The Role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development: Multidimensional Indicators as Decision-Making Tool
:1. Sustainable Development and Circular Economy
2. The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Achievement of Sustainable Development
2.1. The Role of Cultural Heritage in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda
2.2. The Complex Urban Landscape and the Landscape Approach
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- Natural landscape consists of existing natural capital (biomass, biodiversity, parks and urban corridors, agricultural areas, natural resources, lakes, rivers, energy resources, etc.) that geographically and territorially characterizes a city.
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- Infrastructure man-made landscape is composed of built infrastructures and equipment systems (roads, ports, airports, bike paths, housing, public spaces, etc.) that are able to improve the quality of people’s life, to promote social welfare, and the economic development (improving economies of agglomeration, scale, reducing transportation costs, etc.).
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- Cultural man-made landscape comes out over the centuries. It is the heritage (cultural memory) of past generations that have to be transferred to future generations (historic centres, etc.) as a fundamental element of identity.
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- Social landscape is composed of social/civil networks, density of associations, third sector, voluntary sector, etc.
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- Human landscape reflects the expertise, local knowledge, local entrepreneurship, creativity of individuals. It helps to determine “human scale” of settlement.
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- Financial-Economic landscape consists of local credit institutions, foundations, co-operative banks, third sector organizations, institutions that promote financing of district projects (promoted by inhabitants, etc.), etc.
3. The Need to Move from Principles to Action: Means of Implementation
3.1. International Research about Cultural Heritage Indicators
3.2. Multidimensional Impacts of Cultural Landscape Conservation/Regeneration: A Critical Analysis of 40 Case Studies
- Tourism and recreation
- Creative, cultural and innovative activities
- Typical local productions
- Environment and natural capital
- Social capital/cohesion and inclusion
- Real estate
- Financial return
- Cultural value of properties/landscape
- Wellbeing
4. A Critical Analysis of the Impact Categories
4.1. Tourism and Recreation Impact Category
4.2. The Double Relationship between Cultural Heritage and Climate Change
4.3. Environment and Natural Capital Impact Category
4.4. Cultural Value of Properties/Landscape and Social Capital/Cohesion and Inclusion Impacts Categories
4.5. Typical Local Productions Impact Category
4.6. Real Estate and Financial Returns Impact Categories
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- to commercial/residential development and tourist flow (receipts from tourist tax, increase in taxes related to real estate taxes, property taxes gained from commercial development, etc.);
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- to the avoided expenditure for management and maintenance of cultural heritage due to increasing in private investments; and,
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- to new activities and businesses started up thanks to cultural heritage regeneration.
4.7. Wellbeing Impact Category
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Impact Categories | Indicator Categories |
Tourism and recreation | Touristic demand Touristic supply Economic vitality Economic impact on local wealth |
Creative, cultural and innovative activities | Cultural demand Cultural supply Economic vitality Economic impact on local wealth Employment in cultural activities |
Typical local productions | Creative firms Local production Employment in local production |
Environment and natural capital | Environmental preservation Green areas and facilities supply |
Social capital/cohesion and inclusion | Social cohesion Sharing/collaborative economy initiatives Employment Social inclusion |
Real estate | Real estate value Real estate supply (N. of residences, commercial units, etc.) Real estate development |
Financial return | Public financial return |
Cultural value of properties/landscape (N. of well-preserved/in ruin buildings) | State of conservation of heritage/landscape asset |
Wellbeing | Security Quality of services Housing quality Health |
Impact Categories | N. of Indicators |
Tourism and recreation | 56 |
Creative, cultural and innovative activities | 28 |
Typical local productions | 7 |
Environment and natural capital | 3 |
Social capital/cohesion and inclusion | 28 |
Real estate | 25 |
Financial return | 9 |
Cultural value of properties/landscape | 14 |
Wellbeing | 7 |
Total | 177 |
Tourism and Recreation Indicators | |||
Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Touristic demand | N. of visitors per year (or per day) | n./year (or day) | 22 |
Touristic demand | N. (or percentage) of visitors staying overnight | n./year (or %/year) | 8 |
Touristic demand | Visitors average length of stay | n. nights/person/year | 7 |
Touristic demand | Average growth rate of number of visitors | % | 9 |
Touristic demand | Average growth rate (or number) of nights spent by tourists | % (or n.) | 9 |
