Artificial Intelligence-Based Smart Quality Inspection for Manufacturing
:1. Introduction
2. Health Monitoring in Manufacturing
2.1. Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
2.2. Quality Control (QC)
3. Overview of Quality Inspection
3.1. Quality Inspection Process
- Precision: The decisions made should be well-informed, to ensure that there are no biases or errors.
- Validity: Decisions made must be valid and must not differ if the product were to be available for use.
- Reliability: There must be consistency in the decisions made—repeatability and reproducibility. The decision process should not require recalibration.
- Robustness: The decision-making must demonstrate versatility in detecting different types of defects.
- Rapidness: The process must be quick and must be able to act before any more defective products are produced.
3.2. Visual Inspection
- Present: Present the product for inspection.
- Search: Examine and analyze the product for possible flaws/defects.
- Decision: Assess the flaws/defects and determine if it falls out of the desired specifications.
- Action: Accept or reject the item based on the decision.
3.3. Factors Affecting Visual Inspection
4. Casting Process
4.1. Types of Casting Processes
- (a)
- Sand Casting—most metal types
- (b)
- Investment Casting—most metal types
- (c)
- Resin Shell Molding—Primarily Iron and Copper
- (d)
- Gravity Die Casting—Primarily Aluminum, Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, and some of their alloys
- (e)
- Low-Pressure Die Casting—Primarily Aluminum and Magnesium
- (f)
- High-Pressure Die Casting—Primarily Aluminum, Magnesium, and Zinc
- (g)
- Squeeze Casting—Primarily Aluminum
4.2. Steps in the Casting Process
- Patternmaking—Designing and preparing a pattern
- Preparing the mold that is approximately the same shape/size as the desired pattern
- Identifying the material to be used in casting (usually metals or allows)
- Liquefying the material in a furnace
- Pouring the liquefied metal into the cavity of the mold
- Opening the mold to access the casting
- Fettling—removing excess material, surface cleaning, and finishing
- Heat treatment based on requirements
- Final inspection
4.3. Inspection in the Casting Process
5. Deep Learning for Quality Inspection
6. State-of-the-Art in Visual Inspection and Research Gap
- performs well in detecting defects, i.e., shows high accuracy, precision, recall, etc.,
- minimizes the factors affecting the visual inspection process, and
- allows documentation of decisions made.
7. Smart Quality Inspection
- Stage 1: Manufacturing product arrives at the inspection area:In the first stage, the product from the assembly line is brought to the inspection area. The item is placed in a designated location to allow the inspection process to begin.
- Stage 2: Product image is capturedIn this stage, a high-quality camera is used to capture images of the product undergoing inspection. The lighting conditions and distance from the product are measured based on the product size and camera equipment in use.
- Stage 3: Image preprocessingIt is identified if grayscale or color images would be appropriate based on the availability of computational resources and desired precision and accuracy of predictions. Any augmentation or transformation is done at this stage—flips, shears, rotation, shifts, whitening, contrast adjustment, etc.
- Stage 4: CNN-based defect detectionA custom CNN architecture is used to detect defects in images. The architecture has the versatility to handle different types of images with just a small number of changes. The model is trained on images of defective products and non-defective products to learn the necessary feature representations. The defect detection model is built into an application that can be used on the shop floor to make the inspection process trouble-free.
- Stage 5: Decision stage—accept/reject the productThe operator inspects the product using the defect detection algorithm and instantaneously receives the inspection results from the computer application. Based on the results, a decision is made whether to accept or reject the product.
- Stage 6: Document results in the inspection logThe results of the inspection process are input into the SQI shop floor application and are automatically stored in a spreadsheet.
8. Casting Product Dataset
9. SQI—Modelling and Design
9.1. CNN Model
- Input Layer: The input layer is the raw image either in grayscale or Red-Green-Blue (RGB) format with (300, 300) as its dimensions. This 300 300 image is an array of pixels, with 300 as width and 300 as height.
- Rescaling Operation: Neural networks generally perform better when the inputs are normalized. The channel coefficients for images are in the [0, 255] range, which is high. Higher numeric values may be computationally more expensive and could affect performance. For the casting data, we rescale the inputs to the [0, 1] range by using a 1/255 scaling factor.
- Convolution Layer (conv2d): The first of the three convolution layers has 448 parameters with the data as (300, 300, 3) shaped array.
