Systematic Review of Misinformation in Social and Online Media for the Development of an Analytical Framework for Agri-Food Sector
:1. Introduction
- What is the current state of the literature on mis-dis-mal-information, including study types, frameworks, actors, focuses, tools, and main conclusions?
- How is mis-dis-mal-information characterized and defined in the literature?
- How can existing studies on mis-dis-mal-information in social and online media be used to draw conclusions and provide recommendations for agri-food advisory communities of practice?
2. Review: Social Media and Online Mis-Dis-Mal-information
3. Methods
4. Results
4.1. Temporal Growth of Mis-Dis-Mal-information Research
4.2. Main Discipline of Mis-Dis-Mal-information Research
4.3. Major Themes in Conceptual Literature
4.3.1. Theme 1: Characterization and Definition of Mis-Dis-Mal-Information
4.3.2. Theme 2: Sources of Mis-Dis-Mal-Information
4.3.3. Theme 3: Diffusion and Dynamics of Mis-Dis-Mal-Information
4.3.4. Theme 4: Mis-Dis-Mal-information Behaviors
4.3.5. Theme 5: Detection of Mis-Dis-Mal-Information
4.3.6. Theme 6: Strategies for Countering, Correcting, and Dealing with Mis-Dis-Mal-Information
4.4. Zooming in on Agri-Food (Mis-Dis-Mal) Information and Social Media CoPs
4.5. Frameworks for Researching and Understanding Online Mis-Dis-Mal-information
5. A Framework for Researching and Understanding Social Media and Online Agricultural Mis-Dis-Mal-Information
6. Conclusions and Areas for Further Engagement for Research and Development
7. Limitations
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Major Theme | Some Focus Questions | Distinctive Concepts for Each Theme |
Theme 1: Characteriza-tion and definitions of misinfo |
| Key terms in the field: Fake news: Information (info) with low felicity, in a journalistic or new format, with intention to deceive [86]. It is simple news items that are intentionally and verifiably false [86,87], created in a journalistic form with the intention to misinform and/or employed by actors to disintegrate news sources or content [86]. Rumor: The spread of unverified info that may later turn out to be true or false [55,86]. Misinfo: Incorrect or misleading info disseminated unintentionally [50,59,64,86] without the intention to cause harm [32]. Misinformation can be high-quality info that spreads because of its efficiency [78]. Disinfo: Incorrect or misleading info that is disseminated deliberately [57,86,88] with intention to cause harm [32]. Malinfo: Info based on reality but used to inflict harm on a person, organization, or country [67]. Info disorder: Broader concept used to describe any unusual occurrence in info, involving misinfo, disinfo, malinfo [32,67]. Infodemics: Flow of an abundance of true and false info during a pandemic [89,90,91]. |
Theme 2: Sources of misinfo |
| Misinfo emanates from behaviors of diverse actors. From a core controlled by individuals, organizations, bots, governments, etc. [92] and spreads within a network. Critical sources of misinfo identified include: The individual as a source of misinfo online: Individuals, citizens, and the general public [93] and resharing info [94,95]. Individuals may be volunteers and paid citizens [96,97]. False news spreads more than the truth because humans, not bots, are more likely to spread it [95]. Bots and spread of misinfo: Partly through unverified social media accounts [76], disseminates misinfo and amplifies false info [95], mostly through automated processes [94,98]. Social bots’ false impression and particular opinion has widespread public support through ‘astroturfing’ [99]. Organizations as a source of misinfo: Political entities and organizations such as partisan websites amplify misinfo [27], sometimes using cyber troops and private contractors [96,97]. Internet trolls, gamegaters, hate groups and ideologues, the manosphere, conspiracy theorists, hyper-partisan news outlets, and politicians circulate misinfo through blogs [100,101,102]. Government entities spread misinfo: Government-sponsored accounts, web pages or applications, and fake accounts spread misinfo for state interests [97]. |
Theme 3: Diffusion and dynamics of misinfo |
| Identifiable dynamics of misinfo flow: Misinfo is temporary: False rumors (misinfo) tend return multiple times after initial publication, while true rumors (facts) do not. Rumor resurgence continues, often accompanying textual changes, until tension around the target dissolves [27,60]. Speed of diffusion varies: Falsehood diffuses significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than truth [102]. Individuals and misinfo elements diffuse through agents. These signals can partially influence agents directly by not altering fake news or indirectly by following friends who are themselves influenced by bots which can generate misinfo and polarization in the long run [52,97]. “Forceful” agents influence beliefs of (some of) the other individuals they meet but do not change their own opinions [103]. Use accounts, either real, fake, or automated, to interact with users on social media or create substantive content. Valence, a term used to define attractiveness (goodness) or averseness (badness) of a message, event, or thing [97]. |
