Brand Premium and Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy: Evidence from China Listed Companies
:1. Introduction
2. Related Research and Hypothesis Development
2.1. Brand Value Creation
2.2. The Influence of Carbon Information Disclosure on Brand Value
2.3. How Does the Carbon Information Disclosure Influence Brand Value?
2.3.1. Carbon Information, Customer and Brand Value
2.3.2. Carbon Information, Analyst Rating and Brand Value
2.3.3. Carbon Information, Financial Performance and Brand Value
3. Research
3.1. Sample and Data
3.1.1. Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy
3.1.2. Corporate Brand Value
3.1.3. Other Variables
3.2. Model
4. Results
4.1. Summary Statistics
4.2. The Impact of Carbon Information Disclosure on Corporate Brand Value
4.3. The Impact Mechanism of Carbon Information Disclosure on Corporate Reputation
4.3.1. Carbon Information Disclosure and Analyst Rating
4.3.2. Carbon Information Disclosure and Investor Sentiment
4.3.3. Carbon Information Disclosure and Corporate Performance
5. Robustness
6. Conclusions
7. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Carbon Information Disclosure | |
Beijing Gehua Cable Television Network Carbon accounting: According to the work arrangement of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the company actively completed the 2017 annual carbon emission data statistics and reporting, and the data verification and submission of the carbon emission gap credit purchase and verification report. Low-carbon culture: All company departments publicized the theme of “energy conservation, thrift, and morality” environmental protection activities through the office and business hall in the form of posters. | China Southern Airlines Carbon reduction qualitative targets: China Southern Airlines is deeply aware that improving efficiency and reducing carbon emissions is essential to achieve sustainable development and enhance its competitiveness. Bear the burden of energy conservation and emission reduction to deal with climate change caused by emissions. Carbon accounting: China Southern Airlines’ carbon dioxide emission in 2017 was 2527.94 w tons. Low-carbon measures: China Southern Airlines attaches great importance to energy management and reduces greenhouse gas emissions during operation by strengthening the control of jet fuel energy consumption and increasing the proportion of clean energy use. China Southern Airlines has begun independent research and development advantages to develop data storage tools that could replace paper boxes to reduce aircraft weight, fuel consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions, and reduce environmental impact. China Southern Airlines has participated in the EU carbon trading of emissions from flights between two points within the EU, according to the relevant regulations of the European Commission and Civil Aviation Administration, and has actively cooperated with the formulation of applicable technical rules of carbon trading in the civil aviation industry of Guangdong Province, achieving an annual reduction in performance costs. |
Name | Obs. | Mean | S.E. | Min | Max |
BV | 1515 | 1270.625 | 9049.876 | 2.980 | 253.628 |
