An Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Spectral Indices
2.2. Mutual Information
3. Study Areas
3.1. Carnuntum
3.2. Selinunte
3.3. Ferai (Velestino)
4. Results
4.1. Carnuntum
4.2. Selinunte
4.3. Ferai (Velestino)
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ARI | Anthocyanin Reflectance Index |
ARVI | Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index |
AVIRIS | Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer |
BAI | Burned Area Index |
CARI | Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index |
CH | Cultural Heritage |
CRI | Carotenoid Reflectance Index |
GARI | Green Atmospherically Resistant Index |
GEMI | Global Environmental Monitoring Index |
GSD | Ground Sampling Distance |
MI | Mutual Information |
NLI | Non-Linear Index |
NDVI | Normalized Differential Vegetation Index |
NIR | Near Infrared |
nm | nanometers |
PC | Principal Component |
PCA | Principal Components Analysis |
PRI | Photochemical Reflectance Index |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio |
SR | Simple Ratio |
SWIR | Shortwave Infrared |
VRE | Vogelmann Red Edge |
Appendix A
- reflectance value at x nanometers.
- mean value in the spectral range from to .
- number of spectral bands in the range from to .
- reflectance value at 470 nm.
- reflectance value at 550 nm.
- reflectance value at 650 nm.
- reflectance value at 860 nm.
Rank C | Rank S | Index | Equation | Ref. |
26 | 31 | Anthocyanin Reflectance Index 1 | [44] | |
35 | 30 | Anthocyanin Reflectance Index 2 | [44] | |
12 | 8 | Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index | [30] | |
1 | 34 | Burned Area Index | [32,45] | |
25 | 21 | Carotenoid Reflectance Index 1 | [46] | |
28 | 29 | Carotenoid Reflectance Index 2 | [46] | |
18 | 20 | Difference Vegetation Index | [47] | |
22 | 9 | Enhanced Vegetation Index | [48] | |
11 | 19 | Global Environmental Monitoring Index | 0.75 , where | [38] |
17 | 14 | Green Atmospherically Resistant Index | [49] | |
16 | 32 | Green Difference Vegetation Index | [50] | |
14 | 24 | Green NDVI | [51] | |
5 | 26 | Green Ratio Vegetation Index | [50] | |
9 | 15 | Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index | [52] | |
30 | 23 | Iron Oxide | [53] | |
31 | 3 | Modified CARI | 0.8 0.2 | [54] |
19 | 6 | Modified CARI—Improved | [31] | |
29 | 7 | Modified Red Edge NDVI | [55] | |
20 | 5 | Modified Triangular Vegetation Index | [31] | |
4 | 33 | Non-Linear Index | [56] | |
24 | 2 | Normalized Difference Mud Index | [57] | |
13 | 28 | Normalized Difference Snow Index | [58] | |
10 | 16 | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | [17] | |
36 | 25 | Photochemical Reflectance Index | [59,60] | |
27 | 12 | Plant Senescence Reflectance Index | [61] | |
7 | 13 | Red Edge NDVI | [62,63] | |
15 | 18 | Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index | [64] | |
3 | 22 | Simple Ratio | [33] | |
8 | 17 | Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index | [48] | |
33 | 36 | Structure Insensitive Pigment Index | [65] | |
34 | 27 | Sum Green Index | [66] | |
32 | 1 | Transformed CARI | [31] | |
6 | 11 | Transformed Vegetation Index | [47] | |
21 | 4 | Triangular Vegetation Index | [67] | |
23 | 10 | Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index | [68] | |
2 | 35 | Vogelmann Red Edge Index 1 | [34] |
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Cerra, D.; Agapiou, A.; Cavalli, R.M.; Sarris, A. An Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 500.
Cerra D, Agapiou A, Cavalli RM, Sarris A. An Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(4):500.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCerra, Daniele, Athos Agapiou, Rosa Maria Cavalli, and Apostolos Sarris. 2018. "An Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics" Remote Sensing 10, no. 4: 500.
APA StyleCerra, D., Agapiou, A., Cavalli, R. M., & Sarris, A. (2018). An Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics. Remote Sensing, 10(4), 500.