Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Cameras Set-Up
2.2. In-Field Image Acquisition
2.3. Calibration-Based Registration Method
2.4. Image-Based Registration Methods
2.5. Validation of the Registration Methods
- The percentage of plausible alignments. This indicator assessed the number of images that seemed visually aligned. It was computed by a human operator examining the registered images in a viewer, beside their master image, one by one. Bad automatic registrations were characterized by aberrant global transformations that were easy to identify (Figure 6). For the local transformation, alignments were considered aberrant in case of the apparition of deformed black borders in the frame or illogical warping of objects such as leaves curving in complete spirals. That indicator was computed for all the acquired images, i.e., a total of 3968 images for each camera.
- The average distance between control points in aligned slave and master images (control points error) [23]. The control points were visually selected on the leaves and ears by a human operator. The points had to be selected on recognizable pixels. Attention was paid to select them in all images regions, at all canopy floors and at different positions on the leaves (edges, center, tip, etc.). It was supposed that registration performances may differ depending on the scene content (only leaves or leaves + ears). Thus, two validation images sets were created. The vegetative set consisted of twelve images from both trials acquired at the six dates before ear emergence. The ears set consisted of 12 images from both trials acquired at the 12 dates after ear emergence. Ten control points were selected for each image. Firstly, this indicator was only computed for the 900 nm images as their intensity content was close enough to the 800 nm master image to allow human selection of control points. Additionally, the other types of images would not have allowed to quantify errors for all the registration methods because some of those methods generated aberrant alignments. Secondly, the control point error indicator was also computed for the RGB images, but only for the ECC and B-SPLINE methods. Those methods were chosen because they were the two best methods for the 900 nm images and because they provided plausible alignments for all of the RGB images of the two validation sets.
- The overlaps between the plant masks in registered slaves and master images. Contrary to the two other indicators, this indicator could be automatically computed. However, it necessitated to isolate plants from background in the slaves and master image. A comparable segmentation could only be obtained for the 900 nm slave and the 800 nm master. The segmentation algorithm relied on a threshold at the first local minimum in the intensity range 20–60 of the image histogram. Then, plants masks were compared to compute the percentage of plant pixels in the aligned slave image that were not plant pixels in the master image (plant mask error). That plant mask error indicator was computed for all acquired images. For the presentation of the results, averaged scores are presented for the two sets of images acquired before and after ears emergence.
3. Results
3.1. Plausible Alignements
3.2. Registration Accuracy and Computation Time
3.3. Parametrization of the B-SPLINE Method
3.4. Plant Mask Erosion
3.5. Suggested Registration—Fusion Strategies
4. Discussion
4.1. Considerations on the Matching Step
4.2. Nature of Distortion and Choice of the Transformation Model
- Differences of optical distortion between the images. The two types of optical distortion are radial and tangential distortions. Radial distortion is due to the spherical shape of the lenses. Tangential distortion is due to misalignment between lens and image plane. If the images are acquired by two different cameras with different optical distortions, it caused a distortion between the images.
- Differences of perspective. Those differences appear if the cameras that acquired the two images are at different distances. For the same distance of the cameras, images present the same perspective, whatever the lens. However, two cameras with different fields of view (determined by focal length and sensor size) necessitate being at different distances to capture the same scene. For this reason, differences of fields of view are intuitively perceived as responsible for differences in perspective distortion.
- Differences of point of view. The cameras that acquire the slave and the master image are not at the same position. This results in two different effects. Firstly, due to the relief of the scene, some elements may be observed in an image and not in the other one. This is called the occlusion effect. Secondly, the relative position of the objects becomes distance-dependent (that property is especially exploited for stereovision). This is referred as to the parallax effect. It is greater when the distance between the cameras increases compared to the distance between the cameras and the objects of interest.
- Scene motion. If the acquisition of the images is not perfectly synchronous, a relative displacement of scene objects with respect to the sensors causes distortion between the images. Objects such as wheat leaves are liable to be moved by the wind.
- Differences of scene illumination.
- Differential impact of heat waves (some images may be blurry).
4.3. Critical Look on the Validation Methods
- To visually assess the success of registration (aligned slave and master images look similar) [23].
- To verify that the values of the transformation parameters fall in the range of plausible values [31]. This method can be assimilated to the previous one but presents the advantage to be automatic.
- To test the algorithm on a target of known pattern [9].
- To manually select control points and assess the distances between their positions in aligned slave and master images [23].
4.4. Visualization of Successful Image Registrations
4.5. Extending the Tests to Other Registration Methods
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Matching | Transformation | Resampling | Library | Origin |
SIFT | Features-based | Homography | Bilinear | OpenCV [35] | [38] |
SURF | Features-based | Homography | Bilinear | OpenCV | [39] |
ORB | Features-based | Homography | Bilinear | OpenCV | [40] |
A-KAZE | Features-based | Homography | Bilinear | OpenCV | [41] |
DDTM | / | Homography | Bilinear | / | [33] |
DFT | Area-based | Similarity | Bilinear | imreg_dft | [42] |
ECC | Area-based | Homography | Bilinear | OpenCV | [43] |
B-SPLINE | Area-based | B-spline | Bilinear | Elastix [26] | [44] |
Method | Average Time (s) | Control Points Error (mm) | Plant Mask Error (%) | ||||
| 900 nm | RGB | 900 nm | RGB | 900 nm | 900 nm | |
SIFT | 4.0 | 3.7 | NA | 3.4 | NA | 9.7 | 9.7 |
SURF | 6.2 | 3.6 | NA | 3.4 | NA | 9.5 | 9.5 |
ORB | 1.0 | 5.5 | NA | 3.6 | NA | 10.6 | 10.3 |
A-KAZE | 2.7 | 3.4 | NA | 3.7 | NA | 10.1 | 9.7 |
DDTM | 2.6 | 5.2 | NA | 4.2 | NA | 11.7 | 10.5 |
DFT | 41.3 | 3.9 | NA | 4.1 | NA | 9.7 | 9.8 |
ECC | 21.9 | 3.2 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 9.8 | 9.7 |
B-SPLINE | 176.7 | 1.9 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 1.6 | 7.0 | 6.5 |
Strategy Name | Registration | Plant Mask Erosion | Intensity Averaging | Computation Time | Scope |
REAL-TIME | DDTM | Wide | Wide window | Instantaneous | Suitable for multimodal images |
FAST | DDTM + ECC | Medium | Medium window | Moderated | Suitable for multimodal images |
ACCURATE | DDTM + B-SPLINE (coarse grid) | Medium | Small window | Slow | Not suitable for thermal images (if the master is NIR) |
HIGHLY ACCURATE | DDTM + B-SPLINE (fine grid) | Tiny or none | None | Extremely slow | Limited to mono-modal images |
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Dandrifosse, S.; Carlier, A.; Dumont, B.; Mercatoris, B. Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1380.
Dandrifosse S, Carlier A, Dumont B, Mercatoris B. Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(7):1380.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDandrifosse, Sébastien, Alexis Carlier, Benjamin Dumont, and Benoît Mercatoris. 2021. "Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions" Remote Sensing 13, no. 7: 1380.
APA StyleDandrifosse, S., Carlier, A., Dumont, B., & Mercatoris, B. (2021). Registration and Fusion of Close-Range Multimodal Wheat Images in Field Conditions. Remote Sensing, 13(7), 1380.