The More, the Merrier: Why and How Employee-Driven Eco-Innovation Enhances Environmental and Competitive Advantage
:1. Introduction
2. Eco-Innovation: Definition, Chances and Challenges
2.1. Chances
2.2. Challenges
3. Employee-Driven Innovation (EDI)
- First order EDI:
- These are bottom-up processes, initiated by employees, where innovations originate from the “autonomous creation of novelties at the grassroots level” [10] (p. 173). In this case, innovations informally arise from employees’ everyday work practices and are not purposefully initiated for the sake of innovation.
- Second order EDI:
- This form refers to management endeavors which aim at systematizing and formalizing promising innovation processes that emanate from employees’ initiatives. As a consequence, it is a mixture of bottom-up and top-down processes.
- Third order EDI:
- Here, EDI activities are stimulated by managers who specifically invite employees to participate in innovation processes. These top-down innovation processes are usually established with a certain innovation target in mind.
4. Conceptualizing Employee-Driven Eco-Innovation (EDEI)
4.1. Recognizing Chances of EDEI for Organizations
4.2. Identifying Employee Potentials for EDEI
4.2.1. Tacit Knowledge
4.2.2. Private Consumer Experience
4.2.3. Green Identity
5. Intra-Organizational Factors Influencing EDEI
6. Distinguishing EDEI from Related Concepts
7. Discussion
7.1. Implications for Green Employees and Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)
7.2. Limitations and Directions for Future Research
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Buhl, A.; Blazejewski, S.; Dittmer, F. The More, the Merrier: Why and How Employee-Driven Eco-Innovation Enhances Environmental and Competitive Advantage. Sustainability 2016, 8, 946.
Buhl A, Blazejewski S, Dittmer F. The More, the Merrier: Why and How Employee-Driven Eco-Innovation Enhances Environmental and Competitive Advantage. Sustainability. 2016; 8(9):946.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBuhl, Anke, Susanne Blazejewski, and Franziska Dittmer. 2016. "The More, the Merrier: Why and How Employee-Driven Eco-Innovation Enhances Environmental and Competitive Advantage" Sustainability 8, no. 9: 946.
APA StyleBuhl, A., Blazejewski, S., & Dittmer, F. (2016). The More, the Merrier: Why and How Employee-Driven Eco-Innovation Enhances Environmental and Competitive Advantage. Sustainability, 8(9), 946.