Association between Land Surface Temperature and Green Volume in Bochum, Germany
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Formation and Properties of Urban Heat Islands
1.2. Green Spaces, Green Area, and Green Volume
1.3. Problem, Aims, Case Study, and Study Design
1.3.1. Case Study: Bochum, Germany
1.3.2. Research Questions and Study Design
- How does the green volume affect surface heat islands in Bochum?
- a.
- Does the spatial pattern resemble a heat island or a heat archipelago?
- b.
- What is the correlation between LST and GV?
- c.
- What are the contributions of a vertical structure and type of green space on LST?
- c.
- How do SHI distributions across urban districts relate to human populations?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Remote Sensing Data to Support LST Anlysis
2.2. LST Time-Series Calculation Procedure
2.3. Green Volume Calculation Procedure
- Use of an NDVI mask to isolate vegetation;
- Development of a normalized digital surface (Oberfläche in German) model (nDOM) that contains heights of all objects between the soil and atmosphere within the NDVI envelope;
- Postprocessing of nDOM to remove outliers or confounding objects;
- Generation of the ‘vegetation nDOM’ as GV.
2.3.1. NDVI Vegetation Mask
2.3.2. Generation of a Normalized Digital Surface Model (nDOM)
2.3.3. DTM and DOM Data Processing
2.3.4. Postprocessing and Creation of the Vegetation nDOM (GV)
2.4. Statistical Analysis of Heat Island and Green Volume
3. Results
3.1. LST Analysis
3.2. Green Volume Distribution
3.3. Statistical Association of Green Volume and Heat Islands in Bochum
3.4. Contribution of Green Space Typology on LST
4. Discussion
4.1. Drawbacks to the Study
4.2. Future Research Directions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Schmidt, P.; Lawrence, B.T. Association between Land Surface Temperature and Green Volume in Bochum, Germany. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14642.
Schmidt P, Lawrence BT. Association between Land Surface Temperature and Green Volume in Bochum, Germany. Sustainability. 2022; 14(21):14642.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchmidt, Pauline, and Bryce T. Lawrence. 2022. "Association between Land Surface Temperature and Green Volume in Bochum, Germany" Sustainability 14, no. 21: 14642.
APA StyleSchmidt, P., & Lawrence, B. T. (2022). Association between Land Surface Temperature and Green Volume in Bochum, Germany. Sustainability, 14(21), 14642.