1. Introduction
Floods are major natural disasters faced by humans, particularly in mountainous areas, often causing severe geological disasters such as landslides and mudslides. Such disasters pose serious threats to life, property safety, local economic development, and the ecological environment [
3]. Obtaining accurate rainfall data is of great importance to flood forecasting, early warning systems, and flood management. However, due to the complex terrain and economic development lag in some areas of southwest China, rain gauge stations are often sparsely distributed and may not function. As a consequence, long-term continuous rainfall records are often insufficient or non-existent [
6]. Satellite precipitation products (SPPs) based on remote sensing technology can provide rainfall data and model floods in these data-scarce areas [
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core observatory satellite, launched jointly by NASA and JAXA on 27 February 2014, marked a significant enhancement in global rainfall observation capabilities [
11]. One of the key products of this project is the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals algorithm for GPM (IMERG). GPM provides rainfall information globally and plays an irreplaceable role in data-scarce areas. GPM has undergone several iterations and improvements since the project’s inception, with the GPM IMERG V6 product frequently used globally [
16]. For example, Andualem (2020) evaluated the performance of IMERG V6, including IMERG-Early (IMERG-E), IMERG-Late (IMERG-L), and IMERG-Final (IMERG-F), in the Gilgel Abay basin of the Upper Blue Nile in Ethiopia, and demonstrated strong correlations between these products and ground-based rainfall data on annual, monthly, and daily time scales [
14]. Li (2021) revealed that GPM IMERG Day Final Run V6 could capture the spatial patterns of light rain over mainland China [
15]. Setti (2022) explored the application of satellite rainfall products TRMM-3B42v7, PERSIANN-CDR, and GPM IMERG V6 for coastal river basins in India and found that IMERG V6 outperformed the other products in terms of the false alarm rates in the detection of rainfall events on daily and monthly scales [
IMERG V7, the latest version of GPM, was released in July 2023, with extensive improvements based on feedback from IMERG V6, including updates to the algorithm that enhance data accuracy and application flexibility [
17]. IMERG V7 offers rainfall data with a spatial resolution of 0.1° × 0.1° and a temporal resolution of 30 min. The product is available in three types based on time delay and accuracy: IMERG-E, IMERG-L, and IMERG-F. IMERG-E is primarily designed for near-real-time flood forecasting, providing data with a 4 h delay. IMERG-L offers data with a 12 h delay and is suitable for applications such as water resource management, and the calibrated IMERG-F, with a 3.5-month delay, is mainly used for data post-processing and research, serving as a post-product of real-time satellite measurements [
18]. As the IMERG V7 data have only recently been released, its application is currently limited.
Recent research on the GPM IMERG product focuses on evaluating the performance of the rainfall product at either daily or monthly scales [
22] and spatially downscaling the rainfall product [
25]. For example, Ji (2022) assessed the performance of five satellite precipitation products, namely TRMM3B42, PERSIANN-CDR, GPM-IMERG, CMORPH, and GSMaP, in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, finding that GPM excelled in daily streamflow simulation, followed by CMORPH, TRMM, GSMaP, and PERSIANN [
19].Wang (2020) found that IMERG V6 performed satisfactorily in estimating rainfall in Korea [
22]. He (2023) used the mixed geographically weighted regression model (MGWR) to downscale the daily IMERG V6 data (IMERG-F) and revealed that the downscaled data correlated well with ground observations in the Yellow River basin for the years 2002, 2012, and 2020 [
24]. Yi (2023) applied random forest regression to downscale the annual and monthly IMERG V6 data (IMERG-F) in the Yangtze River basin, demonstrating a large improvement in the accuracy of the downscaled rainfall product [
Several studies have also employed IMERG products in flood simulations and forecasting on a fine temporal scale (e.g., event-based or hourly [
28]). Predicting the amount and timing of peak flows in flood events is crucial for addressing flood control and disaster reduction. Saouabe (2020) explored the applicability of hourly IMERG-E data to hydrological modeling in the mountainous river basins of Morocco [
26]. Ouaba (2022) used hourly IMERG-E and IMERG-F data to simulate the river flow in the Bourrous basin of Morocco [
28]. These studies provide feasible methods for flood modeling and forecasting with satellite data sources. However, such event-based flood modeling and forecasting using IMERG products still face several challenges. For example, the large discrepancies between the SPPs and ground observation data limit the accuracy of flood modeling [
29]. Thus, a bias correction is required for SPPs.
