Rurality and Collective Attitude Effects on Wolf Policy
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Swedish Context
1.2. Political Alienation and Collective Level Effects
1.2.1. Individual Level
1.2.2. Collective Level
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Collection
2.2. Measurements
2.3. Recoding
2.4. Descriptive Statistics
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
Political Alienation
4. Discussion
4.1. Attitudes to Wolves and Policy
4.2. Direct Experience
4.3. Political Alienation and Collective Level Effects
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year of Survey | Number of Municipalities Sampled | Number of Respondents Per Municipality (min–max) | Counties Sampled | Total Sample Size | Total Response Rate |
2004 | 69 | 82–114 | Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten | >10,000 | 66% |
2014 | 111 | 25–81 | Added, Värmland and Stockholm | >16,000 | 41% |
Item Measured | Question Wording | Coding (Answer Alternatives) | Descriptive Statistics | |
2004 | 2014 | |||
Attitudes to Wolf policy (2004) | “In the spring of 2001, the Swedish parliament decided how many large carnivores we should have in Sweden. The first goals were set for the number of reproducing females, corresponding to at least 1000 brown bears (1500 lynx, 400 wolverines and 200 wolves). What is your opinion of the goals set by the parliament for large carnivores in Sweden?” | 0: Do not favor a reduction of the wolf policy goal (Is acceptable, should be increased somewhat, should be increased a lot) 1: Favor a reduction of the wolf policy goal (Should be reduced a lot, should be reduced somewhat) | Mean = 0.30 N = 6225 | NA |
Attitudes to Wolf policy (2014) | “In 2013, the Swedish parliament decided how many large carnivores we should have in Sweden. These goals correspond to 170–270 wolves. What is your opinion of the set goals for large carnivores in Sweden?” | 0: Do not favor a reduction of the wolf policy goal (Is acceptable, should be increased somewhat, should be increased a lot) 1: Favor a reduction of the wolf policy goal (Should be reduced a lot, should be reduced somewhat) | NA | Mean = 0.35 N = 6542 |
Attitudes to wolves | “What is your opinion of the fact that bears, wolverines, lynx and wolves exist in Sweden?” | 0: Not negative towards wolves (Neutral, like, like strongly) 1: Negative towards wolves (Dislike strongly, dislike) | Mean = 3.6 N = 6227 | Mean = 3.5 N = 6641 |
Age | “Which year where you born?” | Age in years (I was born 19XX) | Mean = 44.8 SD = 13.7 N = 6362 | Mean = 47.4 SD = 13.9 N = 6718 |
Female | “Are you male of female?” | 0: No (Male) 1: Yes (Female) | Mean = 0.49 N = 6360 | Mean = 0.51 N = 6706 |
University educated | “What is you level of education?” | 0: (Compulsory education, vocational education, senior high school) 1: (University education) | Mean = 0.23 N = 6341 | Mean = 0.34 N = 6678 |
Hunting | “Does anyone in your household hunt or fish?” | 0: No (Fish, no) 1: Yes (Hunt) | Mean = 0.35 N = 6333 | Mean = 0.30 N = 6620 |
Political alienation (Item 1) | “In general, how satisfied are you with how democracy works in the EU” | 0: Not at all satisfied 1: Not particularly satisfied 2: Pretty satisfied 3: Very satisfied | Mean = 1.69 SD = 0.72 N = 6238 | Mean = 2.16 SD = 0.77 N = 6568 |
Political alienation (Item 2) | “In general, how satisfied are you with how democracy works at the national level?” | 0: Not at all satisfied 1: Not particularly satisfied 2: Pretty satisfied 3: Very satisfied | Mean =2.43 SD = 0.74 N = 6260 | Mean = 2.74 SD = 0.73 N = 6593 |