Touristic demand | N. of tourists per business per day (restaurants, cafes, shops) | n./day | 3 |
Touristic demand | Percentage of crowding in restaurants | % | 1 |
Touristic demand | Visitors’ expenditure | €/day; €/year | 11 |
Touristic demand | Total spend of daily visitors (in stores, restaurants, accommodations, etc.) | €/day; €/year | 7 |
Touristic demand | Total spend of staying visitors | €/day; €/year | 2 |
Touristic demand | Average daily expenditure of users for travel | €/day | 1 |
Touristic demand | Percentage of annual direct visitors expenditure attributed to cultural heritage | % | 1 |
Touristic demand | Percentage of spending of heritage tourists compared with spending of other tourists | % | 1 |
Touristic demand | N. (or percentage) of one-day trips | n./year (or %/year) | 2 |
Touristic demand | Percentage of tourists on repeat visit to the city | % | 1 |
Touristic demand | Occupancy rate of touristic units | % | 7 |
Touristic demand | N. of people in hotels | n./year | 2 |
Touristic demand | N. of visitors to tourist information offices | N./day (or n./year) | 2 |
Touristic demand | N. of tickets sold for touristic place of interest | n./day (or year) | 1 |
Touristic demand | Percentage (or number) of national tourists | % (or n.) | 9 |
Touristic demand | Percentage (or number) of international tourists (internationalization) | % (or n.) | 10 |
Touristic demand | N. (or percentage) of airline/train/cruise passengers | n./years | 5 |
Touristic demand | Percentage of increase in airline/train/cruise passengers | % | 1 |
Touristic demand | N. of organised trips | n. | 2 |
Touristic supply | N. of airlines/cruises companies operating at the airport/river/port | n. | 2 |
Touristic supply | Percentage of fixed assets related to the tourism sector | % | 1 |
Touristic supply | N. of hotels/touristic accommodation | n. | 10 |
Touristic supply | N. of hotel rooms | n. | 3 |
Touristic supply | N. of hotel beds | n. | 3 |
Touristic supply | Increase in accommodation capacity | % | 1 |
Touristic supply | N. of new travel agencies | n. | 1 |
Touristic supply | N. of new touristic units | n. | 2 |
Touristic supply | N. of guided tours | n. | 2 |
Touristic supply | N. of catering services | n. | 1 |
Touristic supply | N. of new restaurants and bars | n. | 3 |
Touristic supply | Average annual growth in touristic units and rooms | % | 1 |
Touristic supply | Percentage of increase in number of guided tours | % | 1 |
Touristic supply | Average growth of catering sector | % | 1 |
Touristic supply | Average room price | €/day | 4 |
Touristic supply | N. of new public underground parking lots | n. | 1 |
Touristic supply | Admission price in touristic place of interest | € | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Contribution of heritage tourism to the city | € | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Earnings supported by heritage tourism | € | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Percentage of the contribution of hotels to tourism sector income/revenues | % | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Percentage of fixed assets represented by the tourism sector | % | 2 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Average growth of the touristic sector | % | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Total value of the tourism sector | € | 2 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Percentage of increase in turnover in tourist sector (hotels, restaurants, bars, tour operators, etc.) | % | 4 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Total income generated by the tourism | €/year | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | £ generated from visits | €/year | 1 |
Economic Vitality | N. of licenses in tourism activities | n./year | 2 |
Economic Vitality | N. of project in tourism promotion | n./year | 1 |
Economic Vitality | Additional investment for improving/building new touristic units | € | 2 |
Economic Vitality | Percentage of hotels’ contribution to tourism sector income | % | 1 |
Economic Vitality | Percentage of hotels’ contribution to tourism sector total revenues | % | 1 |
Economic Vitality | Average lifespan of touristic companies | % | 1 |
Creative, Cultural And Innovative Activities | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Cultural demand | Percentage of visitors stay for temporary cultural events | % | 1 |
Cultural demand | N. of visitors for cultural reason | n./year | 14 |
Cultural demand | N. of participants in cultural events | n./year | 28 |
Cultural demand | N. (or percentage) of schoolchildren taking part in cultural events | n./year | 9 |
Cultural demand | N. of residents attending or participating in cultural events | n./year | 6 |
Cultural demand | N. of visitors to cultural attractions/places | n./day | 16 |
Cultural demand | N. of visitors to the website for cultural reasons | n./day | 1 |
Cultural demand | N. of projects of cultural programmes | n./year | 24 |
Cultural demand | N. of tickets sold for cultural events | n. | 3 |
Cultural demand | N. of people involved in organising events | n. | 1 |
Cultural supply | Percentage growth rate of cultural events and creative activities | % | 2 |
Cultural supply | N. (or percentage) of cultural events per year | n./year | 19 |
Cultural supply | N. (or percentage) of cultural programmes per year (workshops, exhibitions, etc.) | n./year | 5 |
Cultural supply | N. of cultural institutions | n. | 1 |
Cultural supply | N. of cultural facilities/units (archives, libraries, art galleries, museums, theatres/cinemas, etc.) | n. | 13 |
