The Spectrum of Differences between Childhood and Adulthood Celiac Disease
:1. Introduction
2. Epidemiology and Genetics
3. Serologic and Histologic Differences between CD in Children and Adults
4. Associated Diseases
4.1. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
4.2. Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
4.3. Other Immune-Mediated Disorders
4.4. Rheumatic Disorders
4.5. Selective IgA Deficiency
4.6. Neuro-Psychiatric Conditions
4.7. Skin and Annexes
4.8. Liver
4.9. Reproduction
4.10. Genetic Disorders
5. Response to GFD and Prognosis
5.1. Complicated Celiac Disease
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Ciccocioppo, R.; Kruzliak, P.; Cangemi, G.C.; Pohanka, M.; Betti, E.; Lauret, E.; Rodrigo, L. The Spectrum of Differences between Childhood and Adulthood Celiac Disease. Nutrients 2015, 7, 8733-8751.
Ciccocioppo R, Kruzliak P, Cangemi GC, Pohanka M, Betti E, Lauret E, Rodrigo L. The Spectrum of Differences between Childhood and Adulthood Celiac Disease. Nutrients. 2015; 7(10):8733-8751.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCiccocioppo, Rachele, Peter Kruzliak, Giuseppina C. Cangemi, Miroslav Pohanka, Elena Betti, Eugenia Lauret, and Luis Rodrigo. 2015. "The Spectrum of Differences between Childhood and Adulthood Celiac Disease" Nutrients 7, no. 10: 8733-8751.
APA StyleCiccocioppo, R., Kruzliak, P., Cangemi, G. C., Pohanka, M., Betti, E., Lauret, E., & Rodrigo, L. (2015). The Spectrum of Differences between Childhood and Adulthood Celiac Disease. Nutrients, 7(10), 8733-8751.