Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, Trends, and Potential
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Publication Trend
3.2. Application Regions
3.3. Application Disciplines
3.4. Data Used in GEE Research
3.5. Authorship Patterns
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Image Collection | Description | Data Availability (Time) | Resolution (Meters) | Revisit Interval (Days) | Provider |
Sentinel-1 SAR GRD | C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected, log scaling | 3 October 2014–present | 10 | 3 | European Union/ESA/Copernicus |
Sentinel-2 MSI | Multi Spectral Instrument, Level-1C | 23 June 2015–present | 10, 20, 60 | 5 | European Union/ESA/Copernicus |
Sentinel-3 OLCI EFR | Ocean and Land Color Instrument Earth Observation Full Resolution | 18 October 2016–present | 300 | 2 | European Union/ESA/Copernicus |
Landsat 1 MSS | Tier 1 and 2 (raw) | 23 July 1972–7 January 1978 | 30, 60 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 2 MSS | Tier 1 and 2 (raw) | 22 January 1975–26 February 1982 | 30, 60 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 3 MSS | Tier 1 and 2 (raw) | 5 March 1978–31 March 1983 | 30, 60 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 4 MSS | Tier 1 and 2 (raw) | 16 July 1982–14 December 1993 | 30, 60 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 4 TM | Tier 1 and 2 (raw, TOA reflectance, surface reflectance); 8 day, 32 day and annual composites (BAI, EVI, NDSI, NDVI, NDWI, Raw, TOA Reflectance), Annual greenest-pixel TOA Reflectance Composite | 22 August 1982–14 December 1993 | 30 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 5 MSS | Tier 1 and 2 (raw) | 1 March 1984–31 January 2013 | 30, 60 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 5 TM | Tier 1 and 2 (Raw, TOA reflectance, surface reflectance); 8 day, 32 day and annual composites (same as Landsat 4) | 1 January 1984–5 May 2012 | 30 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 7 | Tier 1 and 2 (Real time, Raw, TOA reflectance, surface reflectance); 8 day, 32 day and annual composites (same as Landsat 4) | 1 January 1999–present | 15, 30 | 16 | USGS |
Landsat 8 | Tier 1 and 2 (Real time, Raw, TOA reflectance, surface reflectance); 8 day, 32 day and annual composites (same as Landsat 4) | 11 April 2013–present | 15, 30 | 16 | USGS |
MODIS (Aqua and Terra) | Various bands, indices and composites | 24 February 2000–present | 250, 500, 1000 | 1 | NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center |
DMSP OLS | Global Radiance-Calibrated Nighttime Lights Version 4, Defense Meteorological Program Operational Linescan System | 16 March 1996–July 2011 | ≈1 km (30 arc seconds) | NOAA | |
DMSP OLS | Nighttime Lights Time Series Version 4, Defense Meteorological Program Operational Linescan System | 1 January 1992–1 January 2014 | ≈1 km (30 arc seconds) | NOAA | |
NOAA AVHRR | Various bands, indices and composites | 24 June 1981–present | ≈1.09 km (Different products at different resolutions) | 1 | NOAA |
ALOS/AVNIR-2 ORI | Orthorectified imagery from the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) sensor on-board the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) “DAICHI”. | 26 April 2006–18 April 2011 | 10 | JAXA Earth Observation Research Center | |
ALOS DSM | Global AW3D30 | 30 (1 arc second) | JAXA Earth Observation Research Center | ||
SRTM | DEM 30m | 11 February 2000–22 February 2000 | 30 (1 arc second) | NASA/USGS/JPL-Caltech | |
SRTM | DEM 90m version 4 | 11 February 2000–22 February 2000 | 90 | NASA/CGIAR | |
ASTER | L1T Radiance | 4 March 2000–present | 15, 30, 90 | 5 | NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center |
ASTER Global Emissivity Dataset | This product includes the mean emissivity and standard deviation for all five ASTER thermal infrared bands, mean land surface temperature (LST) and standard deviation, a re-sampled ASTER GDEM, land-water mask, mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and standard deviation, and observation count. | 1 January 2000–31 December 2008 | 100 | NASA | |
TRMM 3B42 | 3-Hourly Precipitation Estimates | 1 January 1998–31 May 2018 | 0.25 arc degrees | NASA GSFC | |
TRMM 3B43 | Monthly Precipitation Estimates | 1 January 1998–1 May 2018 | 0.25 arc degrees | NASA GSFC | |
GPM Global Precipitation Measurement v5 | Data provided at 30 min cadence | 12 March 2014–present | 0.1 arc degrees | NASA PMM | |
GSMaP Operational | Data provided at hourly cadence | 1 March 2014–present | 0.1 arc degrees | JAXA Earth Observation Research Center | |
GSMaP Reanalysis | Data provided at hourly cadence | 1 March 2000–12 March 2014 | 0.1 arc degrees | JAXA Earth Observation Research Center | |
CHIRPS Daily precipitation | Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data (version 2.0 final) | 1 January 1981–31 July 2018 | 0.05 arc degrees | UCSB/CHG | |