Theme 4: Misinfo behaviors |
| Notable misinfo behaviors: Individual behaviors: People’s sharing of misinfo on social media is influenced by individual characteristics [48,65,66,78], including personalities, political interests, social motives, and capacities. Individual personalities can facilitate misinfo. For example, extroverts are more prone to share misinfo for socializing purposes [48,66]; self-expression and socializing motivations are crucial to misinfo sharing [48], and gender could influence misinfo sharing behaviors [48]. People’s political behaviors and interests affect misinfo behaviors. For example, politically enthusiastic people tend to share misinfo [104]; people sometimes deliberately share false content because it furthers their political agenda [65,105], and pre-existing socio-political and cultural beliefs and bias entrench misinfo [103,106,107]. Misinfo and motivations. Top motivations for misinfo sharing are obtaining others’ opinions on that info, expressing their own opinions, and interacting with others [66]; people share info based on its ability to spark conversations [48]; people are more likely to share info by virtue of novelty [95], and misinfo is not always intentional [105]. Individual capacity and capabilities affect misinfo. For example, sharing info on social media without verification is predicted by Internet experience, Internet skills of info seeking, sharing, verification, attitude towards info verification, and belief in the reliability of info [82]. Individual cognitive process [78] involved in the decision to spread info involves consistency of the message, the coherency, the credibility of the source, and general acceptability of the message [50]. Other socio-economic conditions affect misinfo sharing. For example, “self-efficacy to detect misinfo on social media is predicted by income and level of education, Internet skills of info seeking and verification, and attitude towards info verification” [82]. Info behaviors: Misinfo exhibits some characteristics, either familiar or very different from the expected info. Misinfo starts from a core and spreads in a network. Core is controlled by individuals, organizations, bots, or partnerships [92]. Misinfo mutates faster over time [27]. |
Theme 5: Detection of misinfo |
| Varied strategies for the detection of misinfo: Info literacy and detecting misinfo: Misinfo and disinfo are closely linked to info literacy, especially how they are diffused and shared, and how people use both cues for credibility and deception to make judgments [57,65]. Automated systems can detect misinfo: Automated detection systems or computerized forms of detecting misinfo [108] using algorithms [80,108]. For example, Hoaxy, an open platform that enables large-scale, systematic studies of how misinfo and fact-checking spread [92], and the Fake News Detection (FEND) system [28]. Organizational strategies allow for identifying misinfo: Organizations such as academics or news outlets can provide gate-keeping [49] to detect misinfo. Fact-checking entities contribute to detection [83,109]. |
Theme 6: Strategies for countering, correcting, and dealing with misinfo |
| Countering and correcting misinfo includes individuals, organizations, governments, and social media outlets. Individuals can play roles in correcting misinfo: Culture of fact-checking by people [110]. People detect misinfo using cues for deception, and info literacy is helpful [82,111]. Individuals who follow and are followed by people can minimize misinfo through gate-keeping info [83]. Individuals are relevant to social corrections, for example, as they effectively limit misperceptions, and correction occurs for high and low conspiracy belief individuals [80]. Reception of misinfo is crucial to prevention: Individual reception can be influenced by traditional fact-based media, accompanied by rejection of opinionated outlets; personal experience and knowledge; repetition of info across outlets; consumption of cross-ideological sources; fact-checking; trust in specific personal contacts [112]. Organizations (academia, media, independent fact-checkers, etc.) [113] could minimize misinfo: Stray categorized tactics used by organizations: refutation, exposure of inauthenticity, alternative narratives [61], algorithmic filter manipulation [80], speech laws, censorship [88]. Strategies include careful dissemination, expert fact-checking, social media campaigns, and greater public engagement by organizations [110] as well as prebunking of people against misinfo, debunking [81,114] messages by organizations, warning of threats reduce misinfo [64,115] and its persistence. Organizations can use an info architect solely responsible for the info and dissemination [59]. States and governments can counter misinfo. Governments can further tackle misinformation through regulations and censorship [113], algorithmic filter manipulation, speech laws, and censorships [88]. For example, the EU East StratCom Task Force, a contemporary government counter-propaganda agency, and China’s info regime are networked info control [88]. Social media networks: Facebook, Twitter, and other networks have made numerous changes to their operations to combat disinfo [88,116], such as automated correction through algorithmic filter manipulation and censorship, facilitated by bots made possible by networks [80,117]. |
