Alkaloid-Containing Plants Poisonous to Cattle and Horses in Europe
:1. Introduction
2. Piperidine Alkaloid-Containing Plants
2.1. Conium Maculatum (Poison Hemlock)
2.2. Equisetum Palustre (Marsh Horsetail)
3. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid (PA)-Containing Plants
3.1. Cynoglossum Officinale (Houndstongue)
3.2. Senecio spp. (Ragwort and Groundsel)
4. Other Alkaloid-Containing Plants
4.1. Astragalus spp. and Oxytropis spp. (Locoweeds)
4.2. Chimonanthus Praecox (Wintersweet)
4.3. Colchicum Autumnale (Meadow Saffron)
4.4. Datura Stramonium (Jimson Weed)
4.5. Taxus Baccata (European Yew)
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Cortinovis, C.; Caloni, F. Alkaloid-Containing Plants Poisonous to Cattle and Horses in Europe. Toxins 2015, 7, 5301-5307.
Cortinovis C, Caloni F. Alkaloid-Containing Plants Poisonous to Cattle and Horses in Europe. Toxins. 2015; 7(12):5301-5307.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCortinovis, Cristina, and Francesca Caloni. 2015. "Alkaloid-Containing Plants Poisonous to Cattle and Horses in Europe" Toxins 7, no. 12: 5301-5307.
APA StyleCortinovis, C., & Caloni, F. (2015). Alkaloid-Containing Plants Poisonous to Cattle and Horses in Europe. Toxins, 7(12), 5301-5307.