This study employs hourly IMERG data to simulate event-based floods in the Sunshui River basin in Southwest China. Given that the IMERG V6 data represent the most widely used IMERG product, as well as the fact that IMERG V7 has just been released and its applicability requires verification, we compare both products to ground observations. SPPs have regional and temporal systematic biases and random errors; thus, data correction is required using measured rainfall data from ground gauge stations [
31]. However, not all regions have sufficient rainfall gauge stations, especially in high-altitude mountainous areas. It is also necessary to determine the number of gauge stations required to correct SPPs. Consequently, the aims of this study are to (1) assess the performance of hourly IMERG V6 and V7 rainfall data in the study area; (2) correct the IMERG rainfall data using the GDA method, employing the corrected data in event-based flood modeling; and (3) explore the minimum number of gauge stations to correct the IMERG rainfall data in flood modeling.
Figure 1 presents the framework of the study. First, we preprocessed the downloaded hourly IMERG V6 and V7 rainfall data on multiple spatiotemporal scales and evaluated their performance (IMERG V6, V7, and the corrected IMERG V7) using two continuous and two statistical contingency indicators. Second, we constructed the HEC-HMS model to use in the study area with the basin physiographic characteristics and calibrated and validated the model with ground rainfall and runoff observations. The original and corrected IMERG V7 data were then input into the validated HEC-HMS model to simulate the flood events. Finally, by employing the stepwise incremental correction method, we discuss the effects of using different numbers of stations to correct the IMERG data for event-based flood modeling in the study area.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Evaluation and Correction of IMERG Rainfall Data
The IMERG V6 and V7 data were compared to the ground observations to assess their accuracy and reliability in the Sunshui River basin.
Table 5 reports the four evaluation indicators calculated throughout the study period.
The rainfall determined using the IMERG V6 data was underestimated since all the bias values were negative, with three out of eight stations having a bias of less than 10%. The average absolute bias for all stations reached 11%, indicating that the rainfall data were underestimated on average by 11%. The CC between the satellite data and measured data ranged from 0.11 to 0.39, with an average value of 0.23 for all stations. The FAR values were relatively high, ranging from 0.53 to 0.74, with an average value of 0.66 for all stations, indicating that, on average, 66% of rainfall events were false alarms. The POD ranged from 0.43 to 0.76, with values lower than 0.50 for half of the stations and an average POD of 0.56 across the stations.
Compared to IMERG V6, the IMERG V7 data overestimated rainfall for most stations. The average absolute bias decreased to 9%, with four out of eight stations having a bias of less than 10%. The CC between the satellite data and measured data was higher than that from IMERG V6, ranging from 0.38 to 0.53, and the average CC reached 0.45. This indicates a stronger correlation between the IMERG V7 and measured data. The FAR of all stations was lower, with the average value decreasing to 0.57. Moreover, the POD values were higher, and the average value across stations increased to 0.69. Six out of eight stations have a POD greater than or equal to 0.70. The results indicate that IMERG V7 data have an enhanced ability to capture actual rainfall events compared to IMERG V6. In particular, IMERG V7 rainfall data is closer to the measured values and, thus, is more reliable than IMERG V6 in the study area.
However, IMERG V7 still has some biases, primarily due to overestimating the actual rainfall. Therefore, further corrections were performed using the GDA method. After data correction, the bias for seven out of the eight stations decreased, and the average absolute bias decreased to 4%. Moreover, the bias was less than 10% for seven stations. The correlation coefficient between the corrected and ground data improved significantly, ranging from 0.47 to 0.76, and the average CC increased from 0.45 to 0.64. This indicates that the corrected IMERG V7 data have a stronger correlation with the ground observations. The corrected IMERG V7 exhibited a lower FAR than the uncorrected version for most stations, with the average FAR decreasing from 0.57 to 0.51. This shows that the correction reduced the misidentification of non-precipitation as precipitation. The POD greatly improved for all stations, with average values increasing from 0.69 to 0.87. Thus, the GDA-corrected IMERG V7 data perform better in detecting rainfall events and capturing the actual rainfall events more accurately compared to the non-corrected version.
