AR Search Engine: Semantic Information Retrieval for Augmented Reality Domain
:1. Introduction
2. AR Ontology
2.1. Development Procedure
2.2. Ontology Classes and Individuals
3. Ontology Based AR Information Retrieval
4. Experimental Design
Algorithm 1: Semantic information retrieval for AR search engine. |
5. Results
5.1. Overview of the AR Search Engine
5.2. Evaluation Results
6. Conclusions and Future Works
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Shakeri, M.; Sadeghi-Niaraki, A.; Choi, S.-M.; AbuHmed, T. AR Search Engine: Semantic Information Retrieval for Augmented Reality Domain. Sustainability 2022, 14, 15681.
Shakeri M, Sadeghi-Niaraki A, Choi S-M, AbuHmed T. AR Search Engine: Semantic Information Retrieval for Augmented Reality Domain. Sustainability. 2022; 14(23):15681.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShakeri, Maryam, Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki, Soo-Mi Choi, and Tamer AbuHmed. 2022. "AR Search Engine: Semantic Information Retrieval for Augmented Reality Domain" Sustainability 14, no. 23: 15681.
APA StyleShakeri, M., Sadeghi-Niaraki, A., Choi, S.-M., & AbuHmed, T. (2022). AR Search Engine: Semantic Information Retrieval for Augmented Reality Domain. Sustainability, 14(23), 15681.