4.4. Intercropping and Contour Farming
Agronomical practices like use of cover crops, mixed/inter/strip cropping, crop rotation, green manuring and mulch farming are vital practices associated with integrated nutrient management. Growing soybean (
Glycine max)/groundnut (
Arachis hypogoea)/cowpea (
Vigna radiata) with maize (
Zea mays)/jowar (
Sorghum bicolor)/bajra (
Pennisetum glaucum) is a common example of intercropping in the drylands [
39]. Strip cropping is a combination of contouring and crop rotation in which alternate strips of row crops and soil conserving crops are grown on the same slope, perpendicular to the wind or water flow in drylands and hilly regions, respectively. Intercropping cowpea with maize (2 rows of cowpea with 1 row of maize) decreased runoff by 10% and soil loss by 28% compared to pure maize. Minimum runoff (36% of rainfall) was recorded under barnyard millet (
Echinochloa frumentacea L.) followed by black soybean (
Glycine max L.) and maize which was 37% and 42%, respectively. Black soybean and maize alone had maximum soil loss of 7.1 and 6.7 ton ha
−1, respectively, followed by barnyard millet (4.8 ton ha
−1). The practice of line sowing of wheat and mustard (
Brassica juncea L.) crops and maintaining row ratio of 8:1 ensured optimum use of space and soil moisture, increased wheat equivalent yield by 14% and net returns by 30% compared to mixed sowing (
Table 11) [
Table 11.
Water use efficiency, yield and net return as affected by different technologies and crop rotation in farmers’ fields of Uttarakhnad, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
Table 11.
Water use efficiency, yield and net return as affected by different technologies and crop rotation in farmers’ fields of Uttarakhnad, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
Intercropping | Crops | Water Use Efficiency (kg ha−1mm−1) | Yield (t ha−1) | Net Return (INR ha−1) |
C | T | % Increase | C | T | % Increase | C | T | % Increase |
Maize + cowpea (1:2) − wheat | Maize | 3.19 | 5.60 | 76 | 2.21 * | 3.67 * | 66 | 4448 | 11,690 | 163 |
Wheat | 5.30 | 8.31 | 57 | 1.13 | 1.64 | 46 | 3176 | 6149 | 88 |
Maize − wheat + mustard (9:1) | Maize | 3.00 | 4.34 | 45 | 1.94 | 2.75 | 42 | 3248 | 8658 | 163 |
Wheat | 6.33 | 9.66 | 50 | 1.31 * | 1.93** | 47 | 4455 | 9041 | 105 |
Maize – potato − onion (irrigated) | Maize | 3.09 | 4.52 | 46 | 1.95 | 2.86 | 46 | 3361 | 9135 | 172 |
Potato | 53.70 | 76.50 | 42 | 17.10 | 23.50 | 33 | 9775 | 19,250 | 97 |
Onion | 18.87 | 25.45 | 35 | 12.05 | 15.10 | 25 | 38,700 | 51,050 | 32 |
When crops like maize, sorghum and castor (
Ricinus communis L.) are cultivated along with legumes such as groundnut, green gram (
Vigna radiata L.), black gram (
Vigna mungo L.), soybean and cowpea in inter-row spaces, sufficient cover on the ground is ensured and erosion hazards decreased [
45]. Pathak
et al. [
46] reported several soil conservation measures based on rainfall in a particular area (
Table 12).
Table 12.
Soil and water conservation measures to be taken up based on seasonal rainfall in the Peninsular India (Source: Pathak
et al. [
Table 12.
Soil and water conservation measures to be taken up based on seasonal rainfall in the Peninsular India (Source: Pathak et al. [46]).
Seasonal Rainfall (mm) | Soil and Water Conservation Measures |
<500 | Contour cultivation with conservation furrows, ridging, Sowing across slope, Mulching, Scoops, Off season tillage, Inter row water harvesting system, Small basins, Field bunds, Khadin | Tied ridges, contour bunds |
500–750 | Zingg terrace, modified contour bunds and broad bed furrow |
750–1000 | Broad bed furrow (vertisols), field bunds, vegetative bunds and graded bunds | Conservation furrows, sowing across slope, conservation tillage, Lock and spill drains, small basins, nadizingg terrace |
>1000 | Level terrace and zingg terrace (conservation bench terrace) |
4.8. Integrated Nutrient Management and Organic Manuring
Integrated nutrient management,
i.e., the application of NPK mineral fertilizers along with organic manure, increases crop productivity, improves SOC content, and decreases soil loss. In the northwestern hill region, integrated nutrient management improved soil health and SOC storage in all cropping systems. Kundu
et al. [
53] and Bhattacharyya
et al. [
54] observed that about 19% and 25% of gross C input contributed to greater SOC content after 30 years of rainfed or after nine years of irrigated soybean-wheat production, respectively. Annual farmyard manure addition improved labile (movable; short-lived) and long-lived C pools [
55]. Nearly 16% (mean of all treatments) of the estimated added C was stabilized into SOC both in the labile and recalcitrant pools, preferentially in the 0–30 cm soil layer (
Figure 1). However, the labile:recalcitrant SOC ratios of applied C stabilized was largest in the 15–30 cm soil layer (
Figure 2). The labile pool constituted about 62% of the total SOC in the 0–45 cm soil layer and about 50% of the applied C stabilized in the labile pool (
Figure 3). The integrated nutrient management approach of 5 ton ha
−1 of farmyard manure +50% recommended fertilizer led to an additional grain yield of 2.65 ton ha
−1 in paddy-maize cropping system (reference). Under rainfed conditions, C retention rate varied from 0.61 to 1.8 ton ha
−1 year
−1 in different crop rotations, which also enhanced crop yield (
Table 13). However, with green manuring, wheat had greater water use (289 mm) than wheat in a wheat-fallow system (273 mm) or wheat (270 mm) rotated with maize [
Figure 1.
