Remote Sensing of Ocean Fronts in Marine Ecology and Fisheries
:1. Introduction
- Section 2 covers satellite missions and sensors, summing up the most important Earth observation satellite missions and sensors relevant to marine ecology and fisheries;
- Section 3 covers remote sensing in marine fisheries, providing a retrospective of remote sensing applications in marine fisheries and ecology;
- Section 4 covers the ecological role of fronts and eddies, providing a concise review of ecological studies of links between marine animals and major oceanic circulation and structural features, namely fronts and eddies;
- Section 5 covers front detection in satellite imagery, presenting five front detection, visualization, and characterization algorithms and methods that have a history of successful applications in marine ecology and fisheries research;
- Section 6 covers a feature-based approach to remote sensing in marine ecology and fisheries, which is the central part of this review, as it makes a case for feature detection and application of feature-linked remote sensing data;
- Section 7 covers the Discussion, which points out a few scientific and technical problems, suggests a few solutions, draws preliminary conclusions, and outlines perspectives;
- Section 8 provides the Summary, which sums up the major takeaway messages.
2. Satellite Missions and Sensors
3. Remote Sensing in Marine Fisheries
4. Ecological Roles of Fronts and Eddies
5. Front Detection in Satellite Imagery
6. Feature-Based Approach to Remote Sensing in Marine Ecology and Fisheries
7. Discussion
8. Summary
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference (First Author, Ref. No.) | Region | Front Detection Algorithm/Technique | Species |
Abdullah [154] | Arabian Sea | CCA-SIED | Tuna |
Austin [155] | NE Atlantic off UK | CCA-SIED-MGET; Miller | Basking shark |
Bedriñana-Romano [130] | Chilean Patagonia | CCA-SIED-MGET | Blue whale |
Bigelow [78] | North Pacific | Gradient | Swordfish, blue shark |
Bogazzi [75] | Patagonian Shelf | Gradient | Patagonian scallops |
Braun [59] | North Atlantic | BOA-RG | Sharks |
Brigolin [156] | Alboran Sea | CCA-SIED; Miller | Various fishes |
Brodie [157] | Tasman Sea | CCA | Dolphinfish, kingfish |
Byrne [40] | North Atlantic | BOA-RG | Shortfin mako shark |
Camacho [158] | California Current | CCA-SIED | Whales and dolphins |
Chakraborty [103] | North Indian Ocean | CCA-SIED; Canny | Various species |
Chambault [57] | Gulf Stream | Gradient | Leatherback turtle |
Chambault [58] | Baffin Bay, Hudson Bay | Gradient | Bowhead whale |
Chen X.J. [159] | NW Pacific | Gradient | Neon flying squid |
Cox [56] | Celtic Sea | CCA-SIED; Miller | Gannets |
Dalla Rosa [64] | NE Pacific | CCA-SIED-MGET | Humpback whale |
Dell [160] | Tasman Sea | CCA-SIED | Yellowfin tuna |
Dodge [161] | Northwest Atlantic | BOA-RG | Leatherback turtle |
Druon [51] | Mediterranean Sea | Gradient | Atlantic bluefin tuna |
Druon [162] | Arctic Ocean | Gradient | Various species |
Ebango Ngando [163] | Mauritanian upwelling | CCA-SIED | Mackerel, sardinella |
Etnoyer [49] | NE Subtropical Pacific | Gradient | Blue whales, turtles |
Francis [164] | Indian Ocean | CCA-SIED; Canny | Potential fishing zone |
Friedland [165] | US Northeast Shelf | Gradient | Various species |
Glembocki [166] | Patagonian Shelf | Gradient | Patagonian red shrimp |
Haberlin [167] | Celtic Sea | CCA-SIED-MGET | Gelatinous zooplankton |
Herron [77] | Gulf of Mexico | Gradient | Butterfish |
Hidayat [168] | Bone Gulf, Indonesia | CCA-SIED | Skipjack tuna |
Hsu [169] | West & Central Pacific | BOA | Skipjack tuna |
Hua [170] | NW Pacific | Gradient | Pacific saury |
Jakubas [60] | Svalbard | CCA-SIED | Little auks |
Jishad [171] | Bay of Bengal | Gradient | Various species |
Kulik [172] | Northwest Pacific | BOA-RG | Pacific saury |
