Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Research Questions
4. Purpose of the Study
5. Literature Review
5.1. Employee Retention
5.2. Employee Turnover
6. Materials and Methods
6.1. Research Design
6.2. Search Outcome
6.3. Search Method
7. Results and Findings
7.1. Equity Theory
7.2. Job Characteristics Theory
7.3. Expectancy Theory
7.4. Social Exchange Theory
7.5. Maslow’s Theory
8. Interventions That Can Help to Improve Retention Strategies in the Hospitality Industry
8.1. Sustainable and Positive Work Environment
8.2. Sustainible Growth Opportunities
8.3. Sustainible and Effective Communication
8.4. Sustainable Recruitment and Selection Process
9. Proposed Model of Recruitment and Selection
9.1. Staffing Planning (Pre-Recruitment)
9.2. Implementation (Recruitment Process/Recruitment Strategy)
9.3. Internal Hiring (Strengthening Succession Planning)
9.4. Onboarding (Post-Recruitment)
10. Discussion
10.1. Contributions/Significance of the Study
10.2. Limitations of the Study
10.3. Future Research
10.4. Managerial/Practical Implications
11. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Reasons/Root Causes | Author’s/Studies | Findings/Occurrence |
Toxic Workplace Culture and Values | [20,21,22,23] | Toxic workplace cultures badly influence employees’ perception leading their high turnover rate. Non-toxic culture and ethical values helps retaining employees. |
Not having proper policies of Monetary rewards | [24,25,26] | When employees’ best performance not get rewarded by the incentives, bonuses, and other monetary rewards, they become demotivated and quit their workplace. There should be competitive reward and compensation policies to retain the employees. |
Rigid Organizational Policies | [27,28,29,30,31] | Rigid organizational policies influence employees’ perception badly. There must be flexible policies as it helps employees to get connect with the organization for long. |
Less opportunities for learning and growth | [32,33,34,35,36] | When employees don’t have learning opportunities and career growth, their level of energy might get down and they feel dissatisfied that lead them switching somewhere better place. Learning opportunities and career growth boost employees’ motivation to keep staying at their workplace. |
No balance in employees personal and professional life | [37] | When employees are having maximum conflicts between their personal and professional life they would likely to leave the organization. A good balance between work and life helps employees to enjoy their work and get connected with the organization. |
Less Quality relationship between supervisor and subordinate | [38,39,40] | When employee’s good performance doesn’t get recognized and they don’t get respected by his/her supervisors, they feel bad and likely to leave the workplace. A quality relationship between supervisor and subordinate is important to retain the employees. |
HR Practices | |
Administrative Polices | Administrative policies are comparatively strict as compared to other industries which show that it has role in low retention rate. Most of the employees prefer employee empowerment over other benefits especially millennial. |
Compensation and Benefits | Cash and non-cash both benefits of this sector are comparatively lesser than other industries. They are not providing good salary packages that can attract best talent or retain existing employees. It is evident that for retaining and attracting good employees it is necessary to offer attractive compensation. |
Performance Management | This industry has traditional performance management and do not have proper performance management system. They conduct annual appraisals and promote employees on the basis of appraisal ratings. Other industries have implemented modern HR practices where they follow progressive approaches for engaging employees which help them to retain employees. |
Recruitment and Selection | Their recruitment and selection system is also traditional where they are not considering modern tools for hiring. Recently they have started focusing on hiring from university placement programs but they are not successful in retaining these fresh graduates as their internal culture is not fulfilling needs of these fresh graduates. There is no focus on post hiring promise. This shows that their recruitment and selection process is not effective that is causing the high turnover rate in this industry. |
Growth and Development | Lack of growth and development is the most discussed cause of high turnover rate globally. In this industry there is very less focus on career development of employees. Old traditional method is used for communication and feedback where employees cannot share their long-term plans with their respective bosses and cannot get their feedback/suggestions for their career development. |
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Davidson, M. C. G., Timo, N., and Wang, Y. (2010). | How much does labor turnover cost? A case study of Australian four-five star hotels. | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 22(4), Pp.451–466. Doi:10.1108/09596111011042686q |
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Nombeko Felicity Dwesini. (2019). | Causes and prevention of high employee turnover within the hospitality industry: A literature review. | African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Volume 8 (3). (accessed on 12 December 2021). |
Sherkar, A. (2015). | A study on use of E- Resources in recruitment and selection process in 5 star hotels. | ATITHYA: A Journal of Hospitality, 1(1). (accessed on 12 December 2021). |
Dwesini, N. F. (2019). | Causes and prevention of high employee turnover within the hospitality industry: A literature review. | African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 8(3), 1–15. |
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Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Peer Reviewed Journals Papers published in English Papers published between 2010–2021 Articles related to Employee Retention Primary, Secondary data Research Literature Reviews Qualitative, Quantitative Researches Full Text Available Observational Studies Original Research Papers Articles relevant to both employee retention/Turnover and hospitality Industry | Non-peer reviewed journal All papers published before 2010 Papers published in other languages Duplicated Work Papers that do not focus on Employee Retention |
Needs | Application |
Physiological | Food |
Security | Job security, appraisal, non-cash benefits (such as medical or health insurance, life insurance), working conditions |
Affiliation | Employee engagement, collaborations, team spirit, social activities |
Esteem | Job rotation, Job enrichment, Career development, training and development |
Self-Actualization | Encouraging creativity, innovation and learning |
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Ghani, B.; Zada, M.; Memon, K.R.; Ullah, R.; Khattak, A.; Han, H.; Ariza-Montes, A.; Araya-Castillo, L. Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2885.
Ghani B, Zada M, Memon KR, Ullah R, Khattak A, Han H, Ariza-Montes A, Araya-Castillo L. Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review. Sustainability. 2022; 14(5):2885.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGhani, Bilqees, Muhammad Zada, Khalid Rasheed Memon, Rezwan Ullah, Afraseyab Khattak, Heesup Han, Antonio Ariza-Montes, and Luis Araya-Castillo. 2022. "Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review" Sustainability 14, no. 5: 2885.
APA StyleGhani, B., Zada, M., Memon, K. R., Ullah, R., Khattak, A., Han, H., Ariza-Montes, A., & Araya-Castillo, L. (2022). Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review. Sustainability, 14(5), 2885.