Soil organic C (SOC) stabilization in the 0 to 45 cm soil layer as affected by 32 years of continuous annual fertilization under soybean-wheat cropping in a sandy clay loam soil of the Indian Himalayas. Bars with the same lowercase latter indicate that the values are not significantly different (at
P < 0.05 according to Tukey’s HSD tests). Error bars indicate standard errors. (Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Figure 1.
Soil organic C (SOC) stabilization in the 0 to 45 cm soil layer as affected by 32 years of continuous annual fertilization under soybean-wheat cropping in a sandy clay loam soil of the Indian Himalayas. Bars with the same lowercase latter indicate that the values are not significantly different (at
P < 0.05 according to Tukey’s HSD tests). Error bars indicate standard errors. (Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Figure 2.
Ratios of labile and recalcitrant pools of total SOC and applied C stabilized in soils by depth after 32 years of cropping with different fertilization (error bars indicate standard error of mean).
Figure 2.
Ratios of labile and recalcitrant pools of total SOC and applied C stabilized in soils by depth after 32 years of cropping with different fertilization (error bars indicate standard error of mean).
Figure 3.
Depth (cm) distribution of total estimated added C stabilized after 32 years of fertilization (error bars indicate the standard error of mean; Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Figure 3.
Depth (cm) distribution of total estimated added C stabilized after 32 years of fertilization (error bars indicate the standard error of mean; Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Table 13.
Fertilization impacts on carbon retention in the 0–15 cm layer and crop yield change in the Indian Himalayas (Data Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Table 13.
Fertilization impacts on carbon retention in the 0–15 cm layer and crop yield change in the Indian Himalayas (Data Source: Bhattacharyya et al. [54,57,58,59]).
Rainfed Management Practices | Duration of Adoption (year) | Carbon Retention Over Control (Mg ha−1year−1) | Yield Change Over | Yield Change over Unfertilized Control/Two Irrigations (Mg ha−1year−1) |
NPK + FYM application-rainfed | 32 | 0.87 | Unfertilized control | 2.31 (S) & 1.17 (W) |
NPK + FYM application-irrigated | 9 | 1.28 | Unfertilized control | 0.80 (S) & 1.74 (W) |
FYM at 15 Mg ha−1 | 3 | 1.63 | Unfertilized control | 6.2 (GP) & 7.1 (FB) & 0.55 (BC) |
FYM at 10 Mg ha−1 | 3 | 1.80 | Unfertilized control | 3.5 (GP) & 1.3 (R) |
Four irrigations in wheat | 4 | 0.35 | Two irrigations | 0.17 * (R) & 0.44 (W) |
In the lower Indo-Gangetic Plains, Mandal
et al. [
60] observed 25%–38% greater accumulation of total SOC with NPK + FYM/compost than the control (no fertilizer). The order of such accumulation under different cropping systems was rice-mustard-sesame > rice-fallow-rice > rice-wheat-fallow > rice-wheat-jute (
Corchorus sp.) > rice-fallow-barseem (
Trifolium alexandrinum), over the control (
Table 14). Mandal
et al. [
60] further observed that the amount of residue C inputs in the rice-wheat-fallow system (3.33 Mg ha
−1 year
−1) was similar to that in the rice-fallow-berseem (3.17 Mg ha
−1 year
−1), but the rate of annual C accumulation in the former was more than double (0.27 Mg C ha
−1 year
−1) than that in the latter (0.13 Mg C ha
−1 year
−1). Higher N content in crop residues of berseem (2.6%) and jute (1.8%) but lower lipids and lignin in rice-fallow-berseem and rice-wheat-jute systems may have accelerated decomposition and thus hastened loss of C. Crop residues from rice and wheat, which have low N content, are likely to be more efficient in C sequestration than the residue of crops like berseem and jute, which have higher N content. Likewise, in the drylands, Srinivasarao
et al. [
61] found that integrated nutrient management could improve C accumulation rates up to 0.45 ton ha
−1 in a groundnut based cropping system (
Table 15).
Table 14.
Effects of balanced fertilization (NPK and NPK + FYM or compost) on C build up in soils under different cropping systems (Data source: Mandal
et al. [
Table 14.
Effects of balanced fertilization (NPK and NPK + FYM or compost) on C build up in soils under different cropping systems (Data source: Mandal et al. [60]).
Cropping System | C Build-Up (%) in Treatments over the Control Plots | C Build-Up Rate (Mg C ha−1year−1) over the Control Plots |
R-M-S | 51.8 a | 55.7 a | 1.91 a | 2.05 a |
R-W-F | 16.8 c | 23.4 c | 0.27 b | 0.37 c |
R-F-B | 9.3 d | 24.7 c | 0.13 c | 0.36 c |
R-W-J | 14.9 c | 32.3 b | 0.11 c | 0.25 d |
R-F-R | 33.5 b | 54.8 a | 0.28 b | 0.45 b |
Table 15.
Carbon accumulation rate in soil (0–20 cm) and potential carbon emission reduction (CER) under different INM practices (Data source: Srinivasarao
et al. [
Table 15.
Carbon accumulation rate in soil (0–20 cm) and potential carbon emission reduction (CER) under different INM practices (Data source: Srinivasarao et al. [61]).