Figure 5 presents the scatter plots of IMERG V6, IMERG V7, and the corrected IMERG V7 rainfall data from all stations. As the data are on an hourly scale, the points are highly scattered, with IMERG V6 exhibiting more scattering than the other two datasets. The slope of the fitted (red) line varies with the dataset. The slope from IMERG V6 is less than 45°, indicating that rainfall was generally underestimated, whereas the slope from IMERG V7 exceeds 45°, suggesting an overall overestimation of rainfall. Although the corrected IMERG V7 data also overestimate rainfall, the magnitude of the overestimation is lower, and the points are more clustered compared to the other two cases. This indicates that the corrected IMERG V7 data are relatively closer to the observed data.
4.2. Event-Based Flood Modeling
We initially employed the ground rainfall observations, DEM, land use and land cover (LULC), and soil data to construct the HEC-HMS model, optimize the model parameters, and evaluate the applicability of the model.
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 present the simulation results. There is strong agreement between the simulated and observed hydrographs during both the calibration and validation periods. The simulated hydrographs can also accurately capture the timing of flood peaks.
Table 6 reveals that all flood events have
values of lower than 0.5,
values of higher than 0.75, and
values of higher than 0.65. Six of the seven flood events have
values of lower than 35%,
values within ±10%, and
of lower than 2 h. Thus, based on the standard values of all indicators (
Table 4), the simulation results for the majority of flood events (six of seven) are satisfactory.
In order to evaluate the performance of hourly SPPs in event-based flood modeling over the study area, the SPPs were then used as the input in the validated HEC-HMS model. Since IMERG V7 outperforms IMERG V6 in the study area, the former and its correction were used as input to the model.
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 and
Table 7 present the results.
The trend of the IMERG V7-simulated flood hydrograph is consistent with that of the measured hydrograph. Moreover, the simulated hydrograph could accurately capture the peak flow timing, while the peak flows and volume were overestimated greatly (
Figure 6 and
Figure 7). This is also reflected in the high values of
, with its average reaching 81.87% (
Table 7). The overestimation of flood peaks and flood volume may be attributed to the overestimation of rainfall from IMERG V7. Six flood events exhibit
NSE values of below 0.65 and
RMSE values of greater than 0.7, whereas two flood events had
RMPFE values of greater than 50%. Thus, based on
RMPFE, the simulation results for five flood events are satisfactory, whereas according to
, and
, only one flood event simulation result was satisfactory. This indicates that IMERG V7 can be used to forecast the trends of hourly flood hydrographs, yet there may be large deviations in predicting peak flows and volumes.
The corrected IMERG V7 data significantly improved the modeling results compared to the non-corrected version, with better performance in capturing the trends and flood peaks of the hydrographs. Among the seven flood events, five exhibited
values of greater than 0.75, six had
RMPFE values within 20%, and four had
within ±5%. The
values of all events are below 0.5, and only one event had a peak time difference of greater than 3 h. Based on the standard values of all indicators (
Table 4), the simulation results for six flood events are good. Overall, the accuracy of the flood simulations improved greatly when using the corrected IMERG V7 data, demonstrating the effectiveness of the GDA method in enhancing the precision of IMERG data for flood modeling.
4.3. Flood Modeling with Different Numbers of Correction Gauge Stations
The flood modeling results in the previous sections are based on the corrected IMERG V7 data using eight ground gauge stations within the basin. However, not all areas have a sufficient number of ground stations. Therefore, in this section, we discuss the minimum number of stations required to correct the SPPs.
