Smart and Sustainable Human-Centred Workstations for Operators with Disability in the Age of Industry 5.0: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
- Discipline 1: Workstation Design.
- Discipline 2: Disability in Manufacturing.
- Discipline 3: Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0.
- Discipline 4: Sustainability and Social Sustainability.
2. Setting the Scene for the PRISMA Systematic Review
3. Statistical Detail following the Identification of the Literature
4. Workstation Design for Heterogenous Operators on the Manufacturing Shop Floor
4.1. Designing Workstations That Empower Operators with Disabilities as Smart Learners
4.2. Workstation Design for, with, and by Operators with Disabilities
4.3. Balancing the Task-Skill Dynamic for Operators with Disabilities on the Shop Floor
4.4. Adapting, Accommodating, and Adjusting Workstations to Suit Operators with Disabilities
4.5. Key Takeaways from Section 4
5. Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, and the Impact on Inclusive Manufacturing Shop Floors
5.1. Investigating Industry 4.0 Assistive Technologies for the Shop Floor
5.2. Augmenting the Workspace of Operators with Disabilities on the Shop Floor
Disability vs. Simulation
5.3. The Uprise of Robots Collaborating with Operators with Disabilities
5.4. Cognitive Ergonomics for Inclusivity in Industry 4.0
5.5. Key Takeaways from Section 5
6. Sustainability on the Manufacturing Shop Floor and Industry 5.0
6.1. Industry 4.0 for Sustainability, or Sustainability for Industry 4.0?
6.2. A New Outlook towards Sustainability in the Age of Industry 5.0
6.3. Socially Sustainable Considerations for Operators with Disability on the Shop Floor
6.4. Key Takeaways from Section 6
7. Identified Research Gaps and Future Work
7.1. Main Research Question and the Main Outcomes of This Review
7.2. A Bright Future for Inclusivity on the Shop Floor in the Age of Industry 5.0: Future Work
7.3. Shifting the Direction towards a Holistically Sustainable Design Approach: Adopting the SDGs for Future Work
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- SDG 8—Decent Work and Economic Growth (primarily addressing Disciplines 2 and 4).
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- SDG 9—Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (primarily addressing Disciplines 1, 3 and 4; also recommended by [29] in pursuit of adopting SDGs towards Industry 5.0.).
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- SDG 10—Reduce inequality within and among countries (primarily addressing Disciplines 2 and 4).
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- SDG 12—Responsible Consumption and Production (primarily addressing Disciplines 3 and 4; also recommended by [29] in pursuit of adopting SDGs towards Industry 5.0.).
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Four Disciplines | Subtopics Identified | Corresponding Literary Work References |
Workstation design | Human skills in manufacturing | [2,4,5,6,7,9,10,12,18,19,20,25,29,33,34,38,40,42,43,45,48,49,50,51,52,55,58,59,61,64,66,71,78,90,91,92] |
Cognitive ergonomics | [4,5,6,10,11,19,20,29,34,37,39,43,48,50,61,63,64,66,69,71,74,75,76,77,80,90] | |
Physical ergonomics | [2,4,5,6,7,19,20,25,29,37,45,48,49,61,63,66,69,70,80] | |
User-centreed design/human-centred in manufacturing | [2,4,9,10,11,12,18,20,25,29,31,32,35,37,38,40,43,44,45,48,51,54,58,60,63,64,74,75,76,78,81] | |
Universal design in manufacturing | [4,7,40,43] | |
Participatory design in manufacturing | [7,10,18,34,38,47,62,68] | |
Assembly line balancing and job allocation | [2,5,10,19,22,24,33,37,38,39,44,45,46,48,59,71,76] | |
Inclusive workstation design for shop floor | [7,35,36,39,43,44,46,47,49,50,53,55,56,57,59,61,62,63,64,66,70,71,74,75,76,77,80,90] | |
Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 | Industry 4.0 in manufacturing | [2,6,7,9,12,18,22,29,31,32,33,35,36,37,39,40,43,44,45,48,51,54,58,60,61,63,65,66,69,71,75,76,78,80,81] |
Automation in manufacturing | [2,4,6,7,9,10,12,20,25,29,31,33,37,43,47,51,58,63,66,71,74,75,78,90,92] | |
