Industry Experts’ Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities of the Integration of Bio-Based Insulation Materials in the European Construction Sector
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Literature Review
Q1: What are the in-situ challenges and opportunities for integrating bio-based insulation materials for construction in Europe?
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Background of the Participants
3.2. Integration Difficulties and Opportunities
3.2.1. Regulations and Policy
The Netherlands
3.2.2. Availability in the Market
The Netherlands
3.2.3. Techniques and Performance
The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Portugal
3.2.4. Finance and Cost
The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Portugal
3.2.5. User/Buyer Acceptance
The Netherlands
Switzerland, and Portugal
3.2.6. The Most Potential Key Factor Affecting BbIMs Implementation in the Construction Industry
3.3. Future Perceptions
3.3.1. Recommendation for Best Practices to Promote BbIMs in the Industry
3.3.2. The Current State of BbIMs Integration in BIM Practices within the Sector
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Participants | Role | Years of Experience | Insulations |
IT01 | Manufacturer | 10 | Hemp fiber panels, hemp wood blocks, hemp insulating plasters |
IT02 | Manufacturer | 18 | Hemp and lime bio-composite materials |
IT03 | Architect | 20 | Hemp Panels, EPS, Jute Panels |
IT04 | Distributor | 15 | Cork panels and granules, hemp mats |
IT05 | Architect | 12 | Straw, cork, hemp, rice husks |
ES01 | Distributor | 12 | Structural wood panels with straw insulation |
ES02 | Architect | 15 | Wheat, barley, rice straw, wood fiber, recycled cotton, cellulose, natural cork. |
ES03 | Architect | 25 | Straw, cork, cellulose, wood fibers |
ES04 | Architect | 20 | Bales of straw, wood fiber, and recycled cotton. |
DE01 | Distributor | 20 | Wood fiber products, hemp products, sheep’s wool products |
DE02 | Supplier | 30 | Hemp, wood fiber, cellulose, cork, reed |
DE03 | Distributor | 30 | Cellulose (flakes), wood fiber, hemp, flax |
DE04 | Supplier | 18 | Straw |
FR01 | Architect | 25 | wood, straw, earth, thatch, cellulose wadding, algae |
FR02 | Architect | - | Straw, wood, hemp |
NE01 | Contractors | 35 | wood fiber, straw bales, straw panels |
CH01 | Architect | 10 | Straw, wood fiber |
PT01 | Manufacturer | 50 | Expanded Cork Agglomerate |
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Zerari, S.; Franchino, R.; Pisacane, N. Industry Experts’ Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities of the Integration of Bio-Based Insulation Materials in the European Construction Sector. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7314.
Zerari S, Franchino R, Pisacane N. Industry Experts’ Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities of the Integration of Bio-Based Insulation Materials in the European Construction Sector. Sustainability. 2024; 16(17):7314.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZerari, Salima, Rossella Franchino, and Nicola Pisacane. 2024. "Industry Experts’ Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities of the Integration of Bio-Based Insulation Materials in the European Construction Sector" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7314.
APA StyleZerari, S., Franchino, R., & Pisacane, N. (2024). Industry Experts’ Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities of the Integration of Bio-Based Insulation Materials in the European Construction Sector. Sustainability, 16(17), 7314.