Production Systems | Suggested INM Practice | C Accumulation (ton ha−1year−1) | Potential CER from the Suggested Practice |
Farmers’ Practice | Suggested Practice | ton ha−1 | Value (US $) |
Groundnut-based (in Alfisols) | 50% RDF + 4 ton groundnut shell ha−1 | 0.08 | 0.45 | 0.370 | 1.85 |
Groundnut–finger millet (in Alfisols) | FYM 10 ton + 100% RDF (NPK) | −0.138 | 0.241 | 0.379 | 1.90 |
Finger millet–finger millet (in Alfisols) | FYM 10 ton + 100% RDF (NPK) | 0.046 | 0.378 | 0.332 | 1.66 |
Sorghum-based (in Vertisols) | 25 kg N ha−1 (through FYM) + 25 kg N ha−1 (through urea) | 0.101 | 0.288 | 0.187 | 0.94 |
Soybean-based (in Vertisols) | 6 ton FYM ha–1 + 20 kg N + 13 kg P | −0.219 | 0.338 | 0.557 | 2.79 |
Rice-based (in Inceptisols) | 100% organic (FYM) | −0.014 | 0.128 | 0.142 | 0.71 |
Pearl millet-based (in Aridisols) | 50% N (inorganic fertilizer) + 50% N (FYM) | −0.252 | −0.110 | 0.142 | 0.71 |
Integrated nutrient management also decreases soil loss. Runoff and soil loss increased with increase in slope from 0.5% to 2.0% at Bellary (
Table 16). However, in the treatments with application of recommended rate of fertilizer along with farm-yard manure, it was comparatively low. Plots under coir pith compost and integrated nutrient management improved maize yield and rainwater use efficiency from 4.95 to 5.79 kg ha
−1 mm at Ayalur watershed, Tamil Nadu (
Table 17).
Table 16.
Runoff and soil loss under different crops on varying slopes at research farm, Bellary (Source: CSWCR&TI Annual Report [
Table 16.
Runoff and soil loss under different crops on varying slopes at research farm, Bellary (Source: CSWCR&TI Annual Report [62]).
Treatments | Runoff (mm) | Soil Loss (ton ha−1) |
Sorghum | Chickpea | Sorghum | Chickpea |
0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 |
Slope (%) |
With fertilizer | 52.3 | 66.78 | 94.8 | 48.71 | 64.45 | 84.56 | 2.45 | 4.04 | 5.67 | 2.01 | 2.72 | 4.79 |
Without fertilizer | 63.16 | 66.85 | 101.79 | 49.06 | 65.64 | 92.99 | 2.72 | 4.79 | 6.08 | 2.19 | 3.31 | 5.35 |
Table 17.
Effect of coir pith compost and integrated nutrient management (INM) on maize —a Case study in Ayalur watershed, Tamil Nadu (Source: Kannan
et al. [
Table 17.
Effect of coir pith compost and integrated nutrient management (INM) on maize —a Case study in Ayalur watershed, Tamil Nadu (Source: Kannan et al. [63]).
Particulars | Farmers’ Practice | INM | Control | Coir Pith |
Yield (ton ha−1) | 4.5 | 5.5 | 4.2 | 4.9 |
Additional yield (ton ha−1) | - | 1.0 | - | 0.7 |
Additional cost (Rs) | - | 2747 | - | - |
Additional benefits(Rs) | - | 8000 | - | - |
Rain WUE (kg ha−1mm−1) | 10 | 12.2 | 4.95 | 5.79 |
4.9. Reclamation of Acid and Salt Affected Soils and Drainage (Desalinization)
Liming is the most desirable practice for amelioration of acid soils. Lime raises soil pH, thereby increasing the availability of plant nutrients and reducing toxicity of Fe and Al [
66]. Sharma and Sarkar [
64] and Bhat
et al. [
66] recommended low dose of lime (
i.e., one-tenth to one-fifth of lime requirement) applied along with fertilizers in furrows at the time of sowing. Bhat
et al. [
67] also tested low-cost locally available basic slag, a by-product of a steel factory as an ameliorant for acidic red and lateritic soils of West Bengal under mustard-rice.
Management of saline soils involves tillage, irrigation and leaching. Inversion tillage can decrease potential soluble salt accumulation in the root zone compared to zero tillage [
68]. However, deep tillage may bring more salts to the soil surface and root zone. The most efficient method is through application of high quality irrigation water (low electrical conductivity) and growing of salinity tolerant crops. Tolerant crops also support formation of stable soil aggregates, which help to improve soil tilth. Rice is the potential crop for reclamation of sodic soils. Salt affected soils are reclaimed by leaching followed by application of green manures. Gypsum is the major chemical used for reclamation of alkali soils. Other amendments used are: phosphogypsum or acid formers like pyrites, sulphuric acid, aluminium sulphate and sulphur. The treated field should be kept submerged with good quality water to facilitate reaction and subsequent leaching. In addition, proper drainage through deep and open drains can be adopted wherever problems persist. Restoration of salt-affected soils can also lead to a significant increase in SOC pool. Garg [
69] observed a dramatic increase in SOC of a sodic soil planted with perennials (e.g., mesquite) after 8 years. Bhojvaid and Timmer [
70] also reported an increase in SOC pool by restoration of salt-affected soils and a similar potential exists [
To reclaim non-saline sodic soil, incorporation of relatively soluble Ca salt like gypsum, phosphogypsum, iron salt like pyrite, CaCl
2, sulfuric acid (H
4), or other acid formers like sulphur (S), lime-sulphur (9% Ca + 25% S), ferric sulfate and aluminium sulfate to replace exchangeable Na from the clay complex, along with recommended water and crop management practices, have been researched by many [
74]. Reclaiming acid sulfate soils may follow approaches like: (i) pyrite and soil acidity can be removed by leaching after drying and aeration; (ii) pyrite oxidation can be limited or stopped and existing acidity inactivated by maintaining a high water table, with or without (iii) additional liming and fertilization with phosphorus, though liming may often be uneconomical in practical use. For coastal acid sulfate soils of Sundarbans, application of lime, superphosphate and rock phosphate have been found useful [
Since 1970 in India, there has been significant commercial development using various desalination technologies, including distillation, reverse osmosis and electrolysis [
76]. Desalination mostly uses fossil fuels. Many facilities in coastal region are using reverse osmosis for desalinization. For example, at Kalpakkam reactor, Tamil Nadu, 1.8 million liters of water is being produced per day. Installation of one-way sluice gates on the river banks or any other suitable location to drain out excess water from the land during low tides in river, use of subsurface tile drains combined with moling perpendicular to the former [
77], and open surface drains along with moling perpendicular to it [
78] are some of the practices.