CS | 1515 | 12.403 | 15.452 | 0 | 114 |
CDS1 | 1515 | 0.058 | 0.235 | 0 | 1 |
CDS2 | 1515 | 0.307 | 0.461 | 0 | 1 |
CDS3 | 1515 | 0.450 | 0.497 | 0 | 1 |
CDS4 | 1515 | 0.183 | 0.387 | 0 | 1 |
INCOME | 1515 | 4.02 × 1010 | 1.36 × 1011 | −2.28 × 108 | 1.64 × 1012 |
COST | 1515 | 3.38 × 1010 | 1.26 × 1011 | −6.90 × 108 | 1.58 × 1012 |
INVESTSENTIMENT | 1515 | 10.077 | 24.508 | 0.000 | 297.3945 |
ANALYST | 1515 | 4.321 | 0.482 | 1 | 5 |
NEWS | 1515 | 628.981 | 373.224 | 1 | 1321 |
SEARCH | 1515 | 13.641 | 1.109 | 10.807 | 17.919 |
LEV | 1515 | 0.531 | 0.216 | 0.071 | 0.951 |
ROE | 1515 | 0.058 | 0.059 | −0.492 | 0.345 |
LNRD | 1515 | 4.993261 | 8.814363 | 0 | 24.920 |
GROW | 1515 | 758 | 437.487 | 1 | 1515 |
IFHIGH | 1515 | 0.122 | 0.327 | 0 | 1 |
INTRADE | 1515 | 0.481 | 0.499 | 0 | 1 |
SOE | 1515 | 0.570 | 0.495 | 0 | 1 |
Variables | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) |
(1) BV | 1.000 | ||||||||||||||||||
(2) CS | 0.362 *** | 1.000 | |||||||||||||||||
(3) CDS1 | 0.030 | −0.115 *** | 1.000 | ||||||||||||||||
(4) CDS2 | 0.302 *** | 0.720 *** | −0.167 *** | 1.000 | |||||||||||||||
(5) CDS3 | −0.342 *** | −0.600 *** | −0.226 *** | −0.603 *** | 1.000 | ||||||||||||||
(6) CDS4 | 0.061 ** | −0.018 | −0.118 *** | −0.316 *** | −0.429 *** | 1.000 | |||||||||||||
(7) INCOME | 0.368 *** | 0.326 *** | −0.015 | 0.276 *** | −0.294 *** | 0.058 ** | 1.000 | ||||||||||||
(8) COST | 0.400 *** | 0.345 *** | −0.014 | 0.303 *** | −0.311 *** | 0.047 * | 0.976 *** | 1.000 | |||||||||||
(9) INVESTSENTIMENT | 0.074 *** | −0.046 * | 0.018 | −0.034 | −0.013 | 0.047 * | −0.146 *** | −0.150 *** | 1.000 | ||||||||||
(10) ANALYST | 0.126 *** | 0.064 ** | 0.054 ** | 0.087 *** | −0.079 *** | −0.035 | 0.065 ** | 0.094 *** | 0.030 | 1.000 | |||||||||
(11) NEWS | 0.131 *** | 0.040 | 0.012 | 0.039 | −0.072 *** | 0.038 | 0.057 ** | 0.077 *** | 0.098 *** | 0.057 ** | 1.000 | ||||||||
(12) SEARCH | 0.401 *** | 0.264 *** | −0.059 ** | 0.156 *** | −0.199 *** | 0.106 *** | 0.515 *** | 0.519 *** | −0.025 | 0.042 * | 0.117 *** | 1.000 | |||||||
(13) LEV | 0.309 *** | 0.315 *** | −0.078 *** | 0.213 *** | −0.205 *** | 0.057 ** | 0.469 *** | 0.482 *** | −0.028 | −0.035 | −0.095 *** | 0.452 *** | 1.000 | ||||||
(14) ROE | −0.182 *** | −0.171 *** | 0.041 | −0.110 *** | 0.099 *** | −0.021 | −0.167 *** | −0.172 *** | −0.064 ** | 0.290 *** | 0.062 ** | −0.185 *** | −0.572 *** | 1.000 | |||||
(15) LNRD | 0.186 *** | 0.174 *** | 0.195 *** | 0.236 *** | −0.249 *** | −0.079 *** | 0.028 | 0.042 * | 0.019 | 0.204 *** | 0.057 ** | −0.164 *** | −0.097 *** | 0.049 * | 1.000 | ||||
(16) GROW | −0.124 *** | −0.028 | −0.026 | −0.041 * | 0.062 ** | −0.014 | 0.027 | 0.022 | −0.025 | 0.173 *** | −0.127 *** | −0.050 * | 0.080 *** | 0.216 *** | −0.115 *** | 1.000 | |||
(17) IFHIGH | 0.010 | 0.113 *** | 0.018 | 0.140 *** | −0.135 *** | −0.005 | 0.165 *** | 0.180 *** | −0.034 | −0.031 | 0.028 | −0.040 | −0.013 | −0.123 *** | 0.058 ** | −0.069 *** | 1.000 | ||
(18) INTRADE | 0.206 *** | 0.142 *** | −0.055 ** | 0.057 ** | −0.054 ** | 0.035 | 0.188 *** | 0.193 *** | −0.077 *** | 0.014 | −0.088 *** | 0.249 *** | 0.259 *** | −0.204 *** | −0.057 ** | 0.025 | 0.052 ** | 1.000 | |