Citation | Key Components | Comment on Framework |
Egelhofer and Lecheler [86] | Focus: Types/forms of fake news; identification of fake news; characterization of info. | Egelhofer and Lecheler [86] offer frameworks for research into fake news allowing researchers to characterize fake news, including in online mediums. The framework can help in the characterization of misinfo in online media. The focus on contents and attribution of info disorder to false content is a notable limitation. This is because accurate content can also be employed to misinform if used incorrectly. |
Cook et al. [64] | Focus: Dealing with misinfo. | Cook et al. [64] employ two established concepts and apply them to the misinfo literature. The focus is on dealing with misinfo. The strength of their approach is their ability to apply and situate concepts within misinfo. Provides a limited view on dealing with misinfo since recent experiences show it requires more than social strategies to deal with the phenomenon. |
Ireton et al. [67] | Focus: Elements in misinfo diffusion; characterization of misinfo. | Ireton et al. [67] provide an overview of misinfo in their handwork for a journalist. Frameworks provided in the handbook are essential to how we situate misinfo as a phenomenon and how it relates to journalists’ work. However, the focus on one discipline limits their work, applying a broader interest in misinfo. |
Ji et al. [55] | Focus: Rumor mongering. | Framework allows us to appreciate misinfo elements which can be considered through different scales of action. |
Rubin [58] | Focus: Misinfo and disinfo interventions. | Rubin [58] offers a method for dealing with misinfo. Levers of the ‘triangle’ offer practitioners what to focus on as strategies to combat the phenomenon. Framework is useful for researchers to start identifying components and interrogating misinfo. |
Fard and Lingeswaran [113] | Focus: Strategies for countering misinfo. | Scaler approach to understanding the countering strategies for social media misinfo provides granular scale view of phenomenon. Crucial to understand misinfo elements, but focusing on one component limits its ability to describe misinfo effectively. |
Piccolo et al. [135] | Focus: Tackling online misinfo. | The human value approach to misinfo countering allows for social view of the phenomena and would be critical to influencing human behaviors that drive misinfo. Approach is limited, as misinfo is increasingly shown to be diffused by non-human actors. |
Tangcharoensathien et al. [91] | Focus: Managing Infodemic. | Framework is an excellent first step in plausible strategies for managing the contemporary infodemic. The generic focus on all forms (online and offline) may undermine the ability to incorporate the unique challenges of a social media misinfo. |
Treen et al. [107] | Focus: Understanding the diffusion of climate change misinformation on social media. | Framework is one of first attempts to comprehend interconnected features of online social networks and underlying human and platform factors that may increase social media users’ susceptibility to consume, accept, and propagate misinfo. Framework needs further examination. |
Wardle and Derakhshan [32] | Focus: Discussing and researching information disorder. | Framework reveals we must comprehend ritualistic function of communication. |
Major Theme | Potential Questions |
Characterization and definitions of mis-dis-mal-information |
Sources of mis-dis-mal-information |
Diffusion and dynamics of mis-dis-mal-information |
Detection of mis-dis-mal-information |
Impacts of mis-dis-mal-information |
Strategies for countering, correcting, and dealing with mis-dis-mal-information |
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Share and Cite
Chowdhury, A.; Kabir, K.H.; Abdulai, A.-R.; Alam, M.F. Systematic Review of Misinformation in Social and Online Media for the Development of an Analytical Framework for Agri-Food Sector. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4753.
Chowdhury A, Kabir KH, Abdulai A-R, Alam MF. Systematic Review of Misinformation in Social and Online Media for the Development of an Analytical Framework for Agri-Food Sector. Sustainability. 2023; 15(6):4753.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChowdhury, Ataharul, Khondokar H. Kabir, Abdul-Rahim Abdulai, and Md Firoze Alam. 2023. "Systematic Review of Misinformation in Social and Online Media for the Development of an Analytical Framework for Agri-Food Sector" Sustainability 15, no. 6: 4753.
APA StyleChowdhury, A., Kabir, K. H., Abdulai, A.-R., & Alam, M. F. (2023). Systematic Review of Misinformation in Social and Online Media for the Development of an Analytical Framework for Agri-Food Sector. Sustainability, 15(6), 4753.