Exploring Congruence in Global Sport Governance between Environmental Policy and Practice
:1. Introduction
1.1. Governance, Global Sport Governance, and Environmental Policy
1.2. About Environmental Policy and Governance
Environmental governance is a key driver for the achievement of sustainable development. The undivided nature of the environment and its inextricable links with the social and economic dimensions of sustainable development relies on good decision-making processes, effective institutions, policies, laws, standards, and norms.
1.3. Sport, Environmental Policy, and Sustainability
1.4. Congruence and Incongruence
- I
- II
- Policy development, stemming from interpretations (knowledge for decisions) that impact the policy development and implementation. This includes “mechanisms within the environmental strategy formulation process that will allow for their strategic capability to be more clearly understood before a policy is defined” [39];
That many environmental strategies are developed without evaluation of the companies’ capability to undertake the necessary activities, in terms of resource availability; … That many strategies are developed without consideration of the differing operational priorities that exist within modern organizations, and the effect that delegation of responsibility for decision making can have upon a policy that is identified, either officially or unofficially, as a second order priority [and]; …That the signals sent by decision makers may, if unaccompanied by clear and coherent leadership on the issue, be interpreted differently within an organization, possibly jeopardizing the potential for success of a policies’ implementation [47].
2. Method
Data Collection and Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
- Theme 1—Advancing environmental awareness
- Theme 2—Commitments to become carbon neutral
- Theme 3—Generating guidelines that underscore environmental action
- Theme 4—Joining environmental organizations and/or activities
- Theme 5—Supporting the development of sustainable sports equipment and facilities
- Theme 6—Conducting projects that will produce data to support the development of standards for environmental action in the future
4. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sport Organization | Examples of Environmental Sustainability (ES) Policies and/or Statements |
Badminton World Federation | ES not found on the website |
Fédération Équestre Intérnationale | ES not found on the website |
Federation International de Basketball | Multiple news releases outlined, for example, environmental advances in venue flooring, waste management efforts, network in ES relationships, and a commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2050. |
Fédération Internationale de Football Association | Multiple news releases promoted, for example, efforts at major events in promoting renewable energy, water efficiency, recycling, and carbon emission reduction; joining environmental organizations; the outlining of networks to aid in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. |
Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique | ES not found on the website |
Fédération International de Hockey (field hockey) | ES not found on the website |
Fédération Internationale de Natation (aquatic sports) | Sought to raise ES awareness with #WaterisOurWorld |
Fédération Internationale de Volleyball | ES not found on the website |
International Boxing Association | ES not found on the website |
International Canoe Federation | Multiple news releases outlined, for example, a commitment to raise ES awareness, to become carbon neutral; describing a pilot project on reducing the environmental footprint of events, including an event template and sustainable boat building, a good practices toolkit, and announcements of ES partnerships. |
International Federation of Sport Climbing | A statement that indicated the organizational values of “respect and support for Olympic values and principles”, which included environmentalism. |
International Fencing Federation | Multiple news releases stated, for example, an initiative on plastic waste collection; promotion of ES policies; a photo contest via #FencingforourPlanet |
International Golf Federation | Section encouraged ES as a core priority; promoted “United to make a real difference”; offered stewardship strategies for areas such as landscapes and ecosystems, water, energy and resources, and manufacturing; established a standard for the leadership that included ES leadership and best practices. |
International Handball Federation | ES not found on the website |
International Judo Federation | Multiple news releases stated, for example, a message of coming together to safeguard the environment, preserve the planet, and promote ES with posters encouraging participation in a plethora of action statements. |
International Shooting Sport Federation | ES not found on the website |
International Surfing Association | A news release on joining an environmental organizations program and efforts to eliminate marine plastic litter. |
International Table Tennis Federation | News releases that promoted, for example, the establishment of a working group to implement the UN Sustainability Development Goals through sport, and promoted a need to find solutions to the environmental issues. |
International Tennis Federation | ES not found on the website—but a news release issued a statement that the organization is inviting those with expertise in environmentalism to come forward to collaborate in the future. |
International Weightlifting Federation | News reports that outlined, for example, a speakers’ forum that promoted ES and a duty to care for the natural environment, and encouraged action, such as utilizing hydrogen for the Games cauldron and relay torch. |
Union Cycliste Internationale | Multiple news releases outlined, for example, a world environment day; encouraging reductions in environmental impacts by cyclists; releasing case study research on sustainable practices; offering a vision, commitment, and outlining principles for UCI concerning sustainability. |
Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne | ES not found on the website |
United World Wrestling | ES not found on the website |
World Archery | ES not found on the website |
World Athletics | Multiple news releases outlined, for example, the extensive efforts underway in the IAAF Air Quality project; preliminary data on the Air Quality program; testing equipment being used; efforts to be carbon neutral; and network ES relationships. |
World Baseball Softball Confederation | ES not found on the website |
World DanceSport Federation | Released information that outlined guidelines that, for example, encourage ES responsibility with respect to the use of energy, water, and waste; focus on reducing the sport’s environmental impact. |
World Karate Federation | Promotion of a webinar series on environmentally sustainable development, and joining environmental organizations and aiding their efforts. |
Fédération Internationale des Société’s d’Aviron (rowing) | Multiple statements concerning, for example, their sustainability award. |
World Rugby | Multiple news releases on their 2030 Environment Plan that focused on climate action, a circular economy, and safeguarding the natural environment, as well as joining other environmental organizational initiatives. |
World Sailing | News releases outlining, for example, a sustainability program and racing sustainability award. |
World Skate | ES not found on the website |
World Taekwondo | ES not found on the website |
World Triathlon | News reports that outlined, for example, sustainability guidelines for event organizers; the receipt of a sustainability award, joining environmental organizations, and a push to combat global warming and to clean up the seas. |
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Chatzigianni, E.; Mallen, C. Exploring Congruence in Global Sport Governance between Environmental Policy and Practice. Sustainability 2023, 15, 1462. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021462
Chatzigianni E, Mallen C. Exploring Congruence in Global Sport Governance between Environmental Policy and Practice. Sustainability. 2023; 15(2):1462. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021462
Chicago/Turabian StyleChatzigianni, Efthalia (Elia), and Cheryl Mallen. 2023. "Exploring Congruence in Global Sport Governance between Environmental Policy and Practice" Sustainability 15, no. 2: 1462. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021462
APA StyleChatzigianni, E., & Mallen, C. (2023). Exploring Congruence in Global Sport Governance between Environmental Policy and Practice. Sustainability, 15(2), 1462. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021462