I4.0 ATs for disabled operators | [4,11,18,19,20,22,33,35,36,37,39,40,42,43,44,47,50,51,53,54,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,69,71,74,75,77,80,90,91] | |
I4.0 ATs for mainstream operators | [2,6,9,10,12,25,33,35,37,39,40,48,51,71,76,78] | |
Human–robot collaboration | [18,19,29,37,44,47,48,54,58,59,62,63,65,68,80] | |
Accessibility | [4,6,7,11,12,14,18,20,29,34,36,42,43,44,46,51,58,60,61,62,63,64,65,70,74,75,80,90] | |
Industry 5.0 in manufacturing | [7,9,10,12,29,45,48,78,81,92] | |
Sustainability and social sustainability | Sustainability and Industry 4.0/5.0 | [7,9,10,31,32,45,78,81] |
Socially sustainable manufacturing | [2,6,7,9,10,12,18,25,29,31,32,34,36,38,42,43,45,48,65,66,69,78,81,92] | |
Social dimension of sustainability (generic) | [2,6,9,10,12,14,18,25,29,31,32,34,36,38,42,43,45,48,54,62,65,66,69,78,81,91,92] | |
Economically sustainable manufacturing | [7,9,10,29,31,32,34,78,81] | |
Economic sustainability (generic) | [9,10,29,31,32,34,78,81] | |
Environmentally sustainable manufacturing | [9,10,29,31,32,34,42,78,81] | |
Environmental sustainability (generic) | [9,10,29,31,32,34,38,42,78,81] | |
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) | [7,32,34,42] | |
Disability in manufacturing and disability studies | Disability and Industry 4.0 | [4,11,14,19,20,22,33,35,37,39,40,43,44,45,50,54,61,62,63,64,65,68,71,75,76,78,80,91] |
Disability in manufacturing | [4,5,6,7,11,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,33,34,35,36,37,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,49,50,51,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,74,75,76,77,78,80,90,91] | |
Psychology and behaviour studies | [14,19,37,55,56,64] | |
Universal design and disability | [7,18] | |
Physical disability | [4,14,37,47,51,55,63,64,65,66,68,69,70,77,91] | |
Sensory disability | [4,14,20,41,55,56,63,91] | |
Cognitive disability | [4,11,14,20,22,35,36,37,39,41,44,47,50,51,53,54,55,56,57,58,60,61,63,64,65,66,68,74,76,91] | |
Short-term memory loss | [53,65,76] | |
Learning disability | [11,14,47,56,65,68] | |
Visual | [42,51,53,55,56,57,63,65,68] | |
Disability in employment and accommodations | [4,7,11,14,19,20,21,22,37,40,42,43,44,46,47,49,50,51,53,55,57,59,61,63,66,68,69,70,71,75,80] | |
Sheltered workshops | [22,36,47,60,64,65,66,68,74,75,76,77] |
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“inclusive” AND “manufacturing” AND “workstation” AND “Industry 4.0” AND “disabilit” |
“industry 4.0” AND “disabilit” AND “workstation” AND “manufacturing” |
“smart” AND “sustainab” AND “workstation” AND “manufacturing” AND “disabilit” |
“sustainab” AND “workstation” AND “industry 4.0” AND “disabilit” |
“sustainab” AND “workstation” AND “industry 5.0” AND “disabilit” |
“industry 5.0” AND “disabilit” AND “manufacturing” |
“industry 4.0” AND “sustainab” AND “manufacturing” |
“industry 5.0” AND “sustainab” AND “manufacturing” |
Rank | Publication Title | Author | Date |
1st | Industry 4.0, digitization, and opportunities for sustainability | M. Ghobakhloo [31] | 2020 |
2nd | Industry 4.0 technologies assessment: A sustainability perspective | C. Bai [32] | 2020 |
3rd | Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications | P. Maddikunta [10] | 2022 |
4th | Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception | X. Xu [9] | 2021 |
5th | Empowering and engaging industrial workers with Operator 4.0 solutions | E. Kaasinen [2] | 2020 |
6th | Working with Augmented Reality?: A Long-Term Analysis of In-Situ Instructions at the Assembly Workplace | M. Funk [33] | 2017 |
7th | The role of manufacturing in affecting the social dimension of sustainability | J. Sutherland [34] | 2016 |
8th | The Design Space of Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications for Assistive Environments in Manufacturing: A Visual Approach | S. Büttner [35] | 2017 |
9th | Towards a Human-Centred Reference Architecture for Next Generation Balanced Automation Systems: Human-Automation Symbiosis | D. Romero [25] | 2015 |
