Understanding Artisanal Fishers’ Behaviors: The Case of Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia
:1. Introduction
2. Study Site and Overview of the Fishing Practices
3. Methods
3.1. Survey
3.2. Evaluation of the Ecological Impact of Fishing in CGSM
3.3. Construction of Individual and Composite Indicators to Evaluate the Ecological Impact of Fishing in CGSM
4. Results
4.1. Experienced Fishers’ and Scientists’ Views on the Fishing Grounds and Fishing Gear/Methods
4.2. Socioeconomic and Perceptional Variables Affecting Fishers’ Fishing Behaviors
4.3. Factors Influencing Fishers’ Fishing Behaviors
4.3.1. Factors Influencing an Ecologically-Sustainable Fishing Behavior
4.3.2. Factors Influencing Ecologically Unsustainable Fishing Behavior
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Implications for CGSM Management
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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# | Description | p-Value | |
Fishing Grounds by Zones | |||
1 | Protected areas of National Natural Parks | 0.0000 | *** |
2 | Natural nursery areas | 0.0000 | *** |
3 | Mouths of rivers and streams | 0.0000 | *** |
4 | Mangrove roots and other vegetation | 0.0000 | *** |
5 | Mouth of La Barra (La Barra Bridge) | 0.0000 | *** |
6 | Water far away from the mangrove | 0.0000 | *** |
Fishing Gear/Methods | |||
1 | Cast net 0.25′′–2.25′′ | 0.0000 | *** |
2 | Cast net 2.50′′–3.00′′ | 0.3820 | |
3 | Seine net (Chinchorra) 1.50′′–2.50′′ | 0.2984 | |
4 | Seine net (Chinchorra) 2.75′′–3.50′′ | 0.0000 | *** |
5 | Seine net (Chinchorro) 0.75′′–1.00′′ | 0.3998 | |
6 | Seine net (Chinchorro) 1.01′′–2.00′′ | 0.0002 | *** |
7 | Fixed gill net 1.25′′–2.50′′ | 0.8232 | |
8 | Fixed gill net 2.75′′–4.00′′ | 0.0000 | *** |
9 | Encircling gill net (Boliche) 1.5′′–2.50′′ | 0.0000 | *** |
10 | Encircling gill net (Boliche) 2.75′′–4.00′′ | 0.0000 | *** |
11 | Shrimp net 0.50′′–1.00′′ | 0.0000 | *** |
12 | Crab traps, entrance gap 23 cm | 0.9380 | |
13 | Long line, hooks calibers 10–12 | 0.0000 | *** |
Variable Name | Variable Type | Variable Definition | Mean/Prop | Expected Impact on CGSM Ecological Sustainability |
Socioeconomic Variables | ||||
Years of schooling | Discrete | Number of years of formal education | 3.76 | + |
Fisher has to financially support others living outside his household | Dichotomous | Fisher has to financially support others living outside his household 0 = fisher does not financially support others living outside his household 1 = fisher financially supports others living outside his household | 0.31 | ‒ |
Fisher shares in paying for household expenses | Dichotomous | Other family members help fisher with household expenses 0 = fisher does not share in paying for household expenses 1 = fisher shares in paying for household expenses | 0.43 | + |
Fisher has job alternatives | Dichotomous | Fisher has job alternatives 0 = fisher does not have job alternatives 1 = fisher has job alternatives | 0.34 | + |
Average daily hours fishing | Continuous | Average daily work time (including time to sell) | 12.66 | + |
Fisher is paying off a loan | Dichotomous | Fisher is paying off a loan 0 = fisher is not paying off a loan 1 = fisher is paying off a loan | 0.34 | ‒ |
Perception Variables | ||||
Fishery resources have always been scarce or they are beginning to become scarce | Dichotomous | Perception about CGSM fishery resources 0 = fishers perceive there are many resources for all 1 = fishers perceive resources have always been scarce or they are beginning to become scarce | 0.85 | + |
Government should help in the conservation of CGSM | Dichotomous | Perception about who should help in the conservation of the lagoon 0 = fishers believe they should help to conserve the CGSM 1 = fishers believe the government and other users of CGSM (different from the fishers) should help with the conservation of the lagoon | 0.45 | ‒ |
Indicators | Individual Indicators | Composite Indicators | ||||||||||
Fishing Grounds | Fishing Gear | Fishing Grounds and Fishing Gear | ||||||||||
Evaluator | Experienced Fishers | Scientists | Experienced Fishers | Scientists | Experienced Fishers | Scientists | ||||||
Model | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||||
Socioeconomic Variables | ||||||||||||
Years of schooling | −0.0025 | −0.0226 | *** | −0.0701 | *** | −0.0048 | −0.0363 | *** | −0.0137 | *** | ||
(0.0018) | (0.0063) | (0.0165) | (0.0062) | (0.0086) | (0.0045) | |||||||
Fisher has to financially support others living outside his household (dummy) | 0.0093 | 0.0401 | 0.3014 | * | 0.0414 | 0.1553 | * | 0.0407 | ||||
(0.0178) | (0.0646) | (0.1573) | (0.0553) | (0.0832) | (0.0403) | |||||||
Fisher shares in paying for household expenses (dummy) | −0.0106 | −0.1177 | * | −0.3521 | ** | −0.1406 | ** | −0.1814 | ** | −0.1292 | *** | |
(0.0185) | (0.0649) | (0.1501) | (0.0597) | (0.0803) | (0.0435) | |||||||
Fisher has job alternatives (dummy) | −0.0349 | ** | −0.0845 | −0.1327 | −0.0980 | ** | −0.0838 | −0.0912 | ** | |||
(0.0173) | (0.0601) | (0.1390) | (0.0508) | (0.0745) | (0.0406) | |||||||
Average daily hours fishing | −0.0106 | *** | −0.0545 | *** | −0.1080 | *** | −0.0185 | * | −0.0593 | *** | −0.0365 | *** |
(0.0032) | (0.0110) | (0.0269) | (0.0103) | (0.0142) | (0.0080) | |||||||
Fisher is paying off a loan (dummy) | 0.0315 | 0.0624 | 0.2413 | 0.0630 | 0.1364 | * | 0.0627 | |||||
(0.0204) | (0.0651) | (0.1513) | (0.0591) | (0.0819) | (0.0481) | |||||||
Perception Variables | ||||||||||||
Fishery resources have always been scarce or they are beginning to become scarce (dummy) | 0.0289 | 0.1414 | ** | −0.0382 | 0.0063 | −0.0047 | 0.0739 | |||||
(0.0178) | (0.0590) | (0.1855) | (0.0549) | (0.0957) | (0.0508) | |||||||
Government should help in the conservation of CGSM (dummy) | 0.0398 | ** | 0.1648 | *** | 0.2899 | ** | 0.1391 | *** | 0.1649 | ** | 0.1520 | *** |
(0.0175) | (0.0578) | (0.1410) | (0.0535) | (0.0758) | (0.0416) | |||||||
Constant | 1.3717 | *** | 2.8927 | *** | 3.7881 | *** | 3.7307 | *** | 2.5799 | *** | 3.3117 | *** |
(0.0466) | (0.1536) | (0.3779) | (0.1546) | (0.1986) | (0.1203) | |||||||
R2 | 0.1541 | 0.2619 | 0.2163 | 0.1241 | 0.2200 | 0.2820 |
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Share and Cite
Torres-Guevara, L.E.; Lopez, M.C.; Schlüter, A. Understanding Artisanal Fishers’ Behaviors: The Case of Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Sustainability 2016, 8, 549. https://doi.org/10.3390/su8060549
Torres-Guevara LE, Lopez MC, Schlüter A. Understanding Artisanal Fishers’ Behaviors: The Case of Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Sustainability. 2016; 8(6):549. https://doi.org/10.3390/su8060549
Chicago/Turabian StyleTorres-Guevara, Luz Elba, Maria Claudia Lopez, and Achim Schlüter. 2016. "Understanding Artisanal Fishers’ Behaviors: The Case of Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia" Sustainability 8, no. 6: 549. https://doi.org/10.3390/su8060549
APA StyleTorres-Guevara, L. E., Lopez, M. C., & Schlüter, A. (2016). Understanding Artisanal Fishers’ Behaviors: The Case of Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Sustainability, 8(6), 549. https://doi.org/10.3390/su8060549