Lost in Transition or Geared for the S-Curve? An Analysis of Flemish Transition Trajectories with a Focus on Energy Use and Buildings
:1. Introduction
1.1. Transitions for Sustainable Development: An Eye on the City!
1.2. Transition “Management” Approaches: An Enabling Approach for New Governance?
1.3. More than a Promise? Evidence Based Critical View on Urban Transition Approaches
- (a)
- Drastic innovation, systemic innovation. Transition management trajectories are envisaged to promote and/or reinforce systemic thinking. As such, it is expected that in a transition management or an Urban Transition Lab setting, more holistic, inter- and transdisciplinary problem definitions and, as such, solution pathways will emerge (e.g., [31]).
- (b)
- Long term vision guided sustainability trajectories. “Leitbilder” of sustainable future system configurations, co-created with a diversity of stakeholders and underpinned by fundamental values and guiding principles, act as devices for content as well as process-related connections and dynamics (e.g., [24]).
- (c)
- Translating innovative practice into (new) mainstream practices. Endogenizing transition-like thinking and working in mainstream practices of “regime actors” is seen as an important outcome of successful transition management trajectories. In fact, it is the ultimate result of changing practices, cultures, and structures [20].
2. Methods and Materials
2.1. Case Study Research
2.2. Cases: Urban Transition Actions in Flanders, Focused on Climate Change Mitigation
Provinces or Cities Sectors * | Limburg 2008 | Ghent 2007 | Leuven 2010 | Antwerp 2012 |
Households | 29 | 23 | 32 | 28 |
Commerce & Services | 8 | 15 | 26 | 24 |
Subtotal buildings | 37 | 38 | 58 | 52 |
Transport | 24 | 15 | 24 | 31 |
Industry | 33 | 46 | 14 | 9 |
Agriculture & Nature | 7 | 1 | 4 | / |
Energy production | / | / | ~0 | 8 |
2.3. Living and Building as a Focus Area
- (a)
- Built environment (residential + non-residential)
- (b)
- Transport and mobility
- (c)
- (Urban) nature, agriculture and local food production
- (d)
- Enterprise and industry
- (e)
- Renewable energy production
- (f)
- Consumption
2.4. Four Locations, Four Process Architectures
2.4.1. The City of Ghent
2.4.2. The Province of Limburg
2.4.3. The City of Leuven
2.4.4. The City of Antwerp
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. The General Context and Feeling of Systems’ Inertia and Resistance to Change
3.2. Barriers for Acceleration of Urban Transitions in the Fields of Energy Use and Buildings
- -
- financing: investments in renewable energy and/or profound building renovation show high upfront investments and relatively long payback periods, elements that are in stride with prevailing routines with low cut off for payback periods. The problem is very pertinent both for investing in (collective) renewable energy installations and for (collective) deep building renovation. Risk aversion and higher transaction costs by lack of knowledge and experience may add to the problem;
- -
- policy cycles: short term legislative periods, with programs to be accounted for by next elections discourage long term objectives with respective postponed outcomes and rewards. As such, major challenges with regard to an item like climate change may be “claimed” and expressed in rather promotional goals, yet lacking actual execution in effective action. As a result, and notwithstanding the well-intended policy makers’ embracement of climate neutrality (and its coinciding promotion), coming down to the bare practicalities (investing, changing the rules,…) is strongly hampered by short term concerns.
- -
- household concerns: costs like the ones of energy remain relatively low and constitute only a small share of overall costs. This is partly due to the fact that externalities are not (yet) included in cost prices and/or the incentives for probable future changes are off the radar of citizen households and their dwelling and energy use practices.
3.3. Reflecting the State of the Art against the Framework of Transition Theory
4. When It Comes to the Crunch: Solution Pathways to Initiate Acceleration
4.1. Winning Them Over: Mobilizing Actors beyond Standard Practice
4.2. Paying the Bills: Exploration of Upcoming Financing Mechanisms
4.2.1. Grouped Acquisition
4.2.2. Cooperative Societies
4.2.3. Special Purpose Vehicles and Energy Performance Contracting
4.2.4. Funds and Bonds
4.2.5. Combined Solutions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Vandevyvere, H.; Nevens, F. Lost in Transition or Geared for the S-Curve? An Analysis of Flemish Transition Trajectories with a Focus on Energy Use and Buildings. Sustainability 2015, 7, 2415-2436. https://doi.org/10.3390/su7032415
Vandevyvere H, Nevens F. Lost in Transition or Geared for the S-Curve? An Analysis of Flemish Transition Trajectories with a Focus on Energy Use and Buildings. Sustainability. 2015; 7(3):2415-2436. https://doi.org/10.3390/su7032415
Chicago/Turabian StyleVandevyvere, Han, and Frank Nevens. 2015. "Lost in Transition or Geared for the S-Curve? An Analysis of Flemish Transition Trajectories with a Focus on Energy Use and Buildings" Sustainability 7, no. 3: 2415-2436. https://doi.org/10.3390/su7032415
APA StyleVandevyvere, H., & Nevens, F. (2015). Lost in Transition or Geared for the S-Curve? An Analysis of Flemish Transition Trajectories with a Focus on Energy Use and Buildings. Sustainability, 7(3), 2415-2436. https://doi.org/10.3390/su7032415