Lan [173] | South Indian Ocean | Shimada | Albacore tuna |
Lennert-Cody [174] | Eastern Tropical Pacific | CCA-SIED | Bigeye tuna |
Liao [39] | East China Sea | Shimada | Swordtip squid |
Liu [175] | East China Seas | CCA-SIED-MGET | Anchovy |
Louzao [176] | Western Mediterranean | CCA-SIED-MGET | Cory’s shearwater |
Luo [55] | Western North Atlantic | BOA | Tuna, marlin, sailfish |
Mauna [76] | Patagonian Shelf | Gradient | Patagonian scallop |
Mazur [177] | US Northeast Shelf | CCA | American lobster |
Miller [178] | NE Atlantic | CCA-SIED; Miller | Basking shark |
Mitchell [179] | English Channel | CCA-SIED | Blue shark |
Mugo [180] | NW Pacific | CCA-SIED-MGET | Tuna, squid, saury |
Nieblas [140] | SE Tropical Indian Ocean | CCA-SIED-Nieto; Canny | Southern bluefin tuna |
Nieto [142] | NE Pacific | CCA-SIED-Nieto | Albacore tuna |
Nishizawa [181] | North Pacific | CCA-SIED-MGET | Albatrosses |
Oh [182] | Japan Sea | BOA | Japanese flying squid |
Pikesley [183] | Gabon-Angola | CCA-SIED-MGET | Olive ridley turtle |
Pikesley [184] | Cape Verde | CCA-SIED-MGET | Loggerhead turtle |
Podesta [63] | Mid-Atlantic Bight | CCA | Swordfish |
Reese [185] | California Current | CCA-SIED | Sardine, anchovy, herring |
Retana [186] | San Jorge Gulf, Arg. | CCA-SIED-MGET | Marine mammals |
Royer [187] | Gulf of Lions, Med. Sea | Canny | Bluefin tuna |
Sabal [61] | California Current | CCA-SIED | Salmon |
Sabarros [53] | Benguela Upwelling | CCA-SIED-Nieto | Cape gannet |
Sagarminaga [188] | NE Atlantic | BOA | Albacore tuna |
Santiago [67] | Indian Ocean | BOA-RG | Yellowfin tuna |
Santiago [68] | Atlantic Ocean | BOA-RG | Yellowfin tuna |
Sarma [48] | Arabian Sea | CCA-SIED | Zooplankton |
Scales [152] | Celtic Sea | CCA-SIED; Miller | Gannet |
Scales [189] | Canary Current | CCA-SIED; Miller | Loggerhead turtle |
Scales [54] | South Atlantic | CCA-SIED; Miller | Grey-headed albatross |
Schick [112] | Gulf of Maine | CCA | Bluefin tuna |
Soldatini [190] | Baja California Peninsula | BOA | Black-vented shearwater |
Sousa [191] | Gulf of Cadiz | CCA-SIED-MGET | Sunfish (mola mola) |
Suhadha [192] | Bali Strait, Indonesia | CCA-SIED-MGET | Bali sardinella |
Svendsen [62] | San Matias Gulf, Arg. | CCA-SIED-MGET | Various species |
Swetha [193] | Northern Indian Ocean | CCA-SIED-MGET | Potential Fishing Zone |
Thorne [194] | NW Atlantic | CCA-SIED-MGET | Pilot whale |
Trew [195] | Gulf of Guinea | CCA-SIED-MGET | Mammals, turtles |
Tseng [65] | Northwest Pacific | CCA-SIED | Pacific saury |
Varo-Cruz [196] | Eastern North Atlantic | CCA-SIED-MGET | Loggerhead turtle |
Wall [197] | West Florida Shelf | CCA-SIED; Canny | King mackerel |
Wang J [198] | Patagonian Shelf | Gradient | Hake |
Wang YC [199] | South China Sea | Shimada | Ichthyoplankton |
Wang YC [200] | East China Sea | Shimada | Ichthyoplankton |
White [201] | Nantucket Shoals | BOA | Ducks, scoters |
Woodson [52] | California Current | BOA | Rockfishes, invertebrates |
Xu [143] | NE Pacific | CCA-SIED-Nieto | Albacore tuna |
Zainuddin [202] | Makassar Strait | CCA-SIED | Skipjack tuna |
Zhou [203] | South Pacific | BOA; CCA-SIED-Nieto | Albacore tuna |
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Belkin, I.M. Remote Sensing of Ocean Fronts in Marine Ecology and Fisheries. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 883.
Belkin IM. Remote Sensing of Ocean Fronts in Marine Ecology and Fisheries. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(5):883.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBelkin, Igor M. 2021. "Remote Sensing of Ocean Fronts in Marine Ecology and Fisheries" Remote Sensing 13, no. 5: 883.
APA StyleBelkin, I. M. (2021). Remote Sensing of Ocean Fronts in Marine Ecology and Fisheries. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 883.