(19) SOE | 0.204 *** | 0.193 *** | 0.069 *** | 0.188 *** | −0.155 *** | −0.067 *** | 0.232 *** | 0.254 *** | −0.031 | −0.109 *** | 0.091 *** | 0.186 *** | 0.190 *** | −0.200 *** | −0.085 *** | −0.091 *** | 0.128 *** | 0.099 *** | 1.000 |
Variables | Main | Carbon Disclosure Strategy I | Carbon Disclosure Strategy II | Carbon Disclosure Strategy III | Carbon Disclosure Strategy IV |
CS | 0.088 *** | ||||
(4.055) | |||||
Carbon disclosure strategy I | 0.004 (0.212) | ||||
Carbon disclosure strategy II | 0.066 *** (3.035) | ||||
Carbon disclosure strategy III | −0.093 *** (−4.266) | ||||
Carbon disclosure strategy IV | 0.028 (1.469) | ||||
NEWS | 0.101 *** | 0.105 *** | 0.104 *** | 0.101 *** | 0.104 *** |
(4.669) | (4.836) | (4.791) | (4.660) | (4.778) | |
SEARCH | 0.208 *** | 0.212 *** | 0.210 *** | 0.204 *** | 0.210 *** |
(6.755) | (6.827) | (6.811) | (6.606) | (6.769) | |
LEV | 0.070 * | 0.084 ** | 0.076 * | 0.073 * | 0.083 ** |
(1.709) | (2.027) | (1.860) | (1.785) | (2.022) | |
ROE | −0.071 ** | −0.071 ** | −0.072 ** | −0.069 ** | −0.071 ** |
(−2.350) | (−2.359) | (−2.387) | (−2.292) | (−2.347) | |
LNRD | 0.204 *** | 0.222 *** | 0.205 *** | 0.199 *** | 0.226 *** |
(10.843) | (11.857) | (10.626) | (10.443) | (12.218) | |
GROWTH | −0.058 *** | −0.059 *** | −0.059 *** | −0.058 *** | −0.058 *** |
(−3.067) | (−3.087) | (−3.109) | (−3.057) | (−3.036) | |
SOE | 0.266 *** | 0.291 *** | 0.268 *** | 0.273 *** | 0.300 *** |
(2.927) | (3.136) | (2.936) | (3.007) | (3.237) | |
IFHIGH | 0.011 | 0.036 | 0.007 | −0.006 | 0.033 |
(0.089) | (0.290) | (0.057) | (−0.049) | (0.270) | |
N | 1515 | 1515 | 1515 | 1515 | 1515 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.159 | 0.159 | 0.157 | 0.160 | 0.156 |
Variables | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry | ||||||||
Main | CDS1 | CDS2 | CDS3 | CDS4 | Main | CDS1 | CDS2 | CDS3 | CDS4 | |
CS | 0.115 ** | 0.085 *** | ||||||||
(1.999) | (3.612) | |||||||||
CDS1 | −0.053 | 0.010 | ||||||||
(−0.984) | (0.517) | |||||||||
CDS2 | 0.092 | 0.066 *** | ||||||||
(1.484) | (2.839) | |||||||||
CDS3 | −0.113 (−1.378) | −0.092 *** (−4.042) | ||||||||
CDS4 | 0.021 (0.328) | 0.028 (1.356) | ||||||||
NEWS | 0.209 *** | 0.211 *** | 0.223 *** | 0.212 *** | 0.210 *** | 0.090 *** | 0.093 *** | 0.091 *** | 0.089 *** | 0.093 *** |
(3.210) | (3.240) | (3.384) | (3.257) | (3.166) | (3.877) | (4.017) | (3.925) | (3.843) | (3.996) | |
SEARCH | −0.029 | −0.010 | −0.004 | −0.008 | −0.007 | 0.227 *** | 0.229 *** | 0.227 *** | 0.221 *** | 0.227 *** |
(−0.256) | (−0.091) | (−0.034) | (−0.074) | (−0.061) | (7.098) | (7.126) | (7.086) | (6.913) | (7.088) | |
LEV | −0.098 | −0.094 | −0.110 | −0.093 | −0.087 | 0.094 ** | 0.109 ** | 0.102 ** | 0.097 ** | 0.108 ** |
(−0.727) | (−0.683) | (−0.805) | (−0.679) | (−0.618) | (2.199) | (2.538) | (2.378) | (2.283) | (2.517) | |
ROE | −0.071 | −0.081 | −0.084 | −0.054 | −0.071 | −0.071 ** | −0.070 ** | −0.071 ** | −0.070 ** | −0.071 ** |
(−0.748) | (−0.849) | (−0.882) | (−0.552) | (−0.733) | (−2.255) | (−2.218) | (−2.249) | (−2.238) | (−2.246) | |
LNRD | 0.105 ** | 0.131 ** | 0.103 * | 0.111 ** | 0.134 ** | 0.219 *** | 0.234 *** | 0.220 *** | 0.213 *** | 0.240 *** |
