Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection via Focused Feature Enhancement and Cascaded Semantic Extension
:1. Introduction
2. The Proposed Detection Network
2.1. Difference Maximum Loss
2.2. Focused Feature Enhancement
2.3. Cascaded Semantic Extension
2.4. End-to-End Training
3. Experiments
3.1. Infrared and Visible Image Dataset
3.2. Method Comparison
3.3. Comparison
4. Individual Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Training Images | Testing Images | Sum | |
Daytime | 1289 | 352 | 1641 |
Night | 1361 | 316 | 1677 |
Sum | 2650 | 668 | 3318 |
Method | Daytime | Night | ALL |
MCDetection | 74.8% | 73.9% | 74.3% |
FusionDetection | 74.4% | 75.5% | 75.1% |
TwoFusion | 78.8% | 77.5% | 78.2% |
TripleFusion | 81.1% | 80.1% | 80.5% |
IAF R-CNN | 80.9% | 81.8% | 81.3% |
Ours | 84.3% | 83.2% | 83.7% |
Difference Maximum Loss | Focused Feature Enhancement | Cascaded Semantic Extension | mAP |
× | × | × | 78.9% |
√ | × | × | 80.7% |
× | √ | × | 80.1% |
× | × | √ | 81.6% |
× | √ | √ | 82.5% |
√ | × | √ | 82.8% |
√ | √ | × | 82.1% |
√ | √ | √ | 83.7% |
With/Without | mAP |
With the first stage | 83.5% |
Without the first stage | 83.7% |
Segmentation Labels | mAP |
Ground-truth | 83.8% |
Automatically generated | 83.7% |
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Xiao, X.; Wang, B.; Miao, L.; Li, L.; Zhou, Z.; Ma, J.; Dong, D. Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection via Focused Feature Enhancement and Cascaded Semantic Extension. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2538.
Xiao X, Wang B, Miao L, Li L, Zhou Z, Ma J, Dong D. Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection via Focused Feature Enhancement and Cascaded Semantic Extension. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(13):2538.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXiao, Xiaowu, Bo Wang, Lingjuan Miao, Linhao Li, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jinlei Ma, and Dandan Dong. 2021. "Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection via Focused Feature Enhancement and Cascaded Semantic Extension" Remote Sensing 13, no. 13: 2538.
APA StyleXiao, X., Wang, B., Miao, L., Li, L., Zhou, Z., Ma, J., & Dong, D. (2021). Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection via Focused Feature Enhancement and Cascaded Semantic Extension. Remote Sensing, 13(13), 2538.