10th | Using In-Situ Projection to Support Cognitively Impaired Workers at the Workplace | M. Funk [36] | 2015 |
Assistive System Category | Technology | Purpose of Technology for Operators with Different Disabilities | Reference |
Sensorial assistive systems | Warning lights | Exemplar for people with hearing disabilities, since such warning lights can allow for timely reaction. | [18,50,60] |
Audible signals | Idem to above purpose, with the exception that audible signals are suitable for people with vision disabilities. | [18,50,53,60,61] | |
Visual instructions | Ideal for people with vision disabilities; useful to convey warnings easily and reliably. | [11,18,50,60] | |
Smart watches | When amalgamating sensors such as heart monitoring sensors, real-time evaluation of the operator’s wellbeing is just a tap away. | [18] | |
Physical assistive systems | Exoskeletons | Physically worn by the user; practical for people with physical disabilities; promotes mobility to upper limbs, forearms, and whole-body movement. | [18] |
Collaborative robots and attachments | Integrated within the workstation to act as an extension of the operator, to sustain the operator during heavy load lifting—stimulates an ergonomically-conscious environment. Also suitable for tasks demanding a high degree of precision. | [18,59,62,63] | |
Virtual reality and head-mounted displays (HMDs) | Provides hands-free control for people with restricted dexterity and motor skills. | [35,62] | |
Cognitive assistive systems | Projectors and thermography technology | Used to avail operators of guidance during assembly tasks, whilst ensuring that an acceptable quality is simultaneously attained. | [11,33,36,44,58,61,63,64] |
Digital supportive services such as contour visualisation | Feasible for people with cognitive disabilities and provision of workload relief as opposed to having to recall everything by memory. Clear outlining of contours and instructions was also recognised as a beneficial implementation. | [11,33,36,63,64] | |
Collaborative robots and attachments | Supplement guidance during cognitively demanding tasks, such as laser-pointing and tracking. | [44,58,65] |
Areas of Commonality between Industry 4.0 and Sustainability, as Displayed by Ghobakhloo [31] | Economical | Environmental | Social |
Upscaling of business framework | ✓ | ||
Cutting down on CO2 emissions | ✓ | ||
Enhancing company profitability | ✓ | ||
Adopting economic growth | ✓ | ||
Resource management and energy efficiency | ✓ | ✓ | |
Consciousness towards the environment | ✓ | ✓ | |
Strengthening human resources | ✓ | ✓ | |
Prioritising efficiency in production | ✓ | ✓ | |
Provision of novel occupations | ✓ | ✓ | |
Decreasing costs to manufacture | ✓ | ||
Augmentation of manufacturing flexibility | ✓ | ✓ | |
Adaptable production | ✓ | ✓ | |
Ease of production versatility | ✓ | ✓ | |
Upgrading safety control through cobots | ✓ | ||
Managing supply chains | ✓ | ✓ | |
Enriching social consciousness | ✓ | ||
TOTAL | 13 | 8 | 4 |
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Share and Cite
Bonello, A.; Francalanza, E.; Refalo, P. Smart and Sustainable Human-Centred Workstations for Operators with Disability in the Age of Industry 5.0: A Systematic Review. Sustainability 2024, 16, 281.
Bonello A, Francalanza E, Refalo P. Smart and Sustainable Human-Centred Workstations for Operators with Disability in the Age of Industry 5.0: A Systematic Review. Sustainability. 2024; 16(1):281.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBonello, Amberlynn, Emmanuel Francalanza, and Paul Refalo. 2024. "Smart and Sustainable Human-Centred Workstations for Operators with Disability in the Age of Industry 5.0: A Systematic Review" Sustainability 16, no. 1: 281.
APA StyleBonello, A., Francalanza, E., & Refalo, P. (2024). Smart and Sustainable Human-Centred Workstations for Operators with Disability in the Age of Industry 5.0: A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 16(1), 281.