4.15. Vegetative Barriers and Using Natural Geotextiles, Mulching and Diversified Cropping
In general, results from the Himalaya region indicate that vegetative barriers can decrease runoff by 18%–21% and soil loss by 23%–68% on slopes varying from 2%–8% (
Table 19). Vegetative barriers of
Guinea grass (
Plate 1),
Khuskhus and
Bhabar were effective (after 3–4 years) in reducing soil loss by 6–8 ton ha
−1 and runoff by 33%–38% [
40]. Maize and wheat yield increased ~32 and 10%, respectively, due to conserved moisture in the hilly region [
88]. Pigeonpea (
Cajanas cajan), because of its very good canopy cover (95%–98%) as a vegetative barrier, was effective in reducing runoff (28%–29%) and soil loss (2.1 to 2.6 ton ha
−1) in a finger millet (
Eleusine coracana L.)/kodo millet (
Paspalum scrobiculatum L.)-lentil (
Lens esculentus L.) cropping sequence. Pigeonpea improved SOC along with addition of 22 to 41 kg of N ha
−1 in the soil. The practice increased maize yield 5%–10% and wheat yield 10%–15% in the hills.
Table 19.
Effect of grass barriers on yield, runoff and soil loss in different slopes of the northwestern hill region (Data Source: CSWCR&TI Vision [
Table 19.
Effect of grass barriers on yield, runoff and soil loss in different slopes of the northwestern hill region (Data Source: CSWCR&TI Vision [40]).
Particulars | Slope (%) |
2 | 4 | 8 |
Guinea Grass | Guinea Grass | Khus khus | Bhabar | Guinea Grass | Khus khus |
Runoff (% of total rainfall) | 25.8 | 33.3 | 35.1 | 37.9 | 38.90 | 40.52 |
Soil loss (ton ha−1year−1) | 3.27 | 6.12 | 6.72 | 8.34 | 9.45 | 9.87 |
Maize yield (kg ha−1) | 2530 | 2460 | 2444 | 2296 | 2285 | 2180 |
Wheat yield after maize (kg ha−1) | 2852 | 2693 | 2555 | 2362 | 2415 | 2385 |
Dry grass yield (kg ha−1year−1 ) | 1675 | 1540 | 542 | 1090 | 1375 | 485 |
Plate 1.
Vegetative barrier of Guinea grass and Bhabar grass (Source: CSWCR&TI Vision [
Plate 1.
Vegetative barrier of Guinea grass and Bhabar grass (Source: CSWCR&TI Vision [
Research results in neighbouring countries, like China, Thailand and Vietnam indicated that even short-term use of biological geotextiles (maize stalk mats, bamboo mats, borassus and buriti mats and wheat straw mats) in highlands significantly improved biomass and decreased runoff and soil loss [
92]. Borassus mats (geotextile mats manufactured from
Borassus aethiopum L.) and buriti mats (geotextiles manufactured from
Mauritia flexuosa L.) were also tested for soil conservation in a loamy sand soils of the UK. The results are very novel and worth mentioning here. Results reveal that: (i) borassus mats significantly decreased soil splash erosion; (ii) complete cover by borassus mats is unnecessary and only 10% mat cover as buffer strips had similar erosion control to completely covered plots; and (iii) borassus mat-covered plots maintained SOM and other selected soil properties [
96]. Vegetative barriers are also used to mitigate soil degradation in non-arable areas. Vegetative barriers of tree species are effective in controlling runoff and soil loss on 4% slope [
97]. Total sediment deposited along hedgerows (3-year period) and tree rows (9-year period) ranged from 184 to 256 ton ha
−1, equivalent to 15 to 20 mm soil depth (
Table 20).
Table 20.
Sediment deposition along vegetative barriers at Dehradun (Source: Narain
et al. [
Table 20.
Sediment deposition along vegetative barriers at Dehradun (Source: Narain et al. [97]).
Vegetative Barrier | No. of Years | Sediment Deposited (ton ha−1year−1) | Average Deposition (ton ha−1year−1) | Soil Loss s(ton ha−1year−1) |
Leucaena hedge in turmeric field | 3 | 47.3 | 15.8 | 7.6 |
Leucaena hedge in maize field | 3 | 184.0 | 61.3 | 12.1 |
Leucaena trees in maize field | 9 | 256.5 | 28.5 | 8.8 |
Eucalyptus trees in maize field | 9 | 185.6 | 20.6 | 5.8 |
Leucaena trees in turmeric field | 9 | 90.1 | 10.1 | 6.8 |
Eucalyptus trees in turmeric field | 9 | 103.7 | 11.5 | 7.1 |
In a novel attempt in Bangladesh, implementation of jute geotextiles aided by native vegetation cover was investigated in 2009. Combined presence of jute geotextiles and vegetation cover decreased erosion rates by ~95% and runoff by ~70% with respect to bare plots (that had ~18 ton ha
−1 year
−1 soil loss) on a 20% land slope [
4.16. Agroforestry
Agroforestry systems are an appropriate management tool for both acid and salt-affected soils, because perennial woody vegetation recycles nutrients, maintains soil organic matter, and protects soil from surface erosion and runoff [
99]. Four multipurpose tree species were compared with a control plot (without tree plantation) for soil fertility status in an acid soil of India. The presence of trees improved the physico-chemical and microbial biomass parameters by storing greater SOC [
100]. Tree vegetation in an agroforestry system serves two major purposes: (i) the fine root system holds soil in place, reducing susceptibility to erosion; and (ii) plant stems decrease the flow velocity of runoff, enhancing sedimentation.