Cultural supply | N. of cultural (and creative) enterprises | n. | 2 |
Cultural supply | N. of new start-ups | n. | 2 |
Cultural supply | N. artists | n. | 1 |
Cultural supply | N. of creative and digital firms | n. | 2 |
Economic vitality | Attraction of new investments in cultural heritage and cultural/creative events-activities | € | 3 |
Economic vitality | Average of lifespan of companies | year | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Production in million Euro (total revenues after VAT) from performing and creative arts | € | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Value of (ECoC) cultural programmes | € | 7 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Advertising value | €/year | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Economic impact generated by cultural events | € | 4 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Direct revenue generated by arts and culture companies and organizations | € | 1 |
Economic impact on local wealth | Sales revenue for arts and culture businesses and organizations | € | 1 |
Employment in cultural activities | N. (or percentage) of artists taking part in cultural activities | n./year | 9 |
Typical Local Production Indicators | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Employment in local production | N. of artisan units | n. | 1 |
Employment in local production | N. of craft producers/artisans | n. | 3 |
Creative firms | N. (or percentage) of craft stores/new handcraft shops/small scale manufacture/local production activities | n. | 3 |
Creative firms | Percentage of crafts, small scale manufacture, production activities | % | 1 |
Local production | N. of licenses granted in retail and services for artisan | n./year | 1 |
Local production | Percentage of wealth of the tourism sector generated from typical local production (i.e., food and beverage establishments) | % | 1 |
Local production | N. of projects in traditional arts | n./year | 1 |
Environment And Natural Capital | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Environmental preservation | Attraction of new investments for enhancing of green areas | € | 1 |
Environmental preservation | N. of automobiles daily entered in the historic center | n./day | 1 |
Green areas and facilities supply | Percentage of citizens satisfied of green spaces | % | 1 |
Social Capital/Cohesion and Inclusion | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Social cohesion | N. of volunteers | n./year | 19 |
Social cohesion | N. of volunteer hours | n./hours | 2 |
Social cohesion | N. of associations | n./10000 inhab. | 3 |
Social cohesion | N. of social centers/community center | n. | 2 |
Social cohesion | Percentage (or number) of non-profit organization | % (or n.) | 3 |
Social cohesion | N. of events/projects supported by volunteers | n./year | 2 |
Social cohesion | New funds to support activities of non-profit organizations | €/year | 1 |
Social cohesion | N. of Artisans Registered in the Crafts Association | n. | 1 |
Sharing/collaborative economy initiatives | N. of new cooperative enterprises | n./10000 inhab. | 1 |
Employment | Employment rate/youth employment rate | % | 2 |
Employment | Unemployment rate/youth unemployment rate | % | 1 |
Employment | N. (or percentage) of workers | n./year | 1 |
Employment | N. of people employed in creative sector/tourism sector | n. | 8 |
Employment | N. of people employed in the third sector | n. | 1 |
Employment | N. of people working in the historic center on a daily basis | n./day | 1 |
Employment | N. of new jobs (temporary or permanent) (directly and indirectly) (in hotels, cultural projects, etc.) | n. | 15 |
Employment | N. of jobs in art and cultural occupations | n. | 4 |
Employment | N. (or percentage) of jobs related to tourism economy/heritage tourism , directly and indirectly (hotels, restaurants, shops) | n. (or %) | 16 |
Employment | N. of jobs supported by the creativity and digital sectors | n. | 1 |
Employment | N. of jobs supported by direct expenditures on historic preservation | 1 | |
Employment | N. of new businesses | n. | 1 |
Employment | Percentage of increase in employment in activities (or n. of new jobs) related to typical local production/distribution | % (or n.) | 1 |
Employment | Percentage of increase in employment (or n. of new jobs) within real estate development | % (or n.) | 1 |
Employment | N. of employees in supporting institutions for culture | n. | 1 |
Employment | N. of businesses in historic center | n./year | 1 |
Social inclusion | Average income | €/year | 2 |
Social inclusion | Average monthly salary | €/month | 4 |
Social inclusion | Percentage (or n.) of residents in low-income households | % (or n.) | 1 |
Real Estate | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Real estate value | Average price of properties | €/sqm | 6 |
Real estate value | Average rent value for residential properties | €/sqm/month | 40 |
Real estate value | Average rent value for commercial-use properties/offices | €/sqm/month | 2 |
Real estate value | Average market value for residential properties | €/sqm | 1 |
Real estate value | Average market value for commercial-use properties | €/sqm | 1 |
Real estate value | Percentage of increase in private land/properties value | % | 1 |
Real estate value | Percentage of increase in public land/properties value (due to infrastructure development) | % | 1 |
Real estate value | Percentage of increase in value of properties after historic designation (or within the first year of the European Capital of Culture announcement) | % | 2 |