- Max-Pooling (max_pooling2d): The pooling layer is useful in reducing the number of dimensions of the data. Pooling not only reduces the consumption of computing resources but also improves overall performance [53]. Max-pooling helps optimize the feature space by identifying the maximum value of elements from every pool, thereby achieving scale invariance [54].
- Convolution Layer (conv2d_1): The second convolution layer has 4640 parameters
- Max-Pooling (max_pooling2d_1): Like the max_pooling2d, this layer is aimed at optimizing the feature space from (150, 150, 32) to (75, 75, 32).
- Convolution Layer (conv2d_2): The third convolution layer has 18496 parameters with an input shape of (75, 75, 64).
- Max-Pooling (max_pooling2d_2): This max-pooling layer further reduces the dimensions of the feature map from (75, 75, 64) to (37, 37, 64) by selecting the maximum value of elements from every pool.
- Flatten Layer (flatten): The pooled feature map is transformed from 3 dimensions to a 1-dimensional vector. This layer essentially collapses all the input into a single dimension.
- Dense Layer (dense and dense_1): The dense and dense_1 layers from the model are geared towards the classification task. In general, a dense layer is a fully connected layer—every input and output neuron have a connection. The dense layer uses a ReLU [50] activation function and the dense_1 layer is designed with a number of output nodes equal to the number of classes.
9.2. Shop Floor Application
10. Performance and Results
10.1. Training and Validation Performance
10.2. Testing Results
10.3. Results from Shop Floor Application
11. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Task | Environmental | Operator or Individual | Organizational | Social |
Reference | Defect Detection Method | Parameters Considered | Results |
[43] | Edge-based Federated Learning | Metal Nut Data | Federated model outperforms local models in detecting defects |
[44] | CNN | Welded LPG pressure vessel products | 97.7% accuracy for classification task |
[45] | ResNET and Fully Convolutional Network | Automated Fiber placement inspection | Raw pixel accuracies recorded using a User-Interface |
[46] | CNN | Injection Molding | Accuracy of more than 90% achieved |
[47] | CNN | End-milled machined surfaces | Accuracy of 92.91% in classifying roughness |
[48] | YOLO and SSD models | Painting defects in shipyards | Accuracy of 90.4% and 82% using the YOLO and SSD models respectively |
Layer (Type) | Output Shape | Param # |
rescaling (Rescaling) | (None, 300, 300, 3) | 0 |
conv2d (Conv2D) | (None, 300, 300, 16) | 448 |
max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2D) | (None, 150, 150, 16) | 0 |
conv2d_1 (Conv2D) | (None, 150, 150, 32) | 4640 |
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) | (None, 75, 75, 32) | 0 |
conv2d_2 (Conv2D) | (None, 75, 75, 64) | 18496 |
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2D) | (None, 37, 37, 64) | 0 |
flatten (Flatten) | (None, 87616) | 0 |
dense (Dense) | (None, 128) | 11214976 |
dense_1 (Dense) | (None, 2) | 258 |
Model | Precision | Recall | F1 Score | Accuracy |
CNN with Densenet [56] | 99.08% | 100% | 99.54% | 99.42% |
EfficientNetB0 [57] | 97.11% | 95.87% | - | 96.88% |
CNN-based Vision System [58] | - | - | - | 99.7% |
Transfer Learning with DenseNet [59] | 97.96% | 95.58% | - | 95.94% |
CNN model for Holonic Shop Floor [41] | - | - | - | 99.82% |
VGG-16 with CNN [60] | 98.7% | 94.1% | - | 95.8% |
Vision Transformer [61] | 99.66% | 99.33% | - | 99.58% |
Accelerated CNN [62] | 99.24% | 100 % | 99.62% | 99.72% |
Proposed Smart Quality Inspection (SQI) Model | 99.62% | 100% | 99.81% | 99.86% |
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Sundaram, S.; Zeid, A. Artificial Intelligence-Based Smart Quality Inspection for Manufacturing. Micromachines 2023, 14, 570.
Sundaram S, Zeid A. Artificial Intelligence-Based Smart Quality Inspection for Manufacturing. Micromachines. 2023; 14(3):570.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSundaram, Sarvesh, and Abe Zeid. 2023. "Artificial Intelligence-Based Smart Quality Inspection for Manufacturing" Micromachines 14, no. 3: 570.
APA StyleSundaram, S., & Zeid, A. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Based Smart Quality Inspection for Manufacturing. Micromachines, 14(3), 570.