Nair [
101] stated three environmental benefits of agroforestry systems: water-quality enhancement, C sequestration, and soil improvement. These benefits are based on the perceived ability of (i) vegetative buffer strips to decrease surface transport of agrochemical pollutants; (ii) large volumes of aboveground and belowground biomass of trees to store C deeper in the soil profile; and (iii) trees enhance soil productivity through biological N
2 fixation, efficient nutrient cycling, and deep capture of nutrients. Legume-based agroforestry has the capacity to support biological N fixation to enhance subsequent soil N availability and therefore improve soil fertility and crop yields [
Biosaline (agro) forestry is the cultivation of trees and/or crops on salt-affected soils. Some tree species are less susceptible to soil salinity and sodicity than agricultural crops and hence the cultivation of these trees can help regenerate these soils. In alkaline waste lands, mechanical impedance is a major cause of poor root proliferation. This problem could be overcome by planting
Prosopis juliflora, which has roots to vertically penetrate a hard pan [
103]. Mishra
et al. [
104] opined that soil erosion can be decreased in alkaline soils with
Prosopis juliflora and
Casuarina equisetifolia due to the formation of stable soil aggregates in the surface layers. Kaur
et al. [
105] analyzed the role of agroforestry systems (
Eucalyptus and
Populus along with rice–berseem (
Trifolium alexandrinum L.)) to improve soil organic matter, microbial activity and N availability and observed that: (i) microbial biomass C and N were greater by 42% and 13%, respectively, in tree-based systems than mono-cropping; (ii) soil organic C increased by 11%–52% due to integration of trees along with crops after 6–7 years.
In India, many tolerant species for saline soils have been tried since long (
Table 21), like:
Prosopis juliflora,
S. oleoides,
T. troupii,
Salsolabaryosma etc., successful on sites with ECe > 35 dS m
Acacia farnesiana,
Parkinsonia aculeate on sites with moderate salinity (ECe 25–35 dS m
Casuarina (glauca,
Acacia tortilis,
A. nilotica,
Callistemon lanceolata,
Pongamia pinnata,
Eucalyptus camaldulensis,
Albizia lebbeck on sites with moderate salinity (ECe 15–25 dS m
−1), trees like
Casuarina cunninghamiana,
Eucalyptus tereticornis,
Acacia catcechu,
A. ampliceps,
A. eburnea,
Dalbergia sissoo,
etc. on sites with lower salinity (ECe 10–15 dS m
Table 21.
Ameliorative effects of tree plantation on salt affected soils of India.
Table 21.
Ameliorative effects of tree plantation on salt affected soils of India.
Region | Tree Species | Soil Depth (cm) | Original | After | References |
pH | EC (dS m−1) | pH | EC (dS m−1) |
Karnataka | Acacia nilotica (age 10 years) | 0–15 | 9.2 | 3.73 | 7.9 | 2.05 | Basavaraja et al. [106] |
Karnal | Eucalyptus tereticornis (age 9 years) | 0–10 | 10.06 | 1.90 | 8.02 | 0.63 | Mishra et al. [107] |
Lucknow and Bahraich in north India. | Terminaliaarjuna | 0–15 | 9.60 ± 0.42 | 1.47 ± 0.45 | 8.40 ± 0.27 | 0.31 ± 0.07 | Singh and Kaur [108] |
Prosopisjuliflora | 8.70 ± 0.33 | 0.42 ± 0.06 |
Tectonagrandis | 6.15 ± 0.23 | 0.06 ± 0.006 |
4.17. Conservation Agriculture (CA)
Conservation agriculture refers to a set of principles, grounded in sound science that is gradually being adopted globally. The concept includes: (1) causing minimum disturbance to the soil surface by using no- or minimum-tillage; (2) keeping the soil surface covered all the time through practices such as retention of crop residue, mulching, or growing cover crops; (3) adopting crop sequences or rotations that include agroforestry in spatial and temporal scales; and (4) controlled traffic [
109]. Collectively these practices lead to an increase in water stable aggregates, greater SOC concentrations, and protection from wind and water erosion. Conservation agriculture-based crop management technologies include zero tillage (ZT) with residue recycling; laser assisted precision land levelling, direct drilling into the residues and direct seeding.
In the Himalayan region, year-round ZT under irrigated rice-wheat system with two irrigations at critical growth stages [
110], year-round ZT with integrated nutrient management under an irrigated rice-wheat system [
58], and 10-cm stubble retention (under CA) of rice and wheat crops for maximum yield and fodder production [
111] are novel technologies (
Table 22). Zero tillage enhanced macroaggregate-associated SOC and intra-aggregate particulate organic C under a rainfed finger millet-lentil system (
Figure 4), but only in the topsoil [
59]. Plots with minimum tillage (MT; a 50% tillage reduction) improved SOC stock in the 0–15 cm layer, as well as soybean yield. Under direct-seeded rice-wheat systems, adoption of ZT with two irrigations in each crop improved topsoil physical properties and SOC content after four years with similar mean crop yields as with CT using four irrigations [
112]. Conservation tillage improved soil aggregate stability and labile C pools in the surface layer, across different cropping systems both under rainfed and irrigated conditions in the Himalayas [
57]. Introduction of a legume crop improved C retention in surface soils under conservation tillage even with only short-term adoption.
Table 22.
Impacts of conservation tillage practices on carbon retention in the 0–15 cm layer and crop yield change in the Indian Himalayas.
Table 22.
Impacts of conservation tillage practices on carbon retention in the 0–15 cm layer and crop yield change in the Indian Himalayas.
Rainfed Management Practices | Duration of Adoption (year) | Carbon Retention over Control/CT(Mg ha−1year−1) | Yield Change over | Yield Change (Mg ha−1year−1) |
Zero tillage-irrigated | 4 | 0.20 | CT | −0.09 * (R) & −0.23 * (W) |
Zero tillage-rainfed | 4 | 0.61 | CT | −0.44 (SEY) |
As mentioned earlier, CA has emerged as a new paradigm to achieve goals of sustainable agricultural production in South Asia [
113]. Another technology is controlled traffic farming using permanent tram lines. For this system, all equipment on the farm needs a standardized track width. Soil between tram lines has better structure and is free of compaction, while the heavily compacted tramlines provide better trafficability and traction [
114]. As a result, tillage cost is decreased and yield increase in the cropping area exceeds the loss of land due to tramlines. In the Indo-Gangetic Plain region, bed planting under CT and ZT generally saves irrigation water [
115] and labor requirements without sacrificing crop productivity [
Figure 4.