CHIRPS Pentad precipitation | Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data (version 2.0 final) | 1 January 1981–26 July 2018 | 0.05 arc degrees | UCSB/CHG | |
WorldClim V1 | Climatological and Bio variables | 1 January 1960–1 January 1991 | 30 arc seconds | University of California, Berkeley | |
TerraClimate | Monthly Climate and Climatic Water Balance for Global Terrestrial Surfaces, University of Idaho | 1 January 1958–1 December 2017 | 2.5 arc minutes | 1 January 1958–1 December 2017 |
Study Area | No. of Papers | Study Area | No. of Papers | Study Area | No. of Papers | Study Area | No. of Papers |
U.S.A. | 60 | Spain | 3 | South Sudan | 2 | Rwanda | 1 |
China | 24 | Burkina Faso | 3 | Mauritania | 2 | Djibouti | 1 |
Brazil | 19 | Nepal | 3 | Hong Kong | 1 | Mauritius | 1 |
India | 15 | Thailand | 3 | Trinidad and Tobago | 1 | Seychelles | 1 |
Indonesia | 15 | Greece | 3 | Botswana | 1 | Benin | 1 |
Australia | 14 | Sierra Leone | 4 | Morocco | 1 | Ivory Coast | 1 |
Canada | 11 | Peru | 3 | Sweden | 1 | Cape Verde | 1 |
South Africa | 10 | Brunei | 3 | Uruguay | 1 | Gambia | 1 |
Italy | 7 | Singapore | 3 | Panama | 1 | Guinea | 2 |
Kenya | 7 | Tajikistan | 3 | Mongolia | 1 | Guinea-Bissau | 1 |
Malaysia | 7 | Bolivia | 2 | Taiwan | 1 | Liberia | 2 |
Vietnam | 6 | Mexico | 2 | East Timor | 1 | Togo | 2 |
Myanmar | 6 | Poland | 2 | Finland | 1 | Albania | 1 |
Russia | 6 | Turkey | 2 | Iraq | 1 | Austria | 1 |
Bangladesh | 5 | Papua New Guinea | 2 | Iran | 1 | Bulgaria | 1 |
Zambia | 5 | Ethiopia | 3 | Afghanistan | 1 | Croatia | 1 |
Germany | 5 | Malawi | 2 | Tibet (China) | 1 | Czech Republic | 1 |
Philippines | 5 | Japan | 2 | Scotland | 1 | Hungary | 1 |
Nigeria | 6 | South Korea | 2 | New Zealand | 1 | Macedonia | 1 |
Namibia | 5 | United Arab Emirates | 2 | Paraguay | 1 | Moldova | 1 |
Jordan | 4 | Madagascar | 3 | Colombia | 1 | Montenegro | 1 |
Argentina | 4 | Mozambique | 3 | Angola | 1 | Romania | 1 |
Laos | 4 | Tanzania | 3 | French Guiana | 1 | Serbia | 1 |
U.K. | 4 | Pakistan | 2 | Ecuador | 1 | Slovak Republic | 1 |
Zimbabwe | 4 | Sri Lanka | 2 | Belize | 1 | Slovenia | 1 |
Senegal | 4 | Bhutan | 2 | American Samoa | 1 | Switzerland | 1 |
Swaziland | 4 | Kazakhstan | 2 | Vanuatu | 1 | Cyprus | 1 |
North Korea | 4 | Gabon | 3 | Tonga | 1 | Lebanon | 1 |
Cambodia | 4 | Syria | 2 | French Polynesia | 1 | Palestine | 1 |
Niger | 4 | Puerto Rico | 2 | Cuba | 1 | Egypt | 1 |
France | 4 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2 | Dominican Republic | 1 | Algeria | 1 |
Israel | 3 | Ghana | 3 | Jamaica | 1 | Chad | 1 |
Costa Rica | 3 | Somalia | 2 | Maldives | 1 | Cameroon | 2 |
Ireland | 3 | Ukraine | 2 | Uzbekistan | 1 | Central African Republic | 2 |
Democratic Republic of Congo | 4 | Haiti | 2 | Burundi | 2 | Cote d’Ivoire | 1 |
Mali | 3 | Eritrea | 2 | Uganda | 2 | Equatorial Guinea | 1 |
Country | No. of Authors | Country | No. of Authors | Country | No. of Authors | Country | No. of Authors |
U.S.A. | 589 | Greece | 13 | Namibia | 4 | Philippines | 2 |
Italy | 120 | Israel | 13 | Puerto Rico | 4 | Turkey | 2 |
Australia | 86 | India | 12 | Saudi Arabia | 4 | Belize | 1 |
Germany | 79 | Japan | 12 | Sri Lanka | 4 | Costa Rica | 1 |
China | 68 | Singapore | 9 | Swaziland | 4 | Czech Republic | 1 |
U.K. | 65 | Kenya | 8 | Ukraine | 4 | French Polynesia | 1 |
Brazil | 58 | Russia | 8 | Benin | 3 | Kazakhstan | 1 |
Netherland | 46 | Jordan | 7 | Denmark | 3 | Kuwait | 1 |
Canada | 37 | Sweden | 7 | Hong Kong | 3 | Laos | 1 |
France | 28 | Argentina | 6 | Indonesia | 3 | Nepal | 1 |
South Africa | 24 | Ireland | 6 | Papua New Guinea | 3 | Nigeria | 1 |
Belgium | 16 | Ghana | 5 | Trinidad and Tobago | 3 | Poland | 1 |
Spain | 16 | Norway | 5 | Cyprus | 2 | South Korea | 1 |
Switzerland | 16 | Zambia | 5 | Ethiopia | 2 | Tunisia | 1 |
Austria | 15 | Bangladesh | 4 | Morocco | 2 |
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Year | Number of Papers |
2011 | 9 |
2012 | 10 |
2013 | 10 |
2014 | 25 |
2015 | 47 |
2016 | 109 |
2017 | 90 |
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Kumar, L.; Mutanga, O. Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, Trends, and Potential. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1509.
Kumar L, Mutanga O. Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, Trends, and Potential. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(10):1509.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKumar, Lalit, and Onisimo Mutanga. 2018. "Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, Trends, and Potential" Remote Sensing 10, no. 10: 1509.
APA StyleKumar, L., & Mutanga, O. (2018). Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, Trends, and Potential. Remote Sensing, 10(10), 1509.