(1.961) | (2.524) | (1.841) | (2.070) | (2.553) | (10.871) | (11.616) | (10.687) | (10.408) | (12.118) | |
GROWTH | −0.003 | 0.002 | 0.004 | 0.007 | 0.002 | −0.067 *** | −0.068 *** | −0.068 *** | −0.068 *** | −0.067 *** |
(−0.046) | (0.039) | (0.072) | (0.111) | (0.026) | (−3.351) | (−3.387) | (−3.423) | (−3.386) | (−3.335) | |
SOE | 0.607 ** | 0.665 ** | 0.594 ** | 0.664 ** | 0.701 ** | 0.205** | 0.221 ** | 0.206 ** | 0.208 ** | 0.232 ** |
(2.305) | (2.406) | (2.226) | (2.449) | (2.507) | (2.155) | (2.288) | (2.157) | (2.194) | (2.408) | |
N | 185 | 185 | 185 | 185 | 185 | 1330 | 1330 | 1330 | 1330 | 1330 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.129 | 0.120 | 0.118 | 0.123 | 0.118 | 0.170 | 0.167 | 0.169 | 0.173 | 0.167 |
Variables | Main | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry |
CS | −0.299 ** | 0.003 | −0.344 ** |
(−2.090) | (0.008) | (−2.250) | |
CS*ANALYST | 0.101 *** (3.182) | 0.045 (0.494) | 0.110 *** (3.257) |
NEWS | 0.000 *** | 0.001 *** | 0.000 *** |
(3.655) | (3.131) | (2.852) | |
SEARCH | 0.262 *** | −0.042 | 0.283 *** |
(6.360) | (−0.272) | (6.654) | |
LEV | 0.434 | −0.776 | 0.597 ** |
(1.582) | (−0.837) | (2.089) | |
ROE | −2.227 *** | −2.009 | −2.297 *** |
(−2.714) | (−0.783) | (−2.662) | |
LNRD | 0.028 *** | 0.015 | 0.030 *** |
(8.909) | (1.624) | (8.978) | |
GROWTH | −0.000 *** | −0.000 | −0.000 *** |
(−2.994) | (−0.026) | (−3.301) | |
SOE | 0.373 *** | 0.811 ** | 0.291 ** |
(3.037) | (2.172) | (2.267) | |
N | 1349 | 172 | 1177 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.153 | 0.132 | 0.166 |
Variables | Main | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry |
CS | 0.113 *** | 0.179 * | 0.111 *** |
(3.641) | (1.698) | (3.407) | |
CS*INVESTMENT | 0.003 *** (5.640) | 0.003 (1.562) | 0.003 *** (5.391) |
NEWS | 0.000 *** | 0.001 *** | 0.000 *** |
(3.532) | (2.989) | (2.764) | |
SEARCH | 0.252 *** | −0.052 | 0.276 *** |
(6.144) | (−0.342) | (6.524) | |
LEV | 0.502 * | −0.782 | 0.681 ** |
(1.838) | (−0.856) | (2.404) | |
ROE | −1.660 ** | −1.803 | −1.658 ** |
(−2.081) | (−0.710) | (−1.980) | |
LNRD | 0.029 *** | 0.017 * | 0.031 *** |
(9.606) | (1.888) | (9.560) | |
GROWTH | −0.000 *** | 0.000 | −0.000 *** |
(−2.736) | (0.101) | (−3.089) | |
SOE | 0.381 *** | 0.794 ** | 0.301 ** |
(3.100) | (2.184) | (2.371) | |
N | 1349 | 172 | 1177 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.181 | 0.160 | 0.171 |
Variables | Main | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry |
CS | 0.042 | 1.105 | −0.052 |
(0.213) | (1.555) | (−0.253) | |
CS*COST | 0.005 (0.534) | −0.040 (−1.293) | 0.009 (0.968) |
NEWS | 0.000 *** | 0.001 *** | 0.000 *** |
(3.749) | (3.239) | (2.934) | |
SEARCH | 0.264 *** | −0.007 | 0.284 *** |
(6.286) | (−0.045) | (6.553) | |
LEV | 0.447 | −0.590 | 0.591 ** |
(1.604) | (−0.632) | (2.037) | |
ROE | −1.753 ** | −1.686 | −1.775 ** |
(−2.155) | (−0.664) | (−2.076) | |
LNRD | 0.030 *** | 0.018 ** | 0.032 *** |
(9.468) | (1.981) | (9.457) | |
GROWTH | −0.000 *** | 0.000 | −0.000 *** |
(−2.618) | (0.216) | (−2.925) | |
SOE | 0.356 *** | 0.957 ** | 0.277 ** |
(2.899) | (2.447) | (2.179) | |
N | 1338 | 172 | 1166 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.158 | 0.132 | 0.169 |