Intra-aggregate particulate organic matter-carbon (iPOM-C; g kg
−1 of sand-free aggregates) in aggregate-size fractions at the (
a) 0- to 5-cm and (
b) 5- to 15-cm soil layers as affected by tillage practices after six years of rainfed cropping. Bars followed by a similar letter between treatments within an aggregate size class are not significantly different at
P < 0.05 level of significance according to Tukey’s HSD mean separation test. “(I)” and “(II)” in legend refer to coarse (250–2000 μm) and fine (53–250 μm) iPOM in the respective aggregate sizes (Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Figure 4.
Intra-aggregate particulate organic matter-carbon (iPOM-C; g kg
−1 of sand-free aggregates) in aggregate-size fractions at the (
a) 0- to 5-cm and (
b) 5- to 15-cm soil layers as affected by tillage practices after six years of rainfed cropping. Bars followed by a similar letter between treatments within an aggregate size class are not significantly different at
P < 0.05 level of significance according to Tukey’s HSD mean separation test. “(I)” and “(II)” in legend refer to coarse (250–2000 μm) and fine (53–250 μm) iPOM in the respective aggregate sizes (Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
In another study in the region, Das
et al. [
118] observed that plots under permanent broad bed with 20% cotton residue and 40% wheat residue retention had significantly higher economic profitability and crop productivity than farmers’ practice under a CT cotton-wheat cropping system. In this study, Das
et al. [
118] concluded that 2-year mean seed cotton yield under ZT permanent broad-bed sowing with residue retention was about 24% and 51% greater compared with ZT narrow-bed sowing without residue retention (2.91 Mg ha
−1) and CT (2.59 Mg ha
−1), respectively (
Table 23). Mean water productivity of the system in the permanent broad bed with residue retention (12.58 kg wheat grain ha
−1) was 12%–48% greater compared with CT, narrow bed with and without residues, broad bed, and ZT plots (
Table 24). Net return of the permanent broad bed plots with residue retention was 36% and 13% greater compared with CT and narrow bed plots, but was similar to other treatments. Some of the challenges that follow from continuous ZT practice are management of perennial weeds and strategies to combat yield reduction. Yields of ZT crops are often decreased by 5% to 10% on sandy loam soils of India compared with under CT in the initial years [
Table 23.
Productivity (Mg ha
−1) of cotton, wheat and system productivity (Mg ha
−1) in terms of wheat equivalent yield (WEY) as affected by tillage, bed planting and residue management practices in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains (Data source: Das
et al. [
Table 23.
Productivity (Mg ha−1) of cotton, wheat and system productivity (Mg ha−1) in terms of wheat equivalent yield (WEY) as affected by tillage, bed planting and residue management practices in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains (Data source: Das et al. [118]).
Treatments * | 2010–2011 | 2011–2012 | 2012–2013 |
Seed Cotton Yield | Wheat Grain Yield | System Productivity (WEY) | Seed Cotton Yield | Wheat Grain Yield | System Productivity (WEY) | Seed Cotton Yield | Wheat Grain Yield | System Productivity (WEY) |
CT | 2.44 c | 4.85 a | 10.30 b | 2.73 c | 4.29 b | 11.16 c | 2.70 c | 4.46 b | 12.25 b |
PNB | 2.71 bc | 4.55 a | 10.60 b | 3.10 bc | 4.37 b | 12.17 bc | 3.08 ab | 4.83 ab | 13.72 ab |
PNB + R | 2.96 b | 4.61 a | 11.23 ab | 3.33 b | 4.60 ab | 12.97 b | 3.38 a | 4.98 a | 14.74 a |
PBB | 3.13 ab | 4.82 a | 11.81 ab | 3.42 ab | 4.19 bc | 12.80 b | 3.11 ab | 4.75 ab | 13.72 ab |
PBB + R | 3.28 a | 4.85 a | 12.16 a | 3.93 a | 4.77 a | 14.67 a | 3.46 a | 4.89 a | 14.88 a |
ZT + R | - | - | - | 4.00 a | 4.44 ab | 14.50 a | 3.21 ab | 4.73 ab | 13.99 ab |
ZT | - | - | - | 3.95 a | 4.00 c | 13.93 ab | 3.02 bc | 4.63 ab | 13.35 ab |
Table 24.
Impacts of tillage, bed planting and residue management practices on water productivity (kg wheat grain/ha.mm) under the cotton-wheat system (Source: Das
et al. [
Table 24.
Impacts of tillage, bed planting and residue management practices on water productivity (kg wheat grain/ha.mm) under the cotton-wheat system (Source: Das et al. [118]).
Treatments * | 2011–2012 | 2012–2013 |
Total Water Applied in the System (mm) | System Water Productivity | Total Water Applied in the System (mm) | System Water Productivity |
CT | 1417 | 8.65 d | 1331 | 8.38 d |
PNB | 1297 | 10.58 b | 1208 | 10.07 c |
PNB + R | 1282 | 10.50 bc | 1181 | 10.98 bc |
PBB | 1260 | 10.89 b | 1160 | 11.03 bc |
PBB + R | 1222 | 12.18 a | 1130 | 12.98 a |
ZT + R | 1312 | 10.66 b | 1247 | 11.62 b |
ZT | 1387 | 9.62 c | 1310 | 10.63 bc |
Unlike conventional farming methods, CA minimizes soil disturbance and recycles crop residues. Soil bulk density may be decreased, soil aggregation may be improved, and SOC may increase to reverse land degradation with CA. Specific results from four years of wheat-based cropping system in the western Indo-Gangetic Plains indicate that ZT had higher C retention potential than CT in the 0–30 cm soil layer with 8.6% and 10.2% of the gross C input retained under CT and ZT, respectively (
Figure 5; Das
et al. [
Figure 5.
Total soil organic C (SOC) retention potential of residue management practices under (
a) conventional tillage and (
b) zero tillage under a wheat based cropping system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (Source: Das
et al. [
Figure 5.
