The Climate Adaptation Frontier
:1. Introduction
2. Defining the Frontier
3. Beyond the Frontier—The Earth System’s “Manifest Destiny”?
Driving Force | Symptoms | Implications |
Adaptation/development deficits |
Path dependence |
Uncertainty in limits |
Competing values |
Discounting of future loss and damage |
3.1. Path Dependence
3.2. Adaptation and Development Deficits
3.3. Uncertainty in Limits to Adaptation
3.4. Competing Values
3.5. Discounting the Costs and Benefits of Adaptation
4. Life on the Frontier
5. Discussion
- (1)
- Integration: The adaptation frontier recognizes that there are limits to the pressures that socio-ecological systems can endure before they can no longer sustain societal values and objectives. However, rather than these limits being simply a function of discrete climatic thresholds, they are emergent properties of multiple determinants. Some of these determinants are biophysical, but others originate solely within socioeconomic systems.
- (2)
- Ambiguity: The limits to the sustainability of socio-ecological systems cannot be clearly demarcated, as they are contingent upon human values and choices that have yet to be made. Uncertainty regarding these aspects of the adaptation frontier is irreducible, and thus, the frontier domain and its boundaries are unavoidably ambiguous. A meaningful discussion regarding the capacity of adaptation to provide sustainable outcomes, therefore, requires some a priori assumption or articulation of sustainability objectives, as well as a holistic accounting of the pressures experienced by systems and the mechanisms by which those pressures can be managed.
- (3)
- Transformation: The concept of an adaptation frontier shifts the discourse around adaptation from one focused on incremental adjustments that yield incremental benefits to one focused on system transformation. The existence of limits to sustainability, even with investments in adaptation, suggests that loss and damage is a likely consequence of climatic and non-climate change. While some degree of loss and damage may be borne by some systems, for others they may pose a fundamental threat to sustainability objectives. Hence, adaptive transformation that fundamentally alters actors’ perspectives on sustainability, societal objectives and how they can be achieved may be necessary to secure a safe operating space.
6. Conclusions
Conflict of Interest
References and Notes
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Preston, B.L.; Dow, K.; Berkhout, F. The Climate Adaptation Frontier. Sustainability 2013, 5, 1011-1035.
Preston BL, Dow K, Berkhout F. The Climate Adaptation Frontier. Sustainability. 2013; 5(3):1011-1035.
Chicago/Turabian StylePreston, Benjamin L., Kirstin Dow, and Frans Berkhout. 2013. "The Climate Adaptation Frontier" Sustainability 5, no. 3: 1011-1035.
APA StylePreston, B. L., Dow, K., & Berkhout, F. (2013). The Climate Adaptation Frontier. Sustainability, 5(3), 1011-1035.