Variables | Main | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry |
CS | −0.034 | 0.522 | −0.066 |
(−0.200) | (0.735) | (−0.376) | |
CS*INCOME | 0.008 (1.133) | −0.014 (−0.448) | 0.009 (1.266) |
NEWS | 0.000 *** | 0.001 *** | 0.000 *** |
(3.611) | (3.218) | (2.695) | |
SEARCH | 0.265 *** | −0.008 | 0.285 *** |
(6.433) | (−0.051) | (6.668) | |
LEV | 0.430 | 0.064 | 0.455 |
(1.559) | (0.069) | (1.570) | |
ROE | −1.677 ** | −0.868 | −1.896 ** |
(−2.098) | (−0.338) | (−2.257) | |
LNRD | 0.030 *** | 0.018 ** | 0.033 *** |
(9.875) | (1.981) | (9.913) | |
GROWTH | −0.000 *** | −0.000 | −0.000 *** |
(−2.592) | (−0.098) | (−2.733) | |
SOE | 0.327 *** | 0.717 * | 0.274 ** |
(2.713) | (1.942) | (2.128) | |
N | 1334 | 171 | 1163 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.149 | 0.134 | 0.163 |
Variables | First Stage (Dependent Variable: Carbon Score) | Second Stage (Dependent Variable: Brand Value) | ||||
Main | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry | Main | High-Carbon Industry | Low-Carbon Industry | |
CS | 2.158 * | 9.539 | 2.294 * | |||
(1.884) | (0.236) | (1.721) | ||||
IFTRADE | 0.093 ** | 0.039 | 0.089 ** | |||
(1.900) | (0.230) | (1.730) | ||||
NEWS | 0.021 | 0.098 | 0.004 | 0.038 | −0.769 | 0.067 |
(0.890) | (1.130) | (0.190) | (0.679) | (−0.184) | (1.162) | |
SEARCH | 0.156 *** | 0.079 | 0.170 *** | −0.028 | −0.694 | −0.068 |
(5.650) | (0.710) | (6.040) | (−0.141) | (−0.194) | (−0.277) | |
LEV | 0.244 *** | 0.378 *** | 0.236 *** | −0.360 | −3.566 | −0.370 |
(7.390) | (3.220) | (6.870) | (−1.227) | (−0.234) | (−1.116) | |
ROE | 0.022 | −0.068 | 0.047 | −0.034 | 0.327 | −0.073 |
(0.720) | (−0.570) | (1.500) | (−0.500) | (0.116) | (−0.803) | |
LNRD | 0.234 *** | 0.276 *** | 0.220 *** | −0.252 | −2.468 | −0.238 |
(9.840) | (3.940) | (8.720) | (−0.919) | (−0.219) | (−0.795) | |
GROWTH | −0.003 | −0.019 | 0.005 | −0.068 | 0.165 | −0.091 |
(−0.150) | (−0.240) | (0.220) | (−1.244) | (0.158) | (−1.488) | |
SOE | 0.272 *** | 0.515 *** | 0.225 *** | −0.358 | −4.872 | −0.273 |
(5.590) | (2.670) | (4.460) | (−1.073) | (−0.226) | (−0.850) | |
N | 1515 | 185 | 1330 | 1515 | 185 | 1330 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.188 | 0.257 | 0.183 | 0.184 | 0.257 | 0.184 |
Diagnostics for Instrumental Variable | ||||||
Partial R2 | 0.183 | p = 0.000 | ||||
Partial F-statistic | Fp = 37.13 | p = 0.000 |
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Ma, D.; Lv, B.; Liu, Y.; Liu, S.; Li, X. Brand Premium and Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy: Evidence from China Listed Companies. Sustainability 2023, 15, 5240.
Ma D, Lv B, Liu Y, Liu S, Li X. Brand Premium and Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy: Evidence from China Listed Companies. Sustainability. 2023; 15(6):5240.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMa, Diandian, Benfu Lv, Ying Liu, Shuqin Liu, and Xiuting Li. 2023. "Brand Premium and Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy: Evidence from China Listed Companies" Sustainability 15, no. 6: 5240.
APA StyleMa, D., Lv, B., Liu, Y., Liu, S., & Li, X. (2023). Brand Premium and Carbon Information Disclosure Strategy: Evidence from China Listed Companies. Sustainability, 15(6), 5240.