 Å) | 7 (<4 Å) |
K2 | 8f | - | 8 (<4.5 Å) +2 (<5 Å) | 4 (<4 Å) |
K3 | 16h | - | 6 (<4.5 Å) +2 (<5 Å) | 6 (<4 Å) |
K4 | 16h | 1 (<3.8 Å) | 5 (<4.3 Å) +3 (<5.1 Å) | 6 (<4.1 Å) |
K5 | 16h | 1 (<3.6 Å) | 5 (<4.5 Å) +2 (<5 Å) | 6 (<4 Å) |
K6 | 8f | 1 (<3.9 Å) | 5 (<4.2 Å) +4 (<5.1 Å) | 5 (<4 Å) |
K7 | 8f | - | 7 <4.4 Å) +2 (<5 Å) | 3 (<4.1 Å) +3 (<4.5 Å) |
K8 | 8f | 1 (<4.8 Å) | 5 <4.2 Å) +3 (<5 Å) | 3 (<4 Å) +2 (<4.5 Å) |
Na1 | 8f | - | 5 (<3.9 Å) +1 (<4.8 Å) | 5 (<3.3 Å) +2 (<4.1 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 4e | 8 (<4.7 Å) +2 (<5.5 Å) | 4 (<3.9 Å) |
K2 | 4e | 8 (<4.7 Å) +1 (<5.5 Å) | 5 (<4.0 Å) |
K3 | 4e | 9 (<4.7 Å) | 6 (<4.0 Å) |
K4 | 4e | 9 (<4.7 Å) +1 (<5.5 Å) | 4 (<4.0 Å) |
K5 | 4e | 8 (<4.7 Å) +3 (<5.5 Å) | 3 (<4.0 Å) |
K6 | 4e | 8 (<4.7 Å) +1 (<5.5 Å) | 5 (<4.0 Å) |
K7 | 4e | 8 (<4.5 Å) +2 (<5.5 Å) | 4 (<4.0 Å) |
K8 | 4e | 8 (<4.7 Å) +3 (<5.5 Å) | 3 (<4.0 Å) |
K9 | 4e | 7 (<4.7 Å) +3 (<5.5 Å) | 3 (<4.0 Å) +1 (<4.5 Å) |
K10 | 4e | 7 (<4.7 Å) +2 (<5.5 Å) | 4 (<4.0 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) |
Na1 | 4a | 6 (<3.7 Å) +2 (<4.1 Å) | 4 (<3.5 Å) |
Na2 | 4b | 6 (<3.7 Å) | 6 (<3.7 Å) |
Na3 | 8c | 7 (<3.7 Å) 9 (<4.2 Å) | 5 (<3.8 Å) |
Na4 | 8c | 7 (<3.7 Å) +1 (<4.2 Å) | 4 (<3.3 Å) |
Na5 | 8c | 6 (<3.8 Å) +2 (<4.2 Å) | 3 (<3.5 Å) +1 (<4.2 Å) |
Symmetry Independent Alkali Metal | Wyckoff Letter | Number of Na Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of K Neighbors (Distances Below) | Number of Tl Neighbors (Distances Below) |
K1 | 12k | 8 (<4.1 Å) | 4 (<4.5 Å) | 4 (<4.1 Å) |
K2 | 6h | 10 (<4.2 Å) | 2 (<4.2 Å) | 5 (<4.1 Å) |
Na1 | 6g | 4 (<3.6 Å) | 4 (<4.1 Å) | 4 (<3.5 Å) |
Na2 | 12k | 6 (<4 Å) | 3 (<4.2 Å) | 4 (<3.5 Å) |
Na3 | 12k | 4 (<3.6 Å) | 4 (<4.1 Å) | 4 (<3.3 Å) |
Na4 | 4f | 6 (<4.0 Å) | 3 (<4.0 Å) | 4 (<3.5 Å) |
Na5 | 12k | 5 (<3.9 Å) | 3 (<4.2 Å) | 5 (<3.6 Å) |
Compound | Na–Tl | K–Tl | Na–Na | K–K | Na–K |
K6Tl17 | - | <4.8 Å | - | <4.7 Å | - |
K49Tl108 | - | <4.4 Å | - | <4.7 Å | - |
KTl | - | <5 Å | - | <4.8 Å | - |
K10Tl7 | - | <4.5 Å | - | <5.5 Å | - |
NaTl | <3.8 Å | - | <3.3 Å | - | - |
Na2Tl | <4.2 Å | - | <4.2 Å | - | - |
Na4K6Tl13 | <3.2 Å | <3.6 Å | - | <4 Å | <4.2 Å |
Na3K8Tl13 | <3.9 Å | <3.9 Å | - | <4.8 Å | <4.1 Å |
Na9K16Tl25.25 | <3.5 Å | <4.3 Å | - | <4.5 Å | <4.3 Å |
Na2K21Tl19 | <4.1 Å | <4.5 Å | - | <5 Å | - |
Na23K9Tl15.3 | <3.6 Å | <4.1 Å | <4 Å | <4.5 Å | <4.1 Å |
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Gärtner, S. Spotlight on Alkali Metals: The Structural Chemistry of Alkali Metal Thallides. Crystals 2020, 10, 1013.
Gärtner S. Spotlight on Alkali Metals: The Structural Chemistry of Alkali Metal Thallides. Crystals. 2020; 10(11):1013.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGärtner, Stefanie. 2020. "Spotlight on Alkali Metals: The Structural Chemistry of Alkali Metal Thallides" Crystals 10, no. 11: 1013.
APA StyleGärtner, S. (2020). Spotlight on Alkali Metals: The Structural Chemistry of Alkali Metal Thallides. Crystals, 10(11), 1013.