Real estate value | Increase in value of surrounding buildings | €/sqm % | 1 |
Real estate supply | N. (or percentage) of residences/new residences | n. (or %) | 10 |
Real estate supply | N. (or percentage on the total) of social housing units | n. (or %) | 3 |
Real estate supply | N. (or percentage) of office spaces | n. (or %) | 1 |
Real estate supply | N. (or percentage) of commercial units | n. (or %) | 3 |
Real estate development | Volume of transactions in the real estate market | € | 1 |
Real estate development | Square meters of commercial development | Sqm | 2 |
Real estate development | N. of new permits related to new constructions | n./year | 7 |
Real estate development | N. of use change of properties | n./year | 2 |
Real estate development | N. of new constructions/rehabilitations | n./year | 8 |
Real estate development | Percentage (or number) of ownership houses/commercial units | % | 3 |
Real estate development | Percentage (or number) of rented houses/commercial units | % | 3 |
Real estate development | Housing/properties vacancy rate | % | 5 |
Real estate development | Percentage of businesses investing in their or property development | % | 1 |
Real estate development | Percentage of “building expansion” | % | 1 |
Real estate development | Percentage of properties owned by public bodies | % | 1 |
Real estate development | Percentage of properties owned by Church | % | 1 |
Real estate development | Percentage of privately owned properties | % | 2 |
Financial Return | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Public financial return | Increase in taxes related to tourist flows/receipts from the tourist tax | €/year % | 1 |
Public financial return | Tax revenue from activities in each sector (all categories—tourism, real estate, etc.) | € | 1 |
Public financial return | Total local tax revenues supported by direct expenditures on historic preservation—investments | € | 1 |
Public financial return | Tax revenues from businesses/sales | € | 2 |
Public financial return | Civil insurance to be paid from hotel to be formal and legal | €/year | 1 |
Public financial return | Return to local economy for every €1 invested by the regional authorities | € | 1 |
Public financial return | Earned Revenue due to municipal investments | €/year | 1 |
Public financial return | Private Revenue due to municipal investments | €/year | 1 |
Public financial return | Provincial/Federal Investment due to municipal investments | €/year | 1 |
Cultural Value of Properties/Landscape | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
State of conservation | N. (or percentage) of well-preserved buildings | n. (or %) | 5 |
State of conservation | N. (or percentage) of buildings in poor condition | n. (or %) | 4 |
State of conservation | N. (or percentage) of historic building with minor problems | n. (or %) | 3 |
State of conservation | N. (or percentage) of buildings in ruin | n. (or %) | 6 |
State of conservation | N. (or percentage) of improper housing | n. (or %) | 1 |
State of conservation | Percentage of used/partially used historic building | % | 2 |
State of conservation | Percentage of vacant historic building | % | 1 |
State of conservation | N. of historic properties/districts designated to be of cultural heritage value or interest | n. | 1 |
State of conservation | N. of restoration and adaptation works undertaken on historic buildings/sites | n./year | 2 |
State of conservation | Percentage of re-functionalized historic buildings | % | 1 |
State of conservation | Area of facades of historic buildings rehabilitated (sqm) | sqm | 1 |
State of conservation | Percentage of citizens satisfied with historic buildings quality | % | 1 |
State of conservation | Percentage (or number) of visitors available to make a contribution to heritage restoration | % (or n.) | 1 |
State of conservation | Willingness to pay for a contribution to heritage restoration | € | 1 |
Wellbeing | |||
Sub-Category | Indicator | Unit of Measure | Frequency Analysis |
Security | Percentage of citizens feeling safe in the city/perception of personal safety | % (or Qualitative) | 1 |
Security | Average number of crimes (murders, hefts in dwelling, pickpocketings, robberies) | n./100,000 inhab. | 1 |
Quality of services | Percentage of citizens satisfied with health services (and other services) | % | 1 |
Quality of services | Homes with basic sanitation facilities | n. % | 1 |
Quality of services | Percentage of citizens satisfied with cultural facilities supply | % | 1 |
Housing quality | Percentage of people living in homes without toilet out of total residents | % | 1 |
Health | Percentage of people who lives a cultural place and reporting good health compared to those who did not live there | % | 1 |
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Nocca, F. The Role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development: Multidimensional Indicators as Decision-Making Tool. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1882.
Nocca F. The Role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development: Multidimensional Indicators as Decision-Making Tool. Sustainability. 2017; 9(10):1882.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNocca, Francesca. 2017. "The Role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development: Multidimensional Indicators as Decision-Making Tool" Sustainability 9, no. 10: 1882.
APA StyleNocca, F. (2017). The Role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development: Multidimensional Indicators as Decision-Making Tool. Sustainability, 9(10), 1882.