Political alienation (Item 3) | “In general, how satisfied are you with how democracy works in your municipality” | 0: Not at all satisfied 1: Not particularly satisfied 2: Pretty satisfied 3: Very satisfied | Mean = 2.45 SD = 0.77 N = 6230 | Mean = 2.57 SD = 0.78 N = 6600 |
Political alienation (Item 4) | “Generally speaking, how much do you trust Swedish politicians?” | 0: Very little 1: Little 2: A moderate amount 3: A lot | Mean = 1.95 SD = 0.73 N = 6270 | Mean = 2.11 SD = 0.75 N = 6642 |
Live in rural area | “Where are you currently living?” | 0: Urban (in a place with 10,001 to 180,000 inhabitants, in Stockholm, Göteborg, or Malmö? *) 1: Rural (In a place with less that 200 inhabitants, in a place with less that 2,000 inhabitants, in a place with 2000 to 10,000 inhabitants) | Mean = 0.78 N = 6307 | Mean = 0.68 N = 6683 |
Rural upbringing | “Where did you, your mother, and your father spend the majority of your life before 18 years of age?” | 0: Urban (In a place with 10,001 to 180,000 inhabitants, in Stockholm, Göteborg, or Malmö? *) 1: Rural (In a place with less that 200 inhabitants, in a place with less that 2,000 inhabitants, in a place with 2000 to 10,000 inhabitants) | Mean = 0.54 N = 6362 | Mean = 0.62 N = 6718 |
Direct experience with wolves | “Have you ever seen a wild bear/wolf?” and “Have you ever seen bear/wolf tracks?” | 0: No direct experience with wolves (Never) 1: Direct experience with wolves 0: (Once, more than once) | Mean = 0.32 N = 6073 | Mean = 0.46 N = 6618 |
Political representation | “Which political party do you sympathise with the most” | 0: Not in government (”Vänsterpartiet”, ”Socialdemokraterna”, “Miljöpartiet”, ”Sverigedemokraterna”, ”other”) 1: In government (”Moderaterna”, ”Folkpartiet”, ”Centerpartiet”, ”Kristdemokraterna”) | Mean = 0.31 N = 6362 | Mean = 0.31 N = 6246 |
Statistic | Null Model | Partial Model | Full Model | |||
2004 | 2014 | 2004 | 2014 | 2004 | 2014 | |
BIC | 4575 | 6065 | 3609 | 4345 | 2478 | 3192 |
R2 | NA | NA | 0.177 | 0.203 | 0.489 | 0.479 |
Municipal level σ2 | 0.13 | 0.16 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.01 | 0.00 |
Change in the Probability of an Individual Favoring a Decrease in the Wolf Policy Goal | ||
Independent variables | 2004 | 2014 |
Level 1 effects | ||
Dislike wolves 1 | 47.65 * | 31.15 * |
Age | 1.04 * | 1.02 * |
Female | 1.09 | 1.01 |
University educated | 0.98 | 0.53 * |
Hunter in household | 2.96 * | 3.89 * |
Political alienation | 1.24 | 1.18 * |
Support party in power | 1.12 | 1.43 * |
Live in rural area | 1.21 | 0.9 |
Seen wolf or track | 1.1 | 1.51 * |
Live in wolf county | 1.59 * | 1.95 * |
Rural upbringing | 0.81 | 1.03 |
Level 2 effects | ||
Dislike wolves | 4.39 | 1.15 |
Rural upbringing | 1.24 | 2.13 * |
Dislike wolves * Rural upbringing | 2.9 | 4.24 * |
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Eriksson, M. Rurality and Collective Attitude Effects on Wolf Policy. Sustainability 2016, 8, 711.
Eriksson M. Rurality and Collective Attitude Effects on Wolf Policy. Sustainability. 2016; 8(8):711.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEriksson, Max. 2016. "Rurality and Collective Attitude Effects on Wolf Policy" Sustainability 8, no. 8: 711.
APA StyleEriksson, M. (2016). Rurality and Collective Attitude Effects on Wolf Policy. Sustainability, 8(8), 711.