Total soil organic C (SOC) retention potential of residue management practices under (
a) conventional tillage and (
b) zero tillage under a wheat based cropping system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (Source: Das
et al. [
In another study in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, topsoil under ZT with bed planting had greater concentration of macroaggregates (0.25–8 mm) and mean weight diameter with a concomitant lower silt + clay sized particles than under CT with bed planting and CT with flat planting after 4 years. Soil with both cotton/maize and wheat residue retention had greater macroaggregate concentration and mean weight diameter and similar bulk density than with residue removal (
Figure 6). Soil aggregation is improved with larger aggregates and greater mean weight diameter [
Conservation agriculture has the potential to decrease sub-surface compaction and improve least limiting water range [
121]. During the third year of a study at New Delhi, soil penetration resistance exceeded 2 MPa in the 15–30 cm soil layer beneath puddled and transplanted rice in rotation with wheat under CT, but under direct seeded rice with brown manuring and ZT penetration resistance values were <1.5 MPa throughout the 0–60 cm profile. Soil bulk density was lower under the ZT system than under the CT system in the 0–30 cm soil layer (
Table 25). Retaining crop residues with permanent broad beds had significantly lower penetration resistance than with permanent narrow-beds with residue and other tillage and residuce management in a cotton-wheat system [
121]. Retaining crop residue resulted in lower BD values in the 15–30 cm soil layer under the cotton-wheat system than removing them (
Table 26). Retaining crop resicue also had ~12% higher least limiting water range than with CT (10.1%) in the 15–30 cm layer. In the 0–15 cm soil layer, retaining residues under ZT, permanent broad beds, and permanent narrow beds had 13%, 24% and 11% higher mean least limiting water range, respectively, than the same tillage systems without residue retention. This indicates that ZT without residue addition had deleterious impact on soil water availability and structural property and should be avoided. Overall, among the treatments, PBB + R and DSR + BM-ZTW were the best management practices for improved soil physical environment under cotton-wheat and rice-wheat systems, respectively, and therefore should be adopted.
Figure 6.
Impacts of conservation agriculture (CA) on soil aggregation in the 0–5 cm layer in the upper IGP (Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Figure 6.
Impacts of conservation agriculture (CA) on soil aggregation in the 0–5 cm layer in the upper IGP (Source: Bhattacharyya
et al. [
Table 25.
Soil bulk density of plots with different conservation agricultural practices in the rice–wheat system (Source: Mishra
et al. [
Table 25.
Soil bulk density of plots with different conservation agricultural practices in the rice–wheat system (Source: Mishra et al. [121]).
Bulk Density (Mean of Two Sampling Events) during Rice (Mg m−3 ) |
Conservation Agricultural Practices | 0–15 cm | 15–30 cm | 30–45 cm |
PTR − CTW | 1.45 b | 1.70 a | 1.72 a |
DSR + BM − ZTW | 1.47 ab | 1.63 b | 1.70 a |
DSR − ZTW | 1.50 a | 1.64 ab | 1.72 a |
Adoption of CA, as a complete package, is one of the major strategies for increasing SOC stock. Although crop residue incorporation initially leads to immobilization of inorganic N, addition of 15–20 kg N ha
−1 with straw incorporation eventually increases yield of rice and wheat. Incorporation/retention of rice residue in the soil returns essential organic C and N back to the field to favorably impact soil structural status. Surface residue placement had greater C retention than residue incorporation in a maize-wheat-greengram cropping system [
120]. Zero tillage in particular can complicate manure application and may also contribute to nutrient stratification within the soil profile from repeated surface applications without mechanical incorporation. Conservation agriculture has tremendous potential to improve water use efficiency of crops and decrease water loss. If CA could be adopted on half of Haryana’s rice-wheat area, the practice would decrease diesel use by 17.4 million liters per year. Using a conversion factor of 2.6 kg CO
2 per liter of diesel burned, this would represent a reduction of more than 25,000 tons each year in CO
2 emissions [
116]. Because ZT takes immediate advantage of residual moisture from the previous rice crop, as well as cutting down on subsequent irrigation, water use is decreased by about 10 cm-hectares, or approximately 1 million liters ha
Table 26.
Soil bulk density of plots with different conservation agricultural practices in the cotton-wheat system during crop growth period (Source: Mishra
et al. [
Table 26.
Soil bulk density of plots with different conservation agricultural practices in the cotton-wheat system during crop growth period (Source: Mishra et al. [121]).
Bulk Density (Mean of Four Sampling Events in Two Years) during Cotton (Mg m−3) |
Conservation Agricultural Practices | 0–15 cm | 15–30 cm | 30–45 cm |
CT | 1.52 bc | 1.65 ab | 1.70 a |
PNB | 1.48 c | 1.62 b | 1.71 a |
PBB | 1.50 c | 1.63 b | 1.70 a |
ZT | 1.63 a | 1.68 a | 1.70 a |
PNB + R | 1.43 d | 1.56 c | 1.70 a |
PBB + R | 1.44 d | 1.57 c | 1.69 a |
ZT + R | 1.57 b | 1.60 bc | 1.70 a |
With greater aggregation due to fewer disturbances by tillage operations and addition of surface residues, total pore space in soil under CA increases. In a study from central India, CA generally improved water retention properties of soil through its effect on pore size distribution and soil structure. Volumetric soil water retention of the surface 0–15 cm soil was greater in ZT and decreased tillage systems than in CT (
Table 27). Similarly at permanent wilting point, CA treatments retained more water than with CT. Difference in water storage between tillage treatments was less at permanent wilting point (2.5%) than at field capacity (4.2%). Conservation agriculture increased soil-water retention more at lower suctions due to increase in micro-pores and inter-aggregate pores caused by enhanced SOC content and higher activity of soil fauna e.g., earthworms and termites. At higher tensions close to permanent wilting point (1.5 MPa), nearly all pores were filled with air and surface area and thickness of water films on soil particle surfaces determined moisture retention. Following addition of organic matter, specific surface area of soils increased resulting in increased water holding capacity at higher tensions [
Table 27.