We employed stepwise incremental correction to correct the IMERG V7 rainfall data. We randomly sampled eight times at each stepwise incremental correction, obtaining a total of 56 sets of bias-corrected satellite rainfall data. In
Figure 8, taking one of the results as an example, the simulated flood hydrographs based on the corrected IMERG V7 data using one to eight ground stations (Xide, Poluo, Zeyue, Xianggu, Mianshan, Mishi, Dengxiangrong, and Sunshuiguan, respectively) are depicted. One station in this figure corresponds to the first station, Xide; two stations correspond to the first two stations, Xide and Poluo; three stations correspond to the first three stations, Xide, Poluo, Zeyue, and so on). When using just one station to correct the IMERG V7 data, the simulated flood peak error is still generally very high, and five out of seven flood events were overestimated for peak flood flow by approximately 1–1.2 times. Thus, using only one station to correct the IMERG V7 rainfall data did not obtain satisfactory peak flood modeling results. However, the modeling results improved as the number of stations increased, particularly for flood events 20140701, 20140816, 20150904, and 20170621.
Figure 9 presents the boxplot of the six indicators used to evaluate the effects of the number of correction stations used in flood modeling. In this figure, SR refers to the results with the original IMERG V7 data used as the model input, and 1SC–8SC represent the results with the corrected IMERG V7 data using one to eight stations as the model input.
By considering the six indicator values shown in
Figure 9 and their standard values in
Table 4, we discussed the minimum number of correction stations required in flood modeling. The results indicate that using one to three correction stations resulted in unsatisfactory
NSE and RMSE values. When using four or more correction stations, the simulation results of these two indicators were satisfactory. The simulation results for
R2 following station correction were consistently above satisfactory levels. When using three or more correction stations, the simulation results for Δ
T and
Pbias were relatively stable, with limited outliers. Therefore, when the number of correction stations was four or more, the model performance (considering all indicators) could reach a satisfactory level. Based on this, the threshold for the number of stations used for flood modeling correction with IMERG V7 data in the study area can be taken as four.
4.4. Discussion
This study analyzed the performance of the IMERG V6 and V7 products for the Sunshui River basin. The results showed that the newly released V7 product surpasses the V6 product in terms of all indicators (bias, CC, FAR, and POD), confirming that optimizations in data processing, cloud detection algorithms, and rainfall estimation techniques for IMERG V7 reduced the data noise and improved the detection of rainfall events. Previous studies have shown that upgrades to the IMERG versions significantly improved rainfall data accuracy. For example, Ren (2019) evaluated the accuracy of the IMERG V3, V4, and V5 hourly products in mainland China using ground observation data as a benchmark. The authors revealed that the accuracy of the V5 product generally surpasses that of V3 and V4 [
In terms of satellite rainfall data correction, Cheema (2012) compared the GDA method with regression analysis (RA) in correcting TRMM data and found that GDA performs better in complex mountainous terrains [
26]. Our study used the GDA method to correct IMERG V7 data. The results also indicate that using this method can improve the accuracy of flood modeling based on satellite rainfall data. The six evaluation indicators (
Pbias, and
RMSE) show that the performance of event-based flood modeling using the corrected IMERG V7 with HEC-HMS is superior to that when using the original data. Furthermore, using four stations to correct the IMERG V7 data over the study area can ensure the accuracy of flood modeling. When using ground observations to correct the satellite rainfall data over areas with complex terrain (where the ground stations are not uniformly distributed but are concentrated in a specific area, such as densely populated or flat terrain), more stations may be required to capture the spatial variability of rainfall [
45]. This study demonstrates the applicability of IMERG V7 data in event-based flood modeling, emphasizes the importance and necessity of combining ground-measured data to correct SPPs, and also confirms the effectiveness of the GDA method in correcting IMERG satellite data.
Despite the progress made by this study, it also has some limitations. For example, due to data constraints, the number of flood events obtained and analyzed is relatively few, which may affect the flood simulation results to some extent. Moreover, when discussing the minimum number of stations required to correct SPPs, we only considered the number of stations and did not take into account factors such as the catchment area, the frequency and intensity of flood events, and topographical conditions. Due to limitations in computing resources, we did not consider the impact of all different correction rain gauge station locations on the results. Therefore, additional influencing factors need to be considered in future research, and the proposed method should be validated in a broader area to evaluate its applicability under different conditions.