Effect of different tillage systems on soil water retention of Vertisols (Source: Hati
et al. [
Table 27.
Effect of different tillage systems on soil water retention of Vertisols (Source: Hati et al. [122]).
Tillage | Soil Water Retention (%) (v/v) |
Field Capacity (0.033 MPa) | Permanent Wilting Point (1.5 MPa) | Available Water Capacity |
Conventional Tillage | 33.5 | 22.6 | 10.9 |
Mouldboard tillage | 35.4 | 24.7 | 10.7 |
Reduced Tillage | 36.5 | 24.6 | 11.9 |
No Tillage | 37.7 a | 25.1 | 12.6 |
LSD (P = 0.05) | 2.4 | 2.1 | NS |
Despite many benefits of CA practices as mentioned above, the adoption rate in India is very low. Farmers prefer to follow a partial adoption of CA practices, i.e., transplanted rice in puddled soil in the Kharif season and CA (ZT with residue retention) for wheat in the Rabi season due to several factors, including (i) poor germination and low crop productivity under direct seeded rice, because puddling and waterlogged condition helps to reduce soil pH in alkaline soils and thus improve soil chemical health during the rice growing season; (ii) availability of rain and irrigation water for raising a good rice crop under puddled condition; and (iii) less care is needed for transplanted rice in puddled soil compared with direct seeding. Some farmers even grow CT maize/jowar in the Kharif season (for better weed control, aeration and reduction in surface compactness/crusting) and raise wheat under CA in the Rabi season. However, repeated puddling aggravates other problems like soil compaction, development of salt affected soils and decline in water table in the area (due to high evaporative demand in this climate). Looking at these facts and due to constant efforts by several institutions, some farmers of the district have started adopting full or complete CA (i.e., direct-seeded rice followed by ZT wheat), but the duration of adoption is less than 3–4 years.
In drylands, Jat
et al. [
123] opined that the major constraints to the use of CA include insufficient amounts of residues due to water shortage and degraded nature of soil resource, competing uses of crop residues, resource poor smallholder farmers, and lack of in-depth research. Even then, CA holds considerable promise in the arid region, because it can control soil erosion by wind and water, reduce compaction and crusting. Due to limited production of biomass, competing uses of crop residues and shortage of firewood, farmers often find it hard to use crop residues to cover soil surface in dryland eco-systems, where only a single crop is grown in a year. With CA (soil cover with crop residues), it is sometimes possible to grow a second crop with residual soil moisture in the profile. It is, however, better to use the chopped biomass of semi-hard woody perennial plants instead of crop residues to cover the soil surface [
4.18. Intensive Cropping, Diversified Cropping and Integrated Farming Systems
There is already a greater emphasis on crop diversification due to growing concerns about the unsustainability of the rice–wheat system throughout the Indo-Gangetic Plains. The water requirement for rice is about 80% greater than for other crops. Growing non-rice crops in some areas and summer cropping with legumes such as green gram, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) or dhaincha (Sesbania sp.) are essential for conserving resources and improving productivity. In Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, >95% of the area of rice, as well as a large portion of wheat, is under irrigation. Water use efficiency could be greatly increased with cover crops or growing of non-rice based cropping systems. Productivity of waterlogged soils in the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains could be increased by practicing a raised-sunken bed system. Soybean can be grown on raised beds, while paddy rice can be grown in sunken beds during the rainy season. Productivity of rice fallows in eastern India could be increased by growing rabi legumes on raised beds and wheat in sunken beds.
In a study to develop sustainable agricultural intensification with CA in an alkaline soil in Karnal, Gathala
et al. [
124] compared four novel scenarios. Maize under ZT was as productive and almost as profitable as rice during the rainy (
kharif) season, while using 90%–95% and 88%–91% less irrigation water than puddle transplanted rice and ZT rice, respectively (
Table 28). Maize can therefore be an alternative to rice in areas with extreme labor and water scarcity. Avoiding puddling and use of ZT (for rice or maize) with full residue retention increased profitability and yield of the succeeding wheat crop each year (by 0.5 to 1.2 ton ha
−1) than farmers’ practice. Inclusion of green gram in the cropping system resulted in greater system productivity and profitability than without green gram.
Table 28.
Drivers of agricultural change, crop rotation, tillage, crop establishment method and residue management of the four scenarios as studied by Gathala
et al. [
Table 28.
Drivers of agricultural change, crop rotation, tillage, crop establishment method and residue management of the four scenarios as studied by Gathala et al. [124].
Scenario | Crop Rotation | Tillage | Crop Establishment | Residue Management |
Farmers’ practice; S1 | Rice–Wheat | CT-CT * | Transplanted–Broadcasted | Removal |
To deal with increasing food demand; S2 | Rice–Wheat–Green gram | CT-ZT-ZT | Transplanted− ZT-ZT | Anchored–Removal–Incorporation |
To deal with rising scarcity of labor, water and energy and degrading soil health (CA based); S3 | Rice–Wheat–Green gram | ZT-ZT-ZT | Direct Drilling | Retention–Anchored–Retention |
Futuristic intensified and diversified cropping system (CA based); S4 | Maize–Wheat–Green gram | ZT-ZT-ZT | Direct Drilling /Planting | Retention–Anchored–Retention |
In India, 65% of farming households are considered marginal in sustainability (<1 ha). These farms comprise nearly 400 million people and nearly 40% of them are vulnerable, marginalized and food insecure. Hence, integrated farming systems have emerged as a well-accepted, single window, and sound strategy for harmonizing simultaneously joint management of land, water, vegetation, livestock, and human resources. The goals of integrated farming systems are to meet soils’ productive potential and reduce risks of environmental degradation. By including tree crops with a high quality of leaf litter and root binding ability, erodibility from rainfall/runoff can be reduced and physico-chemical conditions improve. Soil health